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Everything posted by Fry_4000

  1. Bosnia is ok, but there are much better to come
  2. which mean he'll probaly be off in less than 30 if he plays this sunday
  3. Finland through is the biggest joke
  4. supprised Norway havn't made it
  5. Hungary Iceland Norway Armenia Turkey Serbia Georgia Azerbaijan Portugal - Just for a laugh
  6. Azerbaijan is not bad. so should go through
  7. Portugal's song will forever be part of eurovisions worst list.
  8. Ive listened to them all. only one worse than finland is Portugal
  9. it gets more boring each time i hear it
  10. Georgia FTW time for theboring drab that is finlamd
  11. 1.Vega - Street Fighter 2.Tira - Soul Calibur 3.Sub Zero - Mortal Kombat 4.Link - Super Smash Bros 5.Yoshimitsu - Tekken 6.Tina - DOA 7.Captain Falcon - Super Smash Bros 8.Johnny Cage - Mortal Kombat 9.Zack - DOA 10.Cammy - Street Fighter
  12. is it just me or has the encounter rate really gone up in this game? Really enjoying it so far just done the second gym with Servine,Panpour,Munna and Blitzle
  13. Karthikeyan. thats just one step away from bringing back Yuji Ide
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