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Drew Wheeler

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Posts posted by Drew Wheeler

  1. One hour from RIGHT NOW to enter submissions in the first round, ladies and gentlemen.

    I'd like to see some more great entries in addition to the ones we have here.

    EDIT: Okay! Time is up!

    Thank you four for your entries, and the judging committee will have you some results shortly!

    Once again, thank you all for participating in the D.W.O.I.X.D.G.B.R.f.B.F.G.!

  2. Protip: Don't use GIFs for transparent backgrounds. I noticed you used the pulse line from the original logo in your Uplink logo, but if you'll compare the two, yours has some bad image corrosion on the sides. This is because transparency with GIFs creates jagged edges-- something I see you tried to reduce by giving the logo a small black stroke to protect its edges-- but PNGs give really smooth transparencies without any corrosion.

    Thanks man, I appreciate the tip, and you're right, I used the GIF directly from the old logo, just wanted to say though, that I didn't put any stroke on the heartrate readout. No worries though.

    No offence meant here Drew but I can see what Norris means about your ones, I think they'd look awkward next to the existing ones. I like the Uplink one, but they both also have the problem of being a bit too samey when compared to the logos I already have. I know, I know, I'm being picky asking for some great leap of imagination when as Norris pointed out it's the simplicity of the originals that make them so endearing

    Again, no worries. Thought I'd offer up a bit of help. ;)

  3. Hey TEOL, I made a new Pop Prom / System logo to match these. Hope you like it.

    Also, These aren't the same dimensions as the ones you posted as reference, but I went on the same style:


    For Activation.


    For Uplink:Online.

    If you'd like anything changed, let me know. ;)


    The 1ST Annual Drew Wheeler Open-Invitational X-Division Graphic Battle Royal (for Bound for Glory)

    Here's the Skinny:

    The contestants will enter their graphics as they finish them before the due-date. After the judging committee (Myself and two undecided others, most likely Norro and DMN) review them all, the winner of the "Battle Royal" round will face me in a one-on-one Graphics match-up in round two to determine the 1st D.W.O.I.X.D.G.B.R. Champion.

    The Grand Prize:

    A beautiful "Trophy" for the winner's Signature to symbolize their hard work and their surely epic victory, which will become even more beautiful if they win both rounds.

    and What I need is:

    YOU, as a competitor!

    To compete with the following Contestants with whom we're Currently in Negotiations:

    -Bob Newhart

    -Cecil Fielder

    -Tom Zenk

    -Carol Burnett

    -any members of Foreigner



    The upcoming NBA Season!

    Wallpaper Size (1200x800 / 1024x768)


    I'm looking forward to seeing your entries and if anyone has any questions they can feel free to PM me.

  5. I really loved your concept with LastFM, man. Its like DMN said, it was a take on surfing a sound wave that I never even thought of.

    And again, like I told Rocky, I'm always down man. ;) One of you guys can come up with some rules or a deadline or something and lets get it rolling.

    EDIT: Uh, will we need to start a new topic for a new battle or just keep in this one? I'm unsure as to how we should do this.

  6. I'd probably be interested in actually entering this time round.

    If I take my time I won't get bored and quit halfway through creation.

    But I'll take part this time round...

    I've got tomorrow off work, with only a few errands to run so I have a bit of time get it started :P

    LOL, Too confusing for me, so I'll ask--

    Rocky, are you wanting a new battle or to re-enter this one?

  7. Hey guys sorry bout the delay... haven't been online for a few days... Did something to my back at the gym on thursday and have been pretty sore since... Sitting at the computer has been the last thing on my mind lol.

    Back at work today so that means plenty of free time, so I will try and post something up today, if I can't i suppose i lose by default.

    once again sorry for the delay

    Understandable man, hope your back's feeling ok.

    See if you can get something posted up, and if not, there's always next time for sure.

  8. The Batista one is a nice idea but just something about the finished product just doesn't sit right. Now I just love the Bourne one, great idea and it just looks awesome, tho I'd have made the text a darker blue, kinda like what is closest to the main pic.

    Thank you Kirkland for your comments. :)

    What do you suggest for the Batista one specifically? Any certain areas?

  9. Well, I guess you'd 'win' by default, unless you want to give him an extension. That's on you, and either way, I'd be happy to give him my thoughts on his graphic, should he post it.

    Eh lets give him another twelve hours. I've been excited to see some competition.

    ...and....how about just til the end of the day. If nothing's shown up after 12:00, I guess we can call it a contest.

    Also, if it matters, I apologize for the double post?

  10. I am very fond of the grunge work in the pieces, Kirkland.

    The varying shades of green and the grunge brushes/techniques you used look nice. I'm not PERSONALLY huge on the text's stroke in any of the pieces but it's grungy and the green fits the theme so it's fine aesthetically.

    I like the screens of Val and Madison, but the others seem a bit too jammed full, particularly the first one. Speaking of the first one, I'm not big on how the renders of Rey, Punk, and Orton seem very...randomly placed, for lack of a better word. I think that just featuring Raven would have been sufficient, but to each his own.

    Overall, I very much like the resounding GRUNGE feeling I get from the skin (I'm guessing it's an EWR skin.) and it's pretty solid work. Nice job.

  11. So we're just waiting on nufan?

    I really like your graphic, Drew. Its very close to the image I had in my head when I came up with the theme. Since I'm not a graphic maker myself, I can't speak to the technical side of things, but from a purely aesthetic point of view, the one drawback to me is that the upper-right hand portion of the graphic seems a little 'dead'. I really enjoy the style of wave you chose to use, the lightning/sound wave imagery is solid, and the surfer riding what seems to be guitar strings is really cool.

    Thank you DMN, I appreciate it. The theme was pretty challenging, I like that.

    I guess nufan's got 27 minutes of CST remaining to post, that is unless he PM'ed to either you or Norro.

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