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Posts posted by Krazy_K

  1. [RESULTS]NJPW NEW YEAR GOLD SERIES 2005, 1/26/05 by Stuart - 26 Jan 2005

    New Japan were on the move again, this time the Miyagi Sports Center was treated to a packed New Japan event. As usual the Young Lions took canter stage first. Nagao was dominating all throughout the match. Yamamoto and Anzawa weren’t able to stop the big machine. Yujiro was angry he wasn’t tagged in so he tagged himself in. A big mistake. Anzawa hit a Zero-Sen Kick for the win.

    It was now time for Ryusuke Taguchi Farewell Match 2. This was Taguchi’s final match before heading to Mexico. Nishimura showed his respect for Taguchi with a handshake before things began. Nishimura and AmDragon had the experience in the match but Taguchi and Goto had the heart. Taguchi hit a dropkick and locked on a Crab Hold. AmDragon got to the ropes but Taguchi showed he hasn’t going to leave without a fight. Nishimura hit back with some nice MUGA moves. Nishimura hit a head stand on Goto and tagged to AmDragon. AmDragon finished the match off with a Dragon Sulpex. After the match Taguchi gave his farewell speech. He said he won’t return to New Japan until he is a better wrestlers and he thanked all the fans for their support.

    Next a huge six man Jr. tag match. Jado & Gedo promised a mystery partner and promised he would join CTU. Jado & Gedo delivered, their secret partner was none other than Dick Togo. As soon as Togo entered the ring a massive Jr. brawl began. The match was nearly thrown out but the referee was able to get all six men under control. The match was filled with countless near falls and extreme moves. At one point Dick Togo was going to deliver a Diving Senton to Takemura on the outside but Tiger Mask pushed him off the ropes. Takemura got back in the ring and got a close three on Jado after a M-9. CTU then overpowered the New Japan Jr. Army. Dick Togo and Jado held Takemura down while Jado hit a Superfly Splash for the three count and the win for CTU. After the match Togo posed with Jado & Gedo while holding a CTU banner. Togo then took a CTU t-shirt and wore it out of the arena.

    Another Black Japan vs. New Japan match followed. Yoshie and Kanemoto taking on Nagai and Liger. Liger didn’t want anything to do with Kanemoto, he could hardly even look at him during the match. Nagai used his knees to take down Kanemoto but missed a very early Hyper Knee. Kanemoto hit a vicious kick that caught Nagai square on the temple. Yoshie got the tag and hit a series of back fists. Nagai was drained and finally got a tag to Liger. Liger hit a brain buster and set Yoshie up for a Avalanche Style Brain Buster but Yoshie shoved Liger off the ropes. Liger then got caught in a Yoshie Diving Body Press. After the match Yoshie told Nagai that he doesn’t deserve one half of the All Asian Tag titles.

    Finally our main event. A New Japan vs Black New Japan 5 vs. 5 Elimination Match, two wrestlers will start and the winner will advance to fight the next wrestler. Minoru Tanaka (who believes that he should fight for the IWGP) fought Makabe in the first round. Makabe was still a little beaten up after the attack from Nagata. Tanaka didn’t hold anything back catching Makabe off guard with his speed. The fans suspected this to be a normal Heavyweight/Jr. Heavyweight match with the Heavyweight getting the win but they were wrong. Tanaka jumped over a spear and caught Makabe in a Minoru Special. Makabe was caught in the middle of the ring and was forced to tap.

    Tanahashi then made his way to the ring as Tanaka had to get ready for another fight. Tanaka met Tanahashi half way to the ring. And tried to stop Tanahashi from getting to the ring at all. Tanaka had no intention of letting Tanahashi to the ring. At the 18 count Tanahashi shoved Tanaka into the railing and got into the ring before the 20. Tanaka’s plan didn’t work and he was forced to the back. Before Tanahashi could catch his breath Scott Norton rang to the ring. Norton began pummeling Tanahashi and nearly pinned him with a Lariat. Norton hit a powerbomb and Tanahashi was being dominated by the big Black Japan gajin. Norton signaled for the finish and picked up Tanahashi. He started the run up for his Running Powerslam but Tanahashi somehow wriggled out and caught Norton with a cradle for the three.

    Next Shibata fought Tanahashi. Shibata was full of fire and wanted to punish Tanahashi. Shibata hit a german suplex and a dragon suplex. Tanahashi hit back with a dropkick to the outside. Shibata used the railing to help himself up before getting hit with a Dragon Rocket. Both men made it in before the 20. The heated battle continued and Shibata nearly tapped out to a Dragon Sleeper. Tanahashi hit a flash cradle for another two. Shibata hit a German Suplex Hold for a two and then locked on a Dragon Sleeper. Tanahashi struggled to move. Shibata released it and charged forward for a P.K. for the three count. Nakamura then made his way ring, taking his time. Nakamura and Shibata stood off against one another and the crowd was ready for a massive brawl, and it delivered. Nakamura and Shibata held nothing back, catching each other with high kicks and hard strikes. The fight turned rolled to the apron where Shibata hit a German Suplex off the apron. The fighting didn’t stop there as they fought up towards the wrestler entrance. The referee reached his 20 count and both wrestlers were counted out.

    Two brand new wrestlers made their way out next, none other with Nagata and Nakanishi. Nagata looked a little calmer this time around. Nakanishi overpowered Nagata at the start and the fans could see the rage building in Nagata. Nakanishi hit a lariat to the outside and caught Nagata with a Hercules Cutter on the floor. Nagata got straight back up and caught Nakanishi with a exploder on the hard floor. He then began hitting a defenseless Nakanishi with lefts and rights. The referee rolled to the outside and tried to stop Nagata. It worked but Nagata grabbed a chair. Nagata whacked Nakanishi and the referee called for the DQ. Nagata then caught the referee with the chair.

    Tenzan was the next man out for New Japan. He rolled Nakanishi into the ring right away but only got a two count from the Nagata chair shot. Nakanishi was still a little dazed and Tenzan worked him over, hitting a TTD and a Moonsault for a long two count. Nakanishi powered back and hit a lariat and a Canadian backbreaker. Nakanishi then set Tenzan up for the Hercules Cutter but Tenzan slipped out from behind and rolled him up with a school boy. The final wrestler to fight was Chono. Tenzan was in control of the match until he missed a lariat and Chono locked on a FTS. Tenzan made it to the ropes but looked to have hurt his shoulder. Nakanishi stayed on the outside to watch the match. Tanaka then ran to the ring and climbed to the top. Tenzan turned round and got caught with a missile dropkick. Chono then hit a Yakuza Kick to the outside. Nakanishi hit a powerbomb and rolled a near lifeless Tenzan back into the ring. Chono then hit a Sliding Yakuza Kick for the three count and the win for Black New Japan.

    NJPW, 1/26/05 (Samurai! TV)

    Miyagi Sports Center

    3000 Fans - No Vanacy

    1. Naofumi Yamamoto & Akiya Anzawa def. Hiroshi Nagao & Yujiro (8:33)Anzawa used a Zero-Sen Kick on Yujiro

    2. Ryusuke Taguchi Farewell Match #2: Osamu Nishimura & American Dragon def. Ryusuke Taguchi & Hirooki Goto (12:09) When American Dragon used a Dragon Suplex on Goto

    3. New Japan vs Black New Japan: Jado user posted image, Gedo user posted image & Dick Togo user posted image def. Tiger Mask user posted image, Wataru Inoue user posted image & Katushi Takemura user posted image(15:42) When Gedo used a Superfly Splash on Takemura

    4. New Japan vs Black New Japan: Yutaka Yoshie user posted image & Koji Kanemoto user posted image def. Mitsuya Nagai user posted image & Jushin Thunder Liger user posted image(11:32) When Yohsie used a Yohsie Diving Body Press  on Liger

    5. New Japan vs Black New Japan 5 vs. 5 Elimination Match: Masahiro Chono user posted image, Manabu Nakanishi user posted image, Scott Norton user posted image, Katsuyori Shibata user posted image & Minoru Tanaka user posted image def. Hiroyoshi Tenzan user posted image, Yuji Nagata user posted image, Togi Makabe user posted image, Hiroshi Tanahashi user posted image & Shinsuke Nakamura user posted image(56:36)

    -Minoru Tanaka user posted image def. Togi Makabe user posted image(5:21) when Tanaka a Minoru Special

    -Hiroshi Tanahashi user posted image def. Minoru Tanaka user posted image(0:24) by count-out

    -Hiroshi Tanahashi user posted image def. Scott Norton user posted image(6:32) When Tanahashi used an Inside Cradle

    -Katsuyori Shibata user posted image def. Hiroshi Tanahashi user posted image(10:10) When Shibata used a P.K

    -Shinsuke Nakamura user posted image  drew Katsuyori Shibata user posted image(12:23) when both were counted out

    -Manabu Nakanishi user posted image def. Yuji Nagata user posted image(8:21) by DQ

    -Hiroyoshi Tenzan user posted image def. Manabu Nakanishi user posted image(6:48) When Tenzan used a school boy

    -Masahiro Chono user posted image def. Hiroyoshi Tenzan user posted image(7:57) when Chono pinned Tenzan after Tanaka & Nakanishi interference

  2. [RESULTS]NJPW NEW YEAR GOLD SERIES 2005, 1/23/05 by Stuart - 23 Jan 2005

    A little over 1500 fans packed the Tokyo Korakuen Hall for the first event of the first tour for New Japan in 2005. Hiroshi Nagao and Yujiro were given the honor of opening up the tour. Nagao used his height and power to catch Yujiro off guard more often than not. Yujiro was able to keep Nagao at bay but soon fell victim to the Chokeslam.

    Ryusuke Taguchi is heading to Mexico after this tour and will be fighting a series of farewell matches. Taguchi was scheduled to fight Taiji Ishimori but requested Shinsuke Nakamura. Both men wrestled a very technical match with numerous armbar reversals. Taguchi hit a Jumping Knee Kick and locked on a cross armbreaker. Nakamura struggled to the ropes and suddenly realized that Taguchi was serious. Nakamura hit an Inokuchi bomb and a german suplex both for heated two counts. The match began to wind down and Nakamura slapped on a Standing Arm Breaker. Taguchi struggled to get to the ropes but the added weight was too much and finally he gave Nakamura the win. In a post match interview Ryusuke Taguchi said that if he training in Mexico made him half the wrestler Nakamura is, he would be happy in life.

    The juniors took centre stage next in a six man tag match. Tiger Mask started the match off with Goto. Tiger Mask used his experience to avoid the attacks of Goto but when Goto got his hands on him, he made it counted. AmDragon really showed New Japan what he could do. He cranked up the speed and outsmarted Jado & Gedo on several occasions. Dragon nearly snatched the early win with a Diving Headbutt. Jado and Gedo began using some big double team moves including a double lariat and their Double Powerbomb. At about the 10 minute mark all six men began to brawl. No team was able to get the advantage but Tiger Mask, AmDragon, Gedo and Goto all fought to the outside. Inoue was one on one with Gedo (Inoue and Kanemoto fight for the IWGP Jr. Tag Team titles in 7 days). Inoue showed no compassion at all. He locked on a Triangle Lancer nearly right away and forced Gedo to tap. Backstage Gedo & Jado ripped into Inoue. They double powerbombed him into the hard ground, sending a message for their tag match in seven days.

    Next a tag match that saw Osamu Nishimura & Yutaka Yoshie defeat Minoru Suzuki & Katsuhiko Nakajima. Nakajima is only 16 and is making strides in New Japan like no one before him. The only downside to Nakajima at this point is that he doesn’t have the mind set of a wrestler like Nishimura. Nishimura wore down Nakajima with technical holds in the opening sequence. Nakajima spent more time on the mat than off. Suzuki and Nishimura began to trade holds until Suzuki hit a Drill A Hole Piledriver for a two. Yoshie used his weight to control Nakajima coming off the tope rope and squashing Nakajima like a fortune cookie. Yoshie hit a Spinning Back Fist but Nakajima kicked out. Nishimura tried for a cobra twist but Nakajima twisted and hit a german suplex hold for a long two. The end finally came for Nakajima when Nishimura caught Nakajima in a Ground Cobra Twist. Suzuki couldn’t make the save and Nishimura got the three.

    Another tag match followed as Katsuyori Shibata & Minoru Tanaka fought Takashi Iizuka & Hiroshi Tanahashi. Iizuka started like the end was near. He caught Tanaka in third straight Blizzard Suplexes. Tanaka was caught totally off guard and the crowd loved it. More pain insured when Tanahashi was tagged in. Tanaka pleaded with Tanahashi not to hurt him, Tanahashi thought about it and got a low blow and Tanaka got a desperate tag. Shibata and Tanahashi began a stare down and the tension in the arena grew. Shibata hit a right high kick, a german suplex before locking Tanahashi in a Grounded headlock but Tanahashi wriggled out. Tanahashi then hit a Dragon Suplex and applied a Dragon Sleeper, but Tanaka broke the submission. Iizuka got the tag in but Shibata was on a roll. Shibata was able to fake an injury to get the referee attention away from the match. Tanaka ran in and hit a Wrist Clutch Fisherman’s Buster. Shibata recovered from his “injury” and hit a P.K. for the three. After the match Shibata mocked Tanahashi saying he didn’t deserve to hold the IWGP Tag Championship, while an arrogant Tanaka said he would challenge Tenzan next for the IWGP.

    In the final singles match of the night Nagata fought Makabe. Makabe add a bandage from the beer bottle shot that happened only four days ago. There was something different about Nagata, something didn’t seem right and we saw that right from the bell. Nagata hit a right high kick and an exploder. He started on fire. He locked Makabe in a Nagata Lock II and began to rip the bandage off Makabe. He dragged him to the outside and hit an exploder to the floor. Makabe just got in at 18 but was bleeding from that re opened wound. Nagata was like s shark; he smelled the blood and went right after it. He applied a Nagata Lock III but Makabe didn’t tap. He hit a Backdrop Suplex Hold but Makabe kicked out at two. A bloody Makabe was barely moving after a Thunder Death Driver. Nagata picked up Makabe and signaled for the end. Nagata hit a Kneel Kick and Makabe dropped to the mat. The referee checked him and called for the match to be stopped. As soon as the bell rang Nagata left the ring. He was happy with his work but what does this mean for New Japan?

    Next a V2 defense of the All Asian Tag Titles for Mitsuya Nagai & Masayuki Naruse. While Blue Wolf & Toru Yano wanted to be come 78th champions. Nagai insisted that Wolf start the match with him. Wolf accepted the invite. Nagai started off with a series of chops that Wolf took. Wolf bounced back with a series of lariats. The last lariat nearly KO’ed Nagai. Naruse got the tag and began to go toe to toe with Wolf. Yano got the tag and nearly got himself DQ’ed again. He picked up his beer bottle but Wolf was able to take it off him. Yano hit a front suplex and a Canadian backbreaker for a two. Naruse landed the Crazy Cyclone for a two count, hit a Captured suplex but got caught with a lariat from Blue Wolf. Blue Wolf hit a Mongol Slam but Iizuka broke the pin. Nagai slipped out of a front suplex and set Yano up for the Hyper Knee. Naruse ran across the ring and tackled Wolf off the apron. Nagai hit his Hyper Knee and made the cover for a successful V2 of their titles.

    In our final match of the night New Japan fought Black Japan. Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Shinsuke Nakamura & Koji Kanemoto fought Manabu Nakanishi, Scott Norton & Jushin Thunder Liger. Nakanishi is scheduled to fight Tenzan for the IWGP and whenever Tenzan got the ring Nakanishi was now where too be seen. Black Japan used their size advantage all throughout the match. The only downside was when you gain size, you lose speed. At one point Kanemoto was running circles around Norton. Norton got angry and hit a hard Powerslam. Tenzan had got the tag in, as did Liger. Liger hit a Shotei but then got driven to the mat by a TTD. It seemed Nakanishi only wanted to fight Kanemoto. He hit a full force spear and locked on a Prison Lock but Tenzan broke the submission. Kanemoto applied an Ankle Hold and Nakanishi only just got to the ropes. Liger got the tag in for Black Japan and the final stage of the match began. Liger hit a Brain Buster followed by a Koppou Kick but Nakamura broke the pin. Liger set Kanemoto up for a Shotei but Kanemoto was able to roll him up in an Inside Cradle. Black Japan was unable to break the pin and Kanemoto grabbed the win for his team.

    NJPW, 1/23/05 (SXW)

    Tokyo Korakuen Hall

    1500 - No Vanacy

    1. Hiroshi Nagao def. Yujiro (6:08) When Nagao used a Chokeslam

    2. Ryusuke Taguchi Farewell Match #1: Shinsuke Nakamura def. Ryusuke Taguchi (8:21) When Nakamura used a Standing Cross Armbreaker

    3. Tiger Mask, Wataru Inoue & American Dragon def. Jado, Gedo & Hirooki Goto (14:42) When Inour used a Triangle Lance on Gedo

    4. Osamu Nishimura & Yutaka Yoshie def. Minoru Suzuki & Katsuhiko Nakajima (12:00) When Nishimura used a Ground Cobra Twist on Nakajima

    5. Katsuyori Shibata & Minoru Tanaka def. Takashi Iizuka & Hiroshi Tanahashi (15:23) When Shibata used a P.K. on Iizuka

    6. Yuji Nagata def. Togi Makabe (7:34) By Referee Stoppage

    7. All Asia Tag Titles: Mitsuya Nagai & Masayuki Naruse © def. Blue Wolf & Toru Yano (18:43) When Nagai used a Hyper Knee on Yano (2nd defense)

    8. Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Hiroshi Tanahashi & Koji Kanemoto def. Manabu Nakanishi, Scott Norton & Jushin Thunder Liger (17:09) When Kanemoto used an Inside Cradle on Liger

    MITSUYA NAGAI & MASAYUKI NARUSE (first reign as All Asian Tag Team Champions- 11/03/04 to present - 2 defenses)

    1. (12/23/04 @ Tokyo Korakuen Hall) Mitsuya Nagai & Masayuki Naruse beat Takashi Iizuka & Masahito Kakihara (23:32) when Naruse used the Naruse Lock on Kakihara

    2. (1/23/05 @ Tokyo Korakuen Hall)  Mitsuya Nagai & Masayuki Naruse def. Blue Wolf & Toru Yano (18:43) When Nagai used a Hyper Knee on Yano

  3. Chono talks about New Year Gold Series; Cards announced by Stuart - 21 Jan 2005.

    user posted image

    At a comic book autograph session today, Chono revealed his thoughts about the upcoming New Japan tour. Chon said he is next in line to win the title but doesn’t want to use his shot right now. He wants to make Tenzan anxious, not knowing when BNJ are going to strike. He also said that Manabu Nakanishi didn’t let him down at all. He went out and fought like anyone else would. He said he still believes in Nakanishi and is giving him a IWGP Champion shot on 2/20. Before Chono left he said that BNJ would beat New Japan in the upcoming tour and that his X for 1/30 will be a surprise, beat kept undercover.

    The upcoming tour is the first for New Japan in 2005. They will be looking to score some big attendances to start the year off good. Only about half the cards have been announced and match order and still being finalized.

    NJPW, 1/23/05 (SXW)

    Tokyo Korakuen Hall

    1. Hiroshi Nagao vs Yujiro

    2. Ryusuke Taguchi Farewell Match #1: Ryusuke Taguchi vs Shinsuke Nakamura

    3. Tiger Mask, Wataru Inoue & American Dragon vs Jado, Gedo & Hirooki Goto

    4. Osamu Nishimura & Yutaka Yoshie vs Minoru Suzuki & Katsuhiko Nakajima

    5. Takashi Iizuka & Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Katsuyori Shibata & Minoru Tanaka

    6. Yuji Nagata vs Togi Makabe

    7. All Asia Tag Titles: Mitsuya Nagai & Masayuki Naruse © vs Blue Wolf & Toru Yano

    8. Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Shinsuke Nakamura & Koji Kanemoto vs Manabu Nakanishi, Scott Norton & Jushin Thunder Liger

    NJPW, 1/26/05 (Samurai! TV)

    Miyagi Sports Center

    1. Naofumi Yamamoto & Akiya Anzawa vs Hiroshi Nagao & Yujiro

    2. Ryusuke Taguchi Farewell Match #2: Ryusuke Taguchi & Hirooki Goto vs Osamu Nishimura & American Dragon

    3. New Japan vs Black New Japan: Tiger Mask, Wataru Inoue & Katushi Takemura vs Jado, Gedo & X

    4. New Japan vs Black New Japan: Yutaka Yoshie & Koji Kanemoto vs Mitsuya Nagai & Jushin Thunder Liger

    5. New Japan vs Black New Japan 5 vs. 5 Elimination Match: Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Yuji Nagata, Togi Makabe, Hiroshi Tanahashi & Shinsuke Nakamura vs Masahiro Chono, Manabu Nakanishi, Scott Norton, Katsuyori Shibata & Minoru Tanaka

    NJPW/Muga "MUGA IN SAPPORO", 1/29/05 (Samurai! TV)

    Sapporo Teisen Hall

    1. European Catch Rules: Hirooki Goto vs Katsuhiko Nakajima

    2. European Catch Rules: Shinsuke Nakamura vs Jushin Thunder Liger

    3. European Catch Rules: Hiroyoshi Tenzan vs Minoru Tanaka

    4. European Catch Rules: Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Yutaka Yoshie

    5. European Catch Rules: Takashi Iizuka vs Minoru Suzuki user posted image

    6. European Catch Rules: Osamu Nishimura vs Yuji Nagata

    NJPW, 1/30/05 (WPW/NJ+IWTV Internet)

    Tsukisamu Green Dome

    1. Osamu Nishimura & Togi Makabe vs Riki Choshu & Tomohiro Ishii

    2. IWGP Jr Heavyweight Tag Team Titles: Jado & Gedo © vs Koji Kanemoto & Wataru Inoue

    3. Masahiro Chono & X vs Kensuke Sasaki & Katsuhiko Nakajima

    4. IWGP Tag Team Titles: Hiroshi Tanahashi & Shinsuke Nakamura vs Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Yuji Nagata

    NJPW "TOUKON FESTIVAL", 1/31/05 (Samurai! TV)

    Hakodate Citizen Gymnasium

    NJPW, 2/3/05 (Samurai! TV)

    Iwate Prefectural Gymnasium

    NJPW, 2/4/05

    Fukushima City Gymnasium

    NJPW, 2/11/05

    Osaka Rinkai Sports Center

    NJPW, 2/13/05

    Gifu Industrial Hall

    NJPW, 2/18/05

    Sanjo Welfare Hall

    NJPW, 2/19/05 (SXW)

    Iwatsuki Tsukinomori Sports Center

    NJPW, 2/20/05 (WPW/NJ+IWTV Internet)

    Tokyo Ryogoku Kokugikan

    1. Yuji Nagata & Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Ron Waterman & Scott Norton

    2. IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Title: Tiger Mask © vs. Jushin Thunder Liger

    3. Masahiro Chono vs.  Riki Choshu

    4. Katsuyori Shibata vs. Minoru Suzuki user posted image

    5. IWGP Championship: Hiroyoshi Tenzan vs. Manabu Nakanishi

  4. [RESULTS]NJPW "NEW YEAR BATTLE 2005 IN OKINAWA, 1/19/05 by Stuart - 19 Jan 2005

    With the Tokyo Dome two weeks passed, New Japan finally hit the road again, returning to the island of Okinawa. The attendance was very strong as New Japan hadn’t ran a show here in almost a year. The first match pitted Hirooki Goto & Akiya Anzawa against Ryusuke Taguchi & Naofumi Yamamoto. Goto guided the young Anzawa all throughout the match. Goto told him when and where to attack. Anzawa was soon overpowered by Taguchi and Yamamoto and hit with a Double Lariat. Anzawa got a desperate tag to Goto. Goto used to power to overcome the legal man Yamamoto. In the end Goto locked on an flying cross armbreaker for the win. After the match Yamamoto went straight after Taguchi. He knocked him down and called him selfish for not helping him. He drove elbows in the face of Taguchi until Taguchi was cut open.

    The juniors then took center stage in what was a near rematch from the recent Tokyo Dome. The CTU team consisting of Jado and Gedo took on the new IWGP Jr. Champion Tiger Mask and Katsushi Takemura. Jade and Gedo still had unsettled feelings towards Takemura and made them felt throughout the match. Takemura was busted open by the hands (or chair) of Jado. Takemura nearly tapped out to the Cross face of JADO but Tiger Mask broke it up. Takemura fought back and hit a M9; Tiger Mask got the tag and hit a Tiger Suplex Hold for the win. Tiger Mask showed 1/4 wasn't a fluke and that he is the strongest junior.

    Is the first singles match of the night saw Toru Yano fight Togi Makabe. Makabe put on a strong fight and Yano couldn’t seem to break through. Every time Yano would get a roll on, Makabe would shut him down. Frustration began to rule Yano as they brawled to the outside. Makabe hit a Spear on the outside. He tried for a second but Yano side stepped him and guided him into the guard rail. Yano could see Makabe was injured and looked for the finish. Yano grabbed his beer bottle and took a large drink before smashing it over the head of Makabe. The referee called for DQ finish. The crowd was disappointed with the DQ finish but felt if the match had gone longer Makabe would have won.

    The third tag match of the night was Yutaka Yoshie & Blue Wolf in a slugfest with Hiro Saito & Tatsutoshi Goto. Yoshie and Goto brought some fun fat man tactics to the match. At one point they stood in a sumo stance and charged at each other. Blue Wolf wrestled most of the match as Saito and Goto had him overpowered. Goto hit two german suplexs and looked to finish Wolf off with a Backdrop suplex but Yoshie shoved Goto out of the ring. Saito brought a chair into the ring but Goto pleaded with Saito not to use it. Saito agreed and threw the chair out of the ring. Goto turned round and got caught with a Yoshie Diving body press for the three. In a post match interview Saito was very angry with Goto as he didn’t help him cheat to win.

    Another singles match rolled around as ‘Mr. Muga’ Osamu Nishimura fought a spirited Masayuki Naruse. Naruse is a former IWGP Jr. Champion but now he wrestles “openweight”. Naruse used to speed to counter the submissions on Nishimura. Nishimura bided his time though waiting for the perfect moment to strike. After Naruse failed to hit a Capture Buster Nishimura caught him in a Cobra Twist. Naruse held up for over a minute before finally reaching the ropes, but he was visibly drained. Naruse began a comeback hitting a Crazy Cyclone and locking on a Naruse Lock. It was now Nishimura’s turn to struggle to the ropes. The submission hold continued to fly until Naruse missed a right hook and got caught in a Backslide. Three seconds later Nishimura had beaten Naruse. The crowd called this a awesome match and thought Naruse deserved the win.

    In our first six man tag match of the night Katsuyori Shibata, Kazunari Murakami & Minoru Tanaka beat Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Hiroshi Tanahashi & Wataru Inoue. Minoru Tanaka was still angry about his loss of his IWGP Jr. Championship to Tiger Mask. The opening few minutes were out of control. All six men fought to the outside until Tenzan dragged Murakami into the ring. The action settled down as the current IWGP Champion took control of the match. Tanahashi got a tag in and straight away Shibata got a blind tag. Shibata who wasn’t due back for another month took it straight to Tanahashi. Shibata had lots of built up anger from sitting on the sidelines for two months and Tanahashi was the sorry sole that took it all. The action continued as Tenzan locked Tanaka in an Anaconda Vice. Tanaka began to go limb as the big arms of Tenzan closed off his air supply. Just when it looked like Tanaka was going to tap, Shibata ran in and connected with a P.K. Tenzan got straight up and began a head butting saga with Shibata. Shibata hit a sick slap and Tenzan got a tag to Inoue. Murakami stormed in and smacked Inoue with a right hook. Murakami clamped Inoue in a sleeper hold and Shibata hit a F.K. Shibata made the cover and got the win for his team. After the match Shibata yelled at the crowd telling them even though he’s injured he can still beat the best of the best.

    In our main event in Okinawa Yuji Nagata, Shinsuke Nakamura & Koji Kanemoto took on Manabu Nakanishi, Mitsuya Nagai & Jushin Thunder Liger. Kanemoto was looking for revenge against Liger and demanded he start the match with him. Kanemoto and Liger traded some excellent junior strikes including a release tiger suplex. Nagata wasn’t tagged into the match until near the end. The reason is still unknown. Nagai fought a slugfest with Nakamura and nearly had Nakamura beat after a Hyper Knee. Nakamura hit a Shining Triangle followed by a El Nino for a close two count. Nagata finally got tagged in and Nagai knew the end was nigh. After locking Nagai in a Nagata Lock III for a whole two minutes, Nagata picked him up and hit a exploder and Thunder Death Driver for the unchallenged three. Nakanishi was very angry after the match. He said Chono had put a lot of faith in him to beat Nagata, Nakamura and Kanemoto but he let BNJ down. He then informed New Japan and their fans that he will fight Tenzan on 2/20 for the IWGP Championship.

    NJPW "NEW YEAR BATTLE 2005 IN OKINAWA", 1/19/05 (Samurai! TV)

    Okinawa Prefectural Budokan

    4000 Fans - No Vanacy

    1. Hirooki Goto & Akiya Anzawa def. Ryusuke Taguchi & Naofumi Yamamoto (9:23) When Goto used a Flying Cross Armbreaker on Yamamoto

    2. Tiger Mask & Katsushi Takemura def. Jado & Gedo (12:09) When Tiger Mask used a Tiger Suplex Hold on Jado

    3. Togi Makabe def. Toru Yano (6:57) When Yano was DQ'ed.

    4. Yutaka Yoshie & Blue Wolf def. Hiro Saito & Tatsutoshi Goto (10:54) When Yoshie used a Yoshie Diving Body Press on Goto

    5. Osamu Nishimura def. Masayuki Naruse (14:09) When Nishimura used a Backslide

    6. Katsuyori Shibata, Kazunari Murakami & Minoru Tanaka def. Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Hiroshi Tanahashi & Wataru Inoue (17:32) When Shibata used a F.K. on Inoue

    7. Yuji Nagata, Shinsuke Nakamura & Koji Kanemoto def. Manabu Nakanishi, Mitsuya Nagai & Jushin Thunder Liger (19:01) When Nagata used a Thunder Death Driver on Nagai

  5. Katsuyori Shibata ready to wrestle!? by Stuart - 16 Janurary 2005

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    Shibata held a press conference today informing NJPW and all its fans that he will return to the ring on 1/19. After watching his fellow “musketeers” battle it out only days ago he will defy doctor’s orders and return to a full schedule of wrestling. Shibata wasn’t due back to late February. Doctors informed Shibata of the huge risk he was taking and he told them that he lost a lot of ground when he was injured. He feels coming back to the ring earlier will make bridging that gap easier.

    The final card for 1/19 is as follows -

    NJPW "NEW YEAR BATTLE 2005 IN OKINAWA", 1/19/05 (Samurai! TV)

    Okinawa Prefectural Budokan

    1. Hirooki Goto & Akiya Anzawa vs. Ryusuke Taguchi & Naofumi Yamamoto

    2. Tiger Mask & Katsushi Takemura vs. Jado & Gedo

    3. Toru Yano vs. Togi Makabe

    4. Yutaka Yoshie & Blue Wolf vs. Hiro Saito & Tatsutoshi Goto

    5. Osamu Nishimura vs. Masayuki Naruse

    6. Katsuyori Shibata, Kazunari Murakami & Minoru Tanaka vs. Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Hiroshi Tanahashi & Wataru Inoue

    7. Yuji Nagata, Shinsuke Nakamura & Koji Kanemoto vs. Manabu Nakanishi, Mitsuya Nagai & Jushin Thunder Liger

  6. user posted image


    Hiroyoshi Tenzan

    Yuji Nagata

    Hiroshi Tanahashi

    Shinsuke Nakamura

    Osamu Nishimura

    Josh Barnett

    Togi Makabe

    Yutaka Yoshie

    Blue Wolf

    Takashi Iizuka

    Hiro Saito

    Tatsutoshi Goto

    Masayuki Naruse

    Toru Yano

    Naofumi Yamamoto

    Hiroshi Nagao



    Masahiro Chono

    Manabu Nakanishi

    Scott Norton

    Kazunari Murakami

    Mitsuya Nagai

    Katsuyori Shibata

    Minoru Tanaka

    Jushin Thunder Liger




    Kensuke Sasaki

    Genichiro Tenryu

    Katsuhiko Nakajima


    Koji Kanemoto

    Tiger Mask

    Wataru Inoue

    Masahito Kakihara

    El Samurai

    Ryusuke Taguchi

    Hirooki Goto

    Taiji Ishimori

    Akiya Anzawa

    Katsushi Takemura


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    (12/12/04 @ Aichi Prefectural Gymnasium) Hiroyoshi Tenzan (3) beat Kensuke Sasaki (31:38) with a moonsault press.

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    (12/11/04 @ Osaka Prefectural Gymnasium) Hiroshi Tanahashi & Shinsuke Nakamura beat Kensuke Sasaki & Minoru Suzuki (32:33) when Tanahashi used a Dragon suplex hold on Suzuki (decision match).

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    (1/4/05 @ Tokyo Dome) Tiger Mask (2) beat Heat (14:17) with a Tiger suplex hold.

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    (6/5/04 @ Osaka Prefectural Gymnasium) Jado & Gedo (3) beat American Dragon & Curry Man (19:30) by TKO (Jado beat Curry).

  7. “….Suzuki nails a Gotch-style piledriver for a close two. Tanahashi is refusing to stay down. Suzuki flashes fearless smile and applies a sleeper, but Tanahashi landed on his feet out of Suzuki's reverse drop. Nothing will keep him down. Tanahashi uses the lightning speed inside cradle quickly for a two count. Suzuki gets up and Tanahashi sneaks behind. Tanahashi lifts and spikes Suzuki down with a Dragon suplex hold for the three count. The 4th generation win the tag championships…”

    “……Tenzan applies the Anaconda Vice and a huge "Tenzan! Tenzan! Tenzan!" chant rang out (The crowd are right behind Tenzan). Tenzan comes off the ropes and hits with a stiff kneel kick. Tenzan climbs to the top, Sasaki is out. Tenzan turns and unleashes his moonsault press to get the three count and reclaim the IWGP Heavyweight Title. The Aichi Prefectural Gymnasium is going crazy for Tenzan……”

    “…..Tanahashi throws vicious slaps at Nakamura, but Nakamura doesn’t like being pushed round. Nakamura lunges forward and catches Tanahashi in a forearm/guillotine choke, (which he Alexey "Red Scorpion" Ignashov with). Nakamura won’t break the hold. The referee tries to pry him off but Nakamura throws him down. Tanahashi lands an enzuigiri, powerbomb, and triangle counter bomb. Tanahashi hits a perfect Dragon suplex hold but Nakamura kicks out at a heated two. Nakamura applies a triangle choke. Tanahashi struggles and begins to wriggles out. Nakamura senses it and changes to cross armbreaker. Tanahashi holds but finally taps. Nakamura wins at Wrestling World 2005…..”

    What a way to finish 2004 and begin 2005.

    New Japan Pro Wrestling (NJPW) is a wrestling federation built on tradition. Started by Antonio Inoki way back in 1972. The card was a special one (and was as follows)

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    Ota Ward Gymnasium

    5,000 Fans - Super No Vacancy Full House

    1. El Furioso beat Tatsumi Fujinami (6:20) by pinfall.

    2. Ivan Kamaroff beat Osamu Kido (12:20) by pinfall.

    3. Shoji Kai beat Brooklyn Kid (11:20) with a backslide.

    4. Katsuhisa Shibata vs. Inca Peruano went to a double countout (17:10).

    5. 2/3 Falls: Toyonobori & Kotetsu Yamamoto beat John Durango & Jim Durango (15:10) by 2-1.

    6. Karl Gotch beat Antonio Inoki (15:10) with a reverse suplex.

    It began the era of pro wrestling in Japan and 33 years later New Japan Pro Wrestling is still running strong. The days of the Karl Gotch, Tatsumi Fujinami and Osamu Kido are gone. Now as NJPW rolls into 2005 there are a new breed of wrestlers. 2005 will bring the progress of such wrestlers as Hiroshi Tanahashi, Shinsuke Nakamura and Katsuyori Shibata. Infact, these three warriors are being called the new “three musketeers” (following in the footsteps of Masahiro Chono, Keiji Mutoh and Shinya Hashimoto).

    Welcome to NJPW 2005.

    Welcome to the future.

    OOC: I know it’s not much of a back-story but I’m not the new owner nor the new booker, this is simply a diary about New Japan Pro Wrestling. And I want to thank SungShiKyung who is helping me a ton in different areas.
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