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Posts posted by Alex.

  1. Yeah a lot of those players weren't true favorites. I don't remember if Amanda was loved back then or not, but I do remember Cirie, Ozy and Yau-Man being huge and popular. Then again, the people that make the casts on returnee seasons aren't always production's first pick. They gotta go with the people that are available. :P

  2. Survivor Fiji is pretty weak but i rewatched it more recently and enjoyed it a lot more. I thought Rocky was so bad that he was hilarious. And features one of my favorite tribal councils:


    Where Alex plays the idol on himself or mookie i forget, and dreamz switches on them to vote with earl cassandra and yau man and they vote out edgardo..one of my favorite tribal councils

    Oh and fuck Lisi. 

  3. So I started watching Survivor Philippines for the first time:



    I thought Jeff Kent would be an early boot but him making it to the merge was surprising. Also this was hands down Penner's best outing in Survivor. He was very enjoyable and likeable this season. I just don't understand why Jeff seems to have some sort of dislike towards him? Maybe its just Jeff busting Penner's balls, but he likes to take digs at Penner. 

    Jeff does annoy me a lot sometimes.


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