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The Sandman

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Posts posted by The Sandman

  1. Metallica's St.Anger was the first album i bought. I was either 12 or 13, it was 2003 anyway. Before that i don't think i had ever really had interest to music, saw the St.Anger music video on tv and immediate thought was i need to get more. Nine years and counting, it's been the best band for me ever since.

    I don't recall buying many singles ever, i own Iron Maiden's Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg single from 2006, so i believe that's the first one and one of the very few i own.

  2. Neon Genesis Evangelion


    Pokemon (1 & 2 Generations, BW)

    Deadman Wonderland

    Welcome To The NHK

    Outlaw Star

    High School of the Dead



    Guilty Crown

    Mirai Nikki

    Medaka Box


    Sakamichi no Apollon

    I may be forgetting one or two, but that's pretty much all i've seen through.

    I remember reading first two volumes of Genshiken manga couple of years ago and that was good, might try to find the anime to see.

    I'll join the Sword Art Online watch, it sounds like it might be good.

  3. I haven't seen any of those, after quick Wikipedia plot check Tatami Galaxy and Chaos;Head sound like something i might check, Nichijou possibly as well.

    I can't remember the exact episode of Death Note, but i switched from anime to manga (which i'm still yet to finish.) after...

    Light kills Raye Benber's fiancee who's name i forgot.

    Very early on though, might check the anime version for fun sometime as well.

  4. Been listening to some Baroness lately, way too rarely i find bands that i get excited about these days. Bought Red and Blue albums immediately and got the Yellow & Green pre-ordered. What's next, Gold and Silver?

  5. I just finished Sakamichi no Apollon, i've been rambling about how good it is earlier as well, this goes pretty high on my all-time favourite animes (though there's not that many i've seen actually.) Right next to Toradora, Evangelion, Welcome to the NHK and Steins;Gate that i've thoroughly enjoyed. What to watch next, there's not really anything that interesting this summer. EWB, recommend something?

    Oh, Evangelion 3.0 is apparently coming out on November 17th in Japan.

  6. Finished the first Hunger Games book and it was good, but i kind of expected it to be even darker, though my acknowledge about the whole trilogy was pretty much that it's similar idea to Battle Royale and the way they made it sound in the film's interviews made me think it would be more brutal or something, anyway a pretty good read, need to get the other two sometime.

    Going to start Murakami's The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle next.

  7. "I am so smart. I am so smart. S-M-R-T."

    "I'm not normally a praying man, but if you're up there, please save me Superman!"

    It's nowhere near as good as it was, but i just don't see me stop watching it. They still have atleast couple brilliant episodes in a season. The future christmas episode, the ocean's 11 and Lost parody episodes were great in Season 23. I hope that they would put out the DVD's more often than one season a year, at this rate the possible final season 25 will be out in 2022.

    EDIT: Just found out that one of my favourite Simpsons writer of recent years Matt Warburton wrote the awesome video game episode of Community.

  8. Bakuman has been great, i've watched the two seasons as well and i'm eight volumes into the manga so far, apparently the manga just finished in japan. It has quite the difference to Death Note, but i've enjoyed it.

    From the new ones Kids on the slope was my favourite after first episode, going to check atleast the next few ones of Medaka Box and Haiyore-Nyaruko san as well, Accel World was pretty cool as well.

    Still need to get through Steins;Gate, i've started watching it twice now and loved it on both times, but still i get stuck on early episodes and then i forget it for months. "Tutturuu" and so on...

  9. I checked the pilot of Touch today and it was really good. Kiefer was great as the main lead, the story and characters seemed pretty interesting as well, hopefully it doesn't get cancelled right away.

    Been going through The OC in the past few weeks as well, what a fun show that was. I've yet to watch the last season, i somewhat remembered the show till the 'big death' in the season 3 finale, but i can't seem to remember what the last season was like other than Volchok/Ryan confrontation at some point.

  10. Finished it last night:

    I called that Mass Relays destruction a few days ago and it did happen. I went with the destroy reapers, synthetics (geth, Edi?) ending, though that pretty much killed the point of getting Geth and Quarians work together just hours before that. Geth agree to help and they end up getting destroyed. :shifty:

    Apparently that ending should have shown Shephard breathing in the ruins after the ending, but mine didn't? I wonder what i should've done differently. Although how in the hell did Garrus/Tali made it from my final team rushing to the beam to Normandy escaping the blast.

    I don't have a huge problem with the way it ended, i would've just wanted to see what happened after that. The relays gone and people from every race stuck on earth. The Shephard indoctrination theory though is interesting. I wouldn't mind a DLC or some sort of explanation what happens next.

    Mass Effect had fantastic story the ending's not going to take it away, it was what it was, but it certainly didn't ruin the trilogy for me. I don't think i've never cared like this about any game's story or what happens to the characters before.

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