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Posts posted by kale

  1. I seriously doubt a legit world championship tourney was won by paul in TTT. He is so bad in TTT it's not even funny. Deathfist is the only good attack he has in TTT.

    In TTT, top tier = Mishima's followed by Orge's, then probably the changs.

  2. People switched to Jin because he is so much better (cheesier) then the rest of the characters in the game.

    Annoyingly true. My friend Tom will cheese with Jin continuously until I am forced to break out Julia to kick his ass. <_<

    Then he'd move on to 'Whore'-rang...the bitch.

  3. "Strategy" guides don't mean shit. The real info is at websites for a particular game.


    Yeah, you have to go to a website to be able to kick everyone's ass in a video game. Some people that use the practice mode only in the game can probably destroy some of the really good guys I know from playing that arcade.

  4. Anybody can namedrop a big fighting game tournament person, doesn't mean  much, really.  Like Jinkid.  He's the reason most people switched over to Jin in Tekken 4.  Or Justin Wong, Daigo, and Ino.  If you've heard of Evolution, you've probably heard of them.  Then there's RTD, he plays SC2, and a bunch of Halo people I don't care to name because I really don't care about that game.  Dan The Nightmare, French,  evil. :-p

    So let's stop this mean evilness and play Capcom vs SNK! :D

  5. I don't know about any one else on EWB but I'm a hardcore Tekken player. Unless anyone of you are as well, I'd most likely beat all of you. I play the game competitively.

    On another note, Asuka is Jin's cousin most likely since Jun only gave birth to Jin.

    If you want more information, either go to www.tekkenzaibatsu.com or www.tekken-official.jp.

  6. Here is my list though no in order.

    1) WWF No Mercy

    2) Perfect Dark

    3) Tekken series

    4) Devil May Cry 1

    5) Street Fighter series

    6) Tony Hawk's Pro Skater series

    7) Mario Kart

    8) Castlevania Symphony of the Night

    9) Final Fantasy series

    10) PES3/WES6

  7. So, are they cheering because he managed to do an individual block for each of Chun-Li's kicks and then did a finisher of his own?

    He's not just blocking. He is parrying each and every hit of Chun Li's super art. If you still don't understand why they go nuts, to parry an attack in Third Strike you have to press either forward or down at the exact moment the opponents attack would hit your character. Say if Third Strike runs at 60 frames per second, you would have 1 frame or 1/60th of a second to press the correct direction to parry the attack.

  8. Spiderman for sure.

    Superman is...too perfect. He's made of Steel, can fly (or jump for long distances if you want to be technical), can beat the Flash (so says Homer in the Monorail episode).

    Actually, the Flash beat Superman in a race (running of course) to see how the fastest man alive was.

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