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Posts posted by caucasianheat

  1. It sounds like the NHL doesn't have any mechanism to change things until the CBA expires in 2026, assuming they even want to amend the rules to put a stop to it. By next year, I think we'll see a lot more teams dipping their toe into stashing players around the time of the trade deadline - why wouldn't you if it's within the rules and the league isn't stepping in?

  2. We are a Gamera completist household over here, so Gamera Vs. Jiger was a must. Great riff of a very, very bad movie. The Mask was a flick I had never even heard of and it was a revelation. Words can't do it real justice. I think those two and Munchie were my favourites from the last season.

    They're doing a watchalong of Million Eyes of Sumuru tomorrow night. I tapped out of an earlier attempted watch, so I may use this as my second chance to try getting into that one.

    • Like 3
  3. I didn't put up for S13 and ended up really enjoying the ones I saw, so this time I decided to kick in. Hopefully they can get it over the line, but so far it's about 30% of the way to the first goal.

    Deathsport is the second movie announced!

    • Like 3
  4. It's very cowardly. Basically the whole league has to run cover for the handful of players who didn't want to wear Pride jerseys but also didn't want the smoke from being publicly id'ed as a homophobe. Now all community outreach suffers. Backwards league that can't get out of its own way.


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  5. I don't know who thought this was a good idea. I didn't expect he would be turfed before ever actually stepping foot onto the bench, but Babcock's presence was obviously going to create a very scrutinized and negative atmosphere around the team. They have so many skilled young prospects, I can't fathom why the disgraced psychological terrorist was their top pick for a new coach.

  6. You would hope Toronto hasn't overlooked the fact that ~45 goals disappeared from this last season's forward group without any detectable replacement so far. I think a trade has to be on the way. Defence is unchanged and their goaltending will likely be worse so they will have to keep the scoring pace up.

    Gaudreau to Columbus is a head scratcher. They're not a contender and offered less money than he could have had elsewhere. I really thought NJ was going to be the place based on some of the moves they had made.

    Tampa locked up some of their core with 8 year extensions a full year early, so it will be interesting to follow them this seasons and into next summer. Who stays, who goes, how do they try to keep this thing rolling without a tear-down?

    Always interested in the big spender teams that end up with all kinds of cap room to blow on bad deals. I think Detroit did alright for themselves in that spot and didn't sign anything too egregious. Definitely made some improvements to their team so they won't be consciously a bottom-dweller next year.

  7. Wordle 201 6/6



    Just started playing and wasn't sure if letters could repeat. Tried the only word I could think of as my last attempt.

    I already have my students playing NYT's Spelling Bee, this is definitely going into the rotation as well.

  8. Clearly no eagerness to take on a lot of term or money with their picks. Francis had said cap flexibility was going to be their strength and you can already see that playing out in how they've picked. Locking down Larsson and Oleksiak as free agents gives them some solid defensive stability and will help to shelter guys like Lauzon, Dunn, and the Fleurys.



    • I like Eberle, but I took Josh Bailey when mock drafting. They were going to be getting one of their better roster players from NYI either way, though.
    • Appleton was a no-brainer. Ready for a bigger role than Winnipeg could provide him and could be one of the breakout guys on this team.
    • Would have taken Kerfoot over McCann from TOR because he can play in any forward spot through the middle six and they are going to be hard pressed to find centermen.
    • Jarnkrok is the right pick from Nashville. Versatile and not going to punish you long-term with salary commitments like Johansen or Duchene.
    • Ottawa didn't leave much exposed and Daccord can go down to the minors without needing waivers, so that's a smart pick.
    • Something must be cooking between Seattle and Columbus, as the Kraken took bubble UFA defenseman Gavin Bayreuther instead of Domi or Kukan. 



  9. Wild were set up to get burned by the expansion draft, they had to do something. The buyouts might be the least painful way to get out of that jam and hold on to their younger players. It's a long time to carry dead money but the cap probably will go up and soften the blow a bit. Erik Johnson and Jeff Skinner both waived no move clauses for the draft, sparing their teams the pain of having to make similar hard choices.

    Pekka Rinne's retirement also snuck in under the radar with all the other stuff going on. Not a Hall of Famer but certainly in a class with other great goalies. A Vezina win, good career stats, and some very memorable performances.

  10. I've just got my head around the mod suite stuff and it's breathed some new life back into the game for me. Made it super easy to delete a lot of edits I wasn't using and reorganize my rosters.

    I simmed a true Royal Rumble with about 75 wrestlers in it and had a blast watching it pan out. At one point I had a stretch with Big Bossman and about 4 other hosses just clubbing each other on one side of the ring while Nakamura and Misawa battled it out 1-on-1 on the other. The finish was Kobashi drawing the final number, immediately going after Samoa Joe who had been ruling the ring and then dispatching everyone left over to win it.

    • Like 4
  11. Can’t remember an instance like this where two back-to-back picks from the same draft (2 & 3 in 2016) get swapped later on down the line. 

    You wait to play the games obviously, but this feels like a trade where maybe everybody wins? CBJ get a serious shot in the arm offensively and WPG is pretty frightening now down the middle.

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