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Posts posted by triplexpac

  1. Artoo couldn't really talk, plus the little fellow had a lot of common sense. He proved in ROTJ that he's more than capable of keeping a secret from Threepio, as seen with the "And a gift...gift, what gift?!" line.

    You also notice that Ben calls Artoo "His little friend", and acts very friendly with him. IIRC, Artoo also beeps when Obi-Wan presents Luke with Anakin's lightsaber, almost as if he recongizes the object.

  2. shit, I remember this Star Wars comic I have. It deals with Return Of The Jedi, I believe. I'm not sure. I know I remember a scene in the book where Leia is forced to make out with this ugly alien prince or something like that. Fuck, now I want to go find it. <_<

    I'm going to buy "Dark Empire" & "Shadows Of The Empire" soon.

  3. I just saw the movie tonight... I found it to be pretty fun. The action scenes were great, and the dialogue was unintentionally hilarious.

    This may have been answered already, so my apologies if it has been. I understand why they wiped Threepio's memory, but why not Artoo's too? Couldn't Artoo just tell Threepio everything that they wiped from him later?

  4. I just remembered the Mystical Ninja games for N64. Anyone else play those? They were crazy. Songs with stupid lyrics + Giant Robots is a winning combination in my books.

  5. Considering she was trained primarily as an assassin rather than a soldier...and that Carida tended to just shit on whatever few female candidates they were reluctantly forced to take in...she didn't, no.

    She was taken from her family at an early age to be specially trained as the Emperor's Hand. Presumably via some ultra special private tutoring.

  6. And half of the Imperial army. >_>

    Carida was still around for a while. The New Republic was firmly based on Coruscant and well past the Thrawn years by the time it got blasted.

    And Solo only spent a few years there anyway, being a Corellian as he is.

  7. wtf? ok I thought my friend was  off about that , he kept telling me  if they move house to Monday it will screw it up cause it will be going against  24 , fucking dunce  lol.

    I haven't watched 24 before but I hear its really a great show

  8. Aye, the spirit of Exar Kun is indeed in the Jedi Academy series by Kevin J. Anderson, where he spends his time hanging around the temple before making friends with Kyp Durron and going off to help him run amock.

    I hate Kyp Durron. He's like every generic shounen vengeance-driven male protagonist ever.

    "I'm just a teenage boy with special powers (Force)...but the Empire killed my parents! RARGH!"

    *attends Jedi Acadamy*

    "Pah, my Master (Luke) isn't teaching me as much as I want him to! I'm better than him! I don't have to stand for this! RAARGH!"

    *gets manipulated by evil spirit and steals uber-weapon*

    "Now I shall go on enormous killing spree! RAAARGH! ...But first I shall go and rescue my brother."

    *accidentally kills brother*


    ...and so on.

    Aside from the already-mentioned Empire Trilogy by Zahn, and the Han Solo Trilogy by Crispin, my favourites are probably the Black Fleet Crisis Trilogy by Michael Kube-McDowell, and the X-Wing series of books. Some were written by Michael Stackpole (the earlier ones, I think), but I preferred the ones by Aaron Allston. Iron Fist in particular. It has a frikkin Super Star Destroyer in it, plus a pretend ewok pilot ("Yub Yub").

    Oh, and Darksaber (also by Anderson) is pretty good. I liked it better than the Acadamy Trilogy...partially because it has Pallaeon, who rocks, but also because it does have an SSD too.

    I do love my SSDs.

  9. I am not sure which book, but I do believe that one of the Emperors clones turns Luke evil for a while.... it was either that or a spirit that resided in his Jedi Training facility on Yavin 4 or what not.

    In the Dark Empire books, Palaptine-a-mania runs wild across the galaxy, but I'm not sure what book it is, but the spirit of the Sith Lord Exar Kun inhabits the temple on Yavin 4. Or inhabited, I should say.

  10. I want to say the book with the clone Emperor is Dark Empire.

    Edit: And as has been said earlier in the thread, the Thrawn Trilogy is awesome. I have a few books from the X-Wing series too, they're good. I have way too many Star Wars books actually, and I like them all...

    You'll probably see more of the New Jedi Order books in bookstores though, I'd think. Most of the books we've been recommending were printed a while ago, I'm not sure if they're still in most stores.

  11. MTV Canada was useless except for that one original show they ran, 969. MTV2 I liked, even though it played a bit more mainstream stuff than I'd hoped. I'm hearing MTV Canada will become a youth oriented channel, while MTV2 will become another Much clone.

  12. Last night was the first time I ever watched the show actually, and I really liked it. Is he always a teacher? Or was that just for that one episode? I thought it gave the show a funky format, I enjoyed it.

  13. CHUM To Rebrand MTV Canada and MTV2

    Effective June 30, 2005

    TORONTO, May 10, 2005 - CHUM Limited (TSX: CHM/CHM.NV.B) today announced that MTV Networks International has decided to exercise its right to terminate its agreement with Craig Media Inc. The channels currently known as MTV Canada, a youth culture channel, and MTV2, a music video channel, will be rebranded effective June 30, 2005.

    Details, including the names of the channels and program titles, will be unveiled in the weeks to come.

    MTV Canada and MTV2 were among the channels CHUM acquired in its purchase of Craig Media Inc. on December 1, 2004. Under the terms of its original joint venture and licensing agreements with Craig Media, MTV Networks International had the right to terminate such agreements upon a change of control in the entity that owned and operated MTV Canada and MTV2.

    As a result of such termination, CHUM will be required to pay to MTV Networks the licence fees remaining under the terms of the agreement, the sum of which was included within CHUM's assessment of the value of Craig Media's assets. These fees total approximately C$10 million. In addition, MTV Networks International will no longer have the option to acquire an equity interest in the channels.

    CHUM Limited (TSX: CHM/CHM.NV.B, www.chumlimited.com), one of Canada's leading media companies and content providers, owns and operates 33 radio stations, 12 local television stations and 21 specialty channels, as well as an environmental music distribution division. Through international format licences and program sales, CHUM's original content is seen in over 130 countries worldwide and is distributed via new media platforms, including interactive television, wireless services and exclusive CHUM-branded Internet properties.

  14. My major problem with the PS2 controller is the shoulder buttons, it doesn't feel enough like a trigger, and thus I can't play an FPS properly. Xbox had the perfect controller(s-type) for FPS' imo, and atleast the GC's felt somewhat trigger-esque so I managed. I'll agree that Sony's controller always looked best, and for a long time I didn't figure there could be a better controller... then I actually got a GC.

    I found the GC trigger buttons annoying. It seemed like I had to press down on them forever to actually get the button to click.

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