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The Sandman

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Posts posted by The Sandman

  1. These are albums that i have bought as legit CD:s, didn't add the downloaded stuff.

    Audioslave (3): Audioslave, Out Of Exile, Revelations

    Green Day (4): Dookie, Insomniac, American Idiot, Bullet In A Bibble

    In Flames (3): Reroute To Remain, Come Clarity, A Sense Of Purpose

    Iron Maiden (9): A Matter Of Life And Death, Dance Of Death, Brave New World, Virtual XI, Fear Of The Dark, Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son, Peace Of Mind, Powerslave, Killers

    Megadeth (4): Rust In Peace, Youthanasia, The System Has Failed, United Abominations

    Metallica (10): KEA, RTL, MOP, AJFA, Black Album, Load, Reload, Garage Inc., St.Anger, Death Magnetic + dozen of livemetallica shows

    Motörhead (3) Inferno, Kiss Of Death, Motörizer

    Nightwish (3): Oceanborn, Once, Dark Passion Play

    Our Lady Peace (3): Clumsy, Gravity, Healthy In Paranoid Times

    Sonata Arctica (4): For The Sake Of Revenge, Reckoning Night, Unia, Winterheart's Guild

  2. #15 Hit dirt, shake tree. Split sky, part sea. Strip smile, lose cool. Bleed the day and break the rule.

    Metallica - Carpe Diem Baby.


    Baptised with a perfect name -

    Hear the rime of the ancient mariner -

    Nightwish - Amaranth and the second one is Iron Maiden - Rime Of The Ancient Mariner

  3. I'm still waiting for the new Metallica record, atleast six long months still to release :/

    I'm also looking for the new In Flames, Disturbed, Trivium albums and even though i'm not really a big fan of them but 3 Doors Down's new album, by the way when is it coming out? I also heard that Motörhead is working on new album.

  4. That might be it, but still that other guy saw Charlie. If i remember right, the other people in the island didn't see Dave or was that other guy a imaginary person too :D?

    Really great premiere, it reminded me of why i love this show so much. There are many things to be revealed and more questions just keeps coming, just like Benji said. Can't wait for next episode, i'm glad that they are showing the eight episodes in a row, not like Prison Break which has breaks almost between every episode.

  5. I've watched OC from beginning and it was kind of sad to see it end.

    Too bad, that the season 4 was only sixteen episodes, because i think that this was great season.

    I think that this was great finale for it..

  6. headerlogofk6.gif

    April 4.2002 - PPV #9

    Opening Pyros explode and first we see a video from last week's event. Video highlights both title matches that the show included.

    Music of former X-Division Champion Kid Kash hits as he walks to the ring.

    Kid Kash: Each and everyone of you losers thought that it was really funny, when i lost my X-Division belt to that AJ Styles, Am i right?

    Crowd starts to chant for AJ.

    Kid Kash: Now shut up! Actually i comed to this ring to introduce one person. Does anyone remember from the second TNA show, when Simon Diamond wrestled against Brian..um..someone. One man interfered that match and beat the holy hell out of both guys. Well i was abled to communicate with that man. He is the key for me to get my title back from AJ. Here he is, 'The Monster' Abyss!

    Music of Abyss hits and he walks to the entrance ramp with huge chain on his shoulders. Abyss makes his taunt as the pyros explode and then he walks to the ring.

    Kid Kash: AJ! I want you take a good look to this man. When this man stands on my side, there is no way that you're going to keep that belt for long!

    Rating: 68

    Camera cuts to the backstage, where 'Father' James Mitchell is watching Kid Kash and Abyss from the screen.

    Music of Shannon Moore hits and he walks to the ring for his second X-Division challenge.

    This time Amazing Red accepts his challenge.

    X-Division Challenge II

    Shannon Moore vs Amazing Red

    Shannon Moore doesn't look too worried about Amazing Red. Moore walks to front of Red and slaps him to face. Amazing Red smiles and stomps on his foot and quickly rolls down to the mat. Moore kicks out before two count. Moore looks for quick Clothesline, but misses and Red takes him down by Headlock Takedown. Amazing Red hits quick Leg Drop and goes for cover again, but Moore kicks out again at two count. Red tries to lift him up, but Moore counters him by Jawbreaker. Moore springs from the ropes and takes Amazing Red down by high Leg Lariat. Moore goes for pin attempt, but Amazing Red ables to kick out.

    Shannon Moore stomps to his face and pulls him to corner. Moore lifts him to turnbuckle and looks for Superplex, but Amazing Red hits him to gut by forearm and ables to throw him down to the mat. Moore struggles back up as Amazing Red flies and takes him down by Hurricanrana. Amazing Red pulls him to middle of the ring and hits Standing Shooting Star Press! He goes for the cover, but Moore kicks out just before three count. Red pulls him near the corner and climbs to turnbuckle. Amazing Red looks for Infra Red, but Moore gets his knees up and Red lands on them. Moore springs from the ropes and nails Swinging Neckbreaker..1....2....3.

    Winner: Shannon Moore

    Rating: 82

    After the match Shannon Moore takes microphone.

    Shannon Moore: Once again, one of the losers of X-Division lost to Shannon Moore. Next week there will be no challenge. Because i'm going to introduce one guy, who will join to my mission.

    Jeff Jarrett music hits as he walks to the entrance ramp. In the quick moment, the whole crowd is booing to him.

    Jeff Jarrett vs Chris Harris

    Match starts with tie-up at middle of the ring. Jarrett takes Harris to Arm Wrench, but he takes Jarrett down by Arm Drag. Jarrett backs to corner and Harris goes after him, but Jarrett hits thumb to the eye and slams Harris head first to the mat. Jarrett goes for the cover, but Harris kicks out at two count. Jarrett grabs Harris from his leg and hits Elbow Drop on it. Jarrett pulls Harris to middle of the ring and stomps to same leg again. Jarrett tries to lock Figure 4-Leg Lock, but Harris ables to kick him away. Harris struggles back up, but Jarrett takes him down again by Clothesline. Jarrett stomps again on that foot and this time ables to lock him to Figure 4-Leg Lock. Harris struggles to the ropes and ables to catch from lowest rope. Jarrett releases the hold. Jarrett springs from the ropes, but Harris is back up and throws Jarrett over by high Back Body Drop. Harris comes from the ropes and hits Flying Clothesline. Harris goes for pin attempt, but Jarrett kicks out at two count. Harris tries to lift Jarrett for Cat-A-Tonic, but Jarrett kicks him to injured leg. Harris falls down to one knee, Jarrett moves to behind and drives Harris down to the mat by The Stroke!.1...2....3.

    Winner: Jeff Jarrett

    Rating: 84

    Camera cuts to the backstage. Vince Russo is standing at interview area.

    Vince Russo: As you all just saw. Jeff Jarrett is the man, who should be the #1 contender. But, because of Dusty Rhodes i can't name him to #1 contener, he has to earn it. Next week it is going to be TNA's PPV number 10. For that we are going to see Triple Threat match for #1 Contendership between Jeff Jarrett, AJ Styles and Raven.

    Music of The Sandman hits as he returns to TNA after his Hardcore Match against Raven.

    The Sandman vs David Young

    Even before the bell rings Sandman attacks with his signature Singapore Cane. Sandman hits couple of shots with the cane and then lifts Young up and drives to the mat by White Russian Leg Sweep! Sandman drops his cane and climbs to turnbuckle. Sandman flies and hits Rolling Rock!.1...2....3.

    Winner: The Sandman

    Rating: 60

    After the match Sandman drinks beer and shakes hands with couple of fans.

    BG James, Konnan and Ron Killings are at somewhere backstage.

    BG James: Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls. Watchers from all ages. You're looking to the next NWA World Tag Team Champions!

    Konnan: Orale, Impact Zone! We are here with our good friend, NWA World Champion Ron 'The Truth' Killings!

    Ron Killings: What's up dudes!

    BG James: Did you hear about the #1 contendership match next week?

    Ron Killings: Yeah i heard that. I don't care about it too much. I'm the fighting champion and i will defend this belt against anyone who steps to my face, even if it has to be Jeff Jarrett again.

    Konnan: Hey BG, didn't we had something to tell for all those gringos at the arena?

    BG James: Hold on there, we have the whole night time to tell. But i think that at this point, it would be good to tell that we three thought to team up against so-called Planet Jarrett. Myself, Konnan and Ron: together we are..3 Lived Kru! So Jeff, you can give us your global warnings and other shit. But you should beware the 3...Lived...Kru!

    Rating: 83

    Ring announcer Jeremy Borash walks to the ring and picks microphone.

    Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, this match is your Main Event for the evening and it is for the NWA World Tag Team Championship!

    Triple X © w/ Elix Skipper vs Paul London & Brian Kendrick

    Referee shows the titles to both teams and then to the crowd. The match is ready to start.

    Low-Ki steps to the ring against Paul London. Referee tells to ring the bell. Quick lock-up at first as they battle, who is stronger. Paul London throws Low-Ki down by Arm Drag. Low-Ki gets back up and looks for one of his huge kicks, but misses and London takes him down again by Headlock Takedown. London goes for quick cover, but Low-Ki ables to kick out at two. London lifts him up and throws him by Scoop Slam. London springs for the ropes, but Elix Skipper grabs from his leg. London turns around and tries to kick him. Referee goes to send Skipper away as Daniels sneaks to the ring and hits STO to Paul London.

    Low-Ki moves for the cover and referee starts to count, but London kicks out at two.

    Low-Ki pulls London to their corner and tags Daniels to the ring. Low-Ki lifts Paul London up and drops him straight against knee of Daniels. Daniels lifts him back up and throws by quick Snap Suplex. Daniels springs from the ropes and looks for Leg Drop, but London gets out of the way. Daniels struggles back up, but London drops him by high Dropkick. London crawls to his corner and ables to tag Brian Kendrick to the ring.

    Daniels and Low-Ki tries to double team Kendrick, but he drops Daniels by Clothesline and beautiful Hurricanrana to Low-Ki. London sends Low-Ki over the ropes by Clothesline and flies over ropes by Cross Body to take Low-Ki down again. In the ring Kendrick signals for Sliced Bread #2, but Daniels counters it. Daniels kicks Kendrick to the gut, grabs him to underhook and nails Angel's Wings!.One..two...three! Triple X retains their titles.

    Winner: Triple X

    Rating: 86

    Overall Rating: 77

    Buy Rate: 0.21

  7. headerlogofk6.gif

    March 25.2002 - PPV #8

    Opening pyros explode and the show is ready to start.

    Mike Tenay Welcome everyone to weekly show of TNA wrestling.

    Don West: What a night we have tonight!

    Mike Tenay: Double Main Event! Kid Kash and AJ Styles settles their rivalry finally here tonight, and it is for X-Division Championship. Also, NWA World Champion Jeff Jarrett defends his title against Ron Killings. But first we are going to see the invitional made by Shannon Moore.

    Remaking the X-Division

    Music of Shannon Moore hits from loud-speakers and he walks to the ring.

    Moore: It is time for X-Division challenge, who wants to be shamed by 'X-Division Innovator' Shannon Moore!

    Theme song of Sonjay Dutt starts and he is the one, who accepts the challenge.

    X-Division Challenge

    Shannon Moore vs Sonjay Dutt

    Shannon Moore backs to the corner and starts to warming up. Dutt doesn't look happy to wait his warm-up. Dutt attacks and bounces Moore's head against the turnbuckle. Dutt throws him to the other corner, moves after him and nails Clothesline. Dutt quickly grabs Moore to Headlock and drives him down to the mat by Bulldog. Dutt goes for the cover, but Moore ables to kick out before three count. Dutt tries to lift him up, but Moore delivers quick Jawbreaker and Dutt backs to the ropes. Moore sends him to the other side of the ring and drops him by high Jumping Leg Lariat. Moore goes for the pin attempt, but Dutt ables to kick out. Moore pulls Dutt to the corner and signals for finish. Moore turns his back to Dutt and climbs to second rope. Dutt gets back up and gets Moore down by Sunset Flip, but only gets a two count. Dutt signals for Moonsault and flies, but Moore gets out of the way. Dutt still lands to his feet. Moore moves to behind him and nails Backbreaker. Dutt falls down to the mat as Moore climbs to the turnbuckle. Dutt struggles back up, but Moore takes him down by Moore-Gasm!.1....2.....3.

    Winner: Shannon Moore

    Rating: 72

    After the match Shannon Moore takes microphone from ringside.

    Moore: You know what? That wasn't really even match. It's 1-0 to Shannon Moore. My challenge continues next week, when another so-called X-Division star gets chance to face me.

    Video package of the feud between Jeff Jarrett and Ron Killings is shown, including:

    February 4.2002: Jarrett smashes his guitar to the head of Killings.

    February 18.2002: Killings pins Jarrett in 2 vs 3 Handicap Match.

    February 25.2002: Jarrett wins the World Title after Vince Russo's attack against Killings.

    March 11.2002: Killings defeats Vince Russo.

    March 18.2002: Ron Killings challenges Jeff Jarrett for a rematch.

    Elix Skipper vs Shark Boy

    'Primetime' Elix Skipper the third member of Triple X returns to the action.

    Shark Boy offers his hand to Skipper for handshake, but Skipper doesn't respond to that and slaps Shark Boy to face. Shark Boy attacks and pushes him to corner. Shark Boy knees him couple of times to gut and sends to other corner by Irish Whip. Shark Boy tries to attack, but Skipper drops him by Spin Kick. Skipper lifts him to sitting position and kicks to the back. Skipper goes for the cover, but Shark Boy kicks out at two. Skipper lifts Shark Boy up and locks him to Bearhug. Shark Boy tries to fight back, but can't get away from the move. Shark Boy starts to bite Skipper and then he finally releases the hold. Shark Boy hits Manhattan Drop and continues to Clothesline. Shark Boy climbs to turnbuckle and looks for Cross Body, but misses. Skipper lifts him up and throws Shark Boy by Double Underhook Suplex.1....2....3.

    Winner: Elix Skipper

    Rating: 73

    Thoughts of the enemies

    Video is shown, where Jeff Jarrett and Ron Killings tells their thoughts about the main event.

    Jeff Jarrett: I defeated Ron Killings once and now he wants another beating? That's just fine by me. After this, Planet Jarrett tights it's hold of TNA. Ron Killings i'll give you a global warning.

    Ron Killings: It's the day, i've been waitin' for Jeff. The way i see it, i'm still the uncrowned champion and after this night, that thing will change. This time it's one on one, no Vince Russo as referee. Planet Jarrett will fall tonight and the truth, well it has been told.

    X-Division Championship

    Kid Kash © vs AJ Styles

    Kid Kash won the title at week one and now he settles the rivarly between AJ Styles.

    Referee takes the title and shows it to both wrestlers and then to the crowd. Match is about to start.

    Quick tie-up between them and AJ takes Kash down by Double Leg Takedown. Kid Kash gets up quickly and attacks, AJ throws him down by Arm Drag. Kid Kash backs to the ropes, staring to AJ. Another tie-up, this time Kid Kash locks AJ's arm and pulls him down to the mat. Kid Kash hits Knee Drop against the arm. Kid Kash pushes AJ to corner and hits the same arm against the turnbuckle. Kash throws AJ to ropes and looks for Clothesline, but AJ slides through his legs. Kash springs to ropes, but AJ drops him by high Dropkick. AJ goes for the pin attempt, but Kid Kash kicks out at two.

    AJ stomps to chest of Kash and goes for the ropes. Kid Kash gets back up and drops AJ by quick Low Dropkick. Kid Kash pulls AJ to the middle of the ring and locks him to Arm Bar. AJ struggles and ables to grab from the lowest rope. Kid Kash pulls him back to the middle of the ring and tries to lock Arm Bar again, but AJ kicks him down. Kash backs to the ropes and AJ attacks. Kash backdrops him over the ropes, but AJ still lands to ring apron. Kash tries to attack, but AJ drives his shoulder against him. Kash backs down. AJ jumps to the ropes, turns around and takes Kash down by Springboard DDT. AJ looks for pin attempt, but Kash kicks out, just before three count. AJ looks for Styles Clash, but Kash grabs from his arm and drives him down to the mat.

    Kid Kash signals for the end and lifts AJ up for Brainbuster. AJ punches him to head and reverses the move to huge DDT! AJ climbs to the turnbuckle and flies....Spiral Tap connects!.1....2.....3. New Champion!

    Winner:NEW X-Division Champion AJ Styles

    Rating: 77

    After the ring has been cleared, commentator Mike Tenay leaves the announce table and walks to the ring.

    Mike Tenay: Ladies and Gentlemen, it is time for your main event of the evening. It is for NWA World Heavyweight Championship.

    Music of Ron Killings starts and crowd gives huge ovation for him. Killings walks to the entrance ramp and shakes hands with couple fans.

    Tenay: This is the challenger. From Charlotte, North Carolina. He is Ron 'The Truth' Killings!!

    Smoke fills the entrance ramp as the music of Jeff Jarrett starts. Crowd boos to him very loud.

    Tenay: This is the current, reigning and defending NWA Heavyweight Champion of the world: Jeff...Jarrett!

    NWA World Heavyweight Championship

    Jeff Jarrett © vs Ron Killings

    Referee shows the title to both wrestlers and the match starts.

    Jarrett locks him to quick Headlock, but Killings gets out of the move quickly by couple of elbows to the gut. Jarrett springs from the ropes and looks for Clothesline, but Killings bows and Jarrett hits nothing but air. Jarrett turns around and Killings throws him down by Arm Drag. Killings lifts him to sitting position and springs from the ropes nailing Dropkick to face of Jarrett. Killings goes for the cover, but Jarrett kicks out before two count. Killings lifts Jarrett up and slams down again by Scoop Slam. Killings climbs to turnbuckle and hits huge Missile Dropkick! Jarrett rolls to the ringside. Killings flies over the ropes, looking for Cross Body. Jarrett gets out of the way and Killings crashes to the floor. Jarrett throws him against the guard rail.

    Jarrett lifts him up and tries to push him against ringpost. Killings turns it around and throws Jarrett against the ringpost. Jarrett falls down to the floor and is bleeding!

    Killings pushes him back to the ring and goes for pin attempt. Referee starts to count, but Jarrett gets his foot to second rope. Killings pulls him to the middle of the ring and tries to pin him again, but Jarrett kicks out at two. Killings springs from the ropes, but Jarrett gets up and drops him by high Dropkick. Jarrett crawls for pin attempt, but Killings kicks out at two. Jarrett lifts him up and moves to behind. Jarrett ables to hit The Stroke! Referee starts to count.1....2.....Killings kicks out! Jarrett can't believe it. Killings abled to kick out from The Stroke. Jarrett looks for another Stroke. Killings turns him around, kicks him to gut and takes to underhook and drives down to the mat by Truth Conviction. Jarrett struggles up to one knee, Killings springs from the ropes and hits Axe Kick to the head of Jarrett!.1....2....3.

    Winner: NEW World Champion Ron Killings

    Rating: 91

    BG James, Konnan and AJ Styles comes to the ring and they celebrate with new World Champion as the show ends.

    Overall Rating: 85

    Buyrates: 0.21

    Quick Results

    - - - - - - - - - - -

    Shannon Moore def. Sonjay Dutt

    Elix Skipper def. Shark Boy

    AJ Styles def. Kid Kash © for X-Division title

    Ron Killings def. Jeff Jarrett © for NWA World Title

    (For all readers: Feedback is more than welcomed)



    Ron Killings gets his rematch against the current NWA World Champion Jeff Jarrett.

    Will Killings finally defeat Jarrett and become a new World Champion?

    Or will Planet Jarrett stay on top.


    This has been in the making since the week one.

    Kid Kash have couple of victories over AJ, AJ has pinned Kid Kash once in tag team match.

    Next week these two collide in a match for the X-Division Title


    Shannon Moore debuted and told that from his opinion, the whole X-Division sucks and he is here to remake it.

    Who will step to the ring with the newcomer?

    All this and much more coming in next show.

  9. By the way, is here anyone checking on this? :D

    - - - - - -


    March 18.02 - PPV #7

    The opening pyros explode.

    Mike Tenay: Greetings everyone and welcome to the weekly show of TNA wrestling.

    Don West: By the information given by Mr. Vince Russo as the main event of the evening Jeff Jarrett faces Konnan. We know that Ron Killings is here tonight, will we get the date for his rematch against Jeff Jarrett?

    Mike Tenay: We will see that later tonight, but now we have cameras at backstage, where Shannon Moore is standing.

    Moore's Challenge

    Camera cuts to the backstage, where we see very punk stylish Shannon Moore the newest addition in TNA roster.

    Shannon Moore: I've heard that the X-Division should be the one thing that TNA is known for. The way i've seen it, X-Division is nothing more than group of losers, but now when i: Shannon Moore the new innovator has arrived in TNA. The X-Division will turn to the right direction. Next week will be my in ring debut and i challenge anyone from the X-Division lockerroom to step to that ring with me. To see what the real superstar is made of.

    Triple X the current NWA World Tag Team Champions walk to the ring. Christopher Daniels is going to face one half of AMW, James Storm in one on one match.

    Christopher Daniels vs James Storm

    This time Low-Ki and Chris Harris will stand at ringside. Quick tie-up in beginning and Daniels twists Storm's arm and locks him to Arm Wrench. Storm elbows him to the gut and throws down to the mat by Arm Drag. Storm looks for Clothesline, but misses and Daniels springs from the ropes, but Storm throws him over by huge Back Body Drop. Storm moves for the pin attempt, but only a two count. Storm lifts Daniels up and tries to Suplex him. At same time Low-Ki climbs to ring apron and referee goes to send him down. Daniels kicks James Storm to groin and does quick Small Package, referee turns and starts counting. Storm ables to kick out before the three count. Daniels lifts Storm up and throws him by Vertical Suplex. Daniels stomps to his chest and pulls him near the corner. Daniels jumps to the top rope and looks for BME, but Storm gets his knees up and Daniels lands on them.

    Daniels backs to the ropes and Storm tries to attack from another corner, but Low-Ki holds from his leg. Chris Harris attacks from behind and slams Low-Ki head first against the steelsteps. Daniels tries sneak to behind Storm, but he is ready and delivers huge Superkick to the jaw of Daniels.1...2...3.

    Winner: James Storm

    Rating: 80

    AJ Styles is walking at backstage, when Kid Kash attacks from behind and smashes AJ to the head with X-Division Title. Security Guards comes to stop Kash and we see that AJ is busted wide open.

    Sabu vs CM Punk w/ Julio Dinero

    Sabu stares to Julio Dinero, who stands at ringside. CM Punk takes the opportunity and attacks to Sabu. CM Punk hits hard Axe Handle to the back of Sabu and he falls down to his knees. CM Punk springs from the ropes and hits Dropkick to the back of Sabu. Sabu rolls to the ringside. CM Punk flies over the ropes, but Sabu gets out of the way and CM Punk crashes down to the floor. Dinero tries to attack, but Sabu takes him down by Clothesline and climbs to the ring apron and flies, nailing Leg Drop to Dinero. Sabu pulls CM Punk back to the ring and slingshots himself over the ropes and lands elbow first against the chest of CM Punk. Sabu turns him over and locks to Camel Clutch. Dinero gets back to the ring and hits Sabu with steel chair. Referee calls for DQ.

    Winner: Sabu by DQ.

    Rating: 72

    After the match Dinero hits Sabu couple of times again with the chair. CM Punk climbs to the turnbuckle and finishes Sabu by Flying Leg Drop. After that Dinero and CM Punk does Raven's crucifix taunt, before leaving the ring.

    Time for The Truth

    Camera cuts to the lockerrooms, where Ron Killings is sitting in his room.

    Ron Killings: You know what Jeff. I used my whole week to think, what kind of match i want. Will it be first ever Cage Match? Ladder Match? or maybe even I Quit Match? I decided that the match type will be...normal Singles match. Because, i know it and you know it too. You can't never beat me in a fair match Jeff. I don't need ladders, chairs, guitars or any other weapons. The only thing i need is one single moment to hit Axe Kick to the back of your head and title changes hands. The truth never lies Jeff and next week, you will see it.

    X-Division champion Kid Kash walks to the ring for his match.

    Kid Kash vs David Young

    Staredown between them at start, which ends to Kid Kash's vicious Uppercut. Young backs to the ropes and Kash throws him to other corner and drops him by high Dropkick. Kid Kash lifts him to sitting position and kicks him to the back. Kash tries to pull him up, but Young starts to fight back with hard jabs to the stomach of Kash. Kash hits thumb to the eye and attacks from the ropes, David Young slams him down to the mat by huge Spinebuster and goes for the cover. Kid Kash ables to kick out, just before the three count. Young looks for another Spinebuster, but Kash knees him to the gut and plants by huge DDT. Kid Kash lifts him up once again and drives him down to the mat by Brainbuster!.1...2....3.

    Winner: Kid Kash

    Rating: 63

    Kid Kash celebrates in the ring with the title as bloody face of AJ Styles appears to the entrance screen.

    AJ Styles: You must be proud of yourself. You ambushed me last week, you ambushed me today from behind with the title and made me bleed. You may remember that i'm still the #1 Contender for that title and next week i'm going to use it. So prepare to get a asskicking that is simply...phenomenal!

    Jeff Jarrett walks down the entrance ramp as crowd chants 'You will lose'.

    Jeff Jarrett vs Konnan

    Jarrett shows his title to Konnan and says that he will never be able to win this. Konnan slaps him to face and pulls to the ropes. Konnan knees him to gut and throws to corner by hard Irish Whip. Konnan tries to attack, but runs straight to elbow of Jarrett. Jarrett attacks and takes him down by Swinging Neckbreaker. Jarrett kicks Konnan's legs and hits Elbow Drop to his left leg. Jarrett turns him around and locks to Half Boston Crab. Konnan struggles and ables to catch from the lowest rope. Jarrett releases the hold at referee's five count. Jarrett makes his taunt as crowd chants 'We want Killings' Jarrett lifts Konnan up and looks for The Stroke, but Konnan pushes him away and hits Manhattan Drop. Konnan attacks from the ropes, but Jarrett knees him to the gut and moves to behind...Jarrett slams him face first to the mat by The Stroke!.1....2.....3.

    Winner: Jeff Jarrett

    Rating: 87

    Jarrett poses with the World Title, when the music of Ron Killings hits and he walks to the entrance ramp. Staredown between these two as the show ends.

    Overall Rating: 79

    Buyrates: 0.21

    Quick Results

    - - - - - - - - - -

    James Storm def. Christopher Daniels

    Sabu def. CM Punk by DQ.

    Kid Kash def. David Young

    Jeff Jarrett def. Konnan

  10. Breaking News

    Brian Lee doesn't belong anymore to NWA-TNA roster.

    As NWA-TNA has been starting to grow it has been talking with couple of new names and some bigger names also for the company.

    Couple of these names are Joey Matthews, Frankie Kazarian, Sean O'Haire, Ken Shamrock and even the legendary Road Warriors.

    Expect to hear more about these contract talkings soon.

  11. TNA NEWS



    Ron Killings defeated Vince Russo and is now able to face current World Champion Jeff Jarrett for the title anytime he wants. Will we get more information about it at next week's show.


    This time 'Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels steps to the ring against James Storm.

    Kid Kash ambushed AJ Styles in his match last week, what will AJ say about it and when is AJ going to use his #1 Contendership.

    All this and many more coming at next week's show.

  12. headerlogofk6.gif

    March 11.02 - PPV #6

    The opening pyros explode and commentators Mike Tenay and Don West welcomes everyone to watch TNA.

    First we see a video package, which has been taped earlier today. On the tape Dusty Rhodes tells that if Ron Killings wins Vince Russo tonight, he will get his rematch for the World Title anytime he wants.

    AJ Styles & D'Lo Brown vs The Harris Brothers

    AJ steps to the ring with Don Harris first. Quick lock-up, but Don throws AJ easily down. AJ attacks again, but with same result: Don throws him down. AJ gets up and Don looks for quick Clothesline, but misses. AJ kicks him to the back twice and Don backs to the ropes. AJ tries to send him to other corner, but Don turns it and sends AJ to ropes and throws him to air and AJ lands face first down to the mat.1...2....D'Lo comes to the ring and breaks the count.

    Don backs to their corner and tags to Ron Harris. Don lifts AJ up and drops him straight against the knee of Ron. Ron quickly rolls him over and locks AJ to Headlock. 'Crowd starts to chant for AJ.' AJ ables to get up and hits couple of forearms to the gut of Ron and he releases the hold. AJ hits quick Spin Kick and ables to tag D'Lo to the ring.

    D'Lo springs from the ropes and takes Ron Harris down by Shoulder Block. Don gets to the ring, but D'Lo throws him over by huge Back Body Drop. D'Lo springs from the ropes and looks for Clothesline, but Harris Brothers stop him by Double Shoulder Block. D'Lo backs to their corner and tags AJ back to the ring. AJ flies from the ropes and takes both members of Harris Brothers down by Flying Clothesline. Same time referee goes to send D'Lo to the ring apron and doesn't see that Kid Kash runs to the ringside and smashes Kendo Stick in half to the back of AJ Styles. AJ falls down to the mat and Ron Harris goes for cover.1...2...3. It's over.

    Winner: The Harris Brothers

    Rating: 77

    AJ Styles stares through the ropes to Kid Kash, who poses with X-Division belt at entrance ramp.

    Camera goes to backstage and we see that Vince Russo is preparing for his match against Ron Killings later tonight.

    The face of Shannon Moore appears to entrance screen and he says that he is coming to TNA soon and will remake the X-Division to more interesting than never before.

    Raven vs Shark Boy

    Total squash. Raven attacks brutally and beats Shark Boy in the corner, then Raven locks him to Headlock and drives him down to the mat by Bulldog. Raven does his crucifix taunt and lifts Shark Boy..Raven Effect connects!.1...2....3!

    Winner: Raven

    Rating: 70

    Commentator Don West stands at backstage's interview area with Ron Killings

    Don West: I'm standing here backstage with non-other than Ron 'The Truth' Killings.

    Ron, you're going to face Vince Russo, the authority of TNA later tonight, Jeff Jarrett and The Harris Brothers are banned from ringside and for all that if you win, you can challenge Jarrett again for the World Title anytime you want. Any thoughts about your match?

    Ron Killings: Any thoughts? Hell, this is what i've been wanting since my match against Jarrett couple of weeks ago. Vince, it's easy for ya to book these matches, but when it's time for yourself to step to that ring. It's all different. Tonight you be in the fight of your life, you're better to believe that.

    Ron Killings comes closer to the camera man.

    Ron Killings: After i'm done with Vince, i'm coming back to haunt you Jeff. And believe that i will be the next NWA World Champion!

    After saying that Ron Killings leaves the stage.

    We see that Paul London is standing in the ring waiting for his opponent, who is Super Crazy.

    Super Crazy walks to the ring with Juventud and Tony Mamaluke, but referee sends them back to the lockerrooms.

    Paul London vs Super Crazy

    Match starts with quick tie-up, which Crazy turns to Headlock and backs to the ropes. London sends him to other corner and jumps over Crazy. Crazy springs back from ropes, but London throws him down by Arm Drag. Crazy gets back quickly and attacks again, but this time London takes him down by Headlock Takedown. Crazy backs to the ropes. London attacks, but Crazy sends him over the ropes. London hangs from the top rope, but Crazy drops him to the ringside with huge Superkick!

    Crazy flies over the ropes and takes London down again by Cross Body. Super Crazy rolls him back to the ring and goes for cover.1...2....London kicks out. Crazy stomps to his chest and goes to top rope. Crazy looks for big Leg Drop, but misses and crashes down to the mat. London crawls and tries to pin him.1...2...Crazy gets his foot to second rope.

    London lifts him back up and tries to plant with Scoop Slam, but Crazy fights back and drops off the hold to behind London and throws him by huge Dragon Suplex.1....2....London kicks out again. Super Crazy can't believe that. Crazy throws London to ropes and looks for Dropkick, but London hangs from the ropes and Crazy falls down to the mat. London climbs to turnbuckle and flies..London Calling! Super Crazy ables to get his knees up and London lands on them. London struggles to the middle of the ring and Super Crazy attacks and drives him head first to the mat by Tornado DDT!.1...2...3.

    Winner: Super Crazy

    Rating: 76

    Vince Russo is already in the ring, when the music of Ron Killings hits from the loud-speakers as he walks from the entrance tunnel. Crowd starts to chant for Killings. Killings shakes hands with couple of fans and continues his way to the ring.

    Camera cuts quickly to backstage, where Jeff Jarrett is sitting in the front of television. He is watching the main event.

    Ron Killings vs Vince Russo

    Killings stares to Russo, who backs to the corner and begs for mercy. Killings moves to front of him. Russo tries to hit Killings, but he blocks the punch and nails his arm against the turnbuckle. Killings hits couple of hard chops and Russo falls down to his knees and tries to escape. Killings lifts him up and kicks to the gut. Russo backs down and elbows the referee. Referee backs to the ropes. Killings attacks, but Russo nails quick Low Blow and tries to pin Killings.1....2....no! Ron Killings kicks out. Russo can't believe it and tries to pin him again.1...2...Killings kicks out again. Russo lifts him up and yells to him. Killings attacks and throws Russo over him by Back Body Drop. Killings lifts him up and kicks to the gut again. Killings springs from the ropes and nails the Axe Kick!.1...2...3.

    Winner: Ron Killings

    Rating: 72

    The show ends to Ron Killings celebrating with the fans at ringside.

    Overall Rating: 74

    Buyrates: 0.21

    Quick Results

    - - - - - - - - - -

    The Harris Brothers def. AJ Styles & D'Lo Brown

    Raven def. Shark Boy

    Super Crazy def. Paul London

    Ron Killings def. Vince Russo

  13. TNA NEWS



    Two weeks ago, Jeff Jarrett and Ron Killings wrestled for NWA World Title as Vince Russo being the special referee. Match ended to Russo screwing Killings and Jarrett winning the title. Now Dusty Rhodes told that Ron Killings will get his revenge against non-other than Vince Russo. And for all that, Jeff Jarrett and The Harris Brothers are banned from ringside!

    Also in X-Division match Super Crazy faces Paul London and AJ Styles and D'Lo Brown are supposed to face The Harris Brothers in Tag Team Match.

  14. headerlogofk6.gif

    March 4.2002 - PPV #5

    Even before the opening pyros, we see the video hyping up the Hardcore Match between Raven and The Sandman later tonight.

    Triple X & Trinity vs America's Most Wanted & Gail Kim

    These two teams have been in a war at the last couple of weeks. Low-Ki and Chris Harris step to the ring first. Low-Ki nails quick kick and Harris backs down to the ropes. Low-Ki kicks him couple of times again and then throws him to corner. Low-Ki looks for Running Shining Wizard, but Harris nails him down to the mat by Clothesline. Low-Ki crawls to their corner and tags Trinity to the ring. On the other corner Harris tags Gail Kim to the ring. Trinity yells that she is toughest diva in TNA. Gail Kim attacks and takes Trinity down by Lou Thesz Press. Kim continues punching her with forearms, then Trinity rolls her over and now she's the one, who's punching. Trinity tries to attack again, but Gail rolls her down to the mat.1...2...no! Trinity ables to kick out. Trinity backs to their corner and tags to Christopher Daniels as Gail tags James Storm to the ring.

    Daniels looks for quick Clothesline, but misses and Storm takes him down by Headlock Takedown. Daniels gets right back up and hits Arm Drag to Storm. Daniels kicks him to gut and throws by quick Snap Suplex.1...2...Storm kicks out. Daniels continues beating and he lifts Storm to the turnbuckle and looks for Superplex, but Storm pushes him down to the mat. Daniels struggles back up and Storm flies and takes him down by Flying Clothesline. Storm springs from the ropes, but Low-Ki knees him to the back.

    Everybody gets to the ring. Gail throws Trinity to ringside. Low-Ki tries to lift Harris to Ki Krusher, but fails and Harris slams him down with his Cat-A-Tonic finisher. Gail Kim has climbed to turnbuckle. Daniels turns and Gail Kim flies and takes Daniels down by Hurricanrana! Daniels struggles back up, but gets nailed by James Storm's Superkick!.1...2...3.

    Winner: America's Most Wanted & Gail Kim

    Rating: 70

    Music of the newest X-Division wrestlers of TNA starts as Paul London and Brian Kendrick runs to the ring, then as their tag team partner: 'The Phenomenal' AJ Styles walks to the ring.

    AJ Styles & Paul London & Brian Kendrick vs Kid Kash & Super Crazy & Juventud Guerrera

    Huge X-Division tag team match. Kendrick and Juventud starts the match. Juventud twists Kendrick's arm to Arm Wrench, but Kendrick rolls him down quickly.1...2...Juventud kicks out. Kendrick flies from ropes and takes Juventud down by Flying Forearm. Kendrick holds Juventud and tags to Paul London. Double Arm Drag to Juventud! London tries to lift Juventud up, but he counters by Jawbreaker. Juventud springs to the ropes and hits huge Leg Lariat. Juventud tags Super Crazy to the ring. Crazy slams London by Scoop Slam, he climbs to turnbuckle and looks for Moonsault, but London gets his knees up and Crazy lands on them. Crazy struggles to the middle of ring and London drops him by Clothesline. Juventud tries to attack, but London hits beautiful Moonsault Dropkick (Dropsault) and lands on top of Crazy.1...2...Kid Kash breaks the count.

    London tags AJ Styles to the ring as Super Crazy crawls to their corner and ables to tag X-Division Champion Kid Kash to the ring. Kash attacks straight to AJ Styles, but misses. Kash springs from the ropes, but AJ reverses his attack by Dropkick.

    Super Crazy and Juventud are at ringside. London and Kendrick both flies over the ropes and taking them down by Cross Body's. In the ring AJ flies from ropes, trying to hit Springboard DDT, but Kash reverses it to Neckbreaker.1...2...AJ kicks out! Kid Kash can't believe that AJ kicked out. Kash lifts AJ up for Brainbuster, AJ reverses it to quick Roll-Up.1...2....3.

    Winner: AJ Styles & Paul London & Brian Kendrick

    Rating: 79%

    After the match Kid Kash poses at entrance ramp with X-Division title, yelling to AJ that even he got the three count, Kid Kash is still the champion.

    Camera cuts to the backstage and we see The Sandman preparing for his match against Raven later tonight.

    Jeff Jarrett's music hits and he walks to the ring with NWA World Title, getting huge heat from the crowd. Pyros explode and Jarrett continues his way to the ring.

    Jeff Jarrett vs BG James in Non-Title Match

    Jarrett shows his title to BG and yells that he is the best in TNA. BG attacks with hard jabs and Jarrett drops the belt. BG throws Jarrett to other corner and throws him over by Back Body Drop. Jarrett backs to the corner, wanting time-out. BG goes after him, but Jarrett hits thumb to the eye and swings BG down by Neckbreaker.1...2...BG kicks out. Jarrett locks him quickly to Headlock. BG gets up and starts to fight back with elbows to the gut. Jarrett releases his hold and tries to attack from ropes, but BG plants him by Flapjack. BG springs from the ropes and hits Knee Drop to Jarrett.

    Then BG sees that Vince Russo is walking down the entrance ramp, BG yells that he should stay the hell out of his way. Jarrett gets up and sneaks to behind and takes BG down by The Stroke!.1...2...3.

    Winner: Jeff Jarrett

    Rating: 81

    After the match Jarrett throws BG James to ringside and celebrates with Vince Russo...

    Music of Dusty Rhodes hits and he walks to the entrance ramp!

    Dusty Rhodes: Why are you looking so shocked Vince and Jeff? Have you forgot that i'm the authority here too. I've been watching you're little playing at last couple of weeks, but it ends right now! When you beat a man down like desperate cowards that you are, you better make sure that he doesn't get up. Vince, you have been booking matches, but i can do that too. So, next week you will be wrestling in this very ring against...Ron Killings!!

    Dusty leaves to backstage, leaving Jarrett and Russo looking shocked in the ring.

    It is time for the main event.

    The Sandman makes his way to the ring and hits himself to the head with singapore cane.

    Raven's music hits and he appears to the entrace ramp. Raven has 'Die Sandman!' text painted to his chest. Raven does his crucifix taunt and continues his way to the ring.

    Hardcore Match

    The Sandman vs Raven

    Raven does another crucifix taunt in the ring, The Sandman responses with singapore cane shot to the head! Sandman throws Raven to corner and bounces his head against the corner. Raven falls down to the mat and Sandman hits him again with the cane. Raven crawls to the ringside and grabs steel chair, under the ring. Sandman tries to hit again, but Raven covers himself with the chair. Raven drops the chair and attacks by quick Clothesline. Raven picks the chair up and throws Sandman to the ropes and takes him down by Drop Toe Hold, straight to the chair! Sandman gets back to his knees, but Raven smashes him to the head with chair! Sandman is busted wide open, his face starts to cover of blood. 'Crowd chants: This is awesome!'

    Raven goes to ringside and this time brings trash can with him. Raven pulls Sandman to the near of it and signals for Raven Effect DDT, but Sandman counters by Low Blow! Sandman gets up and takes Raven down by White Russian Leg Sweep, straight to the trash can.1...2....no! Raven ables to kick out. Sandman can't believe it. He hits couple of times with his cane and looks for another White Russian Leg Sweep, but Raven kicks him to groin! Raven pulls him over the steel chair and drives him down on it by Raven Effect!.1...2...3. Raven wins the match.

    Winner: Raven

    Rating: 77

    Overall Rating: 77

    Buyrates: 0.21

    Quick Results

    - - - - - - - - - - - -

    AMW & Gail Kim def. Triple X & Trinity

    AJ Styles & Paul London & Brian Kendrick def. Kid Kash & Super Crazy & Juventud Guerrera

    Jeff Jarrett def. BG James

    Raven def. The Sandman in Hardcore Match

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