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The Sandman

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Posts posted by The Sandman

  1. But just imagine a couple of years down the line when we'll be discussing "What was the first mp3 you bought?"

    Am i the only one who's never bought songs on mp3? Because, no one that i know is buying CD's anymore except me. There's just something on getting the albums and browse the booklets than getting a mp3 on my computer screen. I'm probably gonna buy all of my music on CD as long as they keep releasing it on that format.

  2. I actually have 127 Hours and Black Swan as well on the shelf waiting to be seen, expecting great things from both.

    X-Men First Class It deserves all the praise i've seen it get, just seen it i would rank it the best Marvel comic book film, even ahead of X2. Seriously keep everyone else than Bryan Singer away from making X-Men films and they can make as many sequels as they want.

  3. As far as i remember my first album i ever bought was "St.Anger" by Metallica. I had never listened much music before that, but turning 13 around that time and seeing the St.Anger video was coolest thing ever back then. <_<

    As much as i like the band even i think that most of that album was a complete trainwreck.

  4. Damn, this was really hard to put together...

    1. Metallica - "And Justice For All"

    2. Metallica - "Master Of Puppets"

    3. Green Day - "American Idiot"

    4. Iron Maiden - "The Number Of The Beast"

    5. Metallica - "The Black Album"

    6. Iron Maiden - "Iron Maiden"

    7. Green Day - "Kerplunk"

    8. The Gaslight Anthem - "Sink or Swim"

    9. Nightwish - "Once"

    10. Metallica - "Ride the Lightning"

    11. Motörhead - "1916"

    12. Audioslave - "Revelations"

    13. The Gaslight Anthem - "The '59 Sound"

    14. Volbeat - "Rock the Rebel / Metal the Devil"

    15. Machine Head - "The Blackening"

    16. Megadeth - "Rust in Peace"

    17. Nightwish - "Dark Passion Play"

    18. Green Day - "Dookie"

    19. Motörhead - "Inferno"

    20. Paramore - "Riot!"

    Yeah, there's lots of Metallica...the one band that got me to listen music in the first place. Always been absolute favorite and don't see it changing. Hell, i could've added Ride the Lightning as well somewhere in there. Not going to be a real people's favourite list here in EWB i guess.

    EDIT: One position changed and made it a Top 20, i was pretty satisfied with the Top 10, but now i don't know...might change some later.

  5. More stuff i've watched recently...

    The Big Bang Theory Season 2: Easily the best and funniest season of the show. Third and fourth weren't necessarily bad either, but it's just not been as funny anymore.

    Cloverfield: 8/10: Was better than i remembered it would be. Also really short, 70min. or something like that, then again it didn't need to be longer. A good monster film, which reminded me i should watch District 9 again.

    La Femme Nikita: 5/10: The original french film. I sort of expected this to be much better as they've basically made two tv series based on this, but i found it to be very boring.

    Welcome To The Rileys 8/10: There just seems to be lot of great films from last year i'm yet to see and this was one of them. I think it had a really nice story, even Kristen Stewart was pretty good on her role and i'm far from being a fan of her.

    Easy A 9/10: My favourite film in a while. Really, really funny as well + Emma Stone :wub:, might be in my Top 5 of last year. (Though i'm still yet to see films like 127 Hours or Black Swan, so...)

  6. I really liked it too, there actually is a few shows to watch in the summer, my line-up is: True Blood, Futurama, Falling Skies and Weeds. Even though i still need to see last season of True Blood before i jump to the fourth season. Wasn't expecting much of this but yeah, it's good.

  7. I never thought i can suck this bad on one game. Finished the "Studio Secretary Murder" case with one star. <_< I'm also pretty sure that i sent the wrong guy to jail. I propably missed some critical clues, because i couldn't get the other guy which i assume was the murderer behind bars, his interrogation always ended in Case Failed. Had to choose the other one just to get ahead on the game. I haven't got a single mission through with five star rating. Only one or two four star i believe.

  8. From Metallica.com

    A few months ago our own Kirk Hammett hinted at a new Metallica project that's "not really 100 percent a Metallica record." While Kirk may have jumped the gun a little (and has since been properly punished with a series of push-ups!), we are more than proud to announce that we have just completed recording a full length album that is a collaboration with none other than the legendary Lou Reed.

    Ever since we had the pleasure of performing with Lou at the 25th Anniversary of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame at Madison Square Garden in October of 2009, we have been kicking around the idea of making a record together. Some of you astute Bay Area residents may have picked up news of recent Lou Reed sightings in the greater San Francisco area and we have indeed been working at our home studio at HQ on and off over the last few months. In what would be lightning speed for a Metallica related project, we recorded ten songs during this time and while at this moment we're not exactly sure when you'll hear it, we're beyond excited to share with you that the recording sessions wrapped up last week.

    A true innovator and easily one of the most influential songwriters, musicians, and performers in rock music history, Lou's work with the Velvet Underground and as a solo artist has such an enduring quality that he has long been revered and respected by us and many of our peers. We can't wait for you to listen to the finished record, so as we like to hear ourselves say around here, keep watching this spot for updates . . . we'll be back with more details as they come together.

    Holy shit, that's quite random. Can't wait for this.

    EDIT: Also two songtitles from Rolling Stone article.

    The result is at once unpredictable and viciously tight. "Pumping Blood" opens with a drone that breaks into a crunching march, goes into speed-metal gear and breaks into free-fall sections – all over seven minutes, cut live in one take. Another track, "Mistress Dread," features Reed singing across a relentless staccato riff played at manic velocity. "It doesn't feel like we're his backup band," Hammett claims. "It feels like we're a different band, in a situation we've never been in before." And, Trujillo notes, "it's making us a better band."

  9. Similar to Toradora:

    Ouran High School Host Club

    Azumanga Daioh

    Lucky Star, though your mileage may vary. Some love it, some don't. I'm with the latter :shifty:

    Other good stuff:

    Death Note (This one's epic)

    Full Metal Alchemist

    Full Metal Panic!

    Code Geass

    Outlaw Star (my personal favorite)

    Thanks, i'll be checking on those. Also found the name of the anime i was looking on my earlier post so going to continue that where i left off. Does anyone know will High School Of The Dead continue, i know there was the OVA, but that was just...("Revolution, Revolution!!") that pretty much sums that whole thing up. o_O There's actually going to be a Persona 4 anime coming in the fall, that's definitely something i want to see, if only i remember about it anymore then. All these should keep me busy for a while.

  10. Finished watching Toradora tonight which was absolutely brilliant, went through it in about a week or so.

    Can you guys recommend me something to watch? Something similar to Toradora or just pretty much anything else good. I checked first episode of Deadman Wonderland and might catch on it. I don't have much knowledge about shows as the only series i've watched are pretty much only Evangelion, High School Of The Dead, Pokemon, Digimon and i believe i watched School Rumble at some point.

    Also there was one i used to watch last year, but stopped after few episodes. Can't remember what the hell it was called. Two guys wanted to do Manga and get it published, the other guy had a crush on some girl and they made a promise to get together only when they get their manga turned to a anime series and she would become a voice actress on it or something like that. Any help?


    EDIT: Actually you misread it? Uncanny is ending, X-Men Schism #1 is coming in July, but no mention of Uncanny #1

    Oh, it actually says that they don't 'directly tell' when the Uncanny X-Men #1 will come, but i just assumed it's starting the month after this run ends. It says The Schism #1 is coming out next month it being the event that will eventually end the Uncanny at #544.

  12. Thoughts on few movies i've seen recently...

    Pirates Of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides 7/10: Didn't really have any expectations on this, i mean it wasn't really bad but it wasn't as good as the earlier trilogy, Johnny Depp is still brilliant as Jack Sparrow and i also liked the subtle 'romance' between the mermaid/missionary guy. If they are making another trilogy i think they will get a bigger roles in the coming ones.

    The Island 8/10: It's been years since i've last watched this and didn't remember it was actually good. Also found out it was directed by Michael Bay had no idea before that. Liked both Evan Mcgregor and Scarlett Johansson in this.

    Monsters 9/10: Great film, really liked this. From what i've read people haven't liked this at all. There didn't really happen much in it, but i didn't find this boring at all and preferred this over the Cloverfield style where there's explosions and chaos everywhere. Also this somewhat reminded me of Lost In Translation which also basically just focuses on the two characters and not really much is happening throughout it as well, then again i love that film too and everyone else seems to hate it.

  13. Finished watching Lost Season 2 last night and as much as i loved the whole show, fuck it was good back then. No time-travelling, Jacob or most of the other 'wierdness' yet.

    Also i need some shows to watch over summer. I've yet to see last year's True Blood and intend to watch it before the fourth starts. Recommend me some good comedy to catch up, from current shows i've basically only seen BBT and Happy Endings.

  14. Nikita has apparently been renewed for second season. I liked the show and it just got better as it went on and was pretty much the only new show along with Event and Happy Endings that i've been following so 2/3 of them getting renewed ain't so bad.

    So glad that there will be one more season of Chuck, i haven't seen the season finale yet and don't know how it ends. Season 4 has been the worst season, but even if it's been worst of Chuck it's still better than most of the other shows right now. Next season of House will propably be the last, i've liked it as well but i don't really care about it anymore same thing is with Bones, even though last episode was really good.

  15. Saw the original Tron for the first time last night as i got it with Tron: Legacy, got to say that the visuals were pretty impressive for a film that's made almost 30 years ago, didn't really care much of the story but ok film. 7.5/10. Going to watch Legacy sometime soon as well, also finally got The Town on DVD and can't wait to see it as i've heard nothing but good things about it.

  16. Best episode of House in a long time last night, haven't liked this season so much. Not a fan of the Cuddy/House stuff + 13 is back. :wub:

    Is it just me, but i'm actually losing interest in Chuck a bit. It's become my favourite shows in recent years but this season it's just been lacking of...something. It's still good and funny, but not as much as before. o_O

    Also, the last few episodes i've actually been interested of The Event, but having to sit through 15-16 episodes before something even remotely interesting starts to happen it's no wonder the viewers are gone and most likely ending up cancelled just like FlashForward.

  17. I believe this is new trailer. Pre-ordered it for XBox, looks really really good. Actually the only game along with ME3 and Arkham City i'm waiting this year.

  18. My modem is on the other side of the apartment from my Xbox and it's the only place i have to plug it. Wireless adapter costs so much that basically to buy it just to get Mass Effect DLC's, it's going to be cheaper to buy the game if they ever intend to release one as i don't really have other use for it as there's not many games that i want to play online.

    If i could find cable long enough to pull through my apartment then i might get live.

  19. There's going to be a new DLC coming out next week called The Arrival which will be the last before ME3. Has there been any news that they would release the game with all the DLC's to XBox like they had in the new Ps3 version, because i don't have X Box live and would get a good reason to start playing it again.

  20. She's not even the most attractive in that series. Erica Durance says 'Hello, I'm much more attractive than Tess'.

    You could pretty much list the whole women's cast who's been part of Smallville in here. Kristin Kreuk, Allison Mack and Laura Vandervoort as well. For the most attractive i'll say it's almost a tie between Durance and Cassidy, but i'm still going with Cassidy, maybe it's just that i have a thing for red-heads.

  21. The more i play this the better it seems to get, now through the 3rd gym and i have a pretty solid team as of now.

    Herdier lvl. 26 (it's Takedown seems to literally take down everyone)

    Dewott lvl. 25

    Simisear lvl. 25

    Swadloon lvl. 23

    Scraggy lvl. 17

    By the way, it's supposed to have season changes but how often does that happen or is it just in some certain areas like before?

    Seriously i haven't had this much fun with a Pokemon game since i got Silver years ago.

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