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Posts posted by TheWho87

  1. Here is the update for June, a few main changes this month, first off there is a new active promotion with Dream Star Fighting Marigold. Next up are changes for WWE, since they are using one belt with Cody, I've renamed what was the WWE Universal title back to that name and set it to retired, and renamed the WWE title to the WWE Undisputed. For the NXT/TNA situation, they have a talent trading agreement and Grace is signed for 3 appearances, this may change depending on how this go. Beyond that it's just the typical changes and updates you'd expect, as usual anything out of place mention it and I'll fix it up for next month.

    Been trying to get through my graphics backlog, and I'm looking to get a new update out sometime this month or for the next update.




    Database: June 2024
    Graphics: January 2024 (Google Drive)
    BUMP Workers and Belts: January 2024 (Google Drive)

    Legacy: Legacy Graphics (KyKy & Grey Belts)
    Worker Expansion contains pictures of wrestlers holding titles, along with non wrestlers cut on the same background used for workers.


    TEW Mods by TheWho87 on Discord


    Frequently Asked Questions

    Why is [Promotion] closed when they are active?
    Due to how slow the game runs with more promotions active, I have included active promotions but have them closed, to identify these they have their opening date and closed date the same. To activate the promotion simply remove the closed date.

    Can I use this mod as a base for my mod?
    Feel free to use this mod as a base or in part of your own mods, just credit that this mod was used as your base.

  2. 18 minutes ago, Colly said:
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    The ending was shoehorned in to an absurd extent, but with the added bonus of it being a kids show so they couldn't actually say anything. What I don't understand is if they found him so disgusting why was her initial reaction to him online basically the same as it was to Ruby, and why they happily let him hang around before Lindy turned up.

    It was a good episode up to that point, very Black Mirror  with the nice alien twist to differentiate it, but that ending was simultaneously heavy-handed and baffling to my kids, and not particularly satisfying regardless. Needless to say racism was covered far better in the Rosa Parks episode.


    They are backtracking to explain the ending, saying that the reason she blocked the Doctor was due to racism, and it wasn't until Ruby got involved she was convinced to communicate with him, even though that only got through because she came across as doing a survey and was being talked down to because she didn't understand the basics of their community.

    What really gets me is that if they are meant to be a racist community, why did they all follow the instructions of the Doctor, he told them where to go and gave them the codes to open the doors, why go through all that to say "screw you" when he offers again, and that's before you try and accept that they actually believe it since they were dismissive about the aliens in the first place, if they were dismissive of the things eating them, why would they be accepting of someone telling them to break their norms.

    That ending would have paid off a lot better if they played towards a "we can't go with you, you are outside of the bubble" message.


  3. Spoiler

    Watching the episode, my reaction was pretty much "what a bunch of entitled zoomers obsessed with social media", after watching Unleashed, the show RTD explains the "true" story he shoehorns in, they are a bunch of racists, who live in an all white society, who reacted to the Doctor at the end because he was not white.


  4. 5 hours ago, Vamp said:

    Not that weird is it? 

    She's changed her mind over 11 years near the top of UNIT. 

    That she changed her name, nope, that it coinsideds with RTD taking over, as the character was fine as Kate Stewart during their last appearances in Flux and The Power of the Doctor, a little.

  5. Something interesting I saw someone mention on Twitter, when they brought in Kate Stewart in 2013, she mentions that she dropped the Lethbridge part of her name so she didn't get any favors because of who she was, since RTD came back she has now been written to have no issue being Kate Lethbridge-Stewart.

  6. So Ian Levine is having a meltdown because he did some episode recreations using AI and put them on the internet and now they are leaking out of his Facebook group and implementing new rules to watch his AI butchery of BBC content.


    I hope somebody doesn't post the YouTube links....





    • Haha 2
  7. It was a "smart" landmine that would check what stepped on it to then trigger, my point was that there are already landmines in existence with various triggers, it's not just step on and boom, in this case it would be to check for certain responses that someone on a battlefield would have, heightened adrenaline, anxiety, stress that kind of thing, and it's been proven before that the Doctor is able to regulate their bodily functions.

    I will agree the "fail safe" was a bit dumb and something you'd expect from a Chibnall episode (that guy loves adding forced time frames to his episodes).

  8. 3 hours ago, Daniel Bryan said:

    I thought it was dumb as hell. :mellow:

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    The whole thing relies on you accepting the concept of a landmine that will explode if there's any slight change (and first off all, the Doctor's clearly wavering around and shifting his weight the whole time, but okay), then it brings in that it can detect changes in adrenaline and the like -- but that's a cheat, because it only happens when it suits the plot, and not, for example, when the Doctor is being shot. Then finally, as an added diabolus ex machina, it turns out that after a certain amount of time, it will explode anyway... so what would be the point of trying to detect a living being? Just a high concept that wasn't thought through and was ignored whenever it was inconvenient. I'm not asking for hard sci-fi, but when you want emotional investment, you can't just change the story's rules whenever it suits you.

    And the rest of it was just schmaltz.


    If you wish to be that pedantic, it's fully dependent on the firing mechanism, and there are landmines today that are activated by being stepped on and triggered by being stepped off, this is also evident in Genesis of the Daleks, where the Doctor also steps on a landmine but it is not triggered until he steps off of it.


    • Confused 1
  9. Don't think it was explained, although I haven't checked out the "Unleashed" episode, it might be hiding in that, ruddy RTD going full MCU hiding storyline details in the behind the scenes extra show.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 3 hours ago, DFF said:

    I thought that actual twist was that - 

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    the Maestro's son was in the background of the dancing, clearly still there and a potential threat in the future?

    Not sure how meta RTD is going but...


    There is an actress called Susan Twist, who has appeared in 4 episodes since RTD took over in different roles.


  11. 20 minutes ago, Your Mom said:

    Decided to try and jump back in. Watched a video to catch me up and then decided to watch the Christmas special with the New Doctor. I really enjoy him and Ruby so I think this could be fun. Can someone explain the split into two thing from a few episodes back though. I didn't watch it so I was a little confused. They call new guy the 15th Doctor but the 14th is still alive too right? So is this guy like a totally new character? The fact that they are calling this Season 1 makes me think he is his own thing but does he also have all his old memories too? It feels convoluted as hell but maybe that's because I skipped all the Tennat specials?

    Also am I right that I can only watch this on Disney + now?

    Bi-generation (that's what it's called) is meant to be a myth, and it seems to only happen due in relation to the Toymaker, who is meant to be a god like being in the universe, it's also been implied that when it happened it also happened across the Doctor's timeline, which some how now allows the Doctor to exist beyond their regeneration, sort of justifying the Curator as being the 4th Doctor.

    And the season 1 thing is just because it's the start on Disney and they think people are going to see season 14 and think "do I have to watch the previous 13 seasons", so putting it as season 1 is to not scare them off, plus it's being pushed as a soft reboot of the franchise.

    And Disney+ or the BBC iPlayer, which ever is easier for you to assedd.

    • Thanks 1
  12. Here is the update for May, nothing too major, WWE's draft has been done, Marigold has been added but not active, I prefer to wait till promotions run shows before making them active, there has been a few worker renames (list in the editor), beyond that just the typical changes and updates you'd expect, as usual anything out of place mention it and I'll fix it up for next month.

    If you want the new WWE tag belt images, just save your prefered versions with the following names.

    WWE Tag Team_24
    RFObD5f.jpeg NnuMThZ.jpeg

    WWE World Tag Team_24
    JR1fvHa.jpeg GHkgS3Y.jpeg




    Database: May 2024
    Graphics: January 2024 (Google Drive)
    BUMP Workers and Belts: January 2024 (Google Drive)

    Legacy: Legacy Graphics (KyKy & Grey Belts)
    Worker Expansion contains pictures of wrestlers holding titles, along with non wrestlers cut on the same background used for workers.


    TEW Mods by TheWho87 on Discord


    Frequently Asked Questions

    Why is [Promotion] closed when they are active?
    Due to how slow the game runs with more promotions active, I have included active promotions but have them closed, to identify these they have their opening date and closed date the same. To activate the promotion simply remove the closed date.

    Can I use this mod as a base for my mod?
    Feel free to use this mod as a base or in part of your own mods, just credit that this mod was used as your base.

  13. 4 hours ago, Lint said:

    The microchip was created, but not long before the bombs dropped.  The Pipboy isn't using vacuum tubes after all.

    But yea, a basic premise of Fallout is "What if after WWII, the world didn't focus on micro technology but went all in on atomic technology".  Its why you'll see "gas" stations listing "Coolant" prices instead of gas.  Its why most of the cars look like the Ford Nucleon

    I've been doing some reading and I stand corrected, and in fact they seem to be created around the same time as they were in our universe, they just were not focused on, the key difference being where our timeline focused on the microchip, the Fallout universe went all in on developing nuclear fusion.

    • Like 2
  14. Without going into a deep lore dive, the 50s aesthetic stems from the fact the microchip was never created, so everything has that 50s/60s nuclear world of the future look, so rather than styles evoling it just goes all in to recreate that world of the future.

    • Like 4
  15. 8 hours ago, Bobfoc said:

    It turns out that those fears are correct. Fallout London has been delayed indefinitely so that the team can work out how to make it work with the new update.

    That makes sence, why drop it only for it to highly likely break a few days later, makes more sence to wait, make sure it works and then drop it, don't want a fiasco like TEW2020's launch.

    • Confused 1
  16. Didn't take long for people to find lore continuity errors.


    The show has the fall of Shady Sands starting in 2277, even though Shady Sands is referenced in New Vegas which starts in 2281.

    It would make more sence to set the fall of Shady Sands after New Vegas since it could play into one of the results of the endings of New Vegas, currently there is a 4 year window of things being fine and its fall.


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