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Posts posted by Alex.

  1. 12 minutes ago, Buschy Heenan said:

    The Mets season ended April 30th and the Giants season ended in Week 3.  I've been through years where both teams sucked but never a year where both teams had reason to believe they could contend only to have those hopes dashed in record time.

    People ask me all the time why I get so stressed out over sports, and they can't wrap their heads around the fact that watching sports is my biggest passion and #1 hobby, and have suggested that I find a new one.

    They're right.  I struggle with anxiety and depression and no matter how much I know logically that sports should never be anything more than a fun diversion from the world, it's pretty much impossible for me to not feel like the world is ending in the moment.  Especially since I really don't have many other passions in life.

    The good thing is I don't have to be stressed out when I watch the rest of this year, or until next April really.  And maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to find another hobby to focus my mind on so I can stop taking sports so damn seriously.

    Sorry to get all schmaltzy here.  Love you all.  :wub:

    I love my teams don't get me wrong but I'll be pissed off about it and than just move on lol. I'm already over the Giants loss and its been an hour or so. Now there are some losses that will sting for a long ass time no matter what (think the Miracle at the New Meadowlands) but at this point the season is over and you can sit back and laugh at the stupid Eli face or Ben MacAdipshits haircut. 

    Giants may suck, but can always root for another team in the season. I root for the Raidahs success. :P 

  2. So Narcos Season 3:


    I know some of my friends were like but but Pablo is dead! Wagner is not in the show anymore how could they continue it?

    Well..they continued it and it was the BEST SEASON THUS FAR. Season fucking 3 didn't really have a central character per say but it was amazing. The action was amazing, the acting was amazing, the writing was amazing. I LOVED just about everything on Season 3 of Narcos. They hit it out of the fucking park. 

    Cali Cartel >>>>


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