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Posts posted by Thatz

  1. Nintendo's conference was horrible. They've got plenty of great games coming out (Smash Bros, Mario, Metroid, Fire Emblem, etc.) but they didn't really spend that much time on any of them. They announced some release dates, but that's about it really. Mario Kart Wii should be great, but the conference was pretty boring overall. Not enough info on the big games.

  2. Final Fantasy X would be a decent option. It's not incredibly difficult, and it's a modern game, so it should be easy for you to get in to. I wouldn't start with VII or anything like that, as the older games haven't aged all that well. They're still great, but X would probably be your best option to start with.

  3. The big reason that the new formats aren't catching on is because most people don't have any use for them. HDTVs are becoming more and more common, but the vast majority of people still don't have them. And if you don't have a HDTV, there's pretty much no reason to have a Blu-Ray or HD-DVD player.

  4. I don't think that Raiden was a particularly bad character, it's just that he wasn't as awesome as Solid Snake. I always thought that Raiden was kinda cool, and new, but why would I want to play as him when I could play as Solid fucking Snake, the baddest mother on the planet?

  5. Group A:

    Pulp Fiction vs Rear Window

    City Of God vs Sunset Blvd.

    Group B:

    Casablanca vs Seven Samurai

    Psycho vs Lawrence Of Arabia

    Group C:

    Godfather vs Star Wars

    Goodfellas vs Fight Club

    Group D:

    Schindler's List vs Raiders Of The Lost Ark

    Once Upon A Time In The West vs Amelie

    Group E:

    Empire Strikes Back vs One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest

    Usual Suspects vs Memento

    Group F:

    The Good, The Bad and The Ugly vs 12 Angry Men

    North By Northwest vs Two Towers

    Group G:

    Shawshank Redemption vs Return Of The King

    Doctor Strangelove vs Silence Of The Lambs

    Group H:

    Godfather II vs Fellowship Of The Ring

    Citizen Kane vs It's A Wonderful Life

  6. Wow, there's no Harrison, McCartney, or Lennon on the list? I can understand why people wouldn't like their music, but it's near impossible to deny that those three couldn't sing. I'm not saying that they should've won, but seriously, at least one of them should be in the Top 40.

    Of course, the people who made the list might just be idiots, and they could classify the Beatles as "oldies" rather than "classic rock" for some reason...

  7. I like rock and roll, and I like maybe two or three Beatles songs. Therefore, the statement isn't true. Most of their stuff has aged horribly, in my opinion, and a lot of it just wasn't very good anyway, not to mention they're responsible for the standardisation of pop music to the guitar-bass-drums-vocals verse-chorus-verse formula. Oh well.

    Oh, and the best album is Revolver, Sgt. Pepper's a bit dull, but the title track's a good'un.

    This is my point about The Beatles. In their day they did massive things, they were world changing and they're DEFINATELY the most influential band ever, even if just by proxy, but they are not necesarilly a great band like so many seem to state. As Skummy said, they aged horribly and the only real reason people consider them so good still, is because we are all barraged from a young musical age (IE: When we're 'learning the ropes') that The Beatles are important, and far too many people equate important with good, which is rarely ever true in the grand scheme of things, especially when you consider different musical tastes.

  8. I wouldn't get too worked up about the size of the casket. I'm sure that the producers didn't count on people trying to measure the casket from a screenshot. The obituary is likely real though, they wouldn't mess up on something that important. I mean, why would they just type a bunch of random text for a fake character? That'd be stupid.

  9. "A Day in the Life" is my favorite Beatles song so, uhhh, that'd be the winner. "Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite!" and "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" deserve honorable mention.

    Is it blasphemy that this isn't my favorite Beatles album? I get mixed answers lol.

  10. Group A:

    City Of God vs Pulp Fiction

    Sunset Blvd. vs Rear Window

    Group B:

    Psycho vs Casablanca

    Lawrence Of Arabia vs Seven Samurai

    Group C:

    Goodfellas vs Godfather

    Fight Club vs Star Wars

    Group D:

    Once Upon A Time In The West vs Schindlers List

    Amelie vs Raiders Of The Lost Ark

    Group E:

    Usual Suspects vs Empire Strikes Back

    Memento vs One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest

    Group F:

    North By Northwest vs The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

    Two Towers vs 12 Angry Men

    Group G:

    Doctor Strangelove vs Shawshank Redemption

    Silence Of The Lambs vs Return Of The King

    Group H:

    Citizen Kane vs Godfather II

    It's A Wonderful Life vs Fellowship Of The Ring

  11. Forgot about that part. Maybe John Locke isn't actually his father's son and is someone elses (i.e someone Lantham), thus realising he is John Lantham. But then he'd be a friend and wouldn't fit the casket. Also, he doesn't have a son.

    And in answer to my own question, Charlie's 5'7, so it's not him (I'm determined to find a way for Charlie to still be in future episodes <_<)

    EDIT: So, we're looking for a guy named John, who's 5 feet or less tall, who's an adult (because they have a fully grown teenager), has a kid, that knows both Kate and Jack, but isn't a friend/relative of Jack's.

    To be honest, I'm thinking the crew just fucked up with the obituary.

    EDIT 2: Anyone tried rearranging the letters of John Lantham or John Latham? We know the Lost crew have pulled anagrams before, as recently as last night.

  12. I think it's safe to say Jack's dad is still alive, at least I hope he is because I've been hoping so since season 1 and firmly believe he will come back soon. The prescription being by his father was the hint, although I guess it could make sense if he's Dad and Jack's just fucked up and pissed.

    Oh and the news clipping said that a mans body had been found, so it aint Juliet.

  13. I thought it was a good episode tonight and kinda made you like Charlie, even if he is sort of annoying. The ending with him swimming up into the underwater hatch only to find out that he is not dead but surrounded by two women in the hatch was very interesting. I figured there would be people still under there.

    We know Sayid found that cable before, why didn't they attempt to build a raft in order to find out where the cable was leading to? Sayid followed it into the jungle, but why didn't he even begin to wonder where the other part was leading to? I found that a little odd.

  14. I doubt that those are real. I mean, how does one see something that hasn't been aired yet? And besides, fake spoilers always come out for LOST. I remember reading them last year. Besides...I hope that those aren't true. I could see that turning away a lot of fans.

    The deaths he mentioned have all been revealed by other sites.

    I still fucking hate they're killing Noel Gall....Charlie.

  15. -I was going to leave something for RAW, but I decided that your WrestleMania didn't get as much feedback as a big event should, so here I go with WM thoughts instead...

    -Your choice for the opening match seemed a bit strange to me. It wasn't exactly an excellent match, I think that there were other options on your card that would've been more effective in this role. The only thing that would've saved this would have been Perfect winning the belt, and that didn't happen. Thumbs down on this match, it just didn't click. The belt needs to leave Stasiak soon.

    -As a match, there wasn't really anything wrong with the Hardcore Title match. It would have certainly been entertaining. However, I didn't like how three big names just seemed kinda lumped in here, and although Key is an interesting character, I don't think he was deserving of the win over such veterans. Edge winning in his home town would've gotten a huge reaction, and I think you should've gone with that route instead. I like Key, but I think he's beeing shoved down our throats a bit too much.

    -Good couple segments inbetween matches trying to hype things up, and a decent women's match. I was surprised to see Daffney win over Trish, especially since the crowd had already put up with two results that I think they would've been less than pleased with. Trish would've been pretty over in Toronto, I think.

    -The Cruiserweight Open was an exciting read, and finally it seemed as though things were picking up. I could've gone without Moore winning, as he was pretty much a nobody to the fans, and he just won his first WM match. Still, that doesn't take away from the match, which was a worthy addition to the card in my eyes.

    -I couldn't stand Rikishi as the European Champion, and it was good to see the belt get back around the waist of Regal, who's always a great champion. Good interview with the Rock afterwards also, little segments that hype matches later on in the show are both realistic and needed for a good show.

    -Although I enjoyed the Test/Bulldog encounter (I find that to be an interesting match-up) I don't think you did a very good job of pleasing the fans so far. I dunno, it just seems like WrestleMania usually has a different feeling, and up until this point in the show, I don't think that you managed to capture it very well.

    -Finally it seemed like we got to something that said WrestleMania. The Tag Title match was a very good encounter, and despite me thinking that DX should've had a bigger return, the match was good enough for what it was. It was a surprise to see the Dudleyz retain, but since Trips did get injured, that's understandable. Though once again, I don't think the live crowd would be too happy at this point, they haven't really had a big favorite win yet.

    -Kane appears to be back to the monster persona that he should have, so that's a good thing. Kane/Austin isn't the route that I would've taken, but it was a great match, and I can't complain about it. The star power seemed to finally show up for this show, and for a semi-main event, this delivered. The crowd probably wouldn't have been pleased again though, with the fan favorite SCSA losing to the Big Red Machine. It's just something to think about.

    -McMahon/Lawler is one of those matches that wasn't going to have a lot of technical wrestling, but there's nothing wrong with a good ol' emotional brawl. For what it was, this match was highly entertaining, and the ending with Jericho showing up was awesome. King winning was something that kind-of needed to happen, but you booked the whole storyline pretty well, and I have no complaints about this match.

    -I'm not going to lie, the result of the main event shocked me. The match seemed to be a fairly good main event, but I think the Rock would've gotten pelted with trash when he pinned the Undertaker. Not only did he beat Taker's streak, but a show that was already filled with wins for wrestlers that the crowd isn't exactly cheering for. I really expected you to at least have an awesome ending, and to tell you the truth, I was severely disappointed. It just seemed...anticlimactic. Even if Taker was giving you trouble, and no matter how awesome the Rock might be, I really feel that the title should've changed hands. At least then the fans would've went home happy.

    -Overall, this show was a very mixed bag for me. On one hand, it showed that you're committed to being different, and pushing some new talent. Yet on the other hand, it totally lacked that "big time" feel that WrestleMania almost always has. There wasn't really one match that was a must-see, and I found the booking to be really questionable. I'm not sure if you noticed it, but I don't think this was a show that would've left the live crowd very happy. A lot of their heroes lost, and the ending would've just left everyone deflated. As an overall show, this was pretty good. But as a WrestleMania...well, let's just say it wasn't terrible, but it was far from good. I'm hoping that you'll turn things around once the Brand Split starts, it's just unfortunate that the biggest show of the year came off so flat.

  16. Even though they've only played one game, I thought that my Cubs were going to look a little better on Opening Day. They did well in Spring Training, and Zambrano is one of the best pitchers in the game...they just couldn't put anything together on Monday. Hopefully they do better today, I hope that Lily gets a win in his first game in a Cubs uniform. I'm pulling for the Cubbies to be one of the top teams in the division this year, as I haven't been this excited for baseball in a long time. Later this summer I'll be making a trip down to Wrigley too, so I hope they're doing well. :)

  17. Never heard of it before. Just looked it up on Wikipedia, the length of each book and the combined length is scary. Like 9000 pages.

    But I do like fantasy. But I still need to read the Lord of the Rings trilogy and Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy series before I start a different fantasy novel/series.

    This sucks, I'm not a fast reader (average novel takes me around 10-14 days), and in my house are around 20 books I plan to read. My friend has around 10 books I plan to borrow over time. But eventually I can see myself getting into the series if I ever find one of the books.

    Questions, do you need to read the books in order?

  18. I enjoy the books, but I haven't finished them. I started the 10th book after rolling through the first 9, and I can't bring myself to finish it. It just seems like nothing exciting is happening. A lot of the minor characters I don't really care for. I'll finish it sometime though, and start on Knife of Dreams (is that out on paperback yet, by the way?) I have New Spring too...haven't read that either.

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