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Posts posted by Dublin

  1. Does anyone by any chance have The Goodfather, Bull Buchanan, Steven Richards and Val Venis from when they were in Right to Censor? Preferably in suits?


    That was the only RTC pic I could find. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

    not got Venis or Richards and the Goodfather pic is kinda meh, but I will look around for them (Y)

    The Goodfather:


    Bull Buchanan:



    here's Venis and Richards

    Val Venis:


    Stevie Richards:


    there ya go (Y)

  2. The Coronas are a new Irish band, who've just released their first album - Heroes and Ghosts. It's gone down pretty well, and I'd just like to get a few opinions on them. I dunno if a lot of people would be into the genre, but I thought I'd see what you thought anyway. =D

    The Coronas - Decision Time.

    The Coronas - The San Diego Song.

    The Coronas - The Talk.

    That's the first three singles they've released. San Diego Song was the most successful, as that was the best marketed after the release of their album. They've also done of cover of Justin Timberlake's My Love which you can hear here, unplugged. Hope you enjoy!

  3. Being Adam it makes sense, remember when we all thought it was either West or Nathan because they flew away? So now we now he just hist the ground and re-generated.

    Great episode, really interesting. First off - glad Noah is alive. It was good the way they killed him off, but brought back to life. If he had died, it would of been terrible, as he's such a strong and interesting character. But, by killing him they've added a whole new dimension to Mohinder's character. We also saw another glimpse of Elle's character. She didn't seem so confident and in command like she usually does, and now there's tension between her and Bob. West's character is kinda different now too. Well I suppose it's more his role then character, but I enjoyed him in this episode. He wasn't so sappy. The interaction between him and Noah was kinda funny too. When he asked him what car he drives. :P

    Also Parkman's character development. Instead of being the "good guy" like we thought, he did actually take the memory.

    Anyone else think Noah's Elle trap was cool? And his line "Sting's like a bitch, doesn't it?"

    I'm not sure who has Noah though. I don't think it was The Company, but I can't really back it up. It's hard to know. And why would they bring him back to life? Blackmail Claire? It's hard to know. :unsure:

  4. Good episode. I think a lot of people have warmed to Kristen Bell's character, now she's been given some time to expand on it. She's one sick puppy.

    Didn't see the point of the Maya y Alejandro stuff, since it's the same thing we've seen for the past 7 weeks. Would have preferred to see some Claire/Noah/Matt/Mohinder/Sylar, even though it's pretty obvious what they would have been doing in those 4 months.

  5. Just saw this on another forum, it contains probable spoilers.

    I have acquired three reasons why Adam Monroe has to be Kensei. The first two being only speculations, but the third being actual proof.

    1. "Adam" was the first human being ever, and "Kensei" was the first SG ever. Of course, there may have been more before Kensei, but at this time it really looks like Kensei was the first.

    2. Notice that Kensei never told Hiro his real name. It wouldn't be that big a deal if Kensei just slipped in "Oh, I'm Greg Johnson, but call me Kensei." Thus, we know the writers had to be hiding something.

    3. Ready? Look at the flag behind Kensei. This is the symbol of White Beard's camp.


    Now, look at the flag behind Peter and Caitlin.


    Adam obviously set this room up for Peter. Now, I believe that Adam (Kensei) is the one killing off the Linderman members. But don't think I'm turning on my theory of The Nightmare Man being involved. The NM obviously attacked Angela Petrelli, since there was no one in the room. But I do think it was Adam that killed Kaito.

    So now you ask yourself, there are two killers? In a way, yes. Since Pa Parkman (The NM) had a picture of himself with the symbol, I believe Adam is threatening him in a way to force him into helping him. And since Pa Parkman had a picture of Bob, I do believe Bob is next and will be murdered by The NM.

    Of course, this is all theory and none of it is spoilers, so I am not 100% sure. But since everything makes the right connections, I do believe I am right.

  6. Anyone else think Parkman's Dad made Nathan push Kaito off the roof?

    I think it'd be cool if as a twist if Kristen Bell's Dad turned out to be Noah. Doubt it will happen, but I think it'd be cool. Obvious answer makes it look like Bob though. <_<

  7. Screw it, we beat the French and we brushed the Aussies aside and we made the final ranked 7th in the world, losing by 9 points (should have been a few less due to the "try") to a team we got hammered 36-0 by a month ago. It's massively depressing to lose but right now I'd rather be English than Australian, Kiwi, Irish, Welsh, Scotch or French.
  8. Argentina just beat France what, 34-10? Very entertaining match, even though there was loads of bad play. Argentina proved tonight what a great team they are. Their defence was great and France just couldn't finish the job when they had so many opportunites. Although Argentina got away with a good bit at the breakdown, a lot of the things they did were perfectly legal, people just think its not. Like people coming through in from the side and clobbering the scrum half. If he has his hands on, it's perfectly legal. Lots of hands on deck though, tbh. :P

    Pity for Dominici, Ibanez and De Villiers to finish their careers like that, they've been great players. But for Pichot, what a great exit. Argentina's best player ever, he really deserved to end his career on a high note.

    Contepomi, Hernandez and Corletto FTW!

  9. Just thought of something, if she (Micah's cousin) saw one of the videos with Claire killing herself, breaking her limbs into weird positions, etc., she'd be able to do the same?

    I liked the episode, thought the whole thing with Parkman was interesting.

  10. Meh. It won't be as good a final now. England don't have much apart form Wilkinson. Great front row, but nobody else has really done anything in the tournament. Robinson's had a few good games, but nobody else stands out. Sackey's overrated, whenever he's against good opposition he goes AWOL. Tait hasn't really played to his potential, Farrell's shit, Lewesy hasn't played well in ages, especially on the wing.

    So yeah, we could be having a rematch between South Africa Vs. England. Which was what, 36-0 or 33-0 not even a month ago? <_<

  11. Ohhh. I take it it's confirmed?

    Well, his character does seem pretty deep. When its revealed he can see Molly it should be interesting. I imagine the actor that portrats him would be a good pyscho. :P

    It'll be interesting too considering he's close to Mohinder, which in turn would put him close to Molly I suppose.

    I really liked the idea of it being Kensei though. :(

  12. I think Kensei is still alive. I reckon he's the guy Molly can see. I think that when Hiro stays in Ancient Japan, he scores the Swordsmith's daughter, leading to a fallout between him and Kensei. Then Hiro finishes whats left of Kensei's historic achievements as the real Kensei becomes a vagabond, leaving Hiro and co. behind. Then he becomes a cold blooded killer out of anger, so when Hiro comes back to present time, he meets him.

    I <3 that idea/plot.

  13. I don't mind the South Americans. They're far from my favourite characters, but I don't hold too much of a grudge against them or anything. Alejandros gonna die soon anyway I reckon. <_<

    I like Hiro being back in ancient Japan, thats really cool. Could get stale after a while, but I can't wait to see him re-unite with Ando! Takesho Kensei is a good character. He's funny, but his power is even more interesting. While Claire's power is rapid cell generation thingy, I reckon his is immortality. So, I reckon he's still alive, and is the guy who killed Hiro's Dad and attacked Angela. He's also the person who "sees" Molly.

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