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Posts posted by Alex.

  1. I still do not understand people voting for Edgar Martinez personally. 3 guys that got in are more than fine with me, and I imagine I am probably in the minority that thinks Bonds and Clemens should be in. But congrats to Raines, Pudge and Bagwell.

  2. If I was a Dallas fan, I would be ecstatic about the future. 2 young players leading that offense, just need to fix some holes on defense really. They aren't that far from being a champion team, but if some fans fail to realize that and consider this team a failure, fuck 'em

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  3. i am just hoping that we get a good game today lol. These playoffs been pretty bad honestly not cause my team lost, but just the scores and everything. 

    Steelers/Chiefs - whoever wins this game I am rooting for next week.

    Packers/Cowboys - gotta root for the Pack.

  4. What I enjoy about the older seasons is that they were not solely strategy focused as they are now. Back then you saw much more of the living conditions, you know the surivival aspect of it. I miss little things like tree mail for example. Africa I really don't remember, I only remember Big Tom, Lex and Ethan and Australia I enjoyed. I was rooting so hard for Elisabeth and Roger. 

    Marquesas I don't even remember the winner lol. I remember Boston Rob, Hunter Ellis, and Sean. And I think Kathy is from that season? Not 100% sure


    On Hulu they have the first season, and then Seasons 12 to present day. I started Exile Island again, and wow. Shane was so entertaining LOL. The dude was insane on Day 2 because he didn't have a cigarette to smoke! I voted for him in Second Chances and disappointed he did not get on. 

  5. 1 hour ago, #BROKEN Busch said:

    BTW since I know it can be an annoying trait, I'm sorry that I come across really negative and whiny in here mid-game.  I recognize it's an issue I have, and I'm legitimately trying to not be this way.  I think the 2007 Mets collapse marked the first time I started to always assume the worst in sports, even after my teams had two Super Bowl wins and World Series appearance this decade.  Even after they took the lead in the two Super Bowl wins, my mind immediately told me "yay!  but.......there's still time to blow it."

    To be honest, it's not just a sports thing.  Negative thinking impacts me with stuff way more important in life than sports.  Not to get too deep, but I've dealt with depression for quite a while and since sports have always been my #1 passion (and diversion) in my life the doubt and negative thoughts just take over in the heat of the moment.  At the end of the day though I know sports mean dick all in the grand scheme of the world, and I'm still far happier with this season than I was the previous four.

    So yeah.....sorry if I come across like a whiny baby during games.  I really don't mean it.  Love you all. :wub:

    Ive been this way with the Giants since that meltdown they had against the Eagles a few years ago. Also being a Mountaineer fan does not help either. <_<

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