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Posts posted by britneyspearsisgod

  1. On 19/11/2021 at 06:39, The Redeemer CLDY said:

    Reading the AVC review for Tiger King 2 and it sounds absolutely dire. Carole Baskin (obviously) doesn't appear except in archival footage, and some "psychic detective" shows up at one point to cry about how he "senses" where Don Lewis was killed. Christ. 

    Just finished watching it and it's while it's not as engaging as the last season it still has its moments and offers a lot of new information. I think it does start to feel like they've kind of hit the bottom of the well in terms of the story, but the story does get added to this season.

  2. 3 hours ago, Adam said:

    In their most recent statement, Barton's club Bristol Rovers have incorrectly invoked the CPS' "victimless prosecution" which, in domestic cases, refers to a charge brought when the alleged victim has withdrawn their statement (often due to coercion/fear and other domestic relationship implications) but there is still believed to be enough evidence to proceed.

    Bristol Rovers have used this to call it a "victimless crime", as if to absolve Barton of any culpability. Truly shocking and embarrassing from the football club.


    Rovers are my "family" club in that it's my local team and my dad's side support them. We go to games and bond. But my main love is FC St Pauli, so I am somewhat detached from Rovers, but I still love them.

    But all of this is a new low, even for us. I have seen us be an absolute shit show over many years, but there was always a family feel to things (even if that is usually confused with unprofessional organisation, in my eyes). This? This is beyond moronic.

    Ultimately, whether you believe Barton is innocent or not (can't say I do, but that's my own opinion) he has the right to his day in court and he is innocent until proven guilty.

    But to not only put out the original lame ass three sentence "We're aware, but we can't talk about it" statement, but THEN put out that absolute garbage of a statement? I am in awe at the level of stupidity of that.

    To explain that the case is a victimless prosecution case and the legal text of that isn't going to insinuate Joey Barton did it, but add context. It's fucking stupid that they knew all of this and they've still managed to balls it all up.

    And that's the galling bit - they KNEW this was liable to occur. They knew that, by giving Joey Barton the opportunity to manage us, they could end up in a situation like this and they STILL manage to make all of the fans and the club look like absolute fucking idiots. It would be funny if it wasn't so aggravating.

    That they didn't plan for this, or seem to be able to offer any transparent protocols for a situation like this is insane. Its a professional football club and it's still being run like a local park team - even with new, rich owners.

    And I don't like to be critical of Wael Al-Qadi, because he's a good guy who has invested a lot into the club. But he has either surrounded himself with the most inept, secret order of fuckwits or he isn't as bright as he seems. Relegation, poor managerial decisions and now this? Fuck me.

    And the fact is that now the fanbase is divided to such a degree we've somehow managed to become a parody of the Labour Party! It's becoming a cultural divide between the two sets of fans: those who buy into Joey's identity or vision (I believe the former is probably more of the case), and those who don't. And it's damaging for a club like them. They've got a more successful team the opposite side of the city who already get a lot of younger fans come to their side. Rovers can't afford to lose a generation of fans to City again.

    And it's the FANS who suffer the most. The recent #HerGameToo movement was founded with two Rovers fans involved. Caz May and Lucy Ford are die hard Gasheads who helps to create a great fucking movement, have helped to create partnerships with clubs - one of which is actually Bristol Rovers - and now they're made to look like mugs and get MORE abuse and calls to nullify their partnership with the club they love. It's inexcusable to fuck them over like this.

    I am going to the friendly tonight with my dad (bought the tickets in advance), but I will be going with my FC St Pauli shirt on and I will be DAMN sure to make my feelings known.

    All in all, I'm glad I put my energy into St. Pauli, because Rovers cannot help themselves and it infuriates the shit out of me.

    Also, Barton isn't actually that great of a manager. Talks a bit game but doesn't seem to back that shit up. Didn't want him in the first place and, to be honest, this isn't helping me change any opinions on him.

  3. I am at a beer festival today so I'm slightly annoyed, but I caught the first few episodes. I'm enjoying what I am seeing so far. I'm looking forward to seeing more later on tonight whilst half cut and emotional. Truly should help my emotions.

    Something I'm enjoying so far is how BoJack, unlike previous episodes where hell try and help someone out for his own ego, is genuinely trying to be nice and caring for those around him and keeps getting accused of trying to be the nice guy. It's a nice evolution of the character.

    Also perversely like Diane taking the divorce harder than Mr. Peanut Butter, who despite still feeling for Diane seems to be able to move on easier. It adds a nice layer of evil to PB and makes me intrigued about BoJack and Diane's relationship going forward.

  4. I think it's going to - hopefully - pick up as the season goes on (Netflix order 23 episodes, so they've only released part of the season) and kick into gear once they develop more about their world and the characters involved. I generally enjoyed it as easy going TV, although it did feel like a weaker version of Futurama in a lot of places. But anything that allows John DiMaggio and Eric Andre more work is never a bad thing for me.

  5. We need another goalkeeper if Mignolet leaves and I always think you need to at least try to improve on the position if you can. Karius needs someone who can competently share the burden with. But, I'm equally OK with him staying. Mignolet has flaws that legitimately cost games, buy Karius had a crisis of confidence at the start and then horrible luck in the final. I'm far more confident with Karius than Mignolet, personally. But if they can sign a top level keeper (Oblak, Lloris, etc) then I would be all for it.

    Other than that, I would like to see us get just more strength in depth. We need more options than we have right now in all areas really. Fabinho goes a great way to helping to strengthen us. Very pleased.

  6. Yeah... They've lost their shit :shifty:

    They're generally considered a bit more right leaning than their wonderful counterparts (and totally unbiased endorsement from me, obviously) FC St. Pauli. I've heard a few stories of Pauli fans getting beaten up by HSV ultras around the Reeperbahn in Hamburg, although I can't verify that.

    All in all, it's sad to see. On the plus side, that Hamburg Derby next year is going to be INSANE. Although I do fear there may end up being trouble and most news sites will play it as a left versus right argument.

  7. Roy had no reason to mention it. Managers up and down the country rest players without flat out saying "oh, they didn't want to play because they were tired". It offers no benefit for him to slate one of his players again. Just like he did with Glen Johnson at Liverpool, he's deflecting attention onto the player because he cannot be seen to be wrong. For a man with his experience, you'd think he would have learnt the basics of PR by now. Better yet, you'd think the FA would have too. Who knows if Raheem will be galvanized by this and become a better player? Maybe. Or maybe he and the rest of the team will just think "Oh god, Roy's a dick and I hate playing for him".

    Roy works well with certain players due to his elder figure, calm but wise manner that he portrays, but when it gets to a bigger breed of animal he is lost. Thus, his experiences at top-level teams and environments doesn't match his successes.

    And experience should tell him something about evolution and adaptation. I have experience in my job to know that the way I do things today won't necessarily mean that's the way to do it tomorrow. What worked 40 years ago doesn't necessarily work today. Liverpool have invested shit loads of money into their fitness and medical teams and it shows today with better young players. Michael Owen suffered similar circumstances back in his younger days and curtailed a good period of his career because of it. Liverpool have evolved and adapted from those days. Roy has not entirely done that.

    Medical science has moved on so that we understand some players need resting and others don't. Whilst at Real Madrid, it was regularly accepted that Ronaldo (as in Fat Ronaldo) didn't partake in training every day depending on his mood and desire. But when it came to crunch time, he delivered. Some players are like that. You work with all different variables with each player.

    In wrestling context, just because Vince McMahon functions on 4 hours sleep does that mean everyone else has to? No. We are all different. When I trained for wrestling, how I trained was different to how my friends trained because we are all built different. If Roy hasn't grasped that concept yet then I worry for him.

    Not to say Brendan Rodgers isn't culpable of any mistakes. By all means, Brendan has to accept some blame for any tiredness Raheem Sterling is undergoing right now. He could certainly afford to rest the kid. Did he need to play him for the entirety of the match against Middlesborough? Close match decided by penalties aside, maybe the team and Sterling would have benefited from him not playing and another younger star getting their chance? Maybe the match could have happily been written off to focus on League and European exploits? These are questions that Brendan needs to answer.

    But ultimately, Roy has one again shown why he is not the manager England needs, but the manager the FA wants. Why progress? Progress means change and change ultimately is too much for some people to accept.

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  8. Liverpool capitulated. The pressure got to them.

    It has been coming for the last few games. Today the bubble burst.

    Absolutely. "Slow and steady wins the race", as they say. It's probably the most frustrated I have felt in a long time. Such an opportunity...

    Still. Just have to give "hope" and "dream" a chance to win it for us, I guess. Keep us dreaming boys. Keep us dreaming.

  9. Liverpool capitulated. The pressure got to them.

    Fair play to Mourinho on the basis of he worked out Liverpool. It was naive of Brendan Rodgers to just think Liverpool's way would work. The way Chelsea played, they needed to get someone playing off the defender's shoulders and get the ball behind the defence. Habitual crosses into the box wasn't going to work against a strong, organized and tall defence. Has to be said Kalas had a fantastic game. Certainly believe on that performance he could become world class. The difference in his calm, cool approach to many of Liverpool's rushed attack is the epitome of the game.

    Ultimately, there can be such a thing as wanting something too much. Keeping your cool was what Liverpool should have done. Ultimately, Chelsea did it instead and sadly they come unstuck. They gave Chelsea too much respect when they should have been more patient.

    Alas, a golden opportunity was wasted. It may still go their way if Manchester City mess up. But they shouldn't have allowed that to happen.

    Maybe this is the experience to guide them for the future. This could still be the awakening of the Liver bird yet.

  10. I just don't understand how anyone can feel any sympathy for Portsmouth. They keep using the 'community club' idea to emotionally blackmail people into leaving the club before signing more players so they can try the same trick again in the future.

    I hold sympathy for the club because having lived in Portsmouth I know how much it means to the town. Honestly, as much as I liked the people down there, it is a shithole and there isn't very much going for it besides the Navy history it has (not that it's a bad thing - the docks are a very important part of British history). It's not the fans fault that the club has been badly mismanaged and in fairness it's not Michael Appleton's fault either. He's just trying to build a team with what he has.

    So much is wrong with this article. Basically they're trying to force the players who have legal contracts out of the club so that they can BUY MORE PLAYERS? What the hell is wrong with Portsmouth? They've already done this shafting trick with their youth players a few years ago, but now they want to do it again? Given that he's talking about a TRANSFER BUDGET and not a wage budget, it's obvious that he wants to sign players with a fee, instead of picking up out of contract players like they should really be aiming at.

    I don't think the idea is to buy players from other clubs. By transfer budget, he's really meaning the wage budget plus potential sign-on fees and all of that. It's not like he's asking to get rid of Ben-Haim to go sign Gael Clichy. The situation at the club is that the current first team contracts are too much for the club to commit to, so they need to get rid of the £50kpw players and sign players on contracts probably closer to £10k or less, which at League One level they could maintain.

    I believe clubs need to be sanctioned in situations like this, but like Rangers in Scotland sometimes people can want to rain down the punishments just too much on a club to prove a point. I think Portsmouth have certainly learned their lesson here, although I have to say I am all for the PST taking over instead of Portpin. They're in part at fault for the mess, so I don't really think they should remain in charge.

  11. The Humperdink song is like every other song we've done - it's just not good enough to win this competition. We don't take it seriously enough. It was a decent song, but it hardly had enough going for it to win. I mean, even Jedward did better than us. Politics aside (because they certainly play their part), it wasn't good enough to succeed. I'd say we deserved slightly better than second to last, but not that far off. Better than Jedward, for sure dry.gif

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