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Sick N Twisted

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Posts posted by Sick N Twisted

  1. anyone got any of the guys in the spoiler

    Boris Zhukov

    Botswana Beast

    Haiti Kid

    Jean Gagne

    Justin Sane

    Kevin Kelly

    Little Tokyo

    Lord Littlebrook

    Miguel Perez Jr

    Mike Kirchner

    Oliver Humperdink

    Oscar Tomoya

    Ricky Santana

    Tim Patterson

    Aaron Xtreme

    Adrian Street

    Akihiko Hurkuda

    Akira Maeda

    Alfonso Ramirez

    Ali Hussein

    Allison Pfau

    American Kickboxer

    Andrew The Director

    Asher Knight

    Atomic Boy


    Babe Richard

    Bakery Yagi

    Ben Sailer

    Benny The Producer


    Bestia Negra I

    Bob Bowling

    Bomber Saito

    Boris Malenko

    Brett Thunder

    Brian Beech

    Brian Gewirtz

    Camille Anderson


    Cash Money Erkan

    Chad Cruise

    Chad Dellifield

    Chiquita Anderson

    Chris Garrett

    Chris Hatch

    Chris Ramirez

    Chris Sharpe

    Christine Wolf

    CJ Lane


    Crazy Sexy Mike

    Think this is the last of the guys I have. Couldn't put them in my previous post due to maximum allowed posted images.

    Botswana Beast, Oliver Humperdink, Boris Malenko, Chiquita Anderson, Lord Littlebrook, Chris Sharpe


    Miguelito Perez (Miguel Perez Jr) x 2


    There, hopefully that helps. ^_^

    Could I get a KyKy of The Beautiful Nightmare/Katie Lea Burchill in this pic?


    Here, I did Burchill too if anyone wants him.



    Does anybody have a pic of Kane (masked) with the World Tag Team title around the time he was champs with Hurricane or RVD (2002 - 2003)? If not, I would appreciate it if some-one could make one with that attire (the last masked attire) please? HUGE Thank you to anyone who can help. smile.gif

    I have these pics of him with the title, but I'm sure you probably want a frontal shot like the title pics that are being made, but I'll post these anyway. :)


    The second one is just same as first apart from the hair, because in the first pic the hair has the light from the raw studio shining on it.

  2. anyone got any of the guys in the spoiler

    Boris Zhukov

    Botswana Beast

    Haiti Kid

    Jean Gagne

    Justin Sane

    Kevin Kelly

    Little Tokyo

    Lord Littlebrook

    Miguel Perez Jr

    Mike Kirchner

    Oliver Humperdink

    Oscar Tomoya

    Ricky Santana

    Tim Patterson

    Aaron Xtreme

    Adrian Street

    Akihiko Hurkuda

    Akira Maeda

    Alfonso Ramirez

    Ali Hussein

    Allison Pfau

    American Kickboxer

    Andrew The Director

    Asher Knight

    Atomic Boy


    Babe Richard

    Bakery Yagi

    Ben Sailer

    Benny The Producer


    Bestia Negra I

    Bob Bowling

    Bomber Saito

    Boris Malenko

    Brett Thunder

    Brian Beech

    Brian Gewirtz

    Camille Anderson


    Cash Money Erkan

    Chad Cruise

    Chad Dellifield

    Chiquita Anderson

    Chris Garrett

    Chris Hatch

    Chris Ramirez

    Chris Sharpe

    Christine Wolf

    CJ Lane


    Crazy Sexy Mike

    Here's the one's I got in my folder, if I find any of the others I'll post them. :)

    Justin Sane, Kevin Kelly, Akira Maeda x 2, Allison Pfau x 2


    American Kickboxer, Babe Richard, Ben Sailer, Brian Beech, Brian Gewirtz x 2


    Camille Anderson, Carnage, Chris Hatch x 2



    here's 6 more of the guys, I think I have another 12 of them too, so I'll upload them later on today or tomorrow when I get more time. :)

    Aaron Xtreme, Andrew the Director, Bakery Yagi (not the best pic I know), Benny the Producer, CJ Lane, Jean Gagne (Frenchy Martin, I assume this is right guy)



    put the rest in spoiler tags.

    Boris Zhukov, Haiti Kid, Mike Kirchner (Corporal Kirchner), Adrian Street, Tim Patterson, Ricky Santana


    Asher Knight, Axeman, Bestia Negra I (should be right guy), Brett Thunder, Cash Money Erkan, Chad Cruise


    Christine Wolf (Asya) x 3, Crazy Sexy Mike


  3. I take it cause I am new here no one will make the pics. I am not trying to be rude or anything just asking. If someone where to ask me to make some I would do it right away.

    Adding titles to pictures is more difficult than actually cutting pictures onto a background. I have tried and failed, which is why I just stick to cutting and can't do them for you. FckFace (and everyone else who does title pics) seem to get requests everyday now for title pics, so it's going to take him some time, so it's just a case of being patient. Also, providing a pic or cut of the wrestler you want helps save time. Which is why you see people asking for a pic of [insert guy here] and providing a photo, rather than asking for a pic and making the cutter go search for one.

  4. Wow that was very fast, thanks allot!

    Would you be able to put this on KyKy please?


    I apologize if this had been done already, because for some reason I think I've seen it here before, but I just can't seem to find it.

    Again, thanks in advance!

    No problem, here's Seth:


    • Like 1
  5. does anyone have any of these cut or not

    Bugsy McGraw

    Carl LeDuc

    Chris Garrett

    Danny Dominion

    Danny Rodd

    El Hijo del Canek

    Hardcore Kid Kojiro

    Hikaru Sato


    Johnny Valiant

    Kaji Tomato


    Keisuke Ishii

    Kenta Kakinuma

    Kid Fite

    King Curtis Iaukea

    King Danza

    Larry Goodman


    Mike Bailey

    Munenori Sawa

    Pequeno Halloween

    Pequeno Ninja

    Razor Ramon RG

    Rene Goulet

    Roberto Indiano

    Ryouji Sai

    Shito Ueda

    Shota Takanishi

    Steve Wright

    Sugar Dunkerton


    Tomimitsu Matsunaga

    Tomokazu Taniguchi

    Yukihiro Abe

    Yuzuru Saito

    Here you go mate, sorry about the delay.

    Bugsy McGraw x 2, Carl DeLuc, Danny Dominion, Hardcore Kid Kojiro


    Hikaru Sato, Hoshitango, Johnny Valiant, KAMIKAZE x 2


    Keisuke Ishii, Kenta Kakinuma, Kid Fite, King Curtis Iaukea, Lionheart UK


    Munenori Sawa, Pequeno Halloween, Razor Ramon RG, Rene Goulet, Roberto Indiano


    Ryouji Sai, Shito Ueda, Shota Takanishi x 2, Sugar Dunkerton


    T-Bone, Tomimitsu Matsunaga, Tomokazu Taniguchi, Yukihiro Abe, Yuzuru Saito


    Hopefully this helps, and if you want the other Lionheart guy too, here:


    • Like 1
  6. How come the first one is stretched too? You can keep an image to scale if you (usually) hold CTRL when you resize it... depending on your program

    Which program do you recommend? The one I use isn't so good for cutting pics :P

    I use Photoshop CS3, but CS4 is out now so it's probably better, I just need to upgrade.

    Anyway, I tried them 2 pics too, the David one still seems stretched to me, so I'll try again later unless you want to use a bigger pic like Gabriel19 suggested. Don't know if they're any better but here:



    EDIT: Or if you want an unzoomed pic, here:


  7. Thanks Zaz, that was it.

    Right so I got a United game started up, since I enjoyed the one I had on FM09, so just want to get your thoughts. Shall I keep Rafael and Fabio and play them as my full backs, or play with 3 centre backs and no full backs as I have been doing in other games? I've heard they become world class but don't know whether to keep them around or not. I am probably going to play with them at the back, but just want to know if people have had experiences with them, before I decide.

    Thanks, and anyone know the answer to my other previous question, about how to view my shortlist? I'm still not used to the new layout. :(

  8. What formation do you guys usually play?

    I mainly play 3-4-1-2, but I'm thinking of playing 4-4-2, 4-4-1-1, or 4-3-1-2, but unsure which. From FM09 I have stuck with the 3-4-1-2 as I never really liked using full backs, but might start now.

    Anyway, my current line up is:


    CB: Jairo

    CB: Leandro Amaro

    CB: Ricardo Alvarez

    LM: Diego Calderon

    CM: Elias

    CM: Agenor

    RM: Leonardo Abelenda

    CAM: Anailson

    ST: Marcao

    ST: Zulu

  9. HOLY SHIT! Bubba Ray and Festus are the same man!

    Plus does anyone have a good pic of Evan Bourne? I cant find any.

    Check TheWho's photobucket account, or use the search function, if none come up try searching for Matt Sydal. ^_^

    Here's one anyway:


    • Like 2
  10. I have:

    - The Broken Sword series

    - The Monkey Island series

    - Grim Fandango

    - Runaway: A Road Adventure (currently getting the second one The Dream of the Turtle, and waiting for the third to be released)

    I've heard about Sam & Max, so will probably check that out, and I need to get The Longest Journey & Dreamfall again.

    Are there any others worth checking out?


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