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Posts posted by Tyrone

  1. My experience with Kara on playthrough #1 and #2, from the same point/chapter as Ruki.


    First go around, I really tried to keep Alice happy to I didn't steal the clothes, but I did steal the fence cutters. I also forgot all about Todd's gun earlier, so I had no chance to rob the store. Ended up staying in the squat house like you.

    Second go around, I had picked up Todd's gun earlier so I convinced the cashier that me and Alice needed the money. I was going to stay in the hotel, so I had to go to the laundromat to steal the clothes. Unfortunately, I was unaware of how sensitive the prompts were for stealing the clothes, so the guy suddenly woke up and we had to get out. That left me with 40 stolen bucks that I couldn't use, can't go back to the store to return it because it's risky, never stole the fence cutters so can't go back in the squat and I've got android clothes so no hotel. Ended up staying in the abandoned car and Alice was pissed :(



  2. 20 hours ago, Ruki said:

    How are you done already!?

    I've done the first opening chapter, and then the first two for Kara and Marcus (is that his name?). But so far, really enjoying it! I think I want to do a second playthrough where I make all the wrong choices and get EVERYONE killed. Because fuck humans.

    Admittedly, I didn't explore nearly as much in playthrough #1. On my second one, I'm taking more time to check out the environment and hidden people you can interact with.

    EDIT: Super/Two Best Friends Play have started an LP on Detroit. They are big-time critics of the Cage games and I can already tell they're trying really hard to dislike Detroit and find fault with it, but it's been positive so far.

  3. Detroit's pretty great so far

    EDIT: First playthrough finished. I liked it... a lot. Kara's story was my favorite, but Markus and Connor were also compelling. The flowchart was a smart idea, it let me know that my choices actually made a difference in the story.

  4. Hello, I'm nearing SummerSlam 1994 in my dome diary and am looking for someone to make a tournament bracket for me. I don't have anything specific in mind really other than the winged eagle WWF Championship to be somewhere on it. I just want a sort of "here's how it all went down" graphic to show off before the tourney final. I'll list how the tourney went in spoilers below:


    WWF Championship tournament (July 4, 1994 - August 29, 1994)

    Lex Luger beat Crush
    Diesel beat Adam Bomb
    Bam Bam Bigelow beat Tatanka
    Randy Savage beat Jerry Lawler

    Lex Luger beat Diesel
    Bam Bam Bigelow beat Randy Savage

    Lex Luger vs. Bam Bam Bigelow tournament final at SummerSlam

    Thank you to anyone who takes this request on. I'll credit you every time it's used in the diary. You've basically got free reign of how it should look color wise, format, etc. Thanks in advance! :D

  5. On 19/05/2018 at 18:57, Owen said:

    DK Country Tropical Freeze is awesome. I've only played one level but I'm already in love.

    I'm thinking about getting it when the price drops a little. It was really fun on Wii U, but some of the early boss levels drove me nuts.

    Also, the whole Switch Online thing and emphasis on classic NES games has me really scared about virtual console :(

    • Like 1
  6. Pretty much summed up my thoughts on Cole's new album. I really tried to get into it, but I found it just so boring. Outside of Friday Night Lights, I think the only Cole album I ever go back to is Forest Hills Drive for "Fire Squad" and "Love Yourz".

    • Thanks 1
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