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Posts posted by syck

  1. Now you would think that there is too much power given to the player, but the thing is, if a WR is making big catches, a QB is making good passes, or a RB is racking up the yards, the computer will wise up and adjust there plays to stop the WR, QB, or RB.

    And on the WR thing, its better to run the designed route instead of running around the field aimlessly because a Saftey or a Linebacker could be playing zone.

  2. I wasn't a big fan of the transforming either, so I never really used it. It made the game a bit harder, because sometimes those little bastards without legs that come up out of the water get pretty damn annoying, but I still enjoyed playing it.

  3. Fall Out Boy, Tiger Army, The Unseen, My Chemcial Romance and Tsunami Bomb are some bands that are on heavy rotation on my playlist right now.

    The Matches are a real good band that I've recently discovered.

    And of course bands like Alkaline Trio, Dropkick Murphys, The Get Up Kids, MxPx and The Mars Volta are always good.

  4. World Tag Team Titles

    Rosey & The Hurricane © Vs Simon Dean & Maven Vs La Resistance

    Wine them dine them. I love you hunny Contest

    Mark Henry Vs Shawn Michaels

    Tyson Tomko Vs Chris Jericho

    Immunity Match

    Chris Benoit Vs Randy Orton Vs Gene Snitsky Vs Lance Storm

    WWE Intercontinental Title - Ladder Match

    Shelton Benjamin © Vs Muhammad Hassan

    Love Her Or Leave Her / Money In The Bank Contract On the line

    Kane Vs Edge

    World Heavyweight Title - Hell in a cell

    Batista © Vs Triple H

  5. One person I can't believe that hasn't been metioned yet is Dimebag Darrell. One kick ass gituar player from one of the heaviest metal bands ever. Randy Rhoads and Cliff Burton should still be around as well.

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