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Posts posted by Steeb

  1. I listened to two and a half, and could stomach no more. It's repetitive, for me, because it's what I get forcefed at work all week, and I find the genre as a whole fairly boring. I get the evocative nature of the style, but I have heard it done better. And I've enjoyed acts that have played nothing but 12th/13th century songs, but did so in a much more evocative and affecting way. It's just not for me. I also hate Dylan.

  2. I love the idea of Music Club, and want to be as involved as possible, let me just clarify that much. However, I cannot do this album properly. It's unlistenable. I work in a bar that has folk gigs 4/5 nights a week, and I've heard some innovative stuff there, bit this isn't, at all. I tried to get through a whole song, but couldn't. I find that a lot of the time this sort of folk music tends to blur together. I really wanted to give a full breakdown of the album, like I did with Chilis, but I can't put myself through it. It's boring, repetitive and has weak, uninspiring vocals. Sorry jack.

  3. You can get involved any time, don't have to wait until next time.

    No rules as of yet, I don't think, but coming up with something other than a vote may be necessary. Otherwise we'll never do anything 'different'.

  4. Herrrre we go!

    Right, first off, a bit of a foreword. For years, Chilis were my favourite band in the entire world (until I saw them live, and they ruined all hopes and dreams I had for the event). No-one could compare. From Chad's imperious drumming, and brilliant fillwork, to Flea's body-popping, soul-drenched bass playing, through Anthony's soulful lyrics - although often nonsensical - brilliant delivery style, and all round coolness, and of course John's Godlike guitar mastery.

    This is sort of the disclaimer. John Frusciante is, to me, a genius. No-one playing a guitar has affected me the way he does. He has something for every single mood I experience. His solos reach me, and move me, in a way I can't award to anything else musical. He is, simply, a master.

    So the idea of a Chilis record without him, in this day and age, does not fill me with joy. He is, to me, the glue that holds the band together. Without him, they just....don't work. Obviously, people felt this way after Hillel. But John harnessed the spirit of Hillel, and bought all of his own emotion, and passion, and really improved upon greatness. In my own mind, I cannot see this album working, at all. I have listened to it, once, whilst doing other things. Now, it gets my attention, thanks to you EWB. We'll see if that's heartfelt or not at the end...

    Monarchy of Roses

    Nice, crunchy guitars, distortion...oh, wait, no. There they go. Shame. Kinda typical modern-RHCP stuff now. Interchangable with any of their 'single'-esque tracks from the last few years. Oooh! It's back! I like this bit! Why is there not mo-oh fuck off....Gah. And a very...nothing...solo-spot too. This tempo change is quite nice, but sounds like the ending of an album, not the first track on one. It sounds like they're giving it their all for the ending. This is either a good thing or a bad. We'll see.

    Factory of Faith

    Loooooovely bass. I suddenly see what fr34k means about the 'cool verses, terrible choruses' thing. Quite nice, almost vintage verses. Boring chorus. I actually quite like the guitar on this track, in a very different way to John's (yeah, that's gonna be a thing throughout, get over it >_>). Some lovely little 'bites'. Switches up a lot. Not as enjoyable on some levels, but on others, very cool and likeable. Backing vocals are grrrreat. Flea is just fucking immense, and Chad's little semi-shuffle drumwork is very lovely too. Not a fan of the 'solo' again, as it feels like it should be under something more.

    Brendan's Death Song

    Woah. Breakneck turn of pace there. Hmm. This seems like a song that would be far more enjoyable when not really listening to it, in order to break it down. As it is, it sounds just a bit too busy. Not sure why. I like the bridge, that was a nice breakdown. Anthony doesn't sound as bad as I was expecting. In fact this outro - the repeated 'Yeah's is pretty wonderful. Really quite nice, and that business now sounds appropri-holy fucking drumroll-ate.


    Lol, Ethiopia. Hello Flea! And hello Flea's bass! Very nice. Spotty (in a good way, if you get me) guitar. Effective. The song itself sounds like it's lots of different ideas glued together, and not in a good way. It doesn't flow, it's very broken, and a bit boring too. This time I actually quite like the chorus - because Fuck Yes Chad. Booooriiiiing.

    Annie Wants a Baby

    Alright Tony K, give it a rest. Jesus, his voice actually is quite annoying when it's really pushed to the forefront like it is in the verses here. Perfectly acceptable song, but that's not really good enough for a band that have been doing this so long. Chad is really rescuing this album for me at the minute. Which, again, isn't really good enough for a band this 'big'. Your drummer shouldn't be the headline, really. You all should. QUIT PHONING IT IN!

    Look Around

    Classic opening. HANDCLAPS! I FUCKING LOVE A HANDCLAP! Jesus, this is like a timewarp. Lovely little rap. Popping bass. Oh fuck, it's the same chor-HANDCLAP! YES! Boring guitar line, followed by a lovely echo-y guitar line. Consistency obviously not the keyword. Cool bridge, head was bobbing without actually realising...and then promptly stopped again when we hit chorus.

    The Adventures of Rain Dance Maggie

    The single song I've heard multiple times before now. I remember a boring solo. Let's see if that holds true.

    Sometimes it doesn't even sound like Anthony is using real words anymore. Cowbell. Awesome. All we're missing now is some glockenspiel and we're onto an absolute classic album. Inoffensive verses. Dull chorus. I don't know why they feel the need to make them alllllll sound interchangable. Quite nice guitar, but ill-fitting, in my opinion. Sounds out of place. And that droning repetitive 'riff' is really annoying. Anthony's whining doesn't help. "It's in the zo-ho-ho-ho-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-nnnneee girrrrrlllll". Stop it.

    Did I Let You Know

    Oooh, I like these drums. And the guitar! And the bassline! Come on Ant, don't fuck it up. Hmmm. Sounds like a reinvent of Tell Me Baby's verses, which is no bad thing. I liked those verses. Very femme backing vocals, as part of a different chorus. Wow. I actually quite like this song. It's good! Really funky, nice and complete and FUCKING TRUMPETS! YES! THIS SONG IS BRILLIANT! That's right, you laugh Anthony, you deserve it! A really lovely track right here. Just when I thought there was going to be nothing but gray and black on this record. Even a lovely solo too. Although I am in no way sold on the idea of '..so Mozambique-y' being a legitimate use of language. Wonderful bridge, keeping the funk going. And a spot of bongo? Happy days!

    Goodbye Hooray

    Urgent, methodical opening. Good stuff. Familiar chorus. Anthony's buried under just enough of Josh's mic to be acceptable. Love the breakdown in it, and the breakdown of the breakdown even more so. Nice and experimental, piano stabs, ethereality, and lifts brilliantly into the chorus again.

    Happiness Loves Company

    Wow, that's very different! Wasn't really expecting that when people said there were keys on this track. Has the feeling of a song from a film soundtrack. It's quite modern-montage in its air. I like it. It's upbeat, it's clearly going somewhere, lovely bridge again. It's not the sort of song I would hunt down and have the urge to listen to, or will start singing out of nowhere one day, but I would probably be happy if it came on shuffle.

    Police Station

    This song really annoyed me. I managed to get 3/4 of the way through before anything to say came up. Any time it looked like it was going anywhere, it just doubled back on itself. Dull, dull, dull. And then that lovely piano piece comes in. Wonderful stuff. But then we're back to meandering again. It just really feels like it's missing an actual lift, after the semi-lift for the chorus - which is only really louder, rather than a progression. If it wasn't for the piano, and the harmless guitar reverberations, this may as well have been a write-off.

    Even You Brutus?

    OK, did they buy a piano/keyboard halfway through the recording process? Brilliant, urgent vocals for the verses, with some very suitable, funky guitar running underneath. Wait, he wants to 'make it with a younger girl'? Grow up Tony K! It puddles a bit after that, until the bridge, after which the vocals sound urgent again. Ahaha, stupid yowl in the middle of the song. I don't know if it was vocals or guitar, but either way it sounded out of place - there it is again - and stupid.

    Meet Me at the Corner

    I love it when they start off with soft instrumental sections at the beginning. I could listen to just them as background noise forever. Like soft-jazz, but not irritating. Josh's guitar is really, really nice on this track. Just the right amount of noodling. There, I said it. Don't hate me John >_>. Oh, wow, his vocals are fucking beautiful too. Really, really wonderful. After that, quite boring, nice re-start, but yeah, doesn't go anywhere.

    Dance, Dance, Dance

    Sounds good. Lovely bassline. I like how Flea can make relatively simple basslines funky as all Hell. I agree with someone before me, Chad is awesome. Backing vocals outshine Anthony again. A nice quasi-country guitar line underneath too. This feels like quite an expansive song at times, you can imagine a video utilising a great amount of water. If that makes sense. Cool funky breakdown. More Chad greatness. Anthony being used effectively. Nice minimal lead guitar line.


    It is such a shame that this album isn't 3-4 songs shorter. There is a lot of promise here, but it often doesn't pan out. Unfortunately, as has been the case for a long time now, it seems as though the majority of the fault lies with Anthony Kiedis. He hasn't got enough range or, to be frank, talent, at this stage, to be fronting a band with such prowess as he does. Chad's drumming is, mainly, immense, and sometimes his fills just sound inspirational, as though you couldn't imagine anyone else going the way he does with a line. Flea is Flea. Dependable, funky basslines, played with finesse. Never overstuffing a song, always just adding enough to keep you moving. Josh...Josh really impressed me. He hasn't replaced John. No-one can, for me. But he really does bring a Hell of a lot to the table. His guitar-work is beautifully understated, and his vocals are, as I mentioned throughout, clearly better than Anthony's at this point. I only wish that we could somehow have John, Josh, Flea and Chad as a full-time band - with John and Josh splitting lead guitar and vocals song-by-song. That would be brilliant, and closer to the Chilis I fondly remember. I feel that Anthony's limitations at this point, end up curtailing avenues for songs to go down, and you can hear it at points - as though a song should go higher, and more full-on, but can't. To summarise, a pretty solid album, one I enjoyed a lot, lot more than Stadium Arcadium, but still with a lot of moments of weakness, in comparison to the Chilis I once knew and loved.


  5. Because it's an album that will have a lot of talking points and allows us to work our way into this a bit, before going for anything 'challenging'.

    I take it this means book clubs aren't allowed to do anything on the best-sellers list too?

    • Like 2
  6. I think either Watch The Throne or I'm With You (as horrible as it is) are good choices to start us off. Mainstream enough for no-one to find it ridiculously difficult, but both with interesting talking points.

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