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Posts posted by britneyspearsisgod

  1. Matzat, I'm really looking forward to the CL when your little team get knocked out in the group stages and we'll see how you react then

    Don't count Werder Bremen out yet mate ;) They could shock you. They pretty much ran away with the Bundesliga last season.

    You've heard two refs in this thread say that it was a goal. Read the whole thread. I find it funny how people ignore some info and listen to what they want to hear. Im sure i've done it in the past but this thread is such a perfect example.

    Let me clarify my position: I would have given the goal because that's how it is in the English game. However, the international level is different. The English game is tougher than the other leagues. On an international level, you would have to give the decision.

    It's funny that your points are always made by people from the teams that lost. That makes it very credible.

    It was an impartial party commentating on the game. I don't think the fact that he lost makes it invalid. What does England not getting a goal have to do with his welfare or self-being?

    So every professional ref in the world could say it was the correct decision but they would only say so because they want to support there colleagues?

    If someone in your office was accused of something from an outside source, you'd generally public support them, would you not? Most people would do that.

    All I know is that we lost, so what can you do? Bring on Wales and Northern Ireland :shifty:

  2. At least Bret Hart had another company with great wages to go to, but Urs Meier's one man mission against the English sent us crashing out of another tournament and stopped us winning for another two years. Oh how I shall enjoy watching us lift the cup in Germany.

    We were too shit to beat Portugal. We got as far as we did because France played poorly, Portugal played below par, Croatia played poorly and Switzerland were too crap to take us to town. The Italians are the same as the English - it's never OUR fault we played shit, so it's got to be someone elses. Look, Erikkson played the wrong tactics all the time. Only against Croatia did he get it right, and even then we looked shakey. We were too poor to win. We COULD have won, but Erikkson isn't a good manager. Was Meier's refereeing shit in the game? I feel so. He made many bad decisions for both sides. But to say we deserved to win is absolutely ludicrous. We never created any real play, we never controlled the ball enough and we had quite possibly the biggest underachievers in midfield in the whole tournament. Beckham, Gerrard, Scholes (to an extent) and Lampard (again, to an extend) all played below par. Owen played below par. Terry played below par. David James played his usual self, which is shit. It was our defence and Wayne Rooney that kept us in it.

    Besides, we have two years to improve. May we go on to 2006 and whip Germany in the final 40 years after we did it to them before :P

    which is complete bullshit. Im a referee myself

    I'm a referee as well. I personally think the goal should have been allowed. However if that is the rule, as much as it's annoying, the referee has the choice to take the rule into effect. In fact, it's his perogative. You can't choose as a referee who you like and decide to help them out - you have to take it individually.


    Portugal played their best here. I said they'd get this far, and they did (despite I wishes for England to win). And I said whoever won England/Portugal would win the tournament, and that may happen.

    It's nice to get something out of this :shifty:

    Saying that, I'd like to see either Greece or the Czechs go through. Best of luck to them. However, Portugal must win for me to be right.


  4. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that after being broken-hearted, she will need a laugh.

    I was joking :P

    But hey, think whatever you jaded little boys want to think.

    It's official, BSIG was the guy in MTV's Fanography who ran across the street "for Britney".


    I was the guy in drag :shifty:

  5. does bobby have throat cancer?

    He did, but he successfully beat it and is recuperating, last time I checked.

    And this isn't something I'll invest in. They could do so much more with a game like this, but they chose not to. That and Acclaim haven't done a good wrestling game since WWF Attitude.

  6. Alright, it's time for me to defend her AGAIN. Honestly, the woman doesn't make it easy for me :shifty:

    He was previously involved with actress Shar Jackson, of TV’s “Moesha.” They have a 2-year-old daughter together and are expecting another baby in July.

    I just want to say it takes two to tango. He's the one who chose to leave his girlfriend and his 2-year-old with said ex expecting another child soon, not Britney. She could have said no, but if you love someone you have to make decisions that aren't going to please everyone. If anyone's wrong in this situation, it's obviously him.

    And also, the first marriage was a drunken mistake of a high magnitude, so how it can count towards her overall marriage situation I do not know.

    Man, did I underestimate the Ho'ness of Ms. Spears(THat Ms. will never be Mrs.)

    How is she a "ho"? She makes a mistake and now finds what COULD be true love, and all of a sudden she's a ho? What about him? He left his girlfriend pregnant and with a kid after originally committing himself to her. Is he not bad? This is one fucking marriage. J-Lo was married 3 times and that was FULLY KNOWING WHAT SHE WAS DOING. Britney was incredibly drunk the first time, and now understands what she is doing this time. It's hardly the same situtation.

    I doubt they'll get married. But damn this guy has talent. He managed to bag Brit while expecting child with another chick...

    Talented? I'd call it moronic myself.

    Look, if she loves this guy, then she's welcome to marry him. I don't think it will last myself, but that's because I'm jealous of him <_< Well, actually, I just think he's using her. But that probably IS jealousy. Besides, it's just an engagement. It probably won't even go anywhere. And then, after she's in need of some lovin', here I come, dancing across the street to "Slave 4 U" B)

  7. Well done to Greece. They played damn well.

    I don't care about the tournament now though. England loosing kinda hurt my passion for it. However, I might still be right about my prediction of who's going to win the tournament.


    Oh, and I hate Christian Ronaldo. He's a smug twat.

  8. Well how manny national titles dos england have that already have been won by a teram from another countrey ? :P

    It's a conspiracy against us I tell you! A CONSPIRACY!!!


    Just you wait until Bristol Rovers get into the Premiership. THEN we will hurt you! :shifty:

  9. Them's fighting words around here, boy! :shifty:

    If I knew any Portugese, I would call you a poo-poo head and I'd use various insults to describe your mother's sexual proliferency.

    Instead, I'll just say you suck :shifty:

  10. It's a shame for Germany to be knocked out like that, but to be fair they were never going to win this tournament the way they've played. They picked it up in the second half, and to be honest I think they just got bad luck. But if there is a positive for Germany, it's that they can now get rid of Rudi Voller and build for the 2006 World Cup. They'll need to improve drastically if they want to win it in their own country.

    So, with that said, bring it on Portugal.

  11. Thursday 24th June, Luz, Lisbon

    Portugal 2-3 England

    Which side to score first: Portugal

    Friday 25th June, Jose Alvalade, Lisbon

    France 3-1 Greece

    Score first: France

    Saturday 26th June, Faro-Loulé

    Sweden 2-1 Netherlands

    Score first: Netherlands

    Sunday 27th June, Dragao, Porto

    Czech Republic 2-0 Denmark

    Score first: Czech Republic

  12. I'm just wondering though, if they DO win, who do they meet in the next round?

    They would have got Italy if Italy won their group, so I presume it would be Denmark/Czech Republic, yeah. Might be wrong though.

    About England playing badly; they improved so much when they actually controlled the ball and passed it about against Croatia. Against France and Switzerland all they wanted to do was boot a ball in the air, but the long ball doesn't work when you have two fairly small men up front. Once they played a bit of football on the floor they got so many chances to get the goals.

    The thing with that though was that they actually had the right tactics to begin with. When we took off players like Rooney, Scholes and bought on the wrong players in the wrong position, we faultered. With the right tactics, we can do well, and Sven goes about things the wrong way at times.

    Obviously they've still got work to do on set pieces, we haven't looked comfortable on them at all.

    That's our biggest worry personally. Even with bad tactics we seem to be able to carry on somewhat, but James doesn't seem to set up his goal right. That and he's shit. S-h-i-t-e.

    Sorry. But football is football, it is made for rubbing it in. What do you think all fans do? Especially to Arsenal this year when we didn't win the treble.

    Football was made to be beautiful and bring people together in the name of fun and sport, not for some twat on a computer to make fun of others. If England get blitzed by Portugal, and they all rub it in your face, will you be thinking the same thing then? I doubt it.

  13. I understand about people taking the piss. I was in a French pub watching the England game, and we shot out of there the moment England and France ended, because we could have kicked some French teeth in, I tell you <_<

    But no, I think Portgual or England will win. Look at it from this perspective: Portugal started off shit. Undeniably shit. I was mortified at how shit they did. But they have slowly begun to build momentum. If they beat England (which I am simultaneously hope and believe England can win), they will be gaining in momentum, and that will be their key - home advantage and momentum.

    England meanwhile, have generally shown the ability to take it to the big teams. It's only been because of Erikkson's bad tactics that England have looked shakey at points (well, that and David James being a shit goalkeeper - and don't say he isn't, because he's the #1 choice, and he plays in Division 1/The Championship for West Ham, yet the other two play in the Premiership. So what does that tell you?). If we can take out Portugal, we generally have teams we can take out. No disrespect to the other teams left, but the other teams (besides France and a few others) have a less impressive aura than the big teams. What I mean there is that we would be threatened by France's reputation, whereas we would tend to be a bit more aggressive if we played Denmark or Sweden in the semi's. It could give us an advantage, seeing as we would be considered a bigger team, thus making us more confident in our abilities. Then again, it could make us arrogant and we could fuck it up. But it's all to play for.

    Still, best of luck to all.

    Just get ready to lose to England :shifty:

  14. I'm going to go drink twelve bottles of vodka now thanks to the shittest referee in the history of football, fucking cunt. Also Denmark and Sweeden, I hope they both get fucking slaughterd.

    I'm sorry, but Italy played with no enthusiasm or care against Denmark, and they never played well enough against Bulgaria. They could have scored 10 goals against Bulgaria if they REALLY tried, but they just gave up and expected to win as if it's their god-given right. I told you Italy would not win the tournament, and I was right. Leading onto my next point...


    It just happened to be 2-2 in the other game didn't it then you see them celebrating together, if that's not fucking rigged then I don't know what is. I respect England the team, but half of there fans are pricks and WHEN they do go out, I'll be the first one to come here and taunt SOME of them pricks(Mainly as they just done it to me, and I don't mean you lol)

    I agree that we have some moronic fans (at least 35% of the fanbase it seems), but please. Italians automatically expect to get to the final and win, yet with performances like that it won't happen. You know what annoys me the most about Italy? I respect the team, and I even like the team and fans and country, so I have no real problems apart from that whenever Italy get knocked out or something happens, it somehow NEVER seems to be Italy's fault. It's either "shitty refereeing" - which I don't blame the ref for not caring, because both Italy and Bulgaria were acting like tits in that game - or a conspiracy by other teams, yet it can't be because Italy "*GASP!* Shock horror!" NEVER FUFILED THEIR POTENTIAL. Italy could have very well won this tournament if they kept playing like they did against Sweden. Accept the fact that Italy never pushed it. If they really pushed it, they would have won this tournament outright, and I'll be the first to admit that.

    I mean why would two teams want to eliminate the potential winners? That's a stupid idea... That is the sort of thing that happens in football; it can sometimes be very unfair. If this happened to England we'd be going mental - have some empathy for our Italian friend.

    Sweden had to get a positive result to qualify, and Denmark wanted to keep the momentum going. Any other team in such a situation would have done the same thing. And as Tom said, with a minute to go, why throw away a possible defeat? Denmark could have been first and taken on Holland or Germany, which would be easier than the Czech Republic. You can't play at the pace Denmark and Sweden played at and fix the game to be 2-2. How can you stop shots from going in? Watch the game - it's just bad luck on Italy's part, coupled with Italy not really pushing for it.

    I know you're upset, and it's understandable. But I must gloat because I said Italy wouldn't do it, and I was right. I firmly guarantee and you can all quote me on this - whoever wins between England and Portugal will win Euro2004. GUARANTEED.

    Oh, and Germany are going out. So Michael? You suck :P

    And before I forget, Rooney is damn class, but no-one, not even Zidiane Zidane is worth £50million. The most I'd pay is £30million and that's for Zidane.

    And best player of the tournament? Zidane. Even though France haven't played as good as they should, he's kept them together and held on strong, and it's shown in France's games and their results. If he wasn't there, they wouldn't be in the quarter-finals. Although Rooney has been immensley important for us. As has Sol Campbell.

    At least Owen's getting better as well... but I still think they should either bring Wayne Bridge onto the left of midfield and push Scholes up alongside Rooney (my dad keeps telling us that's what needs to be done, and he makes sense - we lack a left-footed player on the left of midfield. Ashley Cole always has to turn back to kick the ball into the center), OR bring Vassell on in Owen's place. Personally Gerrard could miss a game with his recent form. Hargreaves does a competant enough job in his place I feel.

  15. Seriously, there were only four players out there that actually gave a shit; Lampard and Gerrard like always, Rooney like always, and Darius Vassell, who really should be starting every game.

    I thought besides his goal, Gerrard was pretty poor today. It's strange, because he played so damn good before the tournament for Liverpool, and now he's kinda subdued. But everyone else is correct. Darius Vassell should play EVERY game, hell yes. I said it before - when he's on the pitch, they get the attacking edge they need. England have weaknesses that won't be strengthened by Sven's tactics (let's face it, he's a nice guy and he can get us results, but we can struggle and even lose it just as easy), so they need to go with the strengths they got - namely, Rooney and Vassell. Owen's just been poor so far. He doesn't look to be in it.

    As for the France/Croatia game... part of me wanted Croatia to win, just to fuck the French over :shifty: Yet it was good it ended in a draw. Makes it easier for us to qualify. And hey, it's not convincing, but sometimes you need a little bit of good fortune to send you through. Now if Switzerland can to the unthinkable and upset France (which, let's face it, CAN happen if France play like that again), then that would rule. As long as England beat Croatia of course, which - full credit to Croatia, for they aren't difficult to beat - can be done if they play their cards right.

    The Switzerland-England game, while not perfect, was good for me. England showed some flawes that can be exposed, as they looked a little unconfident or maybe just fright at possibly losing it, which is not going to be good. But, we scored and then it became more comfortable. I think our major problem is the midfield if anything. Once we had Vassell on, Rooney had someone who worked for him, rather than Owen who relies on others to service him. And the defence was solid enough to hold everyone. It's the midfield that's our major problem. Gerrard wasn't as good as he could be, but that can change. Beckham has been alright, but a little subdued if anything, Scholes is looking a little worn down and seems to be forcing it out of him, and Lampard has done alright, but something between them all doesn't seem to work right. They seem to not gel well, because their talent indicate that they could do so much better as a group. Yet, they struggle.

    Still, we won, so I can't complain. I just hope England do as well as possible. To win would be great, if we can keep it going.

    Personally, I would rather play Spain than Greece. Greece are doing really well, and we had difficulty beating them in qualifiers, so god knows what they'll be like now. Although it might be better to play them now, because they could get stronger as the tournament goes on. But with Spain, we have a good record against them. Spain are easier to bring down. They have high expectations, whereas Greece play with a underdog mentality, and that'll make it harder to beat them.

    Although the way Portugal have played, it'd be best to play them. At least we can study how to defeat them and then do so.

    Onto something else, Totti is banned for three games! This is such a bitch. I am dreading tomorrow without this guy because he is so damn great. We will have to play amazing football and Traptonni needs to bring in Gattuso for Totti. Looking to be a huge day tomorrow thats for sure.

    Oh I also just realised Totti comes back for the semis if we make it. I worked it out that could be the game that Italy meet England if it all goes that way, which would be a huge game for his return.

    And you said Italy would win :P

    But Totti should have been banned for longer personally. Spitting on a player is just pathetic. 3 games? If that was an England player, he'd get a worse ban. It's pathetic.

  16. Britney is hit or miss with me, but she's definitely way hotter than Aguilera, who looks like a fucking alien. Plus the fact she's such a whore, her pussy probably looks like spoiled roast beef.

    Who says it's just her pussy that looks like that? :shifty:

  17. Anyway, decent list, Angelina shoulda been number one with Beyonce at #2. Jessica was way too high, Uma was way too low

    I agree with that. Angleina Jolie (aside from by beautiful Britney, of course :shifty: ) has GOT TO BE the hottest girl going today.

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