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Ol' Spanktooth

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Posts posted by Ol' Spanktooth

  1. I like them, a lot. And no, I do not slit my wrists, hate my parents, want to commit suicide, have emotional problems, etc.

    I like the vocals, although I do find myself liking more songs that Mike is in more than Chester. But there's no way I can listen to a song that only one of them is in (Numb- Chester for example).

    [Weird shit, a Linkin Park song just came on the radio]

  2. Athlete of The Year - Lance Armstrong

    Game of The Year - Red Sox vs. Yankees: Game 7

    Sport of The Year - HOCKEY~~!!

    Team of the Year - Red Sawx

    Play of the Year - Derek Fisher's .4 second shot against the Spurs

    Dissappointment of the Year - The Lockout

    Controversy of the Year - Pistons/Pacers Brawl

    Coach of the Year - Larry Brown

    Most Anticipated Moment of the Year - World Series

    Inspiration of the Year - Curt Schilling pitching with the bleeding sock

    Rookie of the the year - Emeka Okafor

    Best Comeback - Grant Hill

    NHL Player of the year - Martin St. Louis

    NHL Rookie of the year - Andrew Raycroft

    NHL Team of the year - Tampa Bay Lightning

    NBA Player of the year - LeBron James

    NBA Rookie of the year - Emeka Okafor

    NBA Team of the year- Phoenix Suns

    MLB Player of the year - Ichiro

    MLB Rookie of the year - Khalil Greene

    MLB Team of the year - Boston Red Sox

    NFL Player of the year - Daunte Culpepper

    NFL Rookie of the year - Michael Clayton

    NFL Team of the year - Pittsburgh Steelers

    NCAA Male Athlete of the year - Jason White: Oklahoma Football Sooners

    NCAA Female Athlete of the year - Diana Taurasi: UConn Basketball Huskies

    NCAA Team of the year - USC Football Trojans

    Best Male athlete at the Olympics - Michael Phelps

    Best Female athlete at the Olympics - Carly Patterson

    Best Male Tennis player - Roger Federer

    Best Female Tennis Player - Jennifer Capriati

    Best Male Golfer - Vijay Singh

    Best Female Golfer - Annika Sorenstam

    Best Race Car Driver - Dale Earnheart Jr.

    Next Big Thing - Michael Clayton

    Most Anticipated 2005 Event - World Series

  3. All That and Keenan and Kel were great as well. in fact, most of Snick ruled. Rocco's Modern Life, Salute Your Shorts, Are You Afraid of the Dark, All That, Kenan & Kel, Kablam, Secret World of Alex Mack, and Allen Strange was all I watched really...

  4. Just for the sake of posting some news-- Luke McCown is starting for the Cleveland Browns on Sunday against the Bills.

    Apparently Jeff Garcia is listed as probable, and is 90% healthy, but they're going with McCown anyway.

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