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Sean O'Game

The Donators
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Posts posted by Sean O'Game

  1. Soo.. I saw about 50 copys of this game for sale in the local Movie Gallery. Remembering my love for this era of TNA, I decided to dig out my copy (Which I bought when it cost $50, as apposed to the $7 at movie gallery..) and play...

    Now I remember why I buried it in the first place. This system is so fucking UGH. I'd love to know when a simple punch that barely lands knocks someone all the way across the ring, or how one effing falls THROUGH the apron just standing there.

  2. From what I gather under the article, due to Delphine disbanding, the game's source code for each system became abandonware, and thus under a GNU public license, is free to distribute. From here, people are taking the bests from all versions, and putting them together under a PS2 format, to be freely distrubuted on the web.

    So don't worry about paying for it! :)

    All you have to worry about is the actual daunting task of trying to MOUNT the actual game to a DVD that can PLAY on the PS2 without fucking up along the way. :P

    EDIT: And from the looks of things, I don't think much editing was done to ANY of the origanal source codes, meaning all they basicly did was mash ten source codes together, and modify it with different controls. So really, there is no definate chance the fucking thing is going to work even IF you mounted and copied it successfully.

  3. Love the game! One quick question though.

    I was having an ECW title match between Swagger and Waltman. Suddenly, Papa Shango interfered (Ok, I made him interfere), and managed to win the match... How would one select him to defend the title? Or would one have to set the title to Vacant first?

    When Papa Shango takes over in the match, he doesn't actually exist in the match. He just sorta possesses the body of that wrestler. So if a title is on the line and he wins, the person that he was previously will get the win.

    On another note, I just noticed an error in the game. If you have the mouse on either of the move list boxes and try to put in a cheat, it will not work. If this bothers anyone, I can re-release the game with that issue fixed.

    Ok, but why does the game still list him as Champion in the title history? 0_o

    It's just kinda weird, so If I use waltman again, he will defend the belt?

    EDIT: Nvm, yes. It just weirded me out that the title history still reads Papa Shango as the champion.

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