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Posts posted by Thatz

  1. I don't really care for this. It's too similar to the "Black Plague" diary. I don't like all of those injuries in the month of December alone, either. I mean, the ways the came up with the injuries to happen weren't even that realistic. It seemed as though you were just looking for excuses to screw things up for WWE.

  2. IPB Image

    WWE RAW Results


    Mark Jindrak vs William Regal

    Since Mr. Regal is not as great as he once was, and since Jindrak has yet to develop into a true superstar, this match was just average. Regal seemed to be working pretty stiff, probably just to add to the match. He took a lot of punishment from the "Reflection of Perfection," and he had the fans thinking that he had a chance to win this thing. However, Regal's stiff strikes, hard suplexes, and brutal submissions couldn't take Jindrak down. In a desperate move, Regal locked Jindrak in a one-legged Boston Crab. Jindrak seemed close to tapping out, but Chris Masters ran into the ring from behind, and locked Regal in the Masterlock. The referee gave Regal the DQ victory, but Masters kept the hold locked in. After a little while, Masters let go, and Jindrak hit the Mark of Excellence. Regal was left down in the ring as the World Tag Team Champions celebrated over his lifeless body. (63)

    Playing the Game

    Todd Grisham was backstage, interviewing Triple H. Ric Flair lingered in the backround, not saying anything. Todd asked Hunter what he thought about facing Chris Benoit at Unforgiven, with Ric Flair himself as the guest referee. "Especially since...well...you've never really....cleanly beaten Chris Benoit here on RAW," Grisham added. Triple H looked at Grisham furiously, and snatched away the microphone. He started talking about how he was the game, how he had ten World Championships. He said that he will beat Chris Benoit at Unforgiven, and that he won't even need to cheat to do it. "Afterall...with the dirtiest player in the game as the referee...I think that I'll be just fine," Triple H said to end the promo. He then glanced at Flair, who didn't say anything at all. He motioned to Flair, and the pair of them walked away from Grisham. (88)

    Chris Benoit vs Michael Shane

    Pretty good match, Shane is slowly starting to get more over with the RAW fans. Triple H and Ric Flair were on guest commentary during the match, with Trips talking "smack" about Benoit, and Flair not really saying much at all. Benoit worked Shane's leg and back for most of the match, and he hit the usual suplexes and chops. Shane got in some offense during the middle of the match, but Benoit seemed to be able to counter anything and everything that the rookie had to throw out. The end of the match came when Shane went for a superkick on Benoit, but the "Rabid Wolverine" caught Shane's foot, threw him down to the match, and locked in the Sharpshooter. Shane, with the weakend back and legs, quickly tapped out. After the match, Benoit and Triple H had an intense stare-down, with Ric Flair sitting at the announce table, looking between them. (67)

    The Heart-Break Kid

    Shawn Michael's music hit after the break, and he came out to a great ovation from the fans. After taking the time to pose for the crowd, he was handed a microphone by Lilian Garcia. He began to talk about Kurt Angle. He talked about all of Kurt's accomplishments, and how similar Kurt's career is to his. Both of them won all the major titles at one point, and both of them have been proclaimed the "best ever." He came back from a back injury, Kurt's come back from neck injuries. And both of them have something to prove. He said "I admit...Kurt and I...we've both got pretty big egos." He talked about how both of them have a lot of heart, passion for the business, and the desire to be the best. "And at Unforgiven, neither of us is going to give up. Kurt, I know you won't go down easy...but neither will I. It's going to be a matter of who finds the opportunity first." (88)

    Kenzo Suzuki vs Shawn Michaels

    Kenzo added to his "good match streak" in this one. Although Michaels clearly dominated this one, he did allow Kenzo to get in his moves, and he sold for him. There weren't a ton of near-falls, and the match wasn't very long, but it had a quick pace. There wasn't a lot of down-time in this at all, pretty old-school for Michaels. He seemed to be in top form, hitting all of his signature moves on Suzuki. The end of the match came when Suzuki had Michaels in the corner. He ran at him, going for a clothesline of some sort, but Michaels jumped out and popped him in the face with the Sweet Chin Music. He pinned Suzuki for the win. After the match, Kurt Angle's music hit, and he made his way down to the ring. He teased getting into the ring with Michaels, but the two just had a stare-down as the show went to a break. (70)

    The Cutting Edge

    After the break, Edge's music hit, and he came down to the ring with Lita, his "Money in the Bank" briefcase in hand. He got some pretty good heel-heat, which is definately a good sign. He made out with Lita for a bit in the ring, then he snatched a mic from Lilian. He started off talking about being in attendance at WMVI, and onto his tag-team run with Christian. He talked about finally breaking away from Christian, winning the Intercontinental Title, winning King of the Ring, etc. He talked about being injured in 2003, returning to RAW in 2004, and being screwed time and time again. Finally, he won the Money in the Bank title shot. "Just like how breaking away from my brother was a turning point, just like returning from injury last year, WrestleMania 21 was a turning back. I became Mr. Money in the Bank. I will be screwed no more! Come Unforgiven, you will witness a new era, a new turning point for Edge...when I become the World...Heavyweight...Champion!" (81)

    Words from the Champion

    Batista's music hit the speakers, and he came out to a huge pop from the crowd. Edge looked shocked, and he immediately backed away into the far corner of the ring. Batista had a microphone, and the World Title in his hand. He paused near the bottom of the entrance ramp. He said that WrestleMania 21 was a turning point for him as well, as he finally became the World Heavyweight Champion when he defeated Triple H. Since then, he's reached another turning point- finally beating Triple H and Randy Orton, making Evolution a thing of the past. "And I'll be damed, Edge," he said. "If I let you take this from me. At Unforgiven, you'll be getting exactly what you deserve." Batista then charged the ring, and he began brawling with Edge. He had the upper-hand, until Lita hit him in the back of the head from behind with the brief-case. Batista turned slowly towards Lita, and Edge bailed the ring immediately. Batista seemed to think about hitting Lita with a powerbomb or two, but he let her walk away as he stared down Edge on the outside. (86)

    Shelton Benjamin vs Rob Conway

    For some bizarre reason, these two guys just did not "click" in their match tonight. Both of them seemed pretty off. Benjamin seemed to be distracted by Haas (who was at ring-side) and Conway seemed to be trying just to impress everyone. There were a couple botched moves in this (not many) as well. With that being said, they did have some good bits on the mat with eachother, and both guys showed signs of brilliance. Benjamin did managed to stop Conway from hitting the Ego Trip, and he caught him with a swift T-Bone suplex for the win. Haas tried to run in after the match, but Benjamin clotheslined him out...only to be hit with a low-blow from Conway. Haas then grabbed a chair from ringside, and he and Conway beat on Benjamin. Conway hit the Ego Trip onto the chair, and Haas locked in the Haas of Pain as the show cut to a break. (65)

    Another Match for Unforgiven

    Eric Bischoff was shown in the back, talking with Randy Orton. Orton talked about how he dropped Chris Jericho with the RKO last night, and that you might as well add another "legend" to his list. Bischoff was laughing with Randy, until Y2J himself came into the room. He ripped on Orton for a bit, then talked about last week. "As you can see, Randle....Y2J's still standing! I don't think you finished the job last week, Mister...Legend Killer!" Orton got into a stare-down with Jericho, with Bischoff inbetween them. Bisch. broke the two apart, and said "You two obviously have something against eachother...so how about I make a match. For Unforgiven. The Legend Killer, Randy Orton, versus Y2J, Chris Jericho!" The crowd popped for that statement. Jericho smiled, slapped Orton playfully across the face, and walked out of the room. (78)

    Muhammad Hassan© vs Rhyno [intercontinental Title]

    Ok....this was sort-of a train-wreck. Hassan has definately gotten much better since his debut match, but Rhyno was never exactly a great wrestler. He's the kind of guy that only works well in certain environments. And this wasn't one of them. Rhyno had the advantage of his strength and size, and he used that to take down a timid Hassan early on. However, Hassan (as usual) had Daivari in his corner, and this was definately to his advantage. Daivari distracted Rhyno (and the referee) several times in this match, until Mike Chioda got so fed up that he ejected Daivari from ringside! Daivari was going up the ramp, screaming in Arabic (if that's what he speaks) and Rhyno and Chioda had their backs turned. When Rhyno turned around, Hassan drilled him in the face with the Intercontinental Title. He hit the Modified STO on Rhyno, threw the belt from the ring, and made the pinfall as the referee turned around. (69)

    We're Taking it...to the Extreme!

    Hassan was celebrating in the ring with Daivari after the match, when suddenly, Eric Bischoff's theme music hit! He made his way down the entrance ramp, microphone in hand. Bischoff stared at the scene in the ring, and shook his head. "Now listen....Muhammad. Rhyno. Tonight, I put you two in the main event. I put you in the main event because it was a match that the fans wanted to see. And what did you do? You didn't even give them a clean finish! Now don't get me wrong, Rhyno and I...we aren't the best of friends. But Muhammad, I won't have you screwing up my RAW main events, losing me money! So this isn't the end of this. No...at Unforgiven, it's going to be Muhammad Hassan, defending the Intercontinental Title against Rhyno....in a Hardcore Match! That's right, Falls Count Anywhere, No Disqualifications! Unforgiven!" The crowd gave Bischoff a decent pop (for once) as he went up the ramp to end the show, a small smile on his face. (76)


    Quick Results:

    William Regal def. Mark Jindrak

    Chris Benoit def. Michael Shane

    Shawn Michaels def. Kenzo Suzuki

    Shelton Benjamin def. Rob Conway

    Muhammad Hassan def. Rhyno

    Overall Show Rating: 75%

  3. World Heavyweight Title Match

    Sting & Kevin Nash © vs. Randy Savage & Sid (w/Team Madness)

    -I think that Nash will find a way to steal the win from Sting here.

    World Tag Team Title Match

    Chris Benoit & Perry Saturn vs. Diamond Dallas Page & Bam Bam Bigelow © (w/Kanyon)

    -Benoit & Saturn should win I think, the feud could continue though.

    Roddy Piper vs. Buff Bagwell

    -Bagwell is the only one who would have anything to gain from this.

    Ten Man Battle Royal: US Heavyweight Title Match

    Participants: Booker T, The Cat, Chris Jericho, Dean Malenko, Eddie Guerrero, Kanyon, Meng, Steven Regal, Stevie Ray, and a tenth man to be named

    -Could is possibly be...Ric Flair?

    Eight-Man Tag Team Elimination Match

    West Texas Rednecks vs. Konnan & Rey Mysterio, Jr. & Billy Kidman & Swoll

    World Television Title Match

    Disco Inferno vs. Rick Steiner ©

    -Disco is just better in all areas.

    Hardcore Match

    Hugh Morrus (w/Jimmy Hart) vs. Hardcore Hak (w/Chastity)

    -The better HC wrestler by far...

    Chavo Guerrero, Jr. vs. Psicosis

    -Could start Chavo's push to the top of the Cruiserweight Division.

  4. That show was just....blargh. I liked the little backstory on the characters, but so many things in that show made no sense at all. Cena, one of the most popular guys in WWE, suddenly gets stuffed an insane rapper gimmick? I thought that this was going to be somewhat realistic.

    As for the writing itself, it wasn't very good. The promos weren't good...at all. Most of them were only a few sentences, and they were incredibly bland. They weren't even like the characters themselves half of the time, and they showed little to no emotion. Lines like "You are despicable!" Kurt Angle isn't boring like that.

    Another gripe I have is that you wrote part of the promo, or the entire promo, but on other segments you just wrote a summary. Either write the promos out in full (with more detail and emotion please) or just write a summary like you did in some of them.

  5. I am obsessed with Amazing Race, and actually have boot leg copies of the first 5 seasons, just need to get seasons six and seven. I have even applied to be on Amazing Race with my sister, tho I plan on changing up my partners and applying again soon.

    As for the Family Edition, it's okay. The first half of the show, the Paolas kept it interesting, but since then, the Weavers have kept it WAYYY more interesting. I feel back for the son on that team, seems to be the only semi-normal one.

  6. Man, I called the local game store and the game said that they have Smackdown versus Raw 2006 but for $24.99 (Canadian) I told him to hold it not realising what he said, but right after I hung up I realised that can't be right...

    Obviously the guy thought SD versus Raw 1 right? I'm not just crazy?

  7. # John Cena, Shawn Michaels, Steve Austin, Kane and The Big Show vs. Kurt Angle, Booker T, Shane Mcmahon and T.N.T

    - Who will be the WWE Champion? - Kurt Angle

    - Who will be the first man eliminated? - Trevor Murdoch

    # Ric Flair vs. Triple H

    - Winner of the First Fall - Flair

    - Winner of the Second Fall - HHH

    - Winner of the Third Fall (If Necessary) - HHH

    # Edge vs. Mystery Opponent

    - Who will be Edge's mystery opponent - DDP

    - Winner - DDP

    # Carlito vs. Chris Masters vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Tajiri

    - Winner - Shelton Benjamin

    - Elimination Order - Carlito, Tajiri, Masters

    # Trish Stratus w/ Mickey James and Ashley vs. Victoria w/ Candice Michelle and Torrie

    - Winner - Mickey James

  8. IPB Image

    WWE RAW Results


    Interview With the Champ

    The World Heavyweight Champion, Batista came out to kick off the show. He was dressed in his wrestling gear, and he got a massive pop as he stood upon the turnbuckle, belt in hand. When the crowd finally quieted down, "The Animal" grabbed a microphone and began to speak. He talked about his title defense last week against Randy Orton, and how the match had ended in a DQ when Edge attacked him with a steel chair. Batista went on to basically call Edge a coward, and that he'd be eaten alive at Unforgiven. He started talking about Eric Bischoff (who made Edge the #1 Contender) and Bischoff's music hit. Bischoff came out to some boos, and basically said that "if you think you're so tough, then how about you prove it right here...against Snitsky!" (84)

    Batista© vs Gene Snitsky [World Heavyweight Title]

    Pretty decent match here actually, with Batista brawling with the former World Tag Team Champion. Heidenreich was at ringside, and he tried to interfere with the match a few times. Snitsky got in some decent offense, but Batista came back mid-way through the match. He started just pounding on Snitsky, not holding anything back. Apparantly the chair-shot from last week didn't hurt him too badly...anyway, Snitsky went for the big boot at the end, but Batista just ducked, and hit a Spinebuster on him. Heidenreich ran in, but he too got a Spinebuster. Batista then did the "thumbs up" taunt, and hit Snitsky with a stiff Batista Bomb to score the win, and retain his title. Edge came out on the entrance ramp afterwards, and applauded with a smirk on his face. (71)

    The Legend Killer Speaks...

    Randy Orton came out after a commercial, dressed in a black suit with a microphone in his hand. He got in the ring and began talking about last week's match, similar to what Batista was doing. He admitted that Batista got the best of him at SummerSlam, but the match wasn't over on RAW. Sure, Batista seemed ready to finish him off, but he could've came back. He could've hit the RKO, and we could've had a new champion. "You don't make assumptions about the Legend Killer," Orton said. "Because right when you think you've got me beat, I hit you with the RKO, and you're staring up at the lights on your back." Orton then said that as soon as Unforgiven is over, he'll be ready to take the Title once again... (88)

    ...And the Ayatollah Answers

    Chris Jericho's theme music hit, and he came out to the ring to a huge pop from the live crowd. He entered the ring in typical Jericho-fashion, and he already had a microphone in his hand. He started talking about how he used to be the Undisputed Champion. How he beat The Rock and Steve Austin in one night...how he main-evented WrestleMania. He talked about his days in Japan, in ECW, and in WCW. "And there is no one on this roster, junior," said Jericho. "That wants a shot at the top more than me. You've had your chance...twice...now it's time to move on." With those words Orton lept up into the air and delivered a huge RKO on Y2J, leaving him down and out. He smiled before turning and walking away. (83)

    Kurt Angle vs The Hurricane

    Really fun match here between Angle and Shane Helms. Hurricane went on the offensive early, throwing absolutely everything that he had at WWE's only Olympic Gold Medalist. He flew around the ring like we've rarely seen him do in his WWE days, and the fans ate it up. However, he was a bit too risky, and that ended up costing him the match. He went for a crossbody off of the top-rope after a few minutes, and Angle caught him, and threw him over his head. Angle then went to work on Helms, hitting him with just about every move in his arsenal. After hitting the Angle Slam, Kurt waited for Helms to get up. Helms went for a superkick, but Angle just caught his foot, and locked in the Ankle Lock. Helms tapped out quickly, but Angle held the move... (82)

    The War Has Just Begun

    Angle continued to keep the hold locked in on the Hurricane, until Shawn Michaels sprinted down to the ring, just like how he saved Booker T. a while ago. He got in the ring just as Angle released the hold, and the two men immediately began brawling. Pretty typical brawl, just a lot of punches thrown with a few moves thrown in. Angle went for an Angle Slam for example, but Michaels slid out of it and continued punching Angle. Security eventually made a dash down to the ring, and tried to seperate the two superstars. They broke free a few times, but eventually the security was able to restrain them to throwing only words at one another. The show then went to a commercial break. (99)

    Chris Masters vs William Regal

    This was actually one of Masters' best solo matches (which isn't really saying a lot) since he's joined RAW. The man who Masters holds the World Tag Team Titles with, Mark Jindrak, was at ringside for the match. He didn't need to interfere that often though, Masters seemed to have Regal controlled. Regal got a few nice submissions in on Masters, and he hit him with a few sick chops, but "The Masterpiece" was just too powerful for Regal in the end. Masters locked in the Masterlock, and just like all of Masters' previous opponents, Regal submitted. Masters held the hold on Regal after the match, and Jindrak slipped into the ring, and decked Regal in the face with the title. Regal was left bleeding in the ring as the World Tag Team Champions made their exit. (72)

    The Nature Boy...and Chris Benoit?

    Chris Benoit was shown sitting backstage with Ric Flair. The two were talking, similar to what happened last week. Chris Benoit kept asking Ric Flair questions about the past, the present, and the future. He basically asked Ric Flair if this was how he wanted to be remembered in the business. "Do you really want to be remembered as Triple H's lackey...do you really want this to be the Ric Flair everyone remembers?" 'Naitch didn't answer the questions directly, he just sat there on the couch, thinking. He finally mumbled "you don't understand, Chris." Benoit shook his head, and went to open the door, but it was opened for him. Triple H stood in his path. (74)

    A Match Made for Unforgiven

    "What the hell is he doing in here?" screamed Triple H, glaring back and forth between Benoit and Flair. "What the hell are you doing Ric?" Triple H made to go over to Flair, but Benoit stepped in, blocking his path. Triple H shoved Benoit out of the way, into the wall. The two then began brawling with one-another, Ric Flair sitting right in the middle of it all. Security ran into the room, and Eric Bischoff followed. He immediately began shouting at all three men in the room, even though it appeared as though nobody was listening. "If you two want eachother so bad you can settle it in the ring at Unforgiven," said Bischoff as he want towards the door. However, just as he was leaving, he turned and looked right at Ric Flair. "And you know what Ric? You're going to be the special guest referee!" The crowd popped as Bischoff closed the door, and Benoit was escorted from the room. (78)

    Chris Benoit/Shelton Benjamin/Rhyno vs Triple H/Rob Conway/Muhammad Hassan

    Great action-packed main event for RAW. Six-man tag matches are usually fun, and this was no exception. The guys went all out in this one, and gave the fans a twenty-minute-plus match. Everybody got adequete time in the ring to hit all of their spots, and then some extra time as well. It seemed to be quite uneven though, as the heels had Daivari and Charlie Haas at ringside to help them out. Flair was there as well, but he didn't really do too much to help either team. Hassan and Rhyno were in the ring at the end, while the others brawled around at ringside. Daivari slid the Intercontinental Title into the ring and jumped up onto the aprong to distract the referee, and Hassan clocked Rhyno in the face with the belt. He then hit the Modified STO on Rhyno, and picked up the pin. Hassan and Daivari celebrated to end the show, as the others continued to brawl outside the ring. (79)

    Overall Show Rating: 80%


    I'm not sure if this is going to be the format that I'm going to use or not. It's quick and efficient, so the way I write the t.v. shows will probably be something similar to this. PPV's will still be written in full. :)

  9. I'm torn.

    Goldeneye came in seventh, rightly, and you had good things to say about it. However, you said that "Rogue Agent" was superior to Goldeneye, which I can't help disagreeing vociferously with. The only thing Rogue Agent had over Goldeneye was the improved graphics. That's it - in every other department Goldeneye sticks a proximity mine to Rogue Agent's ass and let's them run.

  10. "The Fallout"

    RAW is still almost three weeks away from Unforgiven, and two blockbuster matches were already signed last week! Shawn Michaels will be taking on Kurt Angle at the event, in the match to truely determine who the better man is. Both men have Pay Per View wins over the other, who is going to come out on top? Angle will begin preparing tonight, when he takes on The Hurricane in singles action!

    Randy Orton took on Batista in a rematch for the World Heavyweight Championship last week, but failed to win the Title. However, the match was ruled a no contest when Edge attacked Batista with a steel chair. The "Legend Killer" will be on RAW tonight, and you can be assured that he will have something to say.

    Speaking of Batista, it has been confirmed that he will be at RAW tonight to open the show. What will "The Animal" have to say about Edge and his match at Unforgiven? Last week was one of the few times in his career that he was brought to his knees, and the Champion is not happy.

    Last but not least, the main event of the evening will feature a massive six-man tag match. Chris Benoit will team up with Shelton Benjamin and Rhyno to take on the team of Triple H, Rob, and the Intercontinental Champion, Muhammad Hassan. Benjamin was severely beaten by the hands of Triple H and Ric Flair last week, but it should be interesting to see how he competes in the ring with Charlie Haas's new tag team partner, Rob Conway.

    Be sure to catch all of this and much more on Monday Night RAW, coming to you LIVE from Nashville, Tennesse at 9 P.M. Eastern, only on Spike T.V!


    Kurt Angle vs The Hurricane

    Chris Benoit/Shelton Benjamin/Rhyno vs Triple H/Rob Conway/Muhammad Hassan

  11. Well, the show didn't dissapoint. :) I like your writing style, you're pretty detailed and I didn't notice many typos or anything. The storylines you've got going right now seen pretty decent, I'm really liking how you had Jericho and Guerrero team up with one another. From the backstage segments and whatnot, it appears as though we'll have a new set of main-event level guys in the future (Jericho for sure, most likely Benoit and Guerrero too). What's good though is that you don't seem to be in a rush to get all of the older guys out. Some people do it too quickly, and it becomes unrealistic.

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