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Posts posted by Thatz

  1. Not bad. I think you give away far too many "high-quality" matches on free t.v. though. On the most recent Smackdown!, for example, you had three matches (HHH vs Rock, Eddie/Benoit vs Austin/Jericho, Edge/Christian/Angle vs Taker/Dudleyz) which could've main-evented the show on their own.


    Fatal Four way for the WCW Heavyweight title

    Chris Jericho© vs Chris Benoit vs Christian vs Tajiri

    Falls Count Anywhere Street Fight

    Steve Austin vs Raven

    US Title Challenge Match

    Booker T© vs Al Snow

    Triple Threat elimination Cruiserweight title match

    Rey Mysterio vs Sonny Siaki vs The Amazing Red

    30 Minute ROH rules Ironman Match

    CM Punk vs Colt Cabana

    BONUS:(+1 point) How many falls wil lthe winner have? 3

    Whiskey Marc Pain Tour

    Whiskey Marc vs ????

    BONUS(+2 points): Who will Whiskey Marc's opponent be (May or may not be someone currently in WCW) Ruckus

    WCW Tag Team title match

    Eddie Guerrero and Konnan vs Roadwarrior Animal and The Hurricane

  3. Craig, you really need to listen to people's advice. They give it to you, then you bitch when they do. Anyway, I hope you learned from this Sting situation. I told you at Corp. X (so did others) that his debut wasn't very good, and that it didn't even fit in with his character (or the actual person, for that matter.) People here don't like it either.

  4. You, sir, are an idiot. You don't send guys like that to development camp! Austin Aries is the ROH Champion (at this point in time, in the diary) and it's a disgrace to put one of the best indy wrestlers out there in development. And the Naturals are one of the few (and I think they're the best) team you've got!

  5. World title match (steel cage, pinfalls only)

    Chris Jericho vs Hulk Hogan

    Us Title match:

    Scott Steiner vs Booker T

    Grudge Match:

    Raven vs Steve Austin

    Tag Team Title Match:

    Los Guerreros vs Mark Jindrak and Sean O'Haire vs Hurricane and Whipwreck

    CM Punk vs Colt Cabana

    Anything goes Hardcore match

    Ernest Miller vs Whiskey Marc

    "Oldschool WCW" Encounter

    Diamond Dallas Page vs Chris Benoit

    The person who gets the most right, gets to book something in the diary (not telling what to anyone else but the winner).. In the event of a tie.. I suppose the first one who posted their predictions first will be the winner.. only fair way I can see to choose it.

  6. Vince McMahon vs. Shane McMahon - Winner Takes All

    BONUS: Steph, Linda, Eric Bischoff

    -Yes, I'm predicting a draw. Then WCW gets Smackdown!

    Stone Cold© vs. Big Show - WWF World Heavyweight Championship

    Triple H© vs. Chris Jericho - WWF Intercontinental Championship

    Dean Malenko© vs. Rhyno - WWF Hardcore Championship

    BONUS: Twice

    Eddie Guerrero© w/ D'Lo Brown vs. Steven Richards /RTC - WWF European Championship

    WWF Tag Team Championship Brawl For All

    The New Age Outlaws vs. Edge and Christian vs. The Dudley Boys© vs. The Hardy Boys vs. APA vs. The Brothers of Destruction vs. The Hollys vs. Val Venis/The Goodather

    BONUS: Venis/Godfather go first.

    Kurt Angle vs. TBA

    BONUS: No guess...

    X-Factor vs. Rey Mysterio/Shane Helms/TBA

    BONUS: Shannone Moore

  7. I think you made a big mistake introducing the new titles. With a roster like TNA, you don't really need those. One of the things I like best is how in TNA, the belts actually mean something, because there are only 3 of them. Now, with 5 belts, the others don't seem so important.

  8. Excellent diary here. One thing that I don't really like is the lack of WCW stars. Sure, it's best to start out slow, but there's only 10 guys up against the whole WCW roster! I'm hoping that a couple new guys are brought in with WCW at Backlash.

  9. I see that you haven't been getting a large amount of feedback. This is a good diary, and I'd hope you wouldn't discontinue it because of that. Royal Rumble was pretty good, this diary has lots of potential. This was a good time for wrestling, it's cool to see what somebody else would have done with it.

  10. Randy Orton vs Kane vs Edge

    Triangle WWE Championship Match

    Matt Hardy Version 1.0 vs Brock Lesnar

    WWE American Championship Match

    Triple H vs Rhyno

    Sean O'Haire vs Christian

    AJ Styles vs Spanky

    WWE European Title Match

    Christopher Daniels vs Hurricane

    WWE Cruiserweight Title Match

    Chris Benoit vs Rob Van Dam

    #1 Contendership for the WWE Title

    Asai vs Psicosis

    #1 Contendership for the WWE Cruiserweight Title

  11. Randy Orton vs Kane vs Edge

    Triangle WWE Championship Match

    Matt Hardy Version 1.0 vs Brock Lesnar

    WWE American Championship Match

    Triple H vs Rhyno

    Sean O'Haire vs Christian

    AJ Styles vs Spanky

    WWE European Title Match

    Christopher Daniels vs Hurricane

    WWE Cruiserweight Title Match

    Chris Benoit vs Rob Van Dam

    #1 Contendership for the WWE Title

    Asai vs Psicosis

    #1 Contendership for the WWE Cruiserweight Title

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