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Posts posted by wozzi

  1. My views on performances:

    Foster - had little to do.

    P.Neville - doesn't convince at England level for me.

    King - messed up a bit for Albania goal but but impressive.

    Dawson - did'nt put a foot wrong.

    Shorey - impressive going forward.

    Bentley - England's best player.

    Barry - impressive, I hope he makes next squad.

    Jenas - average for me but I may be biased being a Newcastle fan.

    Lennon - looked bright before going off early.

    Smith - not a fan of his but a well taken goal.

    Owen - all focus was on him, and seemed to struggle.

    As for the subs, Downing scored twice and impressive (for once). The rest of the subs struggled to make an impact as the game died.

  2. Im a Newcastle fan and I think that Big Sam in charge would be the wrong appointment. Newcastle fans love the attacking style and Allardyce does'nt bring that style of play with him.

    Are you honestly saying you don't mind mediocrity if it means you *might* play some decent football? Rubbish.

  3. Im a Newcastle fan and I think that Big Sam in charge would be the wrong appointment. Newcastle fans love the attacking style and Allardyce does'nt bring that style of play with him. He will more than likely employ the tough and hard style of play he's used at Bolton. Im not saying its not effective but the fans may turn against him. Souness had a similar style of play to Allardyce and look where that got him.

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