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Posts posted by Dublin

  1. Wales and Fiji was brilliant from what I saw. Missed most of it again, but when I got home it looked like a good match. Italy and Scotland was always going to be close, I kinda though Italy were going to win it near the end but they failed. Nice to see they got close though. Ireland/Argentina today. The tension~! we have to beat Argentina by more then 7 points, and 4 tries to qualify. <_

  2. As for season 2. I didn't like the two new Mexican characters. I don't know, they just came off as boring.

    They're Honduran, you RACIST!

    BTW, did anyone else like that chick Hana from last season? I'd like to see her appear in a few more episodes this season.

    Hana Gitelman died, physically, in the graphic novels. Personally, I hope we get Candice Wilmer back.

  3. I missed Tonga and South Africa. I had my own match and just got back before England/Samoa kicked off. I've heard it was really good though. I still think South Africa could go all the way, but it's cool that a lot of the other countries are developing as legit. threats.

  4. ^It was, but where the fuck was Trimble? He should of stopped that. <_<

    We were good/unlucky for a bit in the first half. Definitely an improvement. Still too many handling errors, lost line outs and easy penalties. And the second half,..... We have a chance against Argentina if we play like we started tonight, but keep our heads up. This is the best ever chance we've had in the World Cup, but it could be the first time we don't make the quarter finals. <_<

    A second round meeting with New Zealand is the best chance you've ever had? :shifty:

  5. We were good/unlucky for a bit in the first half. Definitely an improvement. Still too many handling errors, lost line outs and easy penalties. And the second half,..... We have a chance against Argentina if we play like we started tonight, but keep our heads up. This is the best ever chance we've had in the World Cup, but it could be the first time we don't make the quarter finals. <_

  6. Fuck sake. 14 - 10 against Georgia. Absolutely pathetic. Georgia played very well in fairness to them and deserved to win but for a team of Ireland's abilities, standards, and expectations - horrible. One of the worst matches in Irish history I'd guess considering our team and our opponents. I can only hope we underestimated Georgia and Namibia and stop being such naive shitheads against France and Argentina.

    Interesting fact - Georgia have 300 licensed players and 8 rugby pitches. I have 7 pitches in my school's rugby grounds to put in perspective. And they pulled out a performance like that?

  7. ^They were hammered. 36-0. They played crap, and the Springboks didn't even look troubled. Andy Farrell has to be one of the most overrated players in a long time. He was terrible. Even for the kickoff. He just kicked it far down the middle of the pitch; the pack couldn't get to it in time, South Africa would catch it then put it up for a Garryowen, England would catch, Farrell would kick and miss touch, then Montegomery would put it half the length of the pitch and get great touch. For the defending world champions that was a terrible representation.

    It's really back to the drawing board.

  8. Ireland Vs. Namibia was an absolute shambles. After that, we really have to cop on to ourselves to get out of this group. We still won and got the bonus point but Namibia had so much possession in the second half and played better, scoring two tries which really shouldn't be happening when we've got aspirations to win the Cup.

    On another note anybody see South Africa against Samoa. Bryan Habana pwns all.

  9. Just saw this on Theo Walcott's wikipedia page -

    Personal Life

    He currently lives with his parents, Don and Lynn, and brother Ashley at a five-bedroom villa he has just bought near Arsenal’s training ground in Hertfordshire leaving his old house at Compton, near West Staines, which will be occupied by his sister Hollie, his nephew Sebastian and niece Aurora. His family made a cameo appearance in the 2007 film Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Theo himself was due to appear as well, but his commitments to Arsenal forced him to draw out.[14]

  10. wooo.

    I'm still alive at 86. Last time I died when I was 8.

    EDIT: Got to 90 before I died of complications of old age. It's an interesting game though.

  11. I really liked the book. Some of it seemed to come out of nowhere and just completely forgotten but I still liked it. It was a war and people die in wars.

    But I was kind of pissed when we didn't find out how Lupin died, even if someone just kinda said "Dolohov killed Lupin". Just for intrest. Btw, why the fuck does Lupin shout everytime it involves mini LupinTonks? Remember in the Room of Requirement they're going for a battle and Lupin roars his fucking head off going "I'VE GOT BABY PICTURES~!". I know he was excited and all but still. And a couple of pages back someone was talking about "Who was minister of magic?" It's some dude whose name begins with T. The Death Eater.
  12. I'm looking forward to the new book. I started reading them when I was about 9 or somethin (not sure) and I've kind of lost intrest in them now, but I'll still read the book and see the new movie just for the sake of it basically. After reading them for that long I kind of have to know the end.

    I was thinking about it the other day though, anyone else expect

    Regulas Black (Sirius' brother) to be R.A.B.?
  13. I missed Metallica. :(

    Kanye's on now. He's kickin' ass as usual. Foo Fighters, Snow Patrol and Damien Rice were all really good, I missed loads of it today though. :(

    Anybody else hear the rumour Blink 182 are playing? The guy who's hosting it on the Irish channel said there's a rumour that they will. But he's an asscrack so I dunno.

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