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Posts posted by tenaciousg

  1. I decided to go on with my current game. I finally went through Lair of the Father (the Behemoths weren't so much strong as they were durable as fuck.) and got Bahamut (with only ONE Megaflare getting through. I did straight physicals with Kain and Cecil, Edge threw Shuriken after Shuriken, Rydia battered him with summons, and Rosa healed). I then healed, left, went back to Earth/Gaia/whatever, went to Baron, and got Odin (before he got off a single Zantetsuken - he raised his sword in preparation, and I had Kain Jump (since he's immune to any attack or heal spell, or buff/debuff while he's jumping) - but a few more attacks from Cecil, Edge, Rosa, and Rydia took him down.

    I then went back to the Moon, and went inside the Subterrane - I ended up doing a little exploring and found an altar (much like the one I got the Holy Lance from, meaning a demiboss fight is up next) - and fought the White Dragon. I didn't realize that it absorbs Holy. I died. <_<

  2. I'm at a pretty decent-sized impasse right now. I'm playing FFIV, and have a save about halfway through the Lunar Subterrane - I'm just above the level where every random encounter is a demiboss-fight with either a Behemoth, a Deathmask, or Zemus' Breath or Malice. I have to run away, at the very least, from the Deathmask fight. I didn't stick around long enough to know what the deal is with the Breath or Malice, but taking out a Behemoth is a boss-worthy task by itself.

    Now, I was able to run away far enough to get to the final level, and begin the Zeromus boss fight. I did a pretty decent chunk of damage, but my entire party was put away with a single Big Bang. I'm wondering if it's worth it to continue on and try to find ways to minimize the damage, or just restart (considering in my game now, I have only the augments you get through the story, plus a few more like Level Lust or Item Lore. I didn't know much about how to use or get the Augments in this first play-through.) Are they really that big a deal?

  3. I really do have to pick VIII up again after I spent half an hour getting the Zell card. I'm just too fucking lazy.

    Augh, that reminds me of when I tried to get Lion Heart on Disc 1. There's a guide on how to do it over on GameFAQs... it takes twenty damn Elnoyle cards to get the required amount of Pulse Ammo.

  4. Of course the beginnings of the games are slow - the game doesn't know that you're playing it for a second/third/<number> time. It's showing how to play it again. <_<

    Yes, but VII, X and possibly IX (I can't really remember) are quite happy to have some kind of question for if you want the explanations, for example:

    Barrett: "Could you teach me how to use Materia?"

    Answer Yes: You get the tutorial for how to use Materia.

    Answer No: Barret throws a quick hissy and just lets you get on with the game instead of explaining.

    Where as VIII pretty much has Qustis say "YOU KNOW HOW DO THIS YEAH? NO YOU DONT? OK THEN GIVE ME 20 MINITUES TO EXPLAIN HERE..." As much as I love VIII, the first while kills me. >_>

    Then again, I suppose if they never gave any explanation how to play the games in the first place, I'd be coming in here complaining about how I didn't know what to do the first time through. As a matter of fact, despite hundreds of times reading that bloody VIII tutorial on junctioning magic to stat attacks, I still don't really get it.

    So in conclusion, Red XIII > All. :shifty:

    You know you can exit the tutorials by pressing the Circle or Triangle (I can't remember right offhand, I usually mess around with the controls a little bit when I play) - as soon as the tutorial pops up, just mash the button.

    I actually like playing through the start of VII its the Kalm flashback that really drains me and takes me about 3 attempts to get through.

    Definitely. It's fun to go through the first time, and the second time once you know all the little things you can do (like finding Tifa's orthopedic underwear), but any time after, it just gets tiring.

  5. No one's favourite is VIII. That link someone posted earlier pretty much covers the majority of the idiotic things with it. :P

    While that video review is all kinds of awesome, I strongly disagree, sir. FFVIII was always a favourite of mine!

    The only thing I loathe about all the FF's is that once you've beaten all of them to death, on your next play through you find that the entire like first hour... two hours of the game is boring as hell. The start of FFVI can kiss my ass. I love VII but I 100% can't be bothered to play through Midgar pre-Shinra tower stuff. VII is great but fuck playing the 20 tutorials and the Timber mission that's just a solid 3 hours of text and a boss or two >_> IX... eh, I just plain find the start of IX unappealing. The blitzball bits and all the first temple mlarky (sp?) at the start of X is boring as hell. And X-2... well X-2 picks up after the mission after Gagazet, but still, that's a while.

    I just plain don't remember XII ever being very fun.I like the storyline, but apart from finding a black chocobo and marking a little bit, all I can even remember from the game is grinding, grinding, grinding, grinding. >_> I really didn't enjoy the XII battle system that much either. Gimmie the X or IX one any day of the week.

    Also, Dirty Johnny, FFXIII is coming out on 360 I think. Only 360 though, the second game/add on/whatever the hell it is, is a PS3 exclusive.

    Of course the beginnings of the games are slow - the game doesn't know that you're playing it for a second/third/<number> time. It's showing how to play it again. <_<

    As for FFXIII's whole brood... IIRC, only regular XIII is coming out for the PS3 and the 360. FF Agito XIII is a PSP exclusive, and FF Versus XIII is PS3 exclusive.

  6. So, basically an X-2 or Tactics month then.

    Or maybe one of the VII spinoffs, I suppose...

    Tactics, Tatics Advances Series, Compilation of FFVII, X-2, FFXI (obviously), FF Legends, Chocobos Dungeon series, Ergheiz, it's just a time of general FF multiversal stuff.

    I actually have a copy of Ehrgeiz somewhere. :pervert:

  7. Status Update, including my Thief gallantly stepping up to the plate:


    Fighting my way through the Marsh Cave was not easy, but I was expecting that much. I handled the Piscodemons relatively handily, got my ass back outside and used the Cottage I had found inside the cave. Good thing I did, because I went straight to the Western Keep to return that king's Crown I had found in the cave. The dark elf king guy took me completely by surprise, and it was a rigorous battle during which my Warrior, and White and Black Mages all died. Sly, my Thief, was the only one left alive, complete with about 20 HP, and no Phoenix Downs, Potions, or other means to heal himself. So I crossed my fingers and attacked... and the 32 points of damage I did was enough to bring the big guy down. I was slightly miffed that the rest of my party missed out on the EXP, but it was a tremendous effort, and I was surprised I had beaten him at all.

    So, is the White Mage supposed to be a guy or a girl? I named mine Angela, because for whatever reason I've always associated white magic with females in Final Fantasy games... but now that I take a good look at the sprite, I guess it could be a male, in which case I hope he at least has a good sense of humor about it.

    Well, if you look, the Warrior and Thief sprites have almost the exact same face as the White Mage. I'd still consider the White Mage a female (as ridiculous as videogame sexism sounds), since it's the only one that's not OBVIOUSLY male, like the Warrior and Thief. <_<

  8. I've decided that I'm gonna give FFXII another go... it still irks me that I never got around to finishing it. >_>

    Well, on that note - Ollie, you know of any good level-up spots anywhere in the early parts of the game? Last game I had, I barely made it past the first Judge fight and keep dying at the Garuda fight.

  9. I'll get to jumping in on this when it comes to FFIV; I have that on DS, V - IX on PS1, X and XII on PS2. >_>

    Favourite Male Character: Balthier (FFXII)

    Favourite Female Character: Tifa (FFVII)

    Favourite Hero: Squall (FFVIII)

    Favourite Villain: Kefka (FFVI)

    Favourite Summon: TIE: Doomtrain (FFVIII) and Bahamut (FFX)

    Favourite Cut Scene: Ending (FFVIII)

    Favourite Limit Break: Fulminating Darkness (FFXII)

    Favourite Side Quest: Wutai (FFVII)

    Favourite Graphics: FFVIII

    Favourite Air Ship: TIE: Enterprise (FFIV), Highwind (FFVII), Ragnarok (FFVIII), and Strahl (FFXII)

    Favourite Story: FFVIII (it was my first Fantasy - doesn't everyone think the first game they played was the best one?)

    Guilty Pleasure: TIE: Yuffie (FFVII) and Quina (FFIX) - much like Carnage said, they're not the greatest characters, but they can snap a serious scene in two with something they might say - and turn a comedic scene even funnier (for example, the "marriage ceremony" in Conde Petie, if Quina and Vivi get married as well)

  10. In the end I got that and FF Tactics. Tactics was £14.99 new, only £2 more than pre-owned so I got that, then it was a toss-up between III and IV. I went for IV.

    Started with Tactics and enjoying it, but since I moved my bedroom around the free wall sockets are now at the other end of the room. Thus minimising 'lay and play' sessions to a few hours tops. :(

    You talking about the Advance series, or the War of the Lions remake of the original. BTW, how are those games. I've only played the original PS1 version of the game.

    I've only played the PS1 version of FFT as well; but my cousin has a PSP and War of the Lions, literally about a half a minute' walk away from this computer... I guess I just never got around to playing it. >_>

    Anyway, I ordered the DS remake of FFIV a few moments ago. I played about an hour of the SNES version a few days ago, and it made me think about getting that - that, and I haven't gotten a new DS game in eons, despite having owned the damned thing since about 2005. Still works as well as the day I got it. I'm also thinking of picking up the DS remake of FFIII after I can get to the bank.

  11. Speaking off, am I the only one in the world that's never beaten Ruby & Emerald? I also think I've only ever had a Gold Chocobo once, which ruined my addiction to racing when instead of my killer Black Chocobo, I tried with my gold one and it was entirley retarded. ¬_¬

    But now that I've talked about FF, I also have an urge to play 9 for the first time in about 10 years. AND EIGHT. TOO MANY CHOICES :(


    Anyway, as for VI, I'm stuck trying to level up so I won't get massacred by the boss fights in Kefka's Tower; VII, I think I've got a save somewhere around the beginning of the first disc; IX, I've got a save in Pandemonium (right after the You're Not Alone battles), but I'm not so keen on playing it right now; X, I believe, I'm in the Gagazet caves; I think I've got a near-the-end savegame in X-2; I can't get into XII that much still (though I'm determined to play through it before XIII is released); and finally, as for VIII... everyone knows what I'm planning for that... :pervert:

    EDIT: But on the topics of Omega Weapon FF8 and Penance... never even attempted fighting them... although Omega is because I know I'll get massacred, and Penance is due to me having the regular version of X. I've beaten the Weapons in VI, Ultimate and Diamond in VII, and Ultima in VIII... that's gotta count for something, right? RIGHT?!?

  12. If someone pirates it, give me a link. By PM, of course.

    What he said.

    And no, Canada should not be annexed by the states :(

    What Ruki and SRR said. <_<

    And I remember a comparison Jon Stewart made about Canada. Canada's conservative party won the election... and compared to the Republican Party, the Canadian conservative party is like the 'Gay Nader Fans For Peace' party. I don't know where that really comes into play, I just thought it was funny. <_<

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