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Posts posted by Steeb

  1. It's been a while since I read it, bit isn't it loosely based on Ultimate Avengers 1? Manhattan is basically the 'frontline' as it were, the bottle neck to stop the invading army getting to Earth en masse. In that respect, in the grand scheme Earth is in grave danger if the Avengers, the frontline defence, fail. Same idea as any film involving aliens and a specific battleground.

  2. Seeing this in approximately eight hours (AMC Broadway, if yr headed there Summ). I cannot express my excitement enough.

    Fucker. Was there from around 8 getting drinks, then saw the 9:30 showing.

    Would've missed you anyways, we got the 19:15 showing. Boooo.

    Another little thing I loved that I remembered this morning was the scene with Stark grabbing a drink, and pouring quite a large one. One of those moments that could potentially be building to more (his alcoholism) or fits in nicely as an appropriate moment if they forgo that.

  3. That. Was. Awesome.

    Personally, flawless. I can see where people may have had issues, but they weren't for me. Just brilliant stuff. Some highlights being:

    Hulk. Full stop.

    Iron Man's "Entrance Music" over the PA system.

    Pretty much all of the final act.

    And the teaser. Oh God the teaser.

  4. Just finished blazing through this up to date, after having put it off as 'boring elfy crap' for ages. Holy Fuck, I could not have been more wrong. America has the best dramas. Love every minute of it. Every episode feels so long, but not in a bad way, if that makes sense? I often forget that things have happened in the same episode as the one I'm watching, and not a few before. When does this air over there, so I can get my next fix?

  5. 1) Lost vs. 16) ER

    8) Mad Men vs. 9) Game of Thrones

    5) Buffy the Vampire Slayer vs. 12) Monty Python's Flying Circus

    4) Breaking Bad vs. 13) Bottom

    6) Supernatural vs. 11) Fawlty Towers

    3) South Park vs. 14) Batman

    7) Farscape vs. 10) Freaks and Geeks

    2) Doctor Who vs. 15) Sons of Anarchy

    Oh God, that last one was so, so, so hard! I think I've been swayed by the fact that I hardcored SoA last month right through, and Doctor Who's been off for a while. It's the hardest possible choice as two of my favourite shows. Argh!

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