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Posts posted by Numbahs

  1. I definitely think it could rape a PG-13 Carnage story in the ass with a lead pipe.

    It could add another dimension to the movies with the television element, a character that is known to the public. Someone who can turn the city against Spider-Man. There could be a lot of conflict with Man vs Society...

    But I guess it would be better if there was 4 villains and more dancing, right?

    EDIT: Pattinson would never work. They would never be able to find a stuntperson who can match the size of his freakish head.

  2. I would've done Kraven The Hunter...and borrowed heavily from the Ultimate Spider-Man arc where he's a reality show host who vows to hunt and track Spider-Man.

    But that's my idea, which no one cares about...

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