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Posts posted by CQI13

  1. Well, I'm just now getting acquainted with the awesomeness that was the first Saints Row. I tried it shortly before my xbox died, and wasn't a huge fan of it (didn't get very far). But having done only a few missions, and a bunch of hilarious activities, this game is growing on me like a fungus. Does the fun carry over to the second one (referring to single player)?

  2. The whole A beat B, and B beat C never really applies though. The Jets beat the Dolphins, and the Dolphins beat the Patriots. But the Patriots beat the Jets. So just because the Browns beat the Giants, that doesn't automatically mean that Dallas will beat them too (since they beat Cleveland earlier already).

  3. You might be right. I did find it odd that using the adidas live or whatever it's called, I was able to beat a much better team than mine on paper (Barcelona) but struggled against Boca Juniors (then again, I forgot to see if they were better than America.

  4. Finally got to play it today. Won 2-0 with R. Madrid (against Barcelona) and had a 0-0 tie with America (against Boca Juniors). Glad to see you can complete passes without the CPU always stealing the ball.

  5. Well, I've been going back and forth, unable to decide which one to get. In the past, it was a no brainer, 2k was the way to go. But the more and more I look at reviews and stuff, I'm not sure for this year.

    Live has the International teams, as well as international rules (something that I felt was lacking last year)

    And 2K is still 2K.

    So, anyone who has played either/both? What are your opinions.

  6. Anyone played the DS version? Since it's a over a tenner cheaper than the 360 version (which is quite cheap anyway) I'm fairly tempted if it's any good.

    Have both. DS version has no action sequences, just little comic book style snapshots pre/post levels. The levels are the same (though you go through different sections sometimes) for both hero/villain. Only advantage on freeplay for 360 is that all suits that you've unlocked are available (regardless of whether they are in that level or not). The only levels that are a little confusing are the chase levels (batmobile, boat, and batwing chase scenes -- 3rd level on each) since they use both screens on the DS.

  7. Alright, I sent my xbox back due to the rrod. It says it has been shipped back, and provides a tracking number. I click on the number and it says UPS has no record of that tracking number. Would I be correct in assuming that the label was printed, but not yet picked up?

  8. What the fuck did they do with Sylar?!?!?!

    They added him to the never ending line of the amazing Patrelli's

    What's next, Katio and Angela had an affair and Hiro is actually a Patrelli as well?


    Didn't they mention in the second season (episode 2) when Parkman is interrogating her and he mentions that sex and revenge are the two most common motives, she says something like "I didn't sleep with him...not in a long time at least." or something like that.
  9. At what age do you see MMA careers winding down? Kimbo is 34. As for his aura, nearly going the distance with Thompson certainly diminished it. And losing to an unimpressive fighter doesn't bode well either. It was fun while it lasted. If Kimbo had beaten good competition, or have had competitive fights against good competition, a loss wouldn't mean as much. But he's beaten nobodies or people who have seen their better days pass them already. And now this loss? Nobody wrote Lesnar off because his first UFC fight was against legit competition. Now if he'd lost the second one, we could think that maybe he's not as good as advertised. But Kimbo was living off the hype, having proven absolutely 0 in the cage.

  10. No, not universal. Dan Lebaretard basically gives him verbal blow jobs on his radio show in Miami. God, I can't wait until Monday's show. Wonder what excuses they'll come up with. They were mocking James Thompson leading up to the fight (since he'd lost to Butterbean in a minute and a half). I was cackling like a little girl on the inside during that TKO.

  11. Well, with my XBox dying on me, I decided to jump onto The Sims, but I couldn't stand the generic people. Fast forward 3 hours and the neighborhoods are a little more diverse. And thank god for Apartment Life, no longer running out of money trying to buy all the furniture.

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