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Posts posted by britneyspearsisgod

  1. Fuck... that is a good draw right there. Chelsea/Bayern should be a solid contest to watch, Liverpool/Juventus will be interesting and we could see something special from that game, AC/Inter will be a fucking classic derby match as both will be up for it, and as for PSV/Lyon... well, don't count them out.

    It's going to be good me thinks.

  2. To be fair, Paul Stoddard has gone on a one-man mission to take it to Ferrari, so he couldn't really expect Jean Todt to be fair and say "You are causing me hell, but fuck it! Race on Sunday!". Plus, Minardi were the other Italian team next to Ferrari, so of course Ferrari would say get lost to them.

    Saying that, the only real excitement this year is coming from who will finish second and the whole saga with the teams rebelling and shit. Honestly, someone needs to step into Formula One and take control of the situation.

    And it's sad to see Eddie Jordan gone as well.

    My pick for this year has to be Ferrari and Schumacher, although if they can manage it? I wouldn't be surprised to see Jenson Button, Kimi Raikonen or Juan Pablo Montoya take their chances.

    Whatever happens, it will be interesting. Even if it's for the wrong reasons.

  3. Scotty my man, you're doing good again. As it is, I think you are doing a good job of laying down the ground work for the future of your WWE. I'm impressed with the Royal Rumble set-up, as I have a sneaky suspiscion Chris Jericho is going to take the power back ;)

    As for anything else? Well, despite bringing in new workers who are good at wrestling (and less shitsters like Heidenreich, etc.), I can't say you aren't moving along nicely. Keep it up, and I'll make sure I always drop in to read this :)

  4. James in goal? He's been consistently making blunders for years and really doesn't bring what you need a keeper to be to the England set-up.

    Look at it, we play a highly negative style of play with a solid back four, the organisation of defences by James won't help. Especially once he throws the game away in one of his infamous screw ups.

  5. Good diary from what I'm seeing, although I can't think of anything specific to give as critisim. Just keep it up, I suppose.

    But do consider down the road, the posibility of a SEGA invasion, seeing as they are no longer a major console maker. Do it. DO IT. Sonic vs Mario would be the greatest feud since Stone Cold and The Rock.

  6. Not writing your own stuff makes you seem just like you're in it for the money and the fame, and it makes it seem like you are another cookie cutter star just being apart of the corporate machine that keeps churining out the same shit or whatever. Personally, I think as long as it feels real to yourself, then who cares what others think... but, as a Britney fan, I suppose it's expected of me.

    Of course, this is my own interpretation of the whole debate.

  7. As is the opinion of mine, I think this CD is quite possibly his weakest in terms of lyrics. There are some new revelations in Yellowbrick Road and Like Toy Soldiers and whatnot, but after that? It's just the same-old same-old. But then, it's called Encore for a reason - it's a repeat of his last 3 albums. In terms of the music and whatnot, I enjoyed it. The beats, samples and some of the hooks work well. But you know that if he had actually tried to impress with this, it could have been something so much more. As it is, it's an average album for the mainstream market, and a poor album by Eminem standards.

    2/5 seems appropriate really.

    I think generally, the songs we've all talked of (Yellowbrick Road, Like Toy Soldiers, etc) are the best ones definitely. I liked the last song though (I'm buggered if I remember it though). And Mockingbird was alright. 50 Cent actually impressed me on this album though. Which surprises me, because I usually hate his stuff.

  8. I think it's safe to say that he's gone to that big fight in the sky my friend :(

    Aside from plotline developments, the control system is apparently going to be easier and more simple as well. And three new characters. Feng Wei (who is described as an Asian Paul), Asuka obviously, and Raven, who looks a bit like Wesley Snipes :shifty:

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