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Dr. Rated-R

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Posts posted by Dr. Rated-R

  1. Pedigree has blood. I think 3H also has a piledriver that does. Look at his movies in CAW mode and find the strongest strikes/grapples that cause blood. Also, as oldskool suggested, use a running weapon shot. It might just be psychosematic (sp?), but it seems like most of my first blood wins were via running chair shot.

  2. If you're willing to wait until signups are back open (he closed temporarily to 'take a break'), http://weblogs.us is an AMAZING 'request hosting and you'll get it' blog host. In that, you have to email the owner to get your hosting, but yeah, he accepts pretty much anybody. You get an excellent blog service (WordPress) to use to build your site around, bandwidth is 'no worries', roughly a gig (1000mb) of FTP space, and the owner is extremely nice. It's been running since like... 1999, so yeah, it's not going anywhere any time soon.

    EDIT - And of course, it doesn't have ANY ads. You don't even have to specify that it's hosted by Weblogs.us. You're welcome to put up your own ads to generate revenue for yourself, though.

  3. I have to hear Cornell doing Rage. I have to...

    What'd they play (from SG/RATM) anyways, Matzat?

    EDIT - And I've always wondered this... how in the fuck do you say De La Rocha? Day La Roach Uh? Day La Roke Uh? Day La Row Ha (with a silent 'c')?

  4. I've always liked anime, at least from the outside looking in, but I've never really looked into it all that much. I mean, I was a huge Dragonball fan (well, not so much now that GT's come around... I detest it), I watch Inu Yasha on Adult Swim religiously, and of course I've looked at my fair share of hentai. Nah, not really. :shifty:

    But yeah, when I read anime-related threads on this board by Stokerino or Norris Scott, for the sake of example, and... I have no fucking clue what they're talking about. I want to get into some anime ASAP.

    My request of you all is this. Tell me some good anime that's on basic cable, and when I could view it. Also, suggest where I should start as far as buying DVDs and such. And some suggestions of those bad-ass little right-to-left mangas, too. I've got plenty of money to waste right now, so yeah.

  5. I reformatted a while back, and finally got around to reinstalling Photoshop, but now I have problems. I've never had the problem before. When I go to select colors to use, or open images, the colors are fucked up. I don't have this problem, however, in ImageReady. Here's a screenshot of the color picker.



  6. WWE Day of Reckoning 2

    Enhanced play mechanics, a deeper story mode, updated graphics and more wrestlers. Hands-on impressions, plus first screenshots and movies.

    by Matt Casamassina

    March 31, 2005 - Last year, publishing giant THQ made some changes. The company moved the WWE WrestleMania franchise, which had for years remained exclusive to Nintendo's console, to Microsoft's Xbox. GameCube owners barely had a chance to react before news hit that a fresh take on the entertainment of wrestling would debut on Nintendo's system in the other's place. WWE Day of Reckoning was born. The title, developed by Japanese studio Yuke's, responsible for all of GameCube's WrestleMania efforts, explored the medium from a new angle. In the title's simple, but enjoyable story mode, players created a wrestler from scratch and started at the very bottom, taking part in throwaway matches against no-talents, and gradually working their way through the ranks in the WWE, into the spotlight, and ultimately to the top of the food chain to become champion.

    Day of Reckoning was well received by fans and critics alike, due in large to the title's pick-up-and-play control mechanics, a decent selection of superstars, divas, and venues, a fun story mode, and a deep create-a-wrestler feature. Without doubt, the fundamentals were in place, and they worked. But the title was not without shortcomings. As intuitive as the game's grappling system proved to be, the control configuration lent itself to button mashing, which turned some hardcore wrestling game fans off. Meanwhile, the story mode was positively shallow compared to some other wrestling projects on the market. And sure enough, some critics complained that the title looked less realistic than its counterparts.

    The 20-something team at Yuke's and the creative gurus at THQ combed the message boards, compiled a list of what worked and what didn't, and ran with it. The result is WWE Day of Reckoning 2, the aptly named sequel to last year's game. DOR 2, which has been in development ever since the first shipped, is a true sequel in every sense. It doesn't dismiss the mechanics of its predecessor for all new ones, but rather builds on top of them, enabling a bigger, meatier product on all fronts.

    If all goes as planned, Day of Reckoning will be, to use associate creative manager Matt Greig's own words, "the definitive GameCube product for WWE." He explains further: "What we mean by that is that it's a superset of everything that came before on GameCube. We're not taking anything out. We're using Day of Reckoning as a starting point and building in features from previous games, and adding new stuff that we prototyped and realized would work well. We're looking at it as a collector's edition. Obviously, GameCube is nearing the end of its lifecycle so we're trying to put something out there that will stand the test of time for several years to come."

    No easy goal, to be sure, but the team at Yuke's believes it has the right priorities in mind and that it knows where to start, which, as it turns out, is exactly where the last game left off. By the time gamers bested the original title, they had advanced from the wrestling slums to superstardom. Day of Reckoning 2 continues from exactly that point. It's in the same universe. And it acknowledges all of the events that transpired in the first title. "It's not a sequel just in name," explains Greig. "It continues on with the story. There are actual ties in content. You're already a champion. You won the storyline in the first game, so you're starting out as a champion. This gives us a lot of opportunities to explore how we can advance the story when players are already starting as a successful WWE character. And this is actually something we haven't done before."

    The Full Story

    Aiding that goal is the first of what THQ identified as three major priorities when it sat down to develop this sequel: a more ambitious story mode. For the first time ever, the team enlisted the help of Smackdown's writers in order to craft a tale that would not only prove compelling enough to grab players from beginning to end, but also display a fair amount of foresight. "That is not something that previous games have the access to," explains Greig. "But [the Smackdown writers] are getting more and more involved with the authenticity, and also with being current -- not necessarily what's happening now, but what will be happening six months from now." The idea is to present a storyline that will be up-to-date and relevant when the game ships, which is a rare commodity for the wrestling genre.

    In contrast to a copy and paste of the usual wrestling theme, which is simply to win the belt, THQ wanted to do something different with the storyline in Day of Reckoning 2, according to Greig. Obviously, belts will play a part in the tale. That's the way these games have always been set up, and it's what fans want. But Yuke's will also present players sub-stories with branching pathways. "There are other themes that we haven't explored. There are the storylines where there are the two superstars, the heel and the face, who are arguing over the diva. There are the storylines where one superstar has betrayed his former friend and one of them has become a heel and the other a face," says Greig. "It's not all about getting the belt. The belt may be in the background. There may be a belt contest throughout the story, but that isn't the focus. Players are actually focusing on interpersonal relationships between the superstars."

    There will be certain points where the storyline will offer branching pathways based on the decisions of players. For instance, wrestlers may be asked to turn heel for a number of matches. Branches will be organized based on choices made both in the interface and during gameplay.

    Sadly, there will not be a we

  7. Back in the day (a year or so ago), I used to play a pivitol role in an awesome Dragonball RPG. However, new management has since taken that game straight to hell, and I've never really found a new RPG home since I left.

    I'm looking for text-based, message board RPGs, and (as I have a thing for aesthetics) I'd prefer one played on IPB or PHPBB. I'm not really bothered as to what series/game they're based on, if any at all, as long as they're not set in the future/in space/etc. I'm fine with present day RPGs, midieval RPGs, or anything like that. Again, it can be a completely original RPG, or an RPG based loosely (or exactly, I don't care) on a specific series or game.

    So, reccomend me some text-based RPGs, based on the above criteria. Yeah.

  8. WWE Day of Reckoning


    I haven't put this game down since I bought it a week before Christmas. I prefer it to Smackdown vs Raw in most ways, though SDR obviously got better treatment from WWE -- more match types, voice overs, etc. But still, I enjoy matches on DOR a lot more, they're just more fun. The negatives are the lack of the Velocity arena, and no Dudleys, Funaki, or JBL, especially the last two, as I believe they were both champs then.

    Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon


    I've only owned this game for like two days. My brother traded some pot (he said it was only worth $5) for it. It's a farily old game, released in 2002 IIRC. I liked the storyline, and the graphics were okay, but the gameplay lacked a lot. No climbing or jumping to my knowledge, and I wish more shooting games would allow 3rd person viewpoints. I also disliked the memory requirements, 17 blocks is a bit rough when your spare memory card is loaned out, and both it and your old one only hold 58ish.

  9. Audioslave have confirmed that their as yet untitiled sophomore album will be released on May 16th. The first single will be called, 'Be Yourself' and will be released to US radio imminently.

    The album will reportedly have 12 tracks with some of the song titles including, 'Be Yourself', 'Doesn't Remind Me', 'Out of Exile', 'The Curse', '#1 Zero' and 'Your Time Has Come;'.

    The band are currently in the mixing stages of their album and are set to play this year's T in the Park festival in Scotland whilst being a hotly tipped act for the Carling Weekend.

    -Various fan sites.

  10. Is the Gamecube version an exact port of the PS2 version? Like, have the graphics been improved, are there any new unlockables, any link-ups with the GBA games or anything? I'm thinking about getting the game on eBay, and I'm just wondering whether or not it's exactly the same as the PS2 version.

  11. Artist/ Band: Soundgarden

    Are you male or female: Spoonman

    Describe yourself: Nothing to Say :P

    How do some people feel about you: Cold Bitch <_<

    Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend: Burden in My Hand

    Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend: Loud Love

    Describe where you are: Somewhere

    Describe where you want to be: Room A Thousand Years Wide

    Describe what you want to be: Rhinosaur

    Describe how you live: Bootcamp

    Describe how you love: Get on the Snake <_<

    Share a few words of wisdom: Blow up the Outside World

  12. I've heard a good deal of his work, my parents own hundreds of country albums. My mom heard about this on the radio this morning, and she was choked up. I'm not that much of a country fan, but I enjoyed his work.

    Rest in peace.

  13. This is probably my favorite one in recent memory, done on DOR between two CAWs from tunski.com (the best DOR CAWs available are here, I swear it.) It was Paul London (me) vs Abyss (CPU) in an HIAC.

    It was a brutal battle fought out on Hard in the Survivor Series arena, which of course meant that the ambulance and the pit from the Buried Alive match would come into play. They did, as I took a choke slam from the Ambulance by Abyss followed up with a 5-Star Frog Splash, and of course we battled around in the pit for a while, which is where I hit my Momentum Shift, the Sweet Chin Music. Fast-forward to a few minutes later, on top of the HIAC. Abyss suplexes me onto one of the weak parts of the cell, and I DDT him onto it, meaning that it was ready to crash through. I go to do my back special (again, the Sweet Chin Music) and he catches my leg, spins me around Austin/HBK style, and goes for a Choke Slam (a strong grapple of his.) I block it, Irish Whip him, pull him back and Drop Toe Hold him through the cell to the ring below, and landing it perfectly, as I didn't go through with him. After a second of holding his back, he rolls onto his front, allowing me to jump off of the cell and nail the Shooting Star Press~! I remember forgetting to change the time limit, and the match ending with like three minutes left of the original thirty.

  14. Anime: I watched the series until after Ash obtained the original set of badges, and then just kind of quit. It wasn't all that great, if my memory serves me correctly.

    Gameboy Games: Excellent. My fondest memory of them was having my parents buy me Gold and Silver with a GBC for Christmas, and then playing it without turning it off once until the batteries died.

    Gameboy Advance Games: I love the fact that they're better looking than ever and have a lot more depth and features and whatnot than they did on the Gameboy Color, but similarly to Stokerino, I never fully acknowledged the new Pokemon after G/S/C.

    'Cube Games: Haven't gotten to play them yet, but I really want to give that one a go, the one that's similar to the N64 games.

    DS Games: I guess they'll be good. I haven't even so much as seen a DS yet though. <_<

    Movies: I watched the first one, but that's it. Looking back, my fondest memory was the card (Mewtwo, IIRC) that came with your ticket purchase (if you were obsessed enough to get there in time), as I was a hardcore TCG fan. Not now, as nobody else plays it. I still play the TCG for GBC, though.

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