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Everything posted by Trey

  1. I'm just glad I didn't blow my MITB contracts on Orton when I can save them and try and rise to Ultimate after I get everything leveled up and Pro'd
  2. I'll have 2 EL Pro's in Goldust and Cena out of this plus a few other elites and two more HD Pro's. This will get us close to UL tier hopefully if enough of us were able to take advantage
  3. Go drop your cards down so we can keep trying, it'll be good karma ???
  4. Can we drop to the next so those of us still using the glitch can keep going?
  5. Got an EL Goldust that will make a pro so that's nice, I'm gonna try for a couple more just to boost my rtg deck
  6. I'm about to give this a shot, wish me luck on getting something good!
  7. I should be good for hopefully like 30 shards if I had to put a number on it, I have to work some extra hours at work so that might cost me a few shards.
  8. Realized I had a better support to throw in as of a couple hours ago and sure enough that boosted us into Elite tier. Congratulations on such a fast climb up the ranks guys, if you guys want we can try and push for two cards this RD this week
  9. I'll be replacing my EL USB with an HD Pro Reigns once I get him leveled, that'll help a little.
  10. Quickest way to earn coins?
  11. Yup, I'm running one right now strictly to get matches in for cards before I pro them.
  12. I cheat and use doublers most of the time but I'm happy to carry the load considering I usually have the time so I'm happy to help the team. I'm still aiming for 50 shards one of these go arounds, I had 43 last time and 47 the time before that.
  13. Maybe you'll get lucky and get Reigns as your freebie for hitting the rank like I did.
  14. Reigns would give me a second HD pro and Orton will be my third from MITB assuming we manage to get Reigns. And @R.W. our team has been up for the grind the last few events if you're fed up with your team. We are HD++ but I'm hoping we can hit elite before to long
  15. Yeah you've been a huge help, thanks for sticking it out for one more. Hate to see you go man.
  16. How do you scan the code in the game without having to send it to someone else's phone? It just gives me the option to use the camera and not one for a saved image while the QR app I have just links me to the game.
  17. Trey

    NBA 2K17

    That would be correct. My team defense is atrocious though so I might try and package the Magic pick I have which should be top 5 and either Clarkson or Fournier for a legit number 2 option behind DeMar.
  18. I'll have Roadblock Charlotte also though I'll only be getting one so she won't ever be any higher than pro. Between her and the HD Carmella we are about to have though my divas should be set for my ranked deck. Hopefully I can get to elite tier before to long.
  19. Nice. I'm 2000 out from UL Charlotte so that's been my focus lately.
  20. My deck isn't going to be strong enough to get Kofi sadly but I should have Ultimate Charlotte for the next team event and then I'll pick up Orton for my second HD pro so hopefully after that plus whatever I can get in the next solo event I'll have enough to grind longer in RTG
  21. I see that too, I'm really hoping my team is strong enough this go around to nab him but I don't think I even got the SS card last go around.
  22. I'm about 6000 away from the Roadblock Charlotte myself so hopefully I can manage to get it before to long to help out with our divas, my best is also a SS Charlotte. It's so nice to be on a team that actually communicates and most people are active, carrying teams solo sucked.
  23. I think we hit the wall guys, I can only win +1's as of an hour ago or so
  24. I've lost a couple +5's but seem to be winning more than I'm losing, hopefully it stays that way.
  25. You guys know I'm always up for a good grind.
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