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Emperor Fuckshit

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Posts posted by Emperor Fuckshit

  1. The Clash - Rock the Casbah (3:52)

    Minor Threat - Filler (1:31)

    Sparta - Air (4:01)

    The Sonics - Psycho [1969 Remastering] (2:38)

    Blood Brothers - Kiss of the Octopus (2:36)

    The Shadows of Knight - Bad Little Woman (2:39)

    MC5 - Looking at You (2:56)

    Mission of Burma - Progress (3:05)

    Mission of Burma - That's When I Reach for My Revolver (3:58)

    Living Colour - Back in Black (4:24)

    Bad Brains - Leaving Babylon (4:11)

    MC5 - High School (2:40)

    Dead Kennedys - California, Uber Alles (3:00)

    Agent Orange - Too Young To Die (2:04)

    Johnny Thunders - Too Much Junkie Business (2:43)

    Bad Brains - I & I Survive (5:13)

    Sonic Youth - Plastic Sun (2:11)

    The Mamas and the Papas - California Dreaming (2:41)

    Anti-Nowhere League - Long Live Punk (3:53)

    Gang of Four - Natural is Not in it (3:06)

    Some of my favourite bands are missing, but it's not a wildly innacurate snapshot of my overall tastes.

  2. My favourite band. Have all their albums anyway.

    No way is Rudie Can't Fail better than Hateful. RCF gets really boring after a few listens. Hateful is one of the best songs on an amazing album.

    And it's 'Wrong Em, Boyo'.

    It's kind of shame that both of Strummer and Jones went on to become a part of the shitty dance-rock explosion, with Strummer furthering idiot douche Shaun Ryder's career, and Jones forming Big Lamedio Dynashite. At least Strummer had the Mescaleros though, they were pretty good.

  3. Whorin Whorin Whorin

    Keep them posts a'whorin

    Whorin Whorin Whorin

    EWB gettin borin

    Borin Borin Borin

    You are all morons

    Morons Morons Morons

    Eat cock and die Squancho > your souls

    Uhm, but unless you pronounce morons "morrins", it doesn't rhyme. That song doesn't work, Squancho! First Kou rehashes a bad joke, now this.

    Has the sun set on EWB's Golden Duo? I'm Peter Sissons, and am in no way involved.

  4. 1. The Clash

    2. Gang of Four

    3. Million Dead

    4. The Jam

    5. Bad Brains

    6. Fugazi

    7. Pixies

    8. Minor Threat

    9. Richard Hell & The Voidoids

    10. The Smiths

    11. The New York Dolls

    12. Vibrators

    13. Dead Boys

    14. Nirvana

    15. Black Flag

    16. The Velvet Underground

    17. Mission of Burma

    18. Dead Kennedys

    19. The Pretty Things

    20. MC5

    (Honourale Mentions: The Sex Pistols, The Circle Jerks, Capdown, The Stiff Little Fingers, The Damned, Agent Orange, At the Drive in, REM, TSOL)

  5. I love Nomah. I want to sex him. Now, he has gone away to the land of wind and ghosts.

    And Cabrera is shitty. And I can't even spell Doug's surname. I don't like these new guys. I want Nomah back. This has been a crappy end to a crappy day.

    I like Dave Roberts, though. My kind of player.

    Both NY teams did some good dealing.

    The Marlins-Dodgers deal was interesting, but I don't know who it favours. Choi is a good prospect with decent ability right now, Lo Duca a very good catcher. Encarnacion should not be playing every day, though, and I don't think Penny will ever fully realise his potential.

    San Diego had a nice day too. If the Dodgers deals don't go well for them (and they look sort of...dodgy, lololololol) then I can maybe see SD pipping LA and SF.

    Philly got a couple of good arms for their 'pen, but didn't do as well as either of their division rivals.

    I wouldn't be surprised to see ChiSox catch up to Twins a little after today's deals. Why did a team like the Twins trade a good everyday guy for prospects?

  6. On the subject of left wing punk, you want to see the biggest oxymoron in the history of man? Convservative Punk. A website dedicated the exposing the EVIL DISGUSTING SOCIALIST LIES THE RED HEADED COMMIES AT PUNKVOTER SPREAD ONTO THE UNSUSPECTING YOUTH, and the MONOPOLY THE LIBERAL MEDIA HAS OVER AMERICA, SPREADING THEIR EVIL LEFT WING IDEALS ONTO THE PUBLIC.

    Nazi Punk was pretty prevalant around the time of the eighties hardcore movement. These people weren't neccesarily political fascists, but normally wrote racist / homophobic / misoganist songs.

    For example, Angry Samoans, Dead Boys and Agnostic Front. First two bands are very good, AF are shitty, and just wrote the same song over and over again.

  7. Godfather II (I started watching it, but I was with a friend with no attention span)

    Lost Highway (ditto)

    Pulp Fiction (not my type of film, but it's so popular I'd have thought I'd have seen it by now)

    Rocky Films (they sound shit, but I'm a boxing fan)

    The Matrix III (I hated 2, liked 1 mildly, but I'm suprised no-one has dragged me to this yet)

    Eternal Sunshine (if the goddamn cinema printed their goddamn times goddamn correctly, I'd have goddman seen it)

    The Piano Teacher (HMV never has it, my local video store never has it)

  8. All of you seem to be missing why the games been banned.

    The parents of the child that was killed want it banned.

    Who cares what you think about the whole thing. What does it matter if you think these parents were stupid enough to let their child have the game. Who the hell are you to say that Manhunt has nothing to do with the death of this child?

    The parents of the 17 year old have said they feel Manhunt was directly responsible for him killing a 14 year old boy.

    Now if I was that 14 year old boys parents I would want that game burnt and erased form the bloody planet as because of it they have lost their child. They'll never get him back. All due to a fucking stupid computer game.

    So the kid is thick and felt he could do what he had seen in the game. Why the fuck are computer games feeling the need to put in such high violence. They dont need it. Games like Zelda, Final Fantasy, Fifas they get huge sales and they dont show people graphically having their heads chopped off. Theres no need for it at all and well I totally think it should be banned. In respect for the kid more than anything else because his lifes been cut short now.

    I'm also pretty damn sure if your child had been murdered due to the guy playing a video game you would want it got rid of.

    And yes im well aware you would want revenge on the murderer.

    1) There's no direct correlation that can be proven between the game and the murder. Maybe the killer mimicked what he had seen in the game, but for someone to do that, they'd already have to be pretty fucked in the head.

    Banning the game won't solve that.

    2) If you're the parents of the victim then you're biased. Sorry their son died and everything, but it really isn't up to them. Of course they want the game banned -- in their minds it was directly responsible for the death of their son.

    But I don't believe that to be the case.

    3) Zelda and FIFA sell well without decapitation, huh? Well, one's an RPG and one's a football game. What the hell do you expect?


    What does it matter if you think these parents were stupid enough to let their child have the game.

    It's an important point. Of course it matters.

  9. Both these CD's suck. Let's not Rock Against Bush, let's Rock Against Politics. I always thought punk was supposed to be anti-government, not anti-president.

    I don't see what makes you an authority on what is and isn't punk.

    Generally, people consider punk to be most rock that conveys a social / political message in its lyrics. The idea that all punk is 'anti-government', or anarchistic is a myth born out of the characature age of the Sex Pistols.

    But then, I'm sure your real agenda was to show that despite being young, you're a conservative, and very wacky and whatnot, or whatever.

  10. Two bands that I like.

    I'll give it a miss.

    And why exactly are every punk band into politics?

    Because that was the point of punk. That's how it started...

    There are two good bands (Bad Religion, International Noise Conspiracy) and two decent ones (Op Ivy, Rancid). But the Op Ivy song sucks.

    So it pretty much sucks.

  11. Really enjoyable game for Sox fans yesterday. We got the game in England, so that ruled. THE PASSION IS ON FIRE~!

    And apparently, A-Rod's version of the dialogue during the fight, where he clearly tells Arroyo 'fuck you' is 'throw the ball over the plate'. Bwahahahahahaha!

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