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Posts posted by TGWL

  1. I could easily set up a league on yahoo as I have one on there now (we drafted Sunday)

    Or if anyone else wants too then I'm down to join! Not sure how fun an auto-draft league would be, but I've never tried it before. Just seems pointless but if it's just for fun then whatever I guess... we'll see what consensus is.

    Only mentioned auto-draft because I didn't see any way of getting 10 plus people and setting a draft date that soon. Plus, a lot more trades happen that way

    • Like 1
  2. We should run an EWB auto draft league.

    The last league I was in only had 10 people, so there was plenty of talent. It was a weird draft. The same person got Subban and Karlsson, although they're the best 2 players on his team. And Kadri went almost dead last. A lot of talent left.

    I also grabbed Jonathan Bernier in that league - and for some reason 1 of my goalies either always makes it to the finals, or ends up a top runner for the venezia. So, in case you guys have a good year. You're welcome.

  3. EA have announced a list of features to be patched into next-gen NHL15. Amongst other things...Coming soon...THREE STAR SELECTIONS!


    Yup, it's absolutely ridiculous. You can't justify that with "This is a new system". There's just so much taken out of this and the PS3 model is like NHL14 with updated rosters.

    They're also patching in a tournament mode - which is basically their playoff mode. Hopefully, it will be patched in to replicate a real world tournament and not just NHL teams. I was considering buying PS4 because this is one of the few games I get every year, but this is insane. EA knows they released an incomplete game here.

  4. So my parents have this game at the house (my nine year old cousin has it....his mom is a pretty bad parent, hencing why he has this game. My folks are out of touch with games and dad works 12 hour days and mom is often busy watching her own grandchildren or taking care of the house. Eh, probably should save this for another thread), but anyway, it's fun.

    I honestly like it more then any GTA game I have ever played. It was a bit of a challenge initially, but I find it.to be pretty forgiving. I like the combat spots, driving has become easier, and I like that your mission progress is saved.

    I think my favorite area is where Trevor lives, the off road vehicles are fucking brilliant. The ATVs are so much fun to cruise around in.

    There is one thing thoug, sometimes the game will go haywire, like I hit a button and the dude starts running for cover, pulling out his phone, putting his weapon away, or randomly bailing from his vehicle. It did lead to me to a funny moment of Trevor getting out of a helicopter at it's highest altitude. It was so ridiculous I couldn't help but laugh.

    Is that a known glitch?

    I'll have to pick this one up when I get home and replay it. I invested in FlyEmu with Michael but still haven't seen the stock price go up at all.

    Sounds like a controller problem if PS3. If so, hit the PS button, turn the controller on and off.

  5. So Rangers signed Matthew Lombardi to a 2 year deal. If Healthy, he can be a speedy, 2-way, reliable PK'er. Lombardi is coming off a great season outside the NHL, but I'm not sure I understand this singing when their biggest need to is sign 3 RFA's and give some youth a chance to develop in the NHL. He's known for his speed which is definitely a thing Rangers coach AV likes.

    With that said, it got me thinking, who are the 5 fastest players current in the NHL? (In no order)

    I'd go with Hagelin, MacKinnon, Kessel, Grabner & Lombardi?

  6. Varlamov was better than Quick

    When the DEMON the DEMON the DEMON the DEMON the DEMON the DEMON Kane and Toews are getting 10.5, the top 5 -10 goalie market is going to go up as well. Miller, Smith, Howard are already getting 6 million. Crawford, Ward, Lethonen, Bobrovsky, Varlamov, are getting paid more than 6 million. Plus, it's only a 1.5 million raise from his previous contract to take the starting position. I hate long term deals, but this one could pan out.

    Varlamov's cap hit is 5.9 (a little high IMO but still)

    True, it's his salary I was looking at. We won't be seeing those deals again. Makes Quick's deal look fantastic.

    Heatley singed with the Ducks. 1 year, 1 million.

    Awful troll. Really subpar.

    I'm referring to the way his contract is worked out.

  7. When the DEMON the DEMON the DEMON the DEMON Kane and Toews are getting 10.5, the top 5 -10 goalie market is going to go up as well. Miller, Smith, Howard are already getting 6 million. Crawford, Ward, Lethonen, Bobrovsky, Varlamov, are getting paid more than 6 million. Plus, it's only a 1.5 million raise from his previous contract to take the starting position. I hate long term deals, but this one could pan out.

    Varlamov's cap hit is 5.9 (a little high IMO but still)

    True, it's his salary I was looking at. We won't be seeing those deals again. Makes Quick's deal look fantastic.

    Heatley singed with the Ducks. 1 year, 1 million.

  8. When the DEMON the DEMON Kane and Toews are getting 10.5, the top 5 -10 goalie market is going to go up as well. Miller, Smith, Howard are already getting 6 million. Crawford, Ward, Lethonen, Bobrovsky, Varlamov, are getting paid more than 6 million. Plus, it's only a 1.5 million raise from his previous contract to take the starting position. I hate long term deals, but this one could pan out if goalies are going to continue being overpaid above 6 million.

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