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RoyWill Rumble

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Posts posted by RoyWill Rumble

  1. Even worse? The PS3/360 version is rehashed as fuck. Like, SAME MENUS, NO NBC OVERLAY. Fucking nothing.

    The Ps3/360 version seemed like a possible saving grace if you wanted a full feature set but holy Christ. I get that they were trying to get the PS4/Xbone versions on their legs but they could have atleast kind of tried for the 360/PS3 versions.

    This whole thing has become a mess and a lot of people on both generations of consoles are gonna get fleeced on Tuesday and that feels really skeezy.

    It's all about that NHL 2k10 Franchise Mode I've been playing since the game came out/NHL 2004 on PC with mods for me.

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  2. Uggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh I have to get this off my chest because it's been bugging the shit out of me today.

    My ladyfriend and I split on our WiiU because we wanted it to be the primary console to play together on. She played Viva Pinata and Ratchet & Clank on the 360 and PS3 respectively, and we do family sharing on Steam for smaller indy games or PC-specific games, but I was the one that primarily played the 360 and PS3 and will be the primary person to play the PS4 when we've got some damned games for it.

    The WiiU, though, is our system. We have played all the way through Super Mario 3D Land with all of the characters together (but haven't beat the secret levels because GOD DAMN), unlocked stuff in Mario Kart 8 together, took turns playing ZombiiU together by switching off each time we died, and so on. So, when Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze came out, she was stoked as fuck. I was relatively stoked.

    NEVER have we been so frustrated with a game—like, collectively, or as individuals. And to be completely honest, never have we been so frustrated in our relationship as Donkey Kong makes us. Like, we've had a few good yelling matches, but Donkey Kong has pissed us off more.

    My fundamental issue with the game is that Donkey Kong just feels... clunky. Like, I get that he's a stupid-ass lumbering gorilla, but I can NEVER tell if I'm gonna make a jump, and that is kinda shit when everything needs very precise timing. And it's made even worse by the fact that in multiplayer, you can't really make up for Donkey Kong's foibles without completely taking over control of the other player, and that's no fun.

    I was bored, so I played single player for the first time for a bit today. And in single player this game is a lot more manageable because you can utilize the "helper" characters and if you die, it's on you because you were given the tools and you fucked up. Donkey Kong still can't jump for shit, and that's annoying, but the helper characters make up for it and it's you controlling the helper characters so that's fine. Buttttttttttt, to me, that's still because we bought this game to have fun playing multiplayer. AND for the most part it is fun. But sometimes there's just levels that stop us in our tracks and it's so, so frustrating.

    And we could just buy an assload of lives and just brute force our way through things, but that's not really fun. Like I said, we have Mario, and we also have Rayman Legends. Both of those games, like Donkey Kong, require very precise platforming, but unlike Donkey Kong, they don't feel clunky. In Mario, we don't really get that frustrated because when we die it's on us. The controls are so good and so precise that we can't really blame anyone but ourselves. With Rayman, it's the same situation. With Donkey Kong, again, DK just feels so clunky and his jumping so shit at times that you have to rely way too much on the helper characters. That's okay in single player, but shitty design for a multiplayer game, to me.

    Rant over. I want to like this game so much. And I usually do. But sometimes it's just fucking unbearable.

    • Like 1
  3. I actually think the deking system is fine, and you've got a lot more versatility and moves to work with once you get used to it.



    • No GM Connected
    • No Online Team Play (when this is patched into the game later this year, it will use real NHL players and teams)
    • No EA Sports Hockey League
    • No EA Sports Arena
    • No Online Shootouts
    • No Live the Life
    • No Be A Legend
    • No Winter Classic
    • No tournaments or Battle for the Cup
    • No season mode (you can only play seasons in Be A GM, which is limited to NHL teams)
    • No NHL 94 Anniversary mode
    • No custom music support
    • No create-a-play designer
    • Cannot customize each team's AI
    • No create-a-team
    • No way to edit individual players
    • Practice mode is now limited to one skater vs. an AI goalie


    • No custom camera option
    • No Action Tracker replay highlights

    Be A GM

    • Yearly draft is fully automated by the CPU
    • Cannot play the AHL games for your chosen franchise
    • Players sent down to the minors do not accumulate any season stats
    • No fantasy draft option
    • No preseason games

    Be A Pro

    • No option to sim ahead to the next shift
    • You only play in the NHL; you cannot play for minor league teams
    • The Memorial Cup tryout period is gone. You now begin by picking an NHL team, or by letting a random CPU team draft you.
    • No All-Star game

    Ultimate Team

    • Cannot play against your friends
    • No tournaments
    • No mobile app

    But that deking shit doesn't matter, because mmmmmmmmmmannnnnnnnnnnnnn is that ever depressing.

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    The (kinda) dream was nice while it lasted. I was trying to give this game the benefit of the doubt closer to release after re-reading this thread, but I just... fucking nope. I honestly might just get the XBox 360 version in a few months if friends are playing it. This was going to be, at most, a game I'd play quite a bit until FIFA was out, and then WWE, but now... I just eeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I might even get it when it's severely marked down over Christmas or something, but I definitely cannot justify $70 for this now.

    It also grosses me the fuck out that we had to find out about this via people playing the early access version of the game. This team should have owned up to their shit, because at least then I wouldn't feel like I was legitimately getting duped by them. Had this stuff not come out, I would have probably got the game on Tuesday, come home, taken a look at the lack of edit player/Be a GM trainwreck and felt ripped off.

  5. WELP.

    I'm sorry, but I honestly see no excuse for that shit. The EASHL thing is what it is. But taking out REALLY, really basic functionality from THE mode for PS4 and Xbone because you've axed all your other modes is fucking insane. I also edit players, and the auto-drafting in Be a GM makes no fucking sense to me at all.

    I had my opinions that people (rightly) disagreed with, but that's the final fucking blow. Like I said, I was pretty put off by stuff like EASHL being axed from the game, but I could have dealt with it because I could still play Be a GM and the gameplay was fine. But if they've neutered a good deal of what made Be a GM appealing to me, then I'm definitely out until they put it in with a patch, or something.

    The presentation was winning me over and I'd started to come around on the gameplay a bit more after playing the demo for a few more days, but if the one mode I'd now play for this year is basic as shit, then I don't care how good the gameplay is, really. I needed a reason to stick around with the game, and that was a fully-featured Be a GM mode.

    Link/proof? 'Cause I wanna believe this isn't true.

  6. I'd like to be the Cubs, but I genuinely don't know when I'll get this game. I can't justify it for $70—I don't like baseball AT ALL, but quite enjoy The Show—especially with FIFA coming out in the very near future/other financial stuff. So if anyone else wants to be them, go for it. I can just grab whatever team is left/wait for a bit and get in on the next season if I have to.

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  7. It is kinda lame, but I think Sportsfriends is a game that loses virtually all of its charm when there isn't someone to shit-talk and punch in your immediate vicinity. I categorize that as "Smash Bros./Mario Kart" style multiplayer—fine online, but infinitely more fun local.

    Also, does Guacamelee survive on more than just its rad art style and meme-y ass jokes? I played the demo at an EB and generally enjoyed its franticness and thought the combat was pretty good, but not, like, say a Mark of the Ninja, or anything like that. I loved the art style, but I can't tell if the game will wear thin eventually. I'm looking for a game to play with the ladyfriend when we grab another controller. And though we have many an option with Steam/hooking my laptop up to HDMI, but having a few things on the PS4 would be rad too.

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  8. Figuring out if my laptop can run Oblivion or Skyrim at decent-ish settings.....

    If you can run Windows 7, you can dodge a ball run Oblivion or Skyrim on halfway decent settings. Bethesda did a good job of making a game that can function on most things short of an Apple IIe.

    Luckily for me, I get paid tomorrow so I can add more money to my account to download that shit.

    Any mods for Skyrim worth checking out? Might make a diary in The Cube out of the game.

    SkyUI and a few texture mods are very, very much necessary and won't destroy your laptop. A few gameplay tweaks here and there (like Deadly Dragons, for example) are rad, too. The top mods on the Nexus for the first few pages or so are good.

    I'd recommend SkyUI, iHud, Immersive Armor, Immersive Weapons, a couple of texture tweaks (I use this along with Realistic Lighting Overhaul and a few other things), WATER, Frostfall (but that's me because that survival shit is fun to me), Wet and Cold (same as above), Cloaks of Skyrim, RaceMenu, Apachii Hair, and Ultimate Follower Overhaul, and Eyes of Beauty. And Falksaar is awesome after you've played a bit of the game and exhausted it.

    I've got a laptop and I can run Skyrim at Ultra with a tweak or two here and there and it runs super, super smooth. It's not really a resource hog.

  9. Gabriel is right on most every level with this - don't be ridiculous calling the last gen edition "bare bones". This is the same exact kind of stuff that was happening when everything moved from PS2 to PS3 etc, and there was never a stink about it then. Frankly, we're lucky that last generation is even being supported this well.

    There was quite a lot of stink about it last time around too, in fact. Developers ought to be held accountable for releasing games that don't meet the expectations of their fanbase. A large part of the fanbase expected things like EASHL to be in. It isn't. The fanbase has every right to be pissed about that. It isn't a downright awful game by any means, but it's a game that's severely lacking key features (for me), and when I look at other games that have feature parity with last generation games or go far above and beyond last generation games, I'm not too excited to shell out $70 for what I believe is a let-down. I played quite a lot of EASHL and I was excited to play it on PS4. And that sentiment is shared by a lot of people. The development team deserves the criticism it gets. If it had been a bit more transparent about the development process earlier on, instead of revealing all this mere WEEKS before the game came out, I'd give them a bit of sympathy.

    And the EA team is by no means ginormous, but it's been doing this for years, so to me there's no excuse. This isn't a few guys fresh out of college in their basement making a game. These guys have been making NHL games for years upon years, and this year on PS4 and XBone is severely disappointing from a features perspective, just like NHL 07 was severely disappointing when it debuted.

    I am fully aware that this is a "building year", but hey, guess what? FIFA didn't fuck it up in their first year. MLB didn't fuck it up in their first year. Those games were fully-featured. And I just can't accept the argument of "BUT THE TEAMS ARE BIGGER". Talent is talent. These dudes made successful, fully-featured games before. On brand new hardware, no less.

    And why is it frustrating to you as someone who works at a games store that the NHL game does bad? It's not like NHL needs to sell well for you to keep your job.

  10. I've loved every PlayStation controller, and the N64 one. I could understand a complaint if the shape of a dual shock doesn't suit, but cheap feeling? I don't think I've had anything better for build quality.

    The PS3 controller is fine as a controller (God-awful triggers aside), but it eats a big ol' dick when it comes to feel sturdy and reliable. It feels like I could easily snap that thing at any second. The PS4 controller, on the other hand, is god-damned amazing.

  11. Which is great for next year, but is a shitty excuse for this year when they're demanding $70. And team size doesn't mean shit to me. Many of my favourite games of the past few years were made by studios of like... five people. Were they trying to simulate a sport? No. But that argument is kinda flawed to me, because the NHL team has been big enough to try to recreate the NHL for YEARS now, and they know their engine inside and out. They know what they're capable of. It's not about man power so much as it is talent and drive, and to be completely honest, I think the NHL team is pretty fucking lazy.

    And none of the modes that were axed this year were broken, aside from, arguably, GM Connected.

    Live the Life was just stale. If they wanna change that? Go for it. But when they're axing that, along with GM Connected, EASHL, AND Online Team Play (to be expected in a patch, to be fair), that looks bad. I can tolerate Live the Life being axed, but when it's being axed along with several other key game modes, things look bad.

    GM Connected wasn't really broken at all. It just needed to be more stable. And if they can't code that in a year then I dunno what to say about that.

    EASHL was by no means broken in the least bit. It had its exploits, but that can be connected back to the core gameplay of the game. The systems in place to make you be able to connect to dudes and play an online team game worked well. They don't have much of an excuse to me to omit this mode, to be honest.

    And I'm not doubting that they did quite well with the presentation of this game. It looks fantastic and the commentary and presentation package got a much-needed overhaul, even if player movements still look kinda jerky and robotic (I'm hoping that's just a demo thing). But I just feel like they focused way too much on presentation and tweaked the gameplay just a bit and kinda just gave up on features. I'd be more forgiving if this felt noticeably different from NHL 14, but it just feels like a slower version of the game that looks really, really, really good.

    If this game is gonna be light on game modes, it's gotta fucking blow me away when it comes to gameplay. It is by no means BAD, but it just doesn't feel like its utilizing the PS4/XBone for anything but graphics, and for a few animation/physics things here and there. The presentation is being brought to old consoles, too. It won't look as good, but it'll have the same overlays and such. Is it a step up from the last gen versions, as far as gameplay? I god-damned hope so. But for me, right now, I haven't seen enough, nor have I been wowed enough by the demo to feel like it's the massive step forward from the last gen in terms of gameplay, and it certainly isn't when it comes to the feature set.

    And again, it's great that this game COULD BE good next year. I still don't think it'll realize its potential because I think the NHL team rests on its laurels way too much. But I'm looking at this game now and thinking "Eh, this should be so much better for $70." Especially when I compare it to many other sports games on PS4 and XBone. The NHL team may be smaller than say, the FIFA or Madden team, but that doesn't mean shit to me as a consumer. I'm not gonna give them a break. If they intend to make an accurate recreation of hockey, I expect it, especially when a last generation version of the game has a lot more features and seems like it will play very similarly. This game ought to be the best it can be and it isn't even close. Something like FIFA, even if it has a bigger team, looks like a next-gen ass game and it looks like it's utilizing the systems well. Yeah, they've had another year, but FIFA 14 on the XBone and PS4 felt like a big step up from last gen too. And again, as a consumer, I'm not going to give the NHL team the benefit of the doubt. They're coming off as lazy dudes who promised way too much and now aren't being all that humble about their missteps.

    This is all coming from a dude who mostly plays Franchise Mode, too. Like I said, I'll probably end up getting this game, but I don't think the NHL team should be given a pass just because it's their debut year on PS4 and XBone. The gameplay is solid, but not fantastic to me, and it doesn't make up for the axing of a lot of modes that will be in the last gen versions of the game. They were lazy as shit in several key aspects of the game and this game should get rightly criticized.

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  12. Controller really isn't important in choosing a console. They both work perfectly fine and even if you don't like it at first, you'll get used to it and forget there was ever a problem.

    Disagreed, completely. I've had a PS3 since 2006 or 2007 and I still, quite often, am not used to the PS3 controller. It's a flimsy, cheap-feeling piece of shit. And it sucks to hold for an extended amount of time. The N64 controller is still an unwieldy piece of shit and it has always sucked and will continue to suck forever.

    And I legitimately have put off and may just not get an XBox One because I think the triggers feel like ass. I've played it the XBone a good amount and still I'm not used to the triggers. They just feel unresponsive. And if I'm spending like $400-$450 on a console, I want the controllers to feel good. It feels okay, but I still can't get used to the triggers and dunno if I ever will. So it's kind of a problem that won't go away, and definitely never did for stuff like the PS3 or N64.

    And the Wipeout studio is completely disbanded, so good luck getting a new Wipeout game. <_<

  13. Hm. Do you work for EA?

    That's excuses out the asshole. The only thing they had to do with GM Connected was fix the load times and they had an awesome game mode in their hands. If they couldn't do that, that's pathetic.

    And I'm not about making excuses for dudes. They couldn't get Live the Life to where they wanted it? They should have tried harder.

    Games like MLB The Show had feature parity with the PS3 version, so saying games are "brand new" from the ground-up, to me, just doesn't cut it anymore. I'm paying $70 for a game, I want it to be more than a bare bones game. It shouldn't be bare bones for $70.

    Even FIFA last year, which by no means took advantage of the hardware with features, still had just has many features as the last-gen games, and felt dramatically different in its gameplay. Granted, it's the demo, but NHL 15 feels like a very pretty version of NHL 14 with some sliders tweaked, an admittedly solid presentation package (with some really fucking weird frame-skipping and jerky transitions from players), and a lot less modes.

    I'll probably end up buying this at Christmas or something, but this isn't what it could have or should have been.

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