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Posts posted by AJ

  1. Gah I hate working long hours this week when I could be sat on my arse getting the Platinum trophy for FIFA. I'm only 5 away. Two of which are simple (buy 50 players and complete a full season MM without simming).

    The BIG pain is going to be the 10v10 Clubs game. As 20 players need to all be online at once and be signed up to clubs. Is there anyone here interested in trying this at the weekend? I'm not sure on a day yet but it's gonna take a lot of time and a lot of patience as it'll involve rounding up players and going in and out of the dressing rooms and timing the connection right to meet both teams. Plus we'll need to play 2 games to get everyone the Club and Venhola Ice trophies.

    There are plenty of players over on the PS3T forums willing to get involved but there's hardly any organisation going on. Ideally if two of us EWB'ers set teams up as captains (me and TCO or Baddar?) and then go over there and round up some players we might be able to get it done. Plus if there's anyone else here willing to play that's a bonus.

    Any takers?

  2. So this freezes for me everytime I leave the dashboard. I take the game out, and bam. Big fuckoff scratch mark. Haven't even played any of it yet.

    It's about time Fate started compensating for my silly decisions.

    It's not one of those nasty circular looking scratches that they were on about on Watchdog the other night is it?

  3. If this is legit, I'm really in two minds about it.

    On one hand I'm totally digging the retro feel to it (like the shirt Man Utd wore in one game last season in memory of the Busby babes, that was awesome) and yet on the other I'm going to be very reluctant to shell out £40 for one.

    I only just got the latest red away one a few months ago and that was because it was only a tenner.

    Why England haven't had something like this: http://www.football-shirts.co.uk/fans/new-...-shirt-0708_175 for their kit yet is baffling.

  4. I got the frequent flyer trophy earlier today. It took me around 10 hours in total to do. Which included playing all night last night til I went to bed at 6am and then finishing it off this afternoon. Worth it though, as my name is now forever ingrained in the First 10 achievers for this trophy on the ps3trophies.co.uk community. Second to be precise, behind the only guy to have platinumed the game so far.

    I am more addicted to FIFA than ever right now. In between shifts this week I'll be working on the Purist and Spending Spree trophies leaving only the crappy online Club and Interactive League ones to get.

  5. Has anyone bought (or felt the need for that matter) for these clip on extension thingies for the trigger buttons?

    I laughed watching some guy review them on ebay ages ago cause I never felt slipping off the trigger buttons was a problem prior to seeing them but I can understand how it might be. Just wondered if anyone actually found them useful?

  6. Nah I haven't really improved. In fact I'm probably worse cause I've been playing for trophies rather than competitively. Plus the standard I've faced at PS3T is way below here except for the one guy who spanked me playing as Valencia.

    The Kwong is creating a 4'11" player and scoring a header. Easiest way is boost his heading accuracy and jumping ability, sign him to a quality team and have someone lob a throughball over the keeper for him to nod home. It's nigh on impossible to score one from a corner or open play as he'll just get out-muscled.

    Working on the Frequent Flyer trophy at the minute. 21 stadiums down and 29 to go. :/

  7. I could've bought you a copy of FIFA on the cheap and sent you it Matz if I'd have known.

    £56 for a controller is painful too. I thought we Brits had it bad. You don't really NEED Dualshock though. Granted I've never used a DS3 one so I don't know exactly how much they're adding to the game play but I bet I'm not missing out a great deal.

  8. After 2 years or so the little peeps aren't so willing to pay £1.80 to go on the slide. So I close the thing down, delete it, build the exact same ride in the exact same spot and re-open it at the exact same price. No-one complains. Guess they're rather forgetful.

    Kinda like how in real life all the shops did that 2.5% tax cut for like 2 weeks then put all the prices back up and expected us not to notice. <_<

  9. Anyone got many trophies yet then?

    I'm struggling with the diving header and bicycle kick. I don't want to resort to the cheap methods I've seen on youtube either. I reckon I've got a good technique for the diving header (run towards the keeper and lob through ball to your teammate at the last minute) but so far I'm only getting normal headers and volleys.

    Also gonna need a volunteer at some point as I wanna get the created team usage trophy in online unranked and I need a ranked win at some point. <_< So only worse players than me need apply.

    Oh, and is our old league still active on FIFA? Cause that would get me the league match win trophy, I'd be happy to return the favour too.

    Apparently the 50 hours trophy is retro-active so I'm surprised I haven't got that yet.

    edit: Haha, just got it. :w00t:

  10. Just got the Wing Play, In Off and Good Head On Your Shoulders in one fell swoop :D

    On course to get the giant killer trophy too, 2-0 up as Accrington vs Arsenal.

    I notice there's quite a few Manager and BAP mode trophies. Anyone know if you have to start new careers to get these? Or where I can post to find out. EA Forums suck.

  11. I suck at custom designing rides, but I'm fine at the making money aspect of the game.

    On another note, what do you guys do? Charge people just to get into the park (and for concessions), or free entry but costly rides? I usually go for the first option.

    In the first game you have the option as far as I can remember, but in RCT2 it's dependent on which level you play.

    I installed RCT2 to the computer at work last night :w00t: For some reason you can charge a hell of a lot more money per ride on the Electric Fields level in comparison to Crazy Castle. £4.00 for the Magic Carpet and Vertical Launch and I was turning a profit after just 4 months.

    Built a cheap (but awesome) double loop reverse incline-powered steel coaster. I love these, they take up next to no room, cost nothing, get a lot of guests on and off quickly and make you a fortune. £5.00 a ride at the moment. 8 months in and my loan's paid off and by year 2 I have £5K of my own. Already got the required amount of guests to complete the scenario too.

    I like this game too much. :unsure:

  12. I'm not a big jersey guy. Don't own any currently, but I just wanted to say that I think its the height of douchebaggery to put your own name on a jersey. Don't ask me why, just looks stupid to me.

    I'd never do it as an adult but it's common amongst kids. As a kid you dream of playing for your team, so getting your name/number on the kit makes sense in that way.

    Oh and AJ, it's actually Lee Sharpe

    Sorry, I'm really anal about stuff like that <_<

    I knew that >_< Just a spelling mistake is all.

  13. You gotta sign in, then go through Retail Games > Choose the Game > Trophies and then manually select them all.

    It's a bit of a pain but better than nothing (that was til Sony just recently added them to their gamer cards) and they look better than those at the minute anyway.

  14. Unless it's powered launch or starting from a height then you need to begin with a chain lift. Sounds like you either forgot the chain lift on the first incline or you had a long stretch of flat track out of the station where they would basically just grind to a halt.

  15. A sort of spin-off of the old what sports shirts do you own topics. What sports shirts do you own that you've had printed or in the case of pre-printed replicas (like NBA jerseys) which players do you go for? Also, do you maybe regret/are embarrassed by any of them?

    As far as football shirts go, they're all Man Utd, which include the 90's purple (I was 11, but still, wtf was I thinking?) goalkeeper top printed with 1. Schmeichel. The latest white away shirt with 3. Evra. Then I had a few as a kid with my own nickname (Muzza) printed on with numbers of favourite players at the time which were the '95 strip (best ever) with Old Trafford in the background that I had number 7 printed on for Eric Cantona and the ill-fated grey away shirt with number 17 for Andy Cole.

    The best of the lot though which always makes me smile when I think about it was when I'd asked for 11 for Giggs on the back of my blue/white striped away shirt but I was only allowed one number cause they were £3 each so I picked the next best possible number that I didn't already have... No. 5 - Lee Sharp :shifty:

  16. So seeing as how I've been knocked out the latest PS3 FIFA 09 league and my brother has loaned out his copy of Burnout I'm back on Uncharted.

    Just started a game on Hard mode having only played on Easy before (yikes) and just entering the fourth chapter that will be the first test really. I've been trying out the technique I read about where you don't use cover and shoot rather just hide behind cover manually and aim over the shoulder. Field of vision is just as good and you don't show yourself to enemies as much as popping out of cover. I've already noticed in Hard mode that the enemies are far more ruthless. If you take your eyes off them for a second they'll be right on you shooting the hell out of you.

    Is it too late to make an Uncharted thread? >_> Think there's only me and possibly Baddar playing it.

    edit: Let's go for it, there's always discussion to be had on the second one due out the end of the year.

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