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Posts posted by *RDB*

  1. (At this point in the original SoS a card was placed here, but due to a few readers feedback I'm going to leave the current day WWE out for awhile till it becomes beneficial. )

    Part 3

    It nagged me for quite some time.. walking out that day was a huge, huge mistake.. Weeks flew by, and the words of the man kept crawling back.

    And then just like that.. I did the same.

    I walked into his hospital, and went down the long lemon scented hallway. Room 51 H was there and the door was already open. I took a huge breath and walked in. And almost instantly the man spoke:

    Old Man: I knew you'd be back eventually.. I just, just... had a feeling.

    You want to know about Sin don't you?

    I nodded my head modestly about it..

    Old Man: Aw... don't be shamed. I knew from the moment you stepped in the room that you were eventually going to be the person that ended this cycle. Call me crazy, but you reminded me of... heh.

    Haha... oh well.

    RDB: C'mon now.. get on with it pops..

    Old Man: Sit down!

    I sit

    Old Man: Now what I'm going to tell you is pretty long, but if you want to understand. You will listen...

    Let's see, I think the Season of Sin began in 1923. Yeah it did. Back then, the Great Depression wasn't thought of. The world was a better place it seemed like. Wrestling wasn't no where near as popular as it is now, but it was different back then.

    When wrestling first started up, people like Joe Jack, the Amazing Spainard, and all kinds of men moonlighted from their everyday jobs as railroad workers, tree cutters, and even laying around being bums and fought in a ring similar to a boxing ring. Back then wrestling was real. You picked up 6 or 7 men and fought for items like food on your table, a box of "rations".. hell I saw people wrestle for 2 potatoes to put in their Stone Stew. Wrestling was pure then.. and you knew stepping into the ring that the man on the otherside while he was your friend, you had a true dislike for him because he was taking a potatoe out of your hand.

    Around 1926, a man named.. Jesse L. McMahon started a true promotion for wrestling...

    RDB: Hey is that...

    Old Man: (interupting) yes, yes.. don't interupt though..

    anyway, he started the World Wide Wrestling Federation or WWWF for short, and paid everyone money to fight. Now since it was all real back then, it got kind of intense.. and well sho' nuff, 3 or 4 men began getting hurt on monthly basis because his workers had a "must win" mentality..

    Jesse L, as we called him figured he had to do something to prevent his men from taking it too seriously. He knew he couldn't take the "realism" out of the sport, as he had dreams and aspirations for WWWF to compete with boxing on the radio.. so he started Sin..

    Now, the next part comes as a shock son, but keep listening..

    Sin in wrestling is actually the use of, a mole. Now-a-days, you'd see a mole all the time, especially back when WCW was around. But that is the common form of the mole.

    What I'm talking about is the McMahon "Mole" dubbed Sin, who actually even from the year 1926 is still being used today and only 3 groups know of this.

    You and me

    Sin himself .....

    and Vince McMahon and select wrestlers.

    Sin, is the one worker who spoils it for everyone. Ever heard of a bad apple spoiling the crop? Well that's the best way to explain Sin. Vince McMahon's Sin, is the guys who make backstages unpopular and hurt the product. Guys like HHH could be concieved as "Sin" but you wouldn't know unless you "founded him out".

    Anyway, back then.. Jesse McMahon's Sin, actually captivated the whole roster and worked according to plan in a positive way. Workers became motivated to wrestle again because they were scared this 7th worker would "take" their job. As long as they preformed up to standards they were safe.

    But then Sin, struck and well... the rest is history.

    *cough* Here.. I'm worn out today.. that's all I can really say right now. Take this.

    (He hands me a book)

    It'll help you on your way.

    RDB: Wait a minute I'm supposed to bring down an entire system of operations that has been in effect for over 80 years? How in the world can I even get to the WWF? I mean I live in Wisconsin. I got work.. I got a family...

    Old Man: Sigh.. I got, I got, I got... Shut up, and read the book. All the questions you ever had will be answered.

    I took another deep breath and walked out of the room.

  2. Then about a few years later in 2004, the old man had a wreck because of the crummy car I sold him. I think it was Sunday... yeah it was, because I visited him the next night I remember. I went into his room and offered my apologies.

    The old bat was lying face down on his mat.. So I laid down my package of flowers, and eaten candy, and just as I was turning to leave the room, I noticed on the TV.. Why it was good ol' Wrestling. I laughed and sat down on the adjacent bed watching the action. I hadn't watched wrestling in 2 years and albeit not seeing The Rock, it looked like the Same ol' WWF. I scoffed:

    Heh, that's the reason why Wrestling is hurting... none of you guys will do anything about it

    RDB: Did you say Something?

    Old Man: (turns over).. Why.. Yes, I did. I couldn't help but hear you complaining about the show. And I just kind of laughed myself thinking...

    Heh, if only someone would quit sitting at home complaining and actually do something about it, Wrestling could get back to the way it was.

    RDB: Heh.. uh, sure...

    Old Man: Don't mock me like I'm crazy, I've been an avid wrestling fan for many years, one of the few requests i had when they put me in this gof forbidden place, was that at the least I could listen to the fight every Monday Night. It is the only thing that really can lighten my hopes in such an ugly place.

    There was a time son, as I was saying when Wrestling was better than this... it was fresh.. the men working had motivation, and had confidence..

    RDB: What are you talking about?

    Old Man: Heh.. wouldn't you like to know.. *cough*

    If I was to tell you, I don't think you'd be ready...

    You wouldn't believe...

    and you'd tell...

    RDB: Well first of all, I still think you're a senile crazy fool, and I just came here because I felt sorry.. now I'd love to sit and chat about a hair brained.. legendary tale or whatever, but I ain't got time to really play a game of you telling me how I'll react..

    Old Man: If you don't want to know.. you can simply walk out that door and leave....

    RDB: (interupting).. Thank You!

    I left

  3. The Season of Sin actually began 2 years and uh, 6 or 7 months ago. And jsut like you, I was initiated with a choice of understanding the truth or not.

    It was a casual day, just as all the others were. I woke up, I pissed.. I went to work.. I groaned, I went home from work. Got myself wasted.. waited around till night. Laid in the bed, with my eyes wide open dreading the next day, and repeated that process till the day I could just lie down and die.

    A month earlier than that, I had written what should have been my last post in a diary here at this very same board. The time for lesiure time in college had grown short, and eventually ended. The Real World wanted me, and I had to drop everything and take it.

    Damnit, I had a wife and 2 kids to support. I screwed up...

    Dropping out of college, and losing my chance to be a free lance writer, I picked up work in Northern Wisconsin. The only place that would take me there, was an old beat up used car lot. And well to make ends meet, I learned the trade and begin trying to support my young family in this.. a job I truly hated.

    However one thing stayed constant, which was my love for Wrestling, but hell even that faded away, without updating the diary, or even trying to participate in other group diaries to help me stay "with it", I became distant, wrestling became state and unappealing. I thought it was just me... but I stopped watching. And now I can't stand it.. let alone write about it, heh, but I'm getting ahead of myself and rambling as always.

    Anyway, one Wednesday Morning, I can remember in particular we were having a very tough time selling cars. And it had so happened that we had one gentleman.. probably in his late 80s walk into our dealership.

    Now I have a heart, but when money is low, you have to do what will put food on the table. Regardless of his age, this man would leave thinking he had gotten the deal of a lifetime, when all he was really getting, was a Ford P.O.S.

    After the scam, the man left happy.. and I a little. But, the money felt hollow. Tainted almost, but.. it was green and that was all that mattered. I forgot the incident and went about my life.

  4. Wrestling Sucks...



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    If you shall give a Painter a canvas.. he'll draw upon it..

    A carpenter a knife and he'll cut..

    An idea to a writer, and he shall write.

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    - RDB 3:27-04

    My name is RDB, and you'll have to excuse my opening statement, if there was anyway to take it back seeing as how I am on a wrestling based forum and what a way to harm your opening post, I would, but frankly enough the time for hiding the truth is over..

    Don't get me wrong, Wrestling in general, is the same as it's always been.  Wrestling is the link that some of us here can say close the generational gap between ourselves and our fathers, and possibly grandfathers.  Nothing beats the feeling or memory of sitting on the floor in front of your television set with the men in the family watching "Beautiful Bobby", Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan.. and the list goes on and on. Just as you could name superstars of today and how interesting they could make matches become, how real they could make a World Title defense on TV feel,  So could your grandfather...

    And then just one day all of that changed.

    Many people said it was a passing fad, a childish waste of time.  You didn't buy into that.  You stayed faithful every Monday night, and watched Mick Foley win his first ever WWF World Title on RAW, you watched the Undertaker rise with the Urn every night.  Maybe you even looked forward to the WCW/WWF rage wars.

    However, as hard as it is for me to say it, Wrestling is a dying breed.

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    Tap of Doom video

    I can't put my finger exactly on it, nor could thousands of other fans.  A lot of people blame the internet, and the use of Spoilers causing the sport to look fake.  Others blame the events that happened 1 hour prior to Mick Foley winning the WWF World title. The now infamous "Tap of Death", which many believe led to the demise of WCW and competitive markets.

    However until just 3 weeks ago, I was like many of you, lost in the shuffle. I had since laid down my game of EWR.  I woke up, kissed my wife and went to my dead end job.  I hated my life, and after awhile I grew to hate wrestling.  I despised it.  But in the grand scheme of things, life is based on  fate.. and it all came full circle in a sudden way.

    Now I must warn you, if you are tired of reading already, or if you do not wish to know what Vince McMahon decided to keep hush - hush in board meetings.  Then maybe this diary isn't for you. 

    But if the "Season of Sin"even burnt the tinest bud on your tongue, then continue on, and keep an open ear, and eye for all that is about to come.


  5. I'm going to try and do this one again, as I did thankfully save a little of it.. but I'm going to have to rewrite a few things I suppose since I can't find the first card from 1926.. no biggie though. I'm also going to try a few things different since this is basically like starting over..

    EDIT * Just so this post will have something of worth, just a FYI for those that have always noticed the Random images, here is the 1926 gallery:

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