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Gene Kiniski

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Posts posted by Gene Kiniski

  1. No More Chairs?


    Jan. 5, 2005- After the recent over-use of chairs during WWE events fans began to complain, backing themselves up by saying that the chairs took away from the match itself.  WWE management took the complaints into consideration, but after an injury suffered by one of the SmackDown! Superstars at last nights tapings the management teams has barred the use of chairs - with multiple penalties if used.

  2. Would You Watch This?


    Jan. 4, 2005 - Last night during the first Raw of 2005 World Wrestling Entertainment launched a new campaign titled - "Would You Watch This?".  The campaign is a directly aimed at the audience of the companies product, hopefully leading to a future rise in ratings and revenue.  The title is more than just a title aswell, it's a direct question.  Would You Watch This?  WWE management want to know if you would or wouldn't watch the product that they put on.

    All viewer input is welcome as that's what the new campaign is targeted towards - the viewers.  So in conclusion;

    Would You Watch This?

  3. Monday Night Raw

    Janurary 3, 2005

    Would You Watch This?

    The first Raw of 2005 kicked off with a shot of the crowd and the usual pyros, but before the entire opening could get finished the familiar music of Edge hit. The cheers suddenly went to boo’s as the “most deserving man in the company” made his way to the ring.

    J.R.:”King, welcome to the first Monday Night Raw of 2005!”

    King:”Here we go, J.R.! Kicking things off with Edge!”

    J.R.:”This isn’t the way I pictured us starting off the new year, King.”

    King:”Ah, let’s just hear him out.”

    Edge Deserves

    Edge:”I present to you you’re next World Heavyweight Champion, Edge!! The ONLY man who deserves that belt around his waist. Triple H doesn’t deserve it, he never won it; Bischof handed it to him. Shawn Michaels never deserved it - a washed up, overrated, over-the-hill wrestler that should have never come out of retirement! Did Bill Goldberg deserve to be World Heavyweight Champion? Hell no! Randy Orton, the youngest World Heavyweight Champion, never even worked for the title. Just by playing kiss-ass with Triple H he’s suddenly Champion material? Phh. He’s not even worthy of the WCW Hardcore Championship. And neither did Chris Benoit! Wow, he won the Royal Rumble; I was King Of The Ring!! Benoit couldn’t even get the job done himself, he had to make Triple H tap after he suffered beatings from both HBK and Benoit.”

    Edge d. Chris Benoit via chair

    J.R.:”What a second, King, that’s the m music of Chris Benoit!”

    King:”I hear it, but what’s he doing out here during Edge’s time?”

    J.R.:”It looks like he’s going to lead us into the first match of the year.”

    Chris Benoit, obviously not happy with the comments by Edge, headed out from the back interrupting the tongue lashing. Edge paced the ring and tried to attack with some boots as Benoit entered, but Benoit was on a mission to shut him up for the night. The Rabid Wolverine controlled the majority of the match with chops, suplexes, and a few stiff shots that looked more purpose than accident. Throughout Edge fought back mainly with lefts and rights with the occasion take-down. Edge seemed more like he was trying to “fight”, like his match with A-Train after the Rey Mysterio injury, instead of wrestling a clean match. Benoit looked as he had secured the win after a series of multiple German Suplexes followed by an attempted Crossface. Edge blocked the Crossface, whipped Benoit into the refere and cheated himself a victory with a chair shot while the referee was down. ***1/4

    After the match as the referee was raising Edge’s hand Benoit rolled around, trying to get back to his feet, Edge seemed if he was going to attempt a cheap shot when Shawn Michaels came charging to the ring and made short work of Edge. After a couple clotheslines and a Sweet Chin Music the referees started making there way down to break up the situation. Edge was out cold, Benoit was already out of site and HBK made his way to the back, pushing the staff and road agents away.

    84%, 87%, 80% - Benoit Lost 1 Point of Overness

    King: ”Did you see that J.R.? Shawn Michaels just attacked Edge without reasoning!”

    J.R.: ”I saw it King and I think that Shawn Michaels was just as offended by Edge’s comments as Chris Benoit was.”

    King: “Well, J.R., you know what they say payback is...”

    J.R.: Yes, King. Yes, I do.

    Evolution Opens The Doors To Rumble

    The scene changed from the aftermath in the ring to Triple H beathing heavily into the camera. As the view panned out Ric Flair and Batista were standing arm to arm with the Game. Triple H had the World Heavyweight Championship hanging over his shoulder and every few seconds Batista would look down at it then back towards the camera.

    Ric Flair:”Wooo!! Woo!!”

    Triple H:”I am the Game! I am the greatest World Heavyweight Champion in history! No matter what anyone says, I am the greatest wrestler of all time! Edge thinks he’s better? Edge has nothing on me! I’ve been Edge before. I’ve beaten Chris Benoit, Randy Orton, ‘The Heartbreak Kid’ Shawn Michaels who is a so called ‘future hall of famer’, Chris Jericho, and even the man to the side of me, Ric Flair!”

    Ric Flair:”Anyone who wants to challenge the Game at the Royal Rumble, the door is open!”


    Triple H:”The greatest force in this company will keep the greatest championship in this business within Evolution! So as the Nature Boy said, anyone who wants to challenge me at the Rumble, I’ll take you on. I am the Game, we are Evolution!”



    The Hurricane d. Maven via DQ

    A rather lack-luster match that highlighted Maven’s brawling and heel side rather than actual wrestling. Hurricane had a few decent spots including an ‘attempted’ vertebreaker, which recieved the biggest pop of the match. Maven was obviously delt the ‘dirty card’ before this match-up as he spent most of the time pushing the five count as far as he could. Midway through the match Hurricane turned the tide once again towards his favor after Maven’s horrible attempt at an wheel kick failed. Hurricane led his offensive battle with a majority of clotheslines and backdrops, the normal mid-card WWE style match. Maven took control towards the end with a low blow followed by a standing drop-kick. Maven made his way outside to get a chair and upon his return to the ring Maven ended the match with a single chair shot to the head of The Hurricane. **1/2

    J.R.: ”What is Maven doing? He just cost himself the entire match.”

    King: ”Maven was just sending a messege not to mess with him and Hurricane happened to be on the receiving end.”

    J.R.: “The only thing that Hurricane may have received was a concussion.”

    The referee signaled for the bell and disqualification after the un-remorseful chair shot to Hurricane. Maven, in a fit of anger turned and began arguing with the referee which led to Maven hitting the referee with a head shot of his own. Maven followed chair shot to the referee with a DDT before leaving the ring.

    King: ”First the Hurricane and now the official of the match! Maven seems to have something to prove.”

    J.R.: ”Well King, when you figure out what it is, let me know.”

    69%, 71%, 66%

    ”...For My Peeps!”

    After the commercial break Christian headed out to the ring, followed closely by Tyson Tomko. Christian circled the ring before speaking, soaking up the normal heel heat.

    Christian: ”Welcome to RAW is CHRISTIAN! (cheap heel reaction) How are all of my peeps? I bet you aren’t doing as great as I am - your’s truly is still living the New Years Eve party from three days ago! It was a hell-of-a time, but that doesn’t matter. What matters to me, tonight, is Shelton Benjamin. Shelton Benjamin, the current WWE Intercontinental Champion, a title that I have held many of times - a title that I want back. Shelton, I’m calling you out. I want a shot at that belt!”

    King: ”Christian wants a shot another shot at the Intercontinental Championship, but will Shelton accept the challenge?”

    J.R.: “We’re about to find out, because here comes Shelton Benjamin himself!”

    Shelton Benjamin: ”Christian...(Christian turns to see Shelton Benjamin standing at the top of ramp)...if you want a shot at the Intercontinental Championship, you can have you’re shot. Right here, tonight!

    Christian: ”Tonight? I’m not even in my wrestling gea...I was...toni...? The Royal Rumble! I’ll do it at the Royal Rumble, for my peeps!”

    Shelton Benjamin: “Tonight!”


    J.R.: ”Christian seemed a little scared of Shelton there, almost like he wants the title without the work.”

    King: ”All of the Peeps know that Christian isn’t scared! How dare you say that J.R.? Christian just wanted to save the greatness of what the match will be for the Royal Rumble.”

    J.R.: “Whatever it was it didn’t matter because we’ll see the match later tonight. But up next, King, we have Rhyno and Tajiri going against the current WWE World Tag Team Champions; La Resistance.”

    Rhyno & Tajiri d. La Resistance - Non-title

    Tajiri started the match off against Grenier with a series of stiff kicks to the legs and mid-section. Grenier fought back with punches and clotheslines. After a few minutes of holding Tajiri to the mat with leg locks and mid-section submissions Grenier tagged in Rob Conway who continued the stomps and holds. Conway looked to have the win via submission, but Tajiri just mustered up the energy to dive and get a tag to Rhyno. Rhyno came in an ‘cleaned-house’ (where’s the brooms?) with back body drops, inside fore-arms and spine-busters. Rhyno controlled the match the majority of the time he was in, evening pulling out a Boston Crab. Conway kicked out of two attempted pin before getting the tag to Grenier after a low blow behind the referees back. Tajiri tried to get in to break up the double t eam after the tag, but the referee held him back, as usual. The distraction allowed Grenier to perform another low blow and choke Rhyno with the ropes for around thirty seconds. After some cheap tactics from La Resistance Rhyno reversed an Irish Whip and followed it up with a very stiff spine-buster. Rhyno tagged in Tajiri who met Grenier with a Green Mist. Rhyno waiting for the opportunity which allowed Grenier to rise and walk into The Gore. Conway made his way into the ring, but Tajiri caught Conway with a round-house to the head which led to the victory. **3/4

    72%, 69%, 75%

    J.R.: ”What a huge victory for Rhyno and Tajiri here tonight!”

    King: ”I agree, J.R., it’s a huge victory that can only mean one thing for Rhyno and Tajiri...”

    J.R.: “What’s that, King?”

    King: “Next week La Resistance will be seeking revenge which won’t be good for them.”

    J.R.: “I was thinking a possible future title shot...”

    King: “...that too.”

    WWE Intercontinential Championship

    Shelton Benjamin © d. Christian

    Left hand Christian, right hand Shelton. Irish whip Christian, reversal Shelton. Clothesline Shelton, duck Christian. Wheel kick Shelton, block Christian. A back and forth match for the WWE Intercontinential Championship. Neither man had control over the other at one time during the match-up. Every time one man went up the other countered. The match was full of kick-outs, most didn’t even hit the two-count. A true pay-per-view quality contest that would have made the price of admission to Raw worth it. Some situations even found the crowd cheering for both men while on the offensive. A near draw after an eight count that led to Christian to an attempted Unprettier, but Shelton countered with what was supposed to be a Super-Kick. Both men failed the first few times they tried their respective ‘finishers’, Christian even flipping out of the T-Bone Suplex in a Chris Jericho-style escape. Following the flip Christian taunted Benjamin by nailing him with a Stinger Splash! Christian tried to follow up the splash with a ten-count punch from the top rope, but Shelton pulled Christian into a huge standing powerbomb for the two count. Both men rolled around on the mat for a few seconds before engaging in an energetic series of lefts and rights that led to Shelton elimination Christian from the ring over the top rope. Before Shelton could make his way outside Christian was on the apron and pulled Benjamin kneck-first into the ropes, guillatine style. Upon Christian re-entering the ring he was met with a spinning wheel kick and a Sharpshooter! Christian quickly reached the ropes to break the hold. Once the hold was broken Christian tried to school-boy pin, but Shelton rolled through, grabbed the leg, T-Bone Suplex for the win! ***1/4

    74%, 76%, 83%

    J.R.: ”Wow, King, wow.”

    King: ”You have to give both men credit right there for one hell of a match!”

    J.R.: “An amazing show on both parts.”

    After the match Shelton Benjamin jumped to his feets and before the referee could raise his hand in victory he made his way from one turnbuckle to another holding the belt in his hand. Shelton celebrates his win with the crowd behind him.

    King: “I wonder if this will lea...”

    J.R.: “...sorry to interrupt, but I just got word that backstage there is some sort of incident going on right now between Randy Orton and Chris Jericho.”

    I Deserve; I Deserve

    Randy Orton:”...just because you are a former Undisputed Champion doesn’t mean that you deserve a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship at the Royal Rumble!”

    Chris Jericho:”And you deserve a shot, why? Because you were the youngest World champion?”

    Randy Orton:”That’s history right there - you can’t win the title again and make history like I can. You can’t hold a title that doesn’t exist anymore.”

    Chris Jericho:”I can’t make history? I wasn’t just the Undisputed champion, I was the FIRST!”

    Randy Orton:”I’ve earned it, I’ve worked my ass off to get another title shot.”

    Chris Jericho:”You deserve it? Everything you’ve had was handed to you on a silver platter by Evolution.”

    Randy Orton:”Evolution? Evolution has nothing on me! I’m going to challenge Triple H for the title at Royal Rumble and put an end to Evolution.”

    Chris Jericho:”Not if I do it first.”

    King: “Both men really want a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship of Triple H.”

    J.R.: “Let’s look at what happened during the Shelton and Christian match to lead to the Orton and Jericho controntation.”


    Randy Orton:”Triple H, you said that anyone can challenge you at the Royal Rumble...if you have the nerve than put that belt on the line than I’m going leave...”

    Chris Jericho:”...leave what?  Leave without the title?  Triple H, if you put the title on the line at the Royal Rumble, I’m going to be the one...”

    Randy Orton:”...the one to lose, right?  I deserve...”

    Chris Jericho:”...nothing!  You deserve nothing!  I am a former Undisputed champion.  So if either one of us...”

  4. We've all seen the magazines and most of us have read them and gone "WTF?". At the same time EWB has presented some good 'Top 50' list; so I figured it's time for an 'EWB 50 Sexiest People of ALL Time'.

    Now, the best way I could think of doing it is putting together a list of people that are "sexy" in our minds within replies. After a certain date (not sure of what it is at the moment) the list will be updated in this post and then then the replies from there on will be votes on the people on the list. The 50 with the most votes will then be the 50 Sexiest People of ALL Time as voted by EWB.

    Go ahead, start replying and let's get this going; men and women alike.

    I'd have to say:

    Marylin Monroe (was ahead of her time in 'sexiness') and

    Johnny Depp.

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