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Everything posted by KrisClassic

  1. I thought he did pretty well in that clip. The original video I based my suggestion off of doesn't appear to be on Youtube anymore, or I can't find it at least, but he held his own and did a very good job in it.
  2. Raise Alex Riley's brawl to 70 and charisma to 80.
  3. I don't see why Malia Hosaka should have her attitude dropped at all. She was just stating her opinion on the wrestling business in an extremely polite, non-hostile or rude manner.
  4. I think Bad Ass is a a better gimmick for Big Show than No Gimmick Needed.
  5. I think McCool's current stats work. Everyone has a bad match every now and then, it shouldn't count a huge deal against her.
  6. No way should Mirko's overness be 80, either. I'd go with 55 max.
  7. I disagree with the changes to the Young Bucks' stats, I think they are fine as is.
  8. -Raise Jon Moxley's technical to 69. -Raise BJ Whitmer's technical to 68.
  9. -Raise Layla El's brawl to 34. -Raise Beth Phoenix's brawl to 74. -Rename Lay-Cool to Simply Flawless.
  10. Danny Davis is still working the indy scene, so he should be added to the game. Danny Davis Davis (I couldn't find age or birth month, I'd assume he is in his early to mid 50s.) Lightweight, Male American, Speaks Heel, Old School Heel Brawl: 36 Speed: 10 Technical: 15 Stiffness: 30 Selling: 68 Over: 35 Charisma: 65 Attitude: 95 Behavior: 95 Primary Finisher: Boston Crab (Submission) Secondary Finisher: DDT (Impact) Wage: 30,000 Alter ego: Danny Davis Dangerous Danny Davis Danny Littlewolf Mr. X Avis The Red Demon The Black Demon -Change Jesse Neal's Primary finisher to Spear (Impact) and secondary to DDT (Impact).
  11. No way should Eddie Kingston's charisma be lowered, if anything raised. He has done literally some of the best promos in wrestling I've ever seen, for Chikara. His promos are so emotional, passionate and realistic. You believe everything he is saying and also makes you think that he is legitimately unstable. Here are some of his promos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4h5Cu5WZcc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UoXGE3nVBpI -Raise Superstar Romeo's brawl to 36 and tech to 58.
  12. Just watched YouShoot with Bob Holly, I have the following suggestions: Add a friendship relationship between Hardcore Holly and: -Jim Cornette (Maybe a loyalty) -Mike Barton -Rob Van Dam -Rikishi -John Bradshaw Layfield -Taz -Bobby Lashley -CM Punk Add a dislike relationship between Hardcore Holly and: -Heidenreich -The Miz -Change Hardcore Holly's relationship between Taylor Vaughn from love to friendship. -Raise Hardcore Holly's brawl to 74 and charisma to 63. I'd raise Heidenreich's charisma too. Maybe to 63ish as well.
  13. So in conclusion, yeah, I think he deserves 80.
  14. Now is that like PWA where you have guys that are pretty much unknown or can stats be easily figured out for the guys? I personally don't watch it but I am pretty sure they put just about all of their matches online at http://www.dory-funk.com/. -Lay-Cool have "Simply Flawless" t-shirts now, so that makes their name sort-of official, but it isn't a huge deal, so up to your digression, Bill.
  15. I agree with the Money in the Bank being added as a title. I'd say with 75 image, personally. To see that it doesn't lose image on shows not being defended at, it can just be suspended and activated only when it needs to be used. I agree with Bryan Danielson's charisma being raised to 80. Here's an idea: maybe Dory Funk Jr.'s !BANG! as a possible new promotion for the game.
  16. 2/27/10 UPDATE: 454 workers, 12 promotions, 127 staff members, 410 relationships, plus more! If you have any comments, or suggestions, please let me know! Download link
  17. I disagree with Hulk Hogan being at 95. He is the most well known figure in this industry, he deserves a 100 without a doubt.
  18. What makes you say that? I doubt he would just appear for any random promotion for such low pay. If he would (which for the time being I doubt he would) it would be a lot. As for Sheamus, I am fine with anywhere between 79-81.
  19. Shane McMahon's pay needs to be raised. By a lot.
  20. He could rather be an announcer or trainer, with booker checked. Aged 66, backstage 95, not sure on his skill level though.
  21. 1/16/10 UPDATE: 445 workers, 12 promotions, 127 staff members, 404 relationships, plus more! If you have any comments, or suggestions, please let me know! Download link
  22. Go see it. I normally don't like Sci-Fi, but this was just awesome.
  23. I've read the first nine volumes, great stuff, I am worried AMC will water it down with censorship though.
  24. Starship Troopers is a great movie, I love it to death, but for greatest movie of all time, I'd give the nod to Schindler's List and The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.
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