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Posts posted by Krazy_K

  1. I don't think there will ever be a 'perfect' game.

    but if we are talking about games that come close to prefection I think the Sonic series does. Although I do mark for Sonic :P

    another factor in a great game is AI. The AI of a game can make the game a great one or a crap one. I've played great games but the AI is too easy and makes it boring and I've played crap games but the AI is hard and its challenging.

  2. I need help with Cricket 2002. I can kick ass in bowling and normally get everyone out below 100 but when it comes to batting I have nothing.

    Most of the time my opponents bowl right on the toes and all I can do is block. Resulting is no runs. Is there a way to hit the balls theat bounce on your feet? Or how do I get around them all?

  3. [RESULTS]NJPW/Muga "MUGA IN SAPPORO", 1/29/05 by Stuart - 29 Jan 2005

    New Japan traveled to the Sapporo Teisen Hall to run a very special MUGA based card. Our first MUGA match if the night was a junior based one. Hirooki Goto took on Katsuhiko Nakajima. Goto was warned very early in the first round for connecting with a fist. At the end of the first round both men looked a little worse for wear. Nakajima hit a German Suplex Hold for a two count. Goto fought back but was unable to overcome Nakajima. Nakajima locked on a Crab Hold and forced Goto to tap before round two was able to finish.

    Match two brought the crowd an open weight MUGA fight. Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Jushin Thunder Liger. Liger came out fighting like he had nothing to lose. He hit a number of low kicks and knocked him down with a Koppou Kick. Nakamura fought back in the second and nearly won the match with a ront Sleeper but just as Liger was about to submit to the pain the buzzer ended the second round. The match rolled into the fourth round and Nakamura could see the moment to eend the match. Liger went for another Shotei but Nakamura was able to avoid it and in one quick moment locked on a Shining Triangle. Liger struggled but soon tapped out giving Nakamura the win.

    Our third match of the night saw IWGP Champion Hiroyoshi Tenzan fighting Minoru Tanaka. Tanaka said that he would make the step into the heavyweight division and tonight he would beat the IWGP Champion, and from the start he meant it. Tanaka caught Tenzan off guard during the first round. Tenzan had no reply for Tanaka. At the end of the first round Tenzan looked a little worried, while Tanaka was as smug as ever. Tenzan was able to fight back in the second round, he used his head more than any thing else. One head butt caught Tanaka right on his nose and busted it open. The blood seemed to anger Tanaka and he locked Tenzan in a Minoru Special. Tenzan was able to get to the ropes though. In the third round Tenzan was able to wrap the match up. The blood lose was too much for Tanaka and Tenzan caught him in an Anaconda Vice and Tanaka tapped out. After the match Tenzan praised Tanaka for going as long as he did with him.

    Hiroshi Tanahashi and Yutaka Yoshie took center stage next as the former tag champions fought against one another. Yoshie used his size to control Tanahashi. After a slow first round and action finally picked up in the second. Yoshie hit a flurry of back fists; the last was turned into a spinning back fist. Tanahashi fought back and hit a bJumping Elbow. Yoshie hit a lariat that sent Tanahashi over the top to the outside. One baseball slide later. Both wrestlers were fighting on the outside. Tanahashi hit a Dragon Suplex on the floor but Yoshie was still able to get in at 19. Yoshie hit a Yoshie Diving Body Press but Tanahashi got a shoulder up. Tanahashi then used his super speed and rolled Yoshie up for the three.

    In a rematch from the 1/4 Tokyo Dome Takashi Iizuka challenged Minoru Suzuki. Everyone knows that MiSuzuki is an experienced shoot fighter so they knew that MiSuzuki would have the upper hand. MiSuzuki totally controlled the match with a variety of sleepers. Iizuka really had no answer but he nearly got the surprise victory with a Blizzard Suplex. MiSuzuki ducked a lariat and locked Iizuka in a Sleeper Hold for the round one victory.

    Our main event of the night saw “Mr. Muga” Osamu Nishimura fight “Mr. Saikyo” Yuji Nagata. Nagata had been on a beating spree at the moment and no doubt he would continue it against Nishimura. Nagata knew that 3 warnings would result in a DQ and that a chair shot was worth two warnings. He knew that if push came to shove he could blast Nishimura with a chair. The first three rounds were full of holds and counters. By the fourth round Nagata began to get annoyed with Nishimura. Nishimura nearly defeated Nagata in the fourth round with a Ground Cobra Twist. Nagata fought back and locked Nishimura in a Reverse Nagata III. In the sixth round Nagata rolled to the outside and grabbed a chair. He blasted Nishimura and gave himself two warnings, Nishimura also somehow kicked out. Nagata snapped and grabbed the chair again. He swung with force but Nishimura was able to grab the chair and spin Nagata, he knelt down and Nagata slid into a Backslide for the three count. Nishimura didn’t stay around after the match as Nagata was furious with what happened.

    NJPW/Muga "MUGA IN SAPPORO", 1/29/05 (Samurai! TV)

    Sapporo Teisen Hall

    1,350 Fans - Super No Vacancy Full House

    1. European Catch Rules: Katsuhiko Nakajima def. Hirooki Goto (R2, 2:34)

    2. European Catch Rules: Shinsuke Nakamura def. Jushin Thunder Liger (R4, 1:13)

    3. European Catch Rules: Hiroyoshi Tenzan def. Minoru Tanaka (R3, 2:00)

    4. European Catch Rules: Hiroshi Tanahashi def. Yutaka Yoshie (R3, 2:59)

    5. European Catch Rules: Minoru Suzuki def. Takashi Iizuka (R1, 1:57)

    6. European Catch Rules: Osamu Nishimura def. Yuji Nagata (R6, 2:12)

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