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Everything posted by Fry_4000

  1. friday can't come soon enough
  2. good show overall, bring on 2012. Anyone who knows how to get a moldova hat please tell me
  3. we broke triple figures, but still lost to Jedward. Why is she holing a turkish flag.
  4. Azerbaijan wins. not bad, theres been alot worse
  5. Italy are firing up the bored
  6. we bailed you out you irish fuckers
  7. moldova still wearing the hats
  8. whats with the ukraine love
  9. im ashamed to be british
  10. I shudder to think how much uk give ireland love you bulgeria
  11. It wouldn't be eurovision without them
  12. Get this guy booked for next year.
  13. Damn right. Usually my fav songs don't make the final.
  14. My mum approves of Spain
  15. time for the boring aftermath before the votes come in
  16. My Top 5 Denmark Estonia Romania UK Moldova
  17. Should of finished with a sand castle
  18. You've clearly forgotten this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=juaaUoH-3LM I had thank god
  19. Spain is not boring for once
  20. Oh come on, why have no heart? I have a heart, im just saying we don't need to hear it
  21. we don't need Icelands sob story
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