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Gene Kiniski

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Posts posted by Gene Kiniski

  1. Either Johnny Depp or Robin Williams. For a few simple reasons:

    Johnny Depp, as said above, always brings a unique factor to his roles. I love most of his movies and could/have watch/watched them over and over. Secret Window, Cry Baby(yes, I like it), Blow, Once Upon A Time In Mexico, and many more. The guy is just great.

    As for Robin Williams he's hilarious in comedies and his more recent, darker, roles are just pulled off in a way very few can do. He plays one of the creepiest villians I've personally ever seen. What Dreams May Come, Insomnia, Final Cut, Jack, there's so many. Anything expect Mrs. Doubtfire - I hate that fucking movie.

    Depp and Williams together would be amazing. I get a chill just thinking about it.

    Oh, and while I'm at it, can anyone tell me the movie with Robert De'Niro and Robin Williams where Williams is the doctor that finds the cure for a disease causing people to turn to vegatables?

  2. Ok, both of mine should be attatched. Just like public enemy did, I left out the legal stuff. Most of it is a bg I made while playing around trying to get inspiration and a stock that my mom took, but I got a little from Google.

    Now, I know that public enemy's is probably ahead of mine graphic wise, but since I'm a huge Ozzy fans (one of the biggest) I tried to stay realistic. I think I pulled it off well. As for the track listing, I made them all up myself. Any Ozzy fan will also realize that "Blizzard Of Rhodes" is something I made up as a tribute to Randy.



  3. postcard1.png

    Link To Entry


    "Wish You Were Home" - I took the idea and put a twist on it, that in all honesty, wasn't completely my idea. I was doing this same exact thing about a year ago, but for a class I was in and they were for the U.S. soldiers in Iraq. Everyone's said "Wish You Were Here" with pictures of places where the troops were from. However, the teacher's husband was in Iraq (the cards were going to his troops) and the one she sent for him said gave the this idea.

    Now, to be honest, I loved this when I first finished, but now I'm not too big on it.

    As for the other photos, they are all photos taken by me or my mother. One of a kind stocks (in a sense). The guy in the uniform is a friend of mine who is in the Army.

    Flag Picture

    My Friend

  4. Does anyone know any good tables for Spades? I play Poker with PokerStars, but I'm looking for some Spades as well. All the searches I do (Google, etc.) come back with shitty little sites against the computer.

  5. Theme: The Love of Your Life

    Size: 550x425

    Colors: Any

    Text: Any

    Restrictions: Make an omage to the "love of your life". It can be anyone, even a random picture you find on Google is you want. You can include any text, or none at all, but you must have a least one picture of your "love".

  6. ^^^ although he only appear on two songs 50 continually claims that he had a lot more to do with the album as the executive producer, he also suppousedly wrote almost all the hooks

    That's the bit that distances me, because Game's album was hotter than The Massacre - so why wouldn't he use it himself?

    I've lost all count of all the goings on in G-Unit, and I don't really care - I only really like GRODT, everyone else's efforts pretty much blow, bar a few tracks from Lloyd Banks' album IMO.

  7. I'm not a huge rap fan, or follower for that matter, but I'm a bit confused about the G-Unit situation. Can someone explain to me what's going on? I know G-Unit came out with an album with 50, Lloyd Banks, and someone else (not sure who), IIRC, then Lloyd and 50 did some more solo stuff. After that came Young Buck and about a year later comes The Game, right?

    This is what gets me; in the Lil' Kim report it says that in Feburary 50 and Game traded gunfire with each other, Young Buck and Banks seem to have fallen into a black whole, and now there's some new guy in G-Unit (he has a song/video about it where he steals diamonds from some house), and every time I turn on the t.v. it's "G-U-Not".

    Please, explain.

  8. I think there was a thread similiar to this not too long ago. In it everyone agreed with you:

    It sucks.

    I've been going through it for some time now. The best I pulled out wasn't even worth uploading. I tried something for the June contest and didn't even bother saving it.

  9. PWX pre orders now open!


    ...so I've been sitting here starting at my monitor for the last ten minutes totally at a

    loss for what to write. One one hand I'm off the charts excited to finally be able to

    accept pre orders for PWX. I've been turning guys down for well over a year because I wanted

    to make absolutely sure we could deliver PWX and everything we promised it would be. I

    didn't want to accept pre orders until the prototype and market research phase proved on

    every level that PWX would be a reality. Well over the last few months we proved we

    could make a wrestling game and the market research told us beyond a shadow of a doubt that

    what we knew in our gut was right: people want something new and different.

      And on the other hand, I'm kinda terrified. What if we build it and nobody comes? What if

    nobody cares and pre orders are dismal? What then? How do I tell the crew and investors that

    we only got two pre orders and they were from by brother and mom? Ok I'm being a drama queen.

    How about I just give you the link and hold my breath?


    Before you pre order though, hear this: we owe you guys everything and we know it.

    Thats why PWX pre orders will have a 100% money back guarantee at any time if you feel like

    we're dropping the ball in any way. You will always have the power over keeping us on the

    right path because even after you give us your order as a show of confidence we know that

    you can ALWAYS take it back if we let you down at any point. All lot of people we told about

    this think we're crazy for offering a money back guarantee but that's their problem right?

    I guess maybe they don't understand what it's like to actually WANT to answer to the fans

    and be responsible for our project.

    How do you like the special packaging for the Limited Edition of PWX? It's an awesome metal

    case. Same one they used for Halo2 I believe. It will ship with a bonus DVD of all kinds of

    behind the scenes stuff, interviews, fan videos, etc. And it's priced below what you would

    pay for a regular new release in any store. We knew we had to charge more than a few bucks for

    PWX but we also knew we didn't have to gouge people so the price we choose seemed right.

    You can either put down a $10 deposit and reserve your pre order of PWX Limited Edition

    (THANK YOU!) or you can pay the full price in advance (THANK YOU!!!) if you really want

    to give us that extra support. All the money is pumped right back into developing more

    moves, more caw parts, and testing and tweaking the gameplay. Not one dime of your money

    is wasted. No robot caw parts, promise.

    I can't stress enough how much pressure we have on us to generate a fair amount of these

    pre orders. Not enough and it might make Telefilm and other investors back out in

    uncertainty. But if we get enough pre orders we can guarantee the power stays with the

    fans who support us because they will be funding the project through their

    faith in us to get the job done. Man, is it too early for a beer?

    I don't know what else to say guys. Some of you already tell me you're going to pre order

    with the full price option. That kills me, thank you, it means so much to the crew and I.

    We haven't decided exactly how we're going to do it yet but we're talking about letting

    those people contribute characters to the roster, design move animations, or something

    similar. But I know the full price is still a good chunk of change for most people and

    some of you will opt to pre order with a $10 reservation instead. That is also unbelievably

    amazing! At the very least we want to show our appreciation to all the people who pre order

    at the $10 level with their name in the "thank you" credits, both in the game and in the

    manual. Ten bucks is less than most of us spend on junk food in a few days and ten bucks

    is all it will take to ensure PWX keeps marching forward and the crew working their asses off

    just for you, for all of us who want something much much better.

    Well, time to cross our fingers and hope for the best. It's in your hands now...


  10. RAW Preview

    In the fallout from the Royal Rumble, anything can happen!  Last night the world witnessed a series of unthinkable events.  New champions were crowned and the 2005 Royal Rumble decided who will contend for the World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania XXI.

    New Jack, Spanish Angel, Homicide, Sabu, Brock Lesnar, and even The Rock made debuts and returns to the ring last night - who will be in attendence for Raw?  Will New Jack and company even be allowed in building?

    Christian walked away Royal Rumble winner and Chris Jericho has the new title of 'World Heavyweight Champion'.  What will conspire between the two tonight?  Will anything happen or will a revival the two's historic war take place?

    Already announced for the night:

    Kane Vs. Chris Benoit - What shape will Kane be in after his beating last night to take on the Rabid Wolverine?

    Randy Orton Vs. Batista - Both men have called each other out after their loss in the World Heavyweight Championship match at the 'Rumble.  Each man wants to prove they deserve a shot at the title, again.

    WWE Intercontinential Championship

    Edge Vs. Booker T© - Last night Edge defeated Shawn Michaels in a match for the history books - he demanded a title shot if he won and Eric Bischof has agreed to give it to him, but not as Edge wishes.  Bischof, tired of Edge's whining has seemingly 'screwed' him again.  In the match announced earlier, Edge will be challenging Booker T, who lost Shelton Benjamin last night, for the WWE Intercontinential Championship.

  11. WWE Announces New Signing


    Earlier today World Wrestling Entertainment announced that they have signed independant worker, Alicia.  The 18yr. old is scheduled to debut soon and rumors suggest as earlier as Raw.  Alicia, who is also known as Alicia Webb is believed to work a 'Daddy's Girl'-esque gimmick to somehow futher a building feud.

    Alicia also worked a brief stint with the company as Ryan Shamrock, the 'sister' of Ken Shamrock.  Management is hopeful that she will not be remembered.

  12. All Pain, No Game?


    It was recently reported that Triple H was complaining of neck and back pains, but nothing became of the complaints.  After pulling double duty at the Royal Rumble, Triple H has been given time off from the ring.  At this time it is still unclear if he'll be back in time for WrestleMania.

  13. Royal Rumble

    WrestleMania XXI Main Event

    The match that the whole show was built for - the Royal Rumble! Last year Chris Benoit was the firs to enter, this year it was Val Venis! The second entrant was SmackDown’s John Cena. Before starting Cena handed his chain to the referee and sat his jersey on the outside of the ring. Before Cena could turn back around Venis suckered him from behind and quickly tried to force him to the outside. Cena countered and quickly tossed Venis over the top rope, but Val caught his balance, headbutted Cena in the stomach throw the ropes, before climbing back in. Val clubbed Cena in side of the head and lift him backwards into a German Suplex. Cena was quick to get up and circle the ring with Venis. The two attempted a lock up as the third entrant, Kane, started out from the back. By the time Kane reached the ring Venis was holding Cena to the mat with some nice amateur style mat-work. Kane broke the hold with a standing leg drop and took advantage of the leery John Cena. Venis, angry that Kane broke the hold, started to try and attack both men. All three men began throwing punches at each other with Kane sending both men down with uppercuts to the chin. Kane whipped Venis into the rope and leveled him with a boot to the face. Kane looked as if he was going to force Venis out of the ring when Val wrapped himself around the ropes and Cena snuck in a shot to the back of Kane. Val climbed back into the ring as Cena tried with all of his might to force Kane out. Kane fought back as entry number four started out from the back. Carlito Caribbean Cool hit the ring with excitement, going straight for Cena. Venis went straight for Carlito causing a big slugfest between the four men in the ring. Carlito took control over Venis with rapid lefts and rights while Cena took the beating to Kane. Carlito brought Val to the mat with a sleeper hold, but wasn’t close enough to the edge of the ring to do anything with it. Kane reversed an Irish Whip and ended up squashing John Cena in the corner. Venis fought out of the sleeper and sent Carlito across the ring, right into the hands of Kane. Kane lifted Carlito into the air by the throat and literally threw him into Cena. Eugene was the fifth man to enter the Royal Rumble - or at least attempt to enter. Eugene came running out, clapping and waving as he climbed into the ring. Eugene paid no attention to the other competitors and was hit with a dropkick to the back sending him right out of the match from Val Venis. Venis received some heat from the crowd, but didn’t let it bother him as he continued to battle with Kane in the corner. Both men were reversing each other into the turnbuckle. Cena caught Carlito trying to remove the padding on one of the other turnbuckles and used it to his advantage, slamming Cool face first into it. Carlito stumbled around the ring after the hit and walked right onto the shoulders of Cena - F-U! Cena hit an F-U on Carlito and before he could throw him out was caught by the throat by Kane. Chokeslam to Cena! Venis quickly moved in on Kane, but had no luck as he was distracted by entrance of the Undertaker, who made it clear he wanted Kane. Undertaker and Kane stood in the center of the ring, face-to-face in a stare-down as Venis, Cena, and Carlito watched. Five men in the ring and the two biggest looked as if they were going to kill each other. Kane threw the first punch which was blocked by Undertaker. Undertaker threw the second which sent Kane back into the ropes. Undertaker forced Kane against the ropes, holding and punching him. Carlito tried to sneak up on Undertaker from behind, but was telegraphed by Cena who was then hit by Venis. As Cena his Carlito with a neckbreaker, Val hit Cena with a backbreaker. Everyone was trying for big moves to damage and take control. Kane began fighting back against the Undertaker and backed him into the ropes. Carlito stood back and watched as Val locked in the Venis Fly Trap on Cena. Cool tried to play to the crowd, but was interrupted with a big pop that we thought was for himself, but was really for entrant number six - Christian! Christian hit the ring quickly and starting busting off shots to all competitors. First Carlito, then Venis, Kane, Undertaker and finally an entire series of blows landed on Cena. Cena was still weak from Venis, but did what he could to fight back. Val and Carlito both grabbed Christian and showed a little team work, lifting him into a double back drop. Venis then turned and whipped Carlito into the ropes. Christian jumped to his feet and nailed Carlito with a very sick and botched clothesline that sent him over the top. As Carlito hit the ground one time HeAt appearance holder Johnny Devine headed for the ring! Devine made it almost all the way down before Carlito attacked him and suplexed Devine on the steel grate. Carlito proceeded to spit on Devine before rolling him into the ring. The talent that management has high hopes for looked poor as Cena hit him with a Five Knuckle Shuffle. Venis and Christian were going at it as were Kane and Undertaker, still. Cena lifted Devine to his feet and looked as if he was going to eliminate him, but Johnny showed heart and will as he battle away from Cena. Shocked, Cena stepped back and acted as if he wanted to shake Johnny’s hand. Devine didn’t buy it and stuck Cena square in the forehead with a hard punch. Cena hit the ground and popped back up. Undertaker came out of nowhere nailing Devine with a big boot sending him into another suplex, this time from Christian. Christian was trying eliminate Johnny when Kane attacked him from behind. The match was finally becoming an all out brawl when Al Snow came wondering down to the ring, looking lost. Snow was in his normal attire, but wasn’t alone - he had Head! Snow climbed into the ring with almost everyone, except Devine and Christian, who were now going at it, looking at him. Snow ran as fast as he could at Johnny, nailed him with Head and eliminated him from the match! Devine flipped over the top rope and couldn’t believe he was just hit with a fake head! John Cena seemed just as shocked for Johnny as Snow tossed Head into the air at Kane. Kane caught Head, looked at Snow and was met with a dropkick to the chest. Head rolled out of the ring as Al Snow was engaged by Venis. Venis and Snow began trying to rip each other part while Undertaker fell victim to a spinebuster from Cena. Christian and Kane were once again squaring off with Kane controlling the pace. Kane position Christian on the top rope and tries to kick him out of the ring, but Christian moved and Kane nailed the corner groin first. Kane’s leg was stuck on the turnbuckle and Venis used it to his advantage, whipping Undertaker into Kane followed by Snow into Undertaker. Kane went down holding his inner-thigh as entrant ten made his way out - Triple H! Triple H who had just lost in the previous match made his was to the ring, looking exhausted from earlier. The Game hit the ring and quickly began taking out his frustrations. Cena was met with a stiff spinebuster as was Christian. Kane caught a clothesline and the Undertaker was eliminated with a forearm and a double-team dumping from Triple H and Al Snow. Triple H smacked Snow and was met with a smack in return. No punches, just smacks from the two men before being interrupted by Venis and Christian who were desperately trying to get Triple H out as fast as possible. It didn’t work and Triple H no-sold everything from everyone, including Kane’s punches. Triple H was finally taken down by Cena who had to hit him with a shot to the quad and whip him into the exposed turnbuckle. Upon taking Triple H down Cena returned to Kane, but only got in one shot before getting suckered into an Unprettier by Christian. Snow followed up on Christian with a Snow Plow. It wasn’t even halfway through the match and everyone was taking a beating. Number eleven - The Coach? Jonathan Coachman, the Coach, made his way down, trying strut. Once his was in the ring everyone stopped and turned towards him. Coach realized he was in a bad place and tried to climb over the top himself, but was stopped by Kane and thrown back into the ring. Kane whipped Coach into the corner and hit him with a splash. Christian nailed Coach with spinning wheel kick. Snow hit Coach with a Snow Plow, Cena the Five Knuckle Shuffle, Triple H a Pedigree, and Venis a Venis Fly Trap. After it was all over every man helped to throw Coach out of the ring, quicker than he came in. With everyone at a stop all six men look at each other. Neither goes of another, instead the all charge forward and begin a wild brawl in the center of the ring. Cena is the first to go down followed by Venis and Triple H. Snow, Christian, and Kane look to have control of the match. Orlando Jordan starts down to the ring and runs right into the middle of the fighting. As Kane tries to stomp Triple H, Jordan tries to attack Kane. The hits down phase Kane, but he still responds with a shot to the throat that sends Jordon to the ground gasping. Venis breaks away from Triple H and starts to work on Jordan as he’s down. Everyone in the ring goes back and forth with one another, but no one seems to be eliminated. Kane uses the momentum he has to take control of the match. Triple H is once again leveled with a big boot, Cena with a boot, and Christian with a scoop slam. Venis whips Jordan into Kane who clotheslines him harder than JBL would. Venis slumps back in the corner, obviously trying avoid a confrontation with Kane. Cena staggers to his feet and lets a huge right hand go to Venis that puts him in the perfect position for an elimination, but everyone halts as the sound of missiles whistling is heard and a huge pyrotechnic explosion lights up the arena. Out from the back walks entrant number thirteen - New Jack! New Jack is followed by entrants fourteen, Homicide, and fifteen, Spanish Angel! All three men are armed with chairs, but chairs are banned in WWE! The management said no more chairs! New Jack, Angel, and Homicide climb onto the sides of the ring, New Jack on the front apron and one man on each side. In the ring everyone circles, watching. Christian, being cocky, runs towards New Jack and is leveled with the most vicious chair shot of his life. Venis is next, being hit by Angel. Everyone in the ring shifts and the three outside climb in. They all run at each other with Jack, Homicide, and Angel taking shots at every wrestler in the ring. With Kane the only one left standing he’s hit with a brutal three chair hit. The crowd boos as Spanish Angel and Homicide hold Kane on his knees while New Jack pulls the chair back, slamming it into Kane’s head over and over. Jordan tries to sneak behind Homicide and pull chair from his hand, but it met with shot from Angel. Homicide lays his chair on the mat, DDT’s Orlando on the metal, then tosses him over the top rope. Triple H nails Homicide from behind while Cena does the same to Angel. A huge pop for Triple H and John Cena as they remove the chairs from the ring and take over Spanish and Homicide. New Jack, however, still has control over Kane and his choking him in the corner with the chair. After a brutal beating, Kane is an easy target for elimination as New Jack simply rolls him over the top. New Jack wasn’t paying attention and didn’t realize that Kane caught himself on the ropes! Kane was about to bring New Jack out with him, but Spanish Angel hit Kane, taking him down. Instead of New Jack, Kane grabbed ahold of Angel and both men went crashing to the outside. A bloody Kane eliminated Spanish Angel was eliminated himself. Venis took the opportunity of a distracted New Jack to try and eliminate him. New Jack surprised Venis and the crowd as he wrestled back with a series of chain wrestling moves. Venis backed off for a moment, but that’s all it took for Christian to nail Val with the Unprettier. Venis hits the mat, not moving. Snow kicks Jack in the midsection, pulls him into the corner, and sets him up top. Snow attempts a superplex, but Charlie Haas comes barreling down to the ring, runs up the steps and hooks onto Snow - Super Superplex from onto Al Snow eliminating him from the match! Charlie Haas is back from his injury! Haas proceeds to climb onto the top rope and rolls throw, over New Jack’s head, pulling him into a rolling powerbomb! The crowd hits their feet in excitement as Haas enters the ring with an impact. Charlie is quickly approached by Cena who tries to go toe-to-toe, fist-to-fist with Haas, but is too exhausted to. Triple H, for the second time tonight, has the Indian Deathlock applied, this time to Homicide. Venis has a modified Figure Four applied to New Jack, and Haas is holding Cena against the ropes with a Guillotine, trying to choke him out. Christian backs away from the action and uses the time to himself to regain his composure. Whenever the wrestling gets close to him Christian moves to the other side of the ring so that he can wait for everyone else to do the work for him. Haas tries to dump Cena out, but Cena football tackles Haas, clipping Venis on the way down. Venis is forced to break the ‘Fly Trap which allows Christian to move in on Homicide and attempt an elimination. Homicide buys himself time by punching Christian in the groin. Christian falls backwards onto Triple H breaking the Indian Deathlock. Angered, Triple H stands and pulls Christian up - Pedigree! Christian, despite his effort to avoid everyone, is nailed with a Pedigree! However, before Triple H can take advantage of the downed Christian, Eddie Guerrero hits the ring and starts laying everyone out with right hands! Latino Heat is hot! Guerrero wraps John Cena up and pulls him into a suplex - a second suplex- three suplex’s to Cena! Wait! Eddie doesn’t let go, he goes for a fourth - Eddie Guerrero hits a fourth suplex on John Cena right over the top rope! From second to seventeenth and Cena is out of the match!. Eddie rolls to his feet and is nailed by Triple H with a fist, killing his momentum. Homicide decks Triple H from behind setting up a two-on-one attack. Homicide and Guerrero send Triple H into the ropes, double spinebuster. Homicide turns, blocks a shot from Venis and nails him with one of the stiffest and hardest kicks to the head ever seen in the WWE. Haas tries to apply the Haas of Pain to Triple H, but Triple H powers out. Triple H gets to his feet, Haas clotheslines him over the rope, Triple H catches himself! Triple H is standing on the apron, yelling at Haas , here comes Chris Benoit! Benoit jumps onto the apron behind Triple H - German Suplex from Benoit eliminating Triple H! Benoit German Suplex Triple H off of the apron before sliding into the ring. Immediately Benoit locks in the Crossface, on New Jack. Benoit holds the Crossface in while Christian mocks New Jack. Benoit and Christian lift New Jack to his feet and receive the biggest pop of the night as the send him over the top rope! New Jack lands on one of the chairs be brought to the ring, busting him open! Homicide forces Haas into the exposed corner and begins smashing his face into the turnbuckle. Venis and Benoit being to fight and Guerrero dictates his battle with Christian. Guerrero applies the Guerrero Special as Benoit applies the Sharpshooter to Venis. Val and Christian both look like they’re ready to go. The countdown is over again and entrant nineteen comes running down. Here comes, Sabu! Sabu leaps into the ring and looks better than he has in years. Suplexes, body drops, and even sunset flips. Sabu makes his presence felt as he, right off the back, eliminates Homicide. Sabu then turns and looks Chris Benoit right in the eyes. Neither man moves as they glare. Christian makes the first move for them back shoving Benoit forwards into Sabu. Sabu lashes out at Benoit with fierce shots, all aimed at the neck. Both men target the others neck. Benoit fails at a Crossface, but Sabu doesn’t. Sabu locks in a Crossface on Chris Benoit! Venis catches Guerrero on a rebound of of the ropes and hits him with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Christian has Haas screaming in pain due to a modified armbar. It doesn’t seem like long enough, but “Can You Dig It?” plays and Booker T enters at twenty. Booker T runs to the ring with the Intercontential Championship in his hand. Using the title to his advantage he tosses it at Venis who catches it and Booker nails him right off the back with an Axe kick. Booker slides the belt under the ropes, out of the ring as Benoit lifts him into the air from behind into a German Suplex and Sabu moonsaults off of the top rope onto Booker. Christian grabs Benoit by the back of the head and slams him face first into the mat. Haas desperately tries to lock in the Haas of Pain on Venis and after a minute or so of struggling he has it in place. Booker T is already back to his feet and battling chop shots with Chris Benoit. Benoit doesn’t seem to have it in him as Booker takes control. Benoit is backed into the corner by Booker. Booker T chokes Benoit while Sabu ties his legs in the ropes. Every time someone leans, pulls, or hits the ropes they stretch Benoit’s legs apart causing mass amounts of pain! Sabu takes advantage of this as he repeatedly bounces from one side of the ring to the other. Venis, who fought away from Haas, whips Charlie into the ropes, making Benoit’s situation worse. As Haas rebounds Sabu, who is also running, catches him in a running sleeper hold. Christian dropkicks Sabu in the back and Guerrero dropkicks Haas in the chest. Booker T unties Benoit as he tries to sit him on the top rope. Booker gets Chris up top, but before he can do anything Benoit shoves him down. Benoit soars off the top into a headbutt onto Booker T! Entrant twenty-one, another competitor from the previous match, Batista! Batista comes in firing off clotheslines to everyone in his way. Christian catches two clotheslines and Sabu is planted with a hellacious spinebuster that literally shakes the ring. Sabu grabs his back in pain as Batista is planted with a foot to the face from Guerrero. Eddie looks to be on a roll as he knocks down everyone this is up and stomps on everyone that is down. Guerrero runs around the ring, celebrating and taunting everyone as he is the only one standing! Batista is the first to his feet, but is clipped in the knee by Venis. Venis nails Batista with a Triple H-esque knee to thte temple. Eddie applies the Guerrero Special to Sabu as Christian battles up with Benoit. Christian has Benoit hovering over the ropes, but can’t get the edge on him to push him over. Haas is the only man still down and he’s holding his head as if his injury was aggravated. Haas rolls under the bottom rope, but not out of the ring, just far enough to avoid behind attacked. Benoit reverses Christian and tries to shove him out, but just the same, can’t get the edge. Batista is holding Val in a Hammerlock, slinging him around like a ragdoll. Sabu starts elbowing Guerrero, but can’t power out of the ‘Special. Haas is still lying under the ropes, but is interrupted as Matt Hardy, entrant twenty-two, makes his way to the ring and right to Haas. Hardy grabs Haas by the back of the head and slams it down, causing Haas’s neck to bend against the edge of the ring. Hardy backs up, runs, and kicks Haas in the face. Matt climbs onto the apron and is nailed in the head by Christian and Benoit. Hardy goes to one knee and climbs through the second rope after headbutting Christian in the gut. Hardy continues to work on Haas, pulling him all the way back in and stomping on him some more. Some how Sabu has ended up on Batista, in the corner, counting to ten as he punches. Venis and Guerrero are both lying on the mat, not moving, and Christian is tapping to the Crossface. Benoit has blood pouring from his mouth and Booker T is hammering anything that moves. Booker smacks, literally, Hardy in the side of the head causing Matt to retaliate with an eye gouge. The two start going at it like late 70’s heels - smacks, gouges, and rakes. The crowd pops as Hardy climbs to the second rope and Booker lets him hit an elbow drop to the top of his head. Matt is bounces off the ropes and is hung by someone from the outside - Paul London! London chokes Matt before leaping onto the ropes and springboarding inside. London keeps ahold of Matt as he flips into an Overcaste. On the way down they hit Benoit and Venis. Batista has Guerrero pinned against the ropes and Sabu is trying to eliminate Haas. Christian goes for Benoit as soon as he hits the mat. London is quick to help Christian and Benoit is out! Chris Benoit is eliminated! Last year he won, this year he didn’t come close! London ducks a clothesline by Christian and DDT’s him. Standing Shooting Star Press! London’s momentum is cut short, however, when Booker T kicks him from behind. Hardy nails Booker with a Side Effect and Venis whips Hardy into Batista who back body drops him over the top rope! Matt catches himself, but Charlie Haas clubs him in the forehead and credits the elimination. Matt Hardy is gone quickly and the Royal Rumble is picking up pace. With things moving faster the countdown barely finishes as entrants twenty-four and twenty-five come out together - fighting. Takyo Sun and Raven come out from the back, already stumbling, and beating the hell out of each other. The heat from the earlier match is still hot as each throws hard punches meant to due damage. Raven causes Takyo to lose his balance and stumbles down the ramp. Takyo elbows Raven in the midsection and rolls him into the ring. As Takyo Sun slides in Charlie Haas runs at him. Raven hooks Haas’s leg as he runs and Takyo hits Charlie in the face. Charlie stumbles backwards and Venis sends him over the top. Haas is eliminated. Venis fights his way into the middle of Takyo and Raven, taking shots at Sun. Christian takes shots at Raven and Guerrero uses the momentum from the crowd from the last elimination to eliminate Batista with a suplex. Christian whips Raven into Sabu who slings Raven into ring post. London and Guerrero have are stringing together a beautiful chain of mat wrestling trying up one another. The fans are into the match as everyone has something exciting going on. Booker T is going around from wrestler to wrestler just throwing punches, much like he was earlier on. Booker throws a punch at Takyo, but Takyo fights back with kicks. The leg power of Takyo is more than Booker can handle. Edge comes hauling ass to the ring and dives in. As soon as he’s in he nails Booker T with a Spear. Edge pops up and nails Sabu with a Spear. Edge makes his next move towards Val Venis. The bad blood between beings to boil. Edge tries to make short work of the tired Venis, but fails as he took Val too lightly. Venis ends up with Edge back into the corner throwing any type of hit than he can manage to muster out. Edge brings his knee up, catching Venis in the groin. Edge mocks Venis as he smacks him around the ring. With a sick grin on his face Edge pushes Val around. Guerrero has Christian in the center of the ring in a leglock and Takyo and Raven are going at it again. Only four men are left in the back and one of the five starts out to the ring, easily with the biggest pop of the entire night - here comes, The Rock! Paul London and Sabu are interrupted by the Rock who hits the ring and hits both of them with forearms. Christian goes right for Rock, but is laid out. The Rock put Batista’s chances of winning the match out of the picture as he casually tosses him out of the ring. London is trying to get in any offense possible, on anyone possible, but everyone is battling with someone. London bounces off the second rope into a backflip, but the Rock gets another elimination by clotheslining London in the air, out of the ring. London hits the ground hard and rolls around holding his head. Christian and Venis are working together on Booker T while Takyo Sun and Rock work on Raven. Edge joins in on Raven, but Rock soon turns to fighting Edge. Edge and The Rock bring the crowd into the match even more as they both no-sell each others hits and moves. ”Stand Back!” As the twenty-entry Hurricane comes to the ring - rather slowly. Hurricane takes his time climbing into the ring, actually he takes long enough for Raven to take by the momentum against Takyo Sun, Christian to nails an Unprettier on Venis and Booker T to choke the Rock. Edge bounces off the ropes and his foot his hooked by Hurricane who slides in. Edge begins stomping Hurricane. Booker T lets the pressure off of the Rock for a second too long as Raven sends Sun across the ring, right into Booker. Booker T stumbles over the ropes on an accidental elimination! Rock turns and is nails by Christian! Christian eliminates The Rock! Guerrero and Sabu lock ahold of each other and try to shove one another out, but fail. Venis catches both Hurricane and Edge with body drops. Raven and Takyo Sun are just fighting for blood. Raven is busted open from the exposed turnbuckle and the side of Takyo’s mask is torn, but not enough to see his face. Raven grabs the rip in the mask and starts pulling - it’s tearing - Guerrero slams into Raven by mistake and sends him into the ropes - Takyo Sun clotheslines Raven out of the ring! Entrant twenty-nine is probably the most shocking of the night - Paul Heyman. Heyman makes his way out as far as the ramp and stops. Heyman makes no effort to enter the ring, but keeps looking at his watch. The countdown for the last entry begins as Christian and Eddie Guerrero double team Takyo Sun. Hurricane is catching a beating from Venis while Sabu just hold his neck. Heyman starts walking down to the ring, but very slowly. The crowd starts counting as Heyman climbs up the steps and starts climbing into the ring. Entrant thirty - Brock Lesnar! Brock Lesnar comes running down the ramp and is actually booed by everyone in attendance. The boos are louder than most of Rock’s cheers were! As soon as Lesnar hit the ring everyone was in trouble. Heyman was yelling at the top of his lungs as Lesnar tore into everyone. The ‘monster’ sent Hurricane over the top and followed by sending Takyo Sun out as well. Paul Heyman started trying to climbs over the rope to eliminate himself, but was stopped by Sabu. Sabu took it upon himself to eliminate Heyman, but no one saw what happened next coming. Sabu climbed to the top rope and eliminated himself! Sabu leaped into a corkscrew moonsault and nailed Heyman on the outside! The final five are in the ring: Val Venis, Christian, Eddie Guerrero, Edge, and Brock Lesnar. Lesnar won two years ago and wants to do it again. Brock approaches Edge, but is picked off by Guerrero. Lesnar levels Guerrero and is nails from the side by Edge. Christian hits the other side and Val from behind. The hits are enough to take Lesnar down. Edge mocks Lesnar, firing him up enough to run for Edge. The two fight and Lesnar eliminates Edge, but Edge wraps his entire body around Lesnar and Guerrero dumps both men over the top. Edge and Brock Lesnar are gone! The match barely last any longer as Eddie Guerrero makes his way to Christian, but is attacked by both Christian and Val Venis. Venis then turns and attacks Christian. Guerrero nails Venis with a dropkick, but not enough to take him out. Christian low blows Guerrero and it’s just what was needed to end the match for him. With Guerrero eliminated Venis runs for Christian, but Christian catches Venis in a hiptoss - over the ropes! Venis is eliminated as well! Christian just won the Royal Rumble! ***

    73%, 74%, 73%

    J.R.:”There you go! Christian just won the 2005 Royal Rumble!”

    Tazz:”Christian is going to WrestleMania!”

    J.R.:”Will it be Chris Jericho or John ‘Bradshaw’ Layfield?”

    Tazz:”I’m Tazz, have a great night and thank you for watching the Royal Rumble!”

    Overall: 77%

    1.55 Buy rate for the 2005 Royal Rumble!

    17, 192 Fan In Attendance

    $3,875,000 Pay-Per-View Revenue

    $1,031,520 Ticket Revenue

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