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Drew Wheeler

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Posts posted by Drew Wheeler

  1. I like it... It's on theme, and you're not exactly drawn away to specific regions... It's viewable as a whole...

    Only one picky thing :P

    The colour is just cut off clean in the bottom right corner above your name.

    After noticing it originally I'm drawn to it :rolleyes: & now everyone else will see it :unsure:


    Man, I'll be honest, I realized my name wasn't anywhere on the entry and didn't know if that was expected around here or not, so I wanted it to be moderately translucent.

  2. Just post it mate, I was still ready to judge (Y)

    Plus most graphics battles involve the posting of the pieces in the topic itself so some public dialogue can go on about them as well. Get some critique from others before/after the verdict is laid down to help you develop more and all that.

    Sure man, can do.


    And there you have it. Let the discussion commence, I suppose.

  3. If you need rules/theme, I'd be glad to offer some up. I understand if you want someone more graphically oriented to participate. I'd judge as well, if you like, although I'd have a purely aesthetic point of view, not technical ability.


    'Surfing a Sound Wave'

    Pretty open ended, and I think you could do some cool stuff with that theme idea.

    Well I'm pretty content with that challenging concept, DMN.

    I've got Norro judging already but I don't mind having multiple judges by any means. The more the merrier, yeah?

  4. I'd like to have a graphics battle, so consider this an open challenge to anyone in the GFX Forums!

    I've spoken to Mister Norro and he's agreed to lend the judging hand.

    So here's what I need:

    -An opponent (or opponents, I suppose)

    -Suggestions on a Topic and Size

    -A due date that will work for both myself and my opponent(s).

    Let's make the GFX forum interesting, huh? :)

  5. For a desktop, in my opinion, it is far too busy.

    Your background layer is stone-looking, so it's appropriate, I suppose.

    The "Glass Shatters" text itself is fine, but perhaps unneeded. I'll strongly echo Sousa and Faarooq/Blue's sentiments as far as my bewilderment at the radioactive logos go, though.

    I'm into the title belt's placement, and I like the main cut of Austin, but the rest of those logos and cuts seem unnecessary to me, I guess it's just going back to the "too busy" point I made earlier.

    Overall, I will say, it's just too cluttered for my liking. Fair try, though.

  6. Three hands is an interesting idea, but if you're going with that why do the hands in the back have five fingers and the foreground one only four? Four across the board would simply be nicer.

    Thank you Be for your feedback!

    I am not entirely sure as to why I didn't take off or "break" some of the fingers on the back hands...but It's a great idea. I've got the PSD file and I'll play around with that idea. Thank you for the suggestion.


    With Be's Suggestions for the Hands

  7. I like the background. Solid brushwork, not too busy which draws the attention to the cuts, I think the dark feathering around the edges might be a pinch excessive, but I like it still. I like the cuts of Undertaker, Orton, and particularly your main cut, Cena, but the Miz seems out of place because he isn't "posed" like the others. (I hope you know what I meant by that, haha.) I like the logo placement, but the only thing that turns me off is the way the tagline is sitting. The words themselves are nice, but I'm just not keen on how it's sitting.

    Overall, I was pleased with it, man. I think it's pretty good work.

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