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ClaRK! Kent

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Posts posted by ClaRK! Kent

  1. Damn right. Maybe they can do a semi-Knightfall thing and have Bane injure Batman, and maybe use that as an in for Robin, who Batman then takes under his wing, or whatever. They can't go the full Knightfall shebang with it, but they can use elements.



    Best. 'Villain-Arrives-On-The-Scene.' Ever.

  2. Ultimate Marvel is utter cock, and we'll not speak of it again in a DC franchise thread. <_<

    They're superpowers, who gets them in a 'realistic' way anyway? They'll probably stick with people like The Joker, Two-Face and such who are at least more gritty and realistic, as well as being much darker, for the next two films. After that, they may have a new director, who is maybe more willing to play ball on some of the more OTT elements, but for now I doubt they'll do anything like that.

    If you take out people with remotely 'super' abilities, you're looking at Catwoman, The Riddler, The Penguin, and maybe Harley Quinn also. That'd be enough to carry another film or two, especially if they play The Riddler right as he's fucking decent when done properly. Harley would obviously require another Joker plot, and fuck knows there're enough Joker stories knocking about for it to maybe be viable.

    Still, I can't be alone in demanding more Poison Ivy.

  3. You did take it the wrong way, but you're entirely right about the lack of organisation. It's not my strong suit, I hoped the writers would self-organise, but in retrospect that was silly.

  4. I want to, but basically everybody apart from you and myself has dropped off in terms of their willingness to write. I gave everybody too much time, and too much freedom, which all amounted to a few days of "WOW, WRITING!" stuff and then people losing interest as they moved on. I'm considering continuing it on my own - seeing you coming out and saying "yes, I'm writing, but it won't be ready 'til December" is really encouraging.

  5. RTD is giving Moffat 2 episodes this season, I think, and he's probably being groomed to take over. Fair play, really, because Moffat's damn solid and if he learns what's good about RTD's approach and remains aware of what isn't so good, he'll be cracking.

    Something to note... when Tom Baker left in 1981 after being so successful, producer John Nathan Turner introduced a 'crowded TARDIS' of 3 companions to ease the transition to Peter Davison. Seeing as the only real format so far has been the Doctor and one female companion, with the odd appearance of somebody else mid-season (Micky, Jack, etc), and now by the end of the year we'll be having Martha Jones and Donna Noble on board... does this suggest, maybe, a similar approach to 'easing the transition' from RTD, should Tennant not decide to renew his contract?

  6. Seems maybe a bit churlish to begrudge Sunderland a win there, with the best will in the world they're not going to be troubling us at the end of the season and Spurs have often gotten off to a shaky start and gone on to qualify for Europe. The big push this year will be to break into the top 4, Arsenal are going to have a tough year and we should be looking to capitalise. I think that with 4 strikers all looking to get games under their belts, it could go two ways - either it'll be good for competition, or it'll unsettle the two players on the pitch if they see the other two warming up. Berbatov hardly looked happy with being substituted today, and that's an alarm bell already.

    But, the news of the day is well done to Sunderland, they dealt with Spurs very well and it was a scrappy win, but maybe they deserved it. Against anybody else, I'd not have minded half as much. I've had a soft spot for them the past few years, so best of luck to them and I hope they can do well. Just don't take it too hard when we get the 'W' back at the Lane. :P

  7. Well, he signed a 3 year deal, this'll be his third year. No word on whether he'll re-sign for a fourth, but rumours will be abound about who the next Doctor would/will be if he leaves.

  8. Once they've done Joker, and then Two-Face in the next film, I personally wouldn't mind seeing The Riddler. As long as he's paired with a physical threat (Clayface, for example) he's decent, Jim Carrey's portrayal was the drizzling shits and totally anathema to the character. Riddler gets a bad rep, but he's in the top 10 as far as the rogues' gallery goes.

    Hell, if they play it right, I'd even be okay with them bringing Poison Ivy in, as she's always knocking about in most of the major arcs, bewitching people and the like.

    And anybody who doubts the importance of Catwoman is clearly... uh, yeah. She's massively important, I can see them shying away from her based on the terrible movie, but I hope they don't. Selina > *

  9. Fuck Graham Kavanagh. <_<

    I get a reporter coming to my door before the game against Wolves. We've been on a bit of a blip in form, having a W-D-L-D-W for the past five games, still top of the league but only by a whisper. Wolves aren't doing too well, and in order to boost my side's morale/get them fighting, I say we really should be beating them if we play to our best. Half of my side reacts to that by saying "grr" and getting fired up for the match, which we promptly go on to win 2-0. Kavanagh, who has been a rock in the centre of midfield, however, decides that he's not totally confident about the game, and gets a 5 rating for the match, almost giving away a goal (thank fuck for Gareth Bale at left back and Darren Ward in goal), and his morale tanks to poor. Even a 4-1 win against Leeds in the League Cup only pulls him up to good morale, whilst everybody else is on superb.

    And his skills are deteriorating massively, the old bastard. I wish my central midfield had more depth.

    On another note, Billy Sharp seems to have found his form again at just the right time, just as my lead goalscorer David Connelly decides to take a couple of games off from his usual scythe-like finishing, Sharpie gets 4 in 3 games, pulling him up to 10 goals, equal with Connelly. Yay.

    January transfer window is looking interesting at this point, as my squad is sometimes a little injury-prone, and I need depth. Plus, I need better back-up/rotation strikers than Yorke and John, who've not scored once between them all year.

  10. Yeah, Nolan has stated that while he's directing, there'll be no Robin, as Dick Grayson is basically in short pants at this point. It's basically revisiting Year One anyway, and IIRC Robin wasn't introduced until way after even Year Two and Year Three, continuity-speaking.

    Poison Ivy needs to make an appearance at some point, but I could live my life without seeing the Penguin again.

  11. Obviously it's a preference thing. Marvel is certainly more 'pick up and read'-able than much DC stuff, but I kinda like that about DC, it feels like it means something to be a long-standing fan. Like, with the twists in The 52, some of them dated back ages, and they were explained, sure, but being a long-standing fan meant you could go "hey, yeah!" and stuff.

    The Batman/Detective Comics/Nightwing/Birds of Prey stuff is all fairly easy to follow, like you said, although even that is easier to make sense of when they put it into graphic novel/compendium format, but then again Batman has been consistently the best thing running from either company for at least 10 years now, pretty much since The Killing Joke onwards. Superman has some great stuff running, and Green Lantern is all kinds of amazing. Wonder Woman's rubbish, but meh.

    Sometimes Marvel feels a little too accessible to me, as if they're not really pushing themselves enough in order to retain casual fans. Fantastic Four has been meh for years, Spiderman's not been great in ages, and the X-Men is now so diluted and confusing it's beyond parody. I like Marvel, they have some good stuff running with Iron Man, Astonishing X-Men and the odd New Avengers arc, but generally I'm a bit blah on the whole thing.

    Plus, continuity cock-ups and massive, scrambling attempts to make it easier are the lifeblood of comics and have been for donkey's years.

  12. Man, Marvel have a buttload of movies coming out in the next few years, huh? More Hulk, Venom, Iron Man, apparently they're doing Captain America and then an Avengers movie if that all goes off well... plus MORE Spidey, despite SM3 killing the franchise? I severely doubt that all of those films are going to be good. Hell, Iron Man might be the only one that comes off well, and that's only because they have a solid director and a good leading man.

    People have been crowing about DC getting owned in the movie department by Marvel, but really they're just a lot more careful with their licenses, especially after the Joel Schumacher fiasco. Plus, DC's been kicking Marvel's tail when it comes to the actual comics for... ooh, 70+ years, now?

    That said, I'm still holding out for a Nightwing movie, good or bad.

  13. Premiership = meh. Even the mighty Tottenham weren't enough to keep my interest up, having romped to victory in the opening 12 games of the season with little investment in the squad. Apparently, decent coaches and variable tactics are the only thing necessary for top flight success... if only it was so easy, huh?

    Anyway, I'm off to America to manage some inland, crappy team (Colorado looks tempting) and see if I can squeeze a challenge outta the game.

  14. Thanks for that, relevant-information-fairy.

    Ron has now turned on Harry so many times it makes my head spin. Those two need Oprah.

    And ironically, even in death Albus Dumbledore manages to have more to do than Tonks, Kinglsey, Moody and Lupin combined. What an Order they are.

    Plus, Moody's death is awesome for the line "he got hit in the face with the Killing Curse" or whatever it was. It's bad enough if it hits your toe. YOUR FACE?!

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