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Everything posted by OGpistolpete

  1. Someone tell the Black Coaches Association to shut the fuck up. They interviewed ONE person. That's it. It's not like they interviewed twenty white coaches and no black coaches. They probably had their mind set on hiring Sherman and had been talking to him during the course of the year as well.
  2. He was truly becoming a star in the league. Sad, sad that he had to leave us. RIP Sean Taylor.
  3. Varejao on Cleveland: 'I don't want to play there anymore'
  4. This is a little song that has all my friend's obsessed. The hilarity of Twisted Sister just taking "We're Not Gonna Take It", and just putting in the words of "Oh Come All 'Ye Faithful" into the song is just fucking brilliant. Not to mention it's basically the same exact video from "We're Not Gonna Take It". But nonetheless... THIS IS GONNA BE THE BEST CHRISTMAS EVER!
  5. I watched the 4th quarter. It was like a combination of arena football and the NFL, I liked it a lot!
  6. How popular is the CFL in Canada? Like Hockey is in America?
  7. I forgot to mention. During the LSU vs. Arkansas game, was I the only one who was getting the vibe that LSU felt like they were the serious underdogs in this game? I mean it was like they were really trying to get the crowd to help them out in this one, and they didn't look like the #1 team at all. I swear, it was like watching LSU trying to take down the evil empire known as Arkansas.
  8. Quick question. Should I ask for this game or Call of Duty 4 for Christmas?
  9. DEVIN HESTER IS AMAZING During the Cleveland game, the announcer was saying Cribbs was the best returner in the NFL, and I was like, "WTF are you nuts it's fucking Devin Hester!" Amazing what he can do.
  10. Lewis had a good game. The whole Browns played great, especially McDonald, who shut down Johnson all day. Kansas City lost, Tennessee lost, Buffalo lost, just need San Diego to lose and we had a great day in our race to the playoffs.
  11. I agree that Missouri should be #1, but West Virginia will somehow become #1.
  12. Alright, I'll just go with the letter part. Makes sense. I hope they do a sequel, I thought it was a great movie.
  13. Spoiler: Click here to viewSo at the end, when Marky Mark shoots Damon, was Marky Mark the mole all along?
  14. FSU over Florida Georgia over GT Mizz over Kansas SC over Clemson BYU over Utah UConn over WV Virginia over VT BC over Miami Kentucky over Tennessee Oklahoma over Oklahoma St Oregon over UCLA Cincy over Syracuse South Florida over Pitt Stanford over ND Kansas St over Fresno St FAU over FIU Nevada over SJSU Auburn over Bama
  15. June Jones looks like he's drunk! "Colt Brennan is the best football player in America." I don't know about that one...
  16. People need to quit giving OSU so much shit about last year. They faced two #2 teams, four ranked teams, dominated all of them (except Michigan, which is basically our NC Game every year), and never lost a game until the National Championship. And if I recall correctly, we lost our number one receiver after the kickoff when we were so damn excited. Yeah we blew it, but we didn't fucking suck.
  18. Terrible play calling. Why are you running the wishbone with 50 seconds left?
  19. Okay, so if LSU loses today, they will drop, and then I think Mizz will win, and if WV loses to UConn... 1. Missouri 2. Ohio State OMG NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP SHOT AGAIN11~!
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