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Posts posted by kale

  1. I'll get Fifa every 2-3 years or so. I got the 2005 one. I'd get PES, but it doesn't come out over here, other than the Winning Eleven series, which was better than Fifa gameplay wise but had pretty much no teams.

    My first EA soccer/football game was World Cup 94 and I loved it. Guess that still plays a factor.

  2. Whoever said Steve Fox sucks hit the nail right on the head. I don't mind him being a boxer, but since he has no kick attacks and dresses really lame, he sucks.

    Its easy as sin to dodge most of his attacks, and he should have been given a throw or two, or even the ability to clinch like a real boxer, to make up for having no kicks.

    Btw, did anyone get killed off in Tekken 4? (I rarely played 4, compared to TTT and Tekkens 1-3)

    And I plan on getting Tekken 4 for my PS2 as soon as I can find a decent joystick controller for it. The only one my local Gamestop had was a cheap piece of junk I wouldn't even consider buying.

    For the record, I never said that the world championship was played using TTT. I said I thought it was played using Tekken 3. (Possibly 4.....)

    TTT wouldn't be a real test of skill, anyway, since you could just keep switching back and forth between characters and using their double-team moves, if the two characters have any.

    Apparently I missed the part where you said it was held using Tekken 3. Whoops, sorry about that. That makes a big difference actually. Paul is a lot better in T3 then he is in Tag. Same goes for Paul in T4.

    1) How would it not be a real test of skill? There is tons of skill involved with Tag.

    2) The built in double team moves are almost never used.

    3) The whole point of tag is to be able to switch in and out with your characters so I don't see how that takes away from the skill of the game.

  3. For the record, I never said that the world championship was played using TTT. I said I thought it was played using Tekken 3. (Possibly 4.....)

    TTT wouldn't be a real test of skill, anyway, since you could just keep switching back and forth between characters and using their double-team moves, if the two characters have any.

  4. I seriously doubt a legit world championship tourney was won by paul in TTT. He is so bad in TTT it's not even funny. Deathfist is the only good attack he has in TTT.

    Maybe he'd been on websites studying. :rolleyes:

    I'm sorry, but you really need to pull your head out of your ass, maybe then you can see what kind of an asshole you're being. The only thing that's come off in this thread, isn't that you're a great Tekken player, it's that you've got a bitch of an attitude and you think that you're always right.

    Person A (Sorry can't remember who said it) : If you have a good strategy guide you can kick peoples asses

    You : No, strategy guides suck. You need websites.

    Seriously, what do people who write on websites know which those who produce strategy guides don't?

    And the way you pulled out a list of names and then telling Numbah's is he trying to get on your nerves. It's the fact you shot him down straight away, pulling out a list of names, once again trying to prove, oh i'm better than you.

    And if these "websites" give all this information what's the point. I want he freedom to decide when to apply certain attacks etc. I don't want to follow instructions from a website about what attacks to use when, it's taking away the freedom, and to be hoenst I wouldn't find that fun at all.

    Maybe i'm over-reacting, but this thread has turned from a talk about Tekken, to a "Kale is better than you thread". You mightn't have said it, but it's their in your demenour and the way you've acted in the thread.


  5. Regarding the DOA series, I'm mad that its X-Box exclusive. I have DOA2 Hardcore for my PS2, though.

    That game is pretty cool, because all of the characters have mega-cheap moves. Not just a few of them. But Gen Fu tends to be MEGA-cheap and Kasumi and Hayabusa are a pain in tag mode, if you're playing against the computer.

    I usually play as Bayman and Tina if I play in tag mode, for one reason: One of their team moves is....*Joey Styles scream*TOTAL ELIMINATION!!!!*

    But if I play solo, I usually use Bass, Bayman or Helena.

  6. Are you trying to get on my nerves or something?

    I go to sites for fighting games because I like to improve my playing ability and talk with others that go there for the same reason. The practice modes don't give you frame data, when the best situation to apply a move is or strategies for specific character matchups.

    As for strategy guides. All they tend to do is give a move list and a few basic, non-specific strategies. They just care about getting your money (you definitely don't get your moneys worth).

    No, I'm not. Sorry if I sound like a douchebag.

    I guess I'm wording things wrong. Playing a fighting game is like poker, basically. Sure you can get the "inside track" by being a website guy and all that happy stuff, but in reality all you really need is a basic grasp of what you are doing and what you have to play with.

    I've seen a 4 year old beat a grown man(who looked like he was gonna cry) in DOA3 multiple times in a row. I don't know how it happened to this day(because the guy is really good at it), but she owned him. That kinda gives me faith in the "anyone can win" category.

    EDIT: BTW, I have to agree that Jin is a bitch in 4.

  7. If they are low then low parry them, if you are playing a character with a reversal, reverse them. Otherwise try to sidestep and punish or backdash and punish.

    Oh it's not that I can't beat him. It's infuriating to watch more than anything else.


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