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ClaRK! Kent

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Posts posted by ClaRK! Kent

  1. Well, I thought Gridlock was dead good. It had a kind of claustrophobic, almost bottle-show feel to it despite being quite big in scope, and the focus was for once taken off of the baddies (useful, as the monsters weren't up to much) and instead put onto the characters. The guest cast was quite good, I wasn't too fond of the carjacking couple but Ardal O'Hanlon was really good I thought. The whole idea of The Doctor's relationship with Martha up to that point came up for some good examination, and perhaps goes some way to explaining why it felt a bit awkward in the first two episodes.

    The last 5-10 minutes, with the fate of New New York, the Face of Boe's final message (I'm owed so much money!) and the Doctor finally opening up about what Gallifrey was like, was really well executed. You really felt for him there, and Tennant earns his status as the leading man of the best show on British television once more - last week he held a struggling episode together, this week he elevates a good episode to great with one perfect, perfect scene.

    I enjoyed it, and I'm looking forward to next week's due to...


  2. Right.

    So, I was going to post this in the "what music did you listen to?" thread, or even in the Music thread that YI started up, and then I figured that some people might not notice it in there, and that would be an absolute travesty. Here's the deal -

    Be Your Own PET make your favourite band look absolutely rubbish. They really fucking do. I got their album in the post today, I've been listening to it for about 3 hours now non-stop, and I can safely say it's not only the best album I've heard all year, it actually blows anything 2006 came up with out of the water, methinks. It's just primal, balls-to-the-wall garage rock with a really frenetic, pacy energy to it and a Hell of a lot of soul, whilst also mixing in these punk influences and really screeching around the place like it's had one too many at a teenage house party and wants to start a game of naked Twister.

    The band itself are amazing, I've been in love with them since the middle of 2005 when I first heard their single 'Damn Damn Leash', which sadly isn't on here. Their singer, Jemima Abegg, is the natural successor to Karen O, and she can actually sing as well as doing the yelpy thing which puts her above Karen O as well. She's got this great, youthful vibe about her and when she drops into her 'valley girl doo-wop' on certain songs your heart will melt in your ribcage, I swear to God. I've seen them live, too, and she makes the Yeah Yeah Yeahs' live show look positively tame, that one. She's only like 18 too. The rest of the group are a bit overshadowed by the frontwoman, as happens, but they bring the musicianship - well, the garage-rock riffs and the mad drumming - and on songs like 'Ouch' and 'Wildcat' they kick ass and take names all around.

    Some of the best songs on here are their biggest hit, in the UK at least, 'Adventure', as well as 'Wildcat', 'Girls on TV', and the wonderfully-named songs 'Bicycle, Bicycle, You Are My Bicycle' and 'We Will Vacation, You Will Be My Parasol'. So get those, maybe, and if you like it you should buy the album. Hell, just buy the album anyway, take my word for it - you'll love it.

    Here is a picture of the album cover, so when you go into HMV/Virgin, you'll know exactly what to look for. (Y)


    And because I am nice, here is a picture of Be Your Own PET doing what they do best - namely, rocking the socks off of a live crowd and making your favourite band look utterly pants in the process.


    Enjoy, motherfuckers.

  3. I've not really bought much music so far this year, to be honest.

    Albums I'm looking forward to though, are the new offerings from - Dizzee Rascal, QOTSA, THE PUMPKINS~!, Mars Volta, and probably G'n'R just to see what all the fuss is about.

    Apparently Auf der Maur has been in the studio recently, which is good news to anybody with a brain, of course. AdM FTW. :wub:

  4. Anchorman

    I've not actually seen this before, and after loads of "zOMG!" looks from my friends after admitting this, I decided to watch it. Man, was I missing out! Possibly one of the funniest movies I've seen in the past 10 years, this. All of the Frat Pack are on great form, really, and generally an awesome laugh-out-loud comedy. Probably one of the most quotable movies I've seen in years too, as well. Almost every scene had a great exchange of lines in, especially with Ferrell and the guy outta Friends who's name I forget. And Hell, all of the cameos in the fight scene were awesome.


  5. If you get a higher chain, you'll get more loot. The more loot you have, the more money you can get when you sell it.

    So, yeah. But don't worry too much, just hang around for ages killing stuff, letting it respawn, killing it again.

  6. Acting was crap apart from Tennant (again), jokes weren't really funny and were overdone (especially the Doctor giving him 'ideas' for lines all the fucking time), and the villains were hilariously bad.
  7. What was wrong with this week's? I thought it was, if anything, closer to classic Who than anything else they've done so far, just with a sort of contemporary twist. It was educational, even.

  8. It scared the absolute bejesus out of me, the first time I saw it. I was literally terrified. *shudders*

    I always find those sorts of films much scarier than like, slasher flicks or whatever, I dunno why. Maybe it's the psychological aspect? Either way, The Wicker Man needs to be on Rated-R Superstar's list. Just make sure you don't go to bed right afterwards.

  9. Wimbledon

    Man, I wasn't expecting much from this. My brother gave it to me as a cure for insomnia, no less, but he's a bastard because I'm very wired. The plot was so obvious, I'd guessed it within the first 30-40 seconds, but that didn't stop it from being one Hell of a ride. This one didn't win any awards, and it really shouldn't have, because it's not that type of movie. It was just a very enjoyable way to spend 90 minutes, an underdog story mixed in with a romantic comedy and some really fun moments to boot. Paul Bettany was nice as the journeyman in his last tournament, he's very much an everyman as an actor and that helped the story along, a very British actor to boot. Kirsten Dunst I can usually take or leave, but she was sweet and young and did everything she had to do to capture our hero's heart and inspire him on to new highs. A great supporting cast - James McEvoy, Bernard Hill, Sam Neill - all somewhat underused, but they did their jobs well, and the genuine tennis pros/announcers gave it a good feel.

    This movie won't change your life, not one bit, but you'll have a good time watching it. 7/10.

  10. I think that'll be revealed later in the series. I doubt RTD would just throw that in there for no reason, and they tend not to leave any story arcs unresolved by the end of the year, so I guess we'll see.

    Anyway, I really enjoyed that episode. Fun, lively, wordy and a great historical adventure. Not since The Mark of The Rani has the show done history that well, methinks. Way better than the last two "celebrity historical" episodes from the new show, ie: the one with Dickens, and the one with Queen Victoria.

    Jolly good fun, Martha seemed to come into her own a bit more, and Tennant/Shakespeare had some great banter.

  11. Okay. Seeing as I've been outta the loop on your diary for a while, I'm gonna try to get back into it post-Mania, so having skimmed over WMX8, I'm gonna just read Raw and try to get back into this one, perhaps.

    Feedback time...

    - The recap style is probably the best way to go. Without wishing to be unkind, I felt you suffered from trying to do extensive PBP in the period I was reading, and this style hides your weaknesses whilst accentuating the strengths, ie: a lot of your booking.

    - Good opening segment. The Rock is a good man to start with, as he just bitchslapped Taker, and here comes Undertaker to... do something. I dunno. What would he do after losing at Mania? Well, according to you he'll just go for business as usual. It's his yard, you know. Anyway, here's Kane and Heyman and they're all happy for beating Austin. We have a number one contender's match for the main event, and Rocky plays heel by running away and stuff. Is he actually the heel here? I dunno.

    - Regal beats Dreamer with the knux. You're having the belt defended, so I assume you've built it up to mean something. Yay for you, the European title is criminally underused.

    - I have no idea who Donovan Clark is, but Randy is all good. They challenge Matt and Jeff, and I assume you'll be jobbing Team Xtreme out pretty solidly now, 'cos you weren't building them up to be worth a damn, and skimming over the past page or so, it doesn't seem like much has changed.

    - Vince is all mad and stuff 'cos he lost, and his henchmen are guilty. Man, I hope he fires them soon, because frankly none of them do anything for me whatsoever. But he's off to the ring, anyway...

    - Vince and Lawler don't like each other, Lawler is a babyface so clearly this is bizarro-world, and they're splitting the brands next week. Nice to see you 'touching base' with reality here.

    - As I expected, the n00bs beat Team Xtreme in a fairly blah match. Fairy 'nuff.

    - HBK is all sad 'cos Trips is out, making him the only man in Canada who is at this point. Anyhow, he wants the Dudleyz in a handicap match, because apparently he doesn't enjoy his working spine or something.

    - Stasiak? Perfect? IC title match?!?! Where's Russo hiding?! Ahem. Anyway, Stasiak wins, and current meteorological reports suggest the temperature in Hell is "quite bracing" right now. Here comes Raven to add some credibility to the segment (who'da thunk it?) and beat up Perfect. I'm struggling to care, sadly, although that might be me missing out on stuff.

    - Bradshaw beats Morrus, and apparently they've pissed people off backstage, because this is just a backdrop to the continuing saga of the Women's title. Sheesh. Nice to see the belt on Daffney, anyhow. Just drop her silly, silly surname.

    - Backstage, Kane is WALKING~!

    - Rock is on commentary, so you know he's interfering. Good match write-up, it felt like the only one you actually enjoyed writing. Rocky interferes, a DQ, and everybody is very confused about who is the number one contender. I smell a 3-way.

    OVERALL - Not a bad show, but a little weak for post-Mania perhaps. I know you're hyping up a brand split, but a LOT of guys got left out here. No Kurt? Barely any Jericho? No Key, the man you've been hyping as your impact player? You left these guys off the card for Hugh Morrus and Shawn Stasiak? Yikes.

    You've improved a lot since I was last a regular reader, and this format of results can only help you, but apparently the booking has suffered a little. If you can get your booking back on form, you'll have a very good diary here. *** for the show.

  12. Of his?

    Well, that song itself is pretty much an updated, ironic take on the traditional folk song "Peggy's Farm" and of the similarly traditional "Magee's Farm" he'd sung at a protest rally in 1963 I believe, so... in terms of that, his 'rocked-up' versions of his older stuff on the 1966 electric tour are pretty similar. Try to find the versions of "One Too Many Mornings" or "Baby Let Me Follow You Down" from the 1966 live album, Bootleg Series #4.

    Otherwise, the album Bringing It All Back Home, which "Maggie's Farm" is from has a lot of stuff with a similar sound. "On The Road Again", "Outlaw Blues", and especially "Bob Dylan's 115th Dream" are in the same vein.

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