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Posts posted by Walker

  1. Coolio annoys me sometimes. 90% of the time he is funny as hell, but the other 10% he just goes overboard and becomes an attention seeker.

    Can't believe they saved Ben. Nothing against him but he just doesn't entertain me. Then again, i can't really explain why i prefer Ulrika to him, but i do. And Lucy is just hot.

    Verne, Terry, Tommy and Tina are great. I don't really dislike anyone in the house at the moment. Latoya has really surprised me as well.

  2. JBL wrote this on his latest WWE Universe blog:

    A lot of people ask me about The Wrestler. I thought it was awesome and extremely well written. This was the business I broke into many years ago. However, that business has changed - and for the better.

    In the last six months, I have had MRIs, concussion tests, HIV test, trauma test, drug test and even my cholesterol tested - which was the only one I failed. This business in WWE is really a corporate environment these days - it has changed for the better. I am glad for my old days, I wouldn’t change a thing. But the WWE has done so much to clean up the abuse that the business as I knew it was so known for.

    All that being said, I loved the movie. Even with all the negative stereotypes in the movie, this was a part of what I did to get to WWE and it was fun to watch. A little scary to watch, but fun.

  3. Since around the same time The Large Hedron Collider was a person. As well as the US Election. And since Bin Men, BB Housemates, Boy Bands, and the citizens of Lesbos all counted as one person to.

    They should really call it the Most Annoying Things 2008, or just the 2008 Most Annoying List.

  4. And the Top 50:

    (a lot of them are in for just being themselves, so i will only put a reason in if it is significant)

    50 - Amy Winehouse

    49 - Natalie & Steven Rooney

    48 - Rick Dyer & Matthew Whitton (Bigfoot hoax)

    47 - Damien Hurst (for his 'art')

    46 - Paul Burrell

    45 - Bin Men

    44 - Vladimir Putin (martial arts video)

    43 - Lindsay Lohan & Sam Ronson (the latter turning the former lesbian)

    42 - Des O'Conner (leaving/destroying Countdown)

    41 - Jeremy Paxman

    40 - Zhang Yimou (faking Olympic opening ceremony)

    39 - The Jacksons (moving to Devon)

    38 - Boy Bands [inc. Boyzone, Backstreet Boys and New Kids On The Block] (reforming)

    37 - Dr Raj Persaud (plagiarism)

    36 - Michel Fournier

    35 - Lesbians (citizens of the Isle of Lesbos) for suing Lesbians (the homosexuals) over the term "Lesbian"

    34 - Cherie Blair

    33 - David Beckham

    32 - Rhys Ifans

    31 - John Prescott (bolemia)

    30 - The Large Hedron Collider

    29 - Bernann/Joyce McKinney

    28 - Cliff Richard

    27 - Derek Conway (giving TAX PAYER'S MONEY to his student son)

    26 - Dr Soloman Al Fayed (flashing his cash after buying Man City FC)

    25 - Basshunter

    24 - Gary Glitter

    23 - Heathrow Airport's Terminal 5

    22 - Hans Rausing (possession of Class A drugs and NOT being jailed because he is rich)

    21 - Katie Price

    20 - Max Mosley (sado-masocristic orgy)

    19 - Big Brother Housemates

    18 - Heather Mills

    17 - Boris Johnson

    16 - P Diddy (YouTube rant about oil prices)

    15 - Christopher Ciccone (tell-all book about sister Madonna)

    14 - Mark Ronson

    13 - Russell Brand

    12 - Joey Barton

    11 - US Election

    10 - Mitch Winehouse

    9 - Sienna Miller

    8 - Prince William

    7 - Ronnie Wood

    6 - Madonna

    5 - Thomas Beatie (pregnant guy)

    4 - Kerry Katona

    3 - Gordon Brown

    2 - Peaches Geldof

    1 - Agyness Dean

    Feel free to trash the list further.

  5. It is not that getting the answers right isn't funny, but with that happening as well as Brand and Fielding doing random shit and getting the questions wrong at the same time there is no reason not to find it funny. It sort of caters to everyone. And since i like all sorts of humour, it is like being attacked from all directions with different types of 'funny', ultimately ending up in a laughing fit for me.

    I am still going to watch it, and am still going to give it a chance, but i don't know where the 'alternative' type of humour is going to come from, or if it will even exist this year.

  6. David Cameron is likely Britain's next Prime Minister and is annoying without much aid. The incident where his bike was stolen was highlighted though. The idea is that Cameron goes everywhere on his bike, pushing his green agenda, while also being overly positive about the inner-city crime culture. It seemed like delicious irony that he got his bike stolen. However, he did get reunited with his bike shortly after some footage taken minutes before the incident was unearthed by a tabloid newspaper. Speculation is that it was staged, or at least done on purpose by the same tabloid newspaper.

  7. I don't like the lack of Russell Brand and Noel Fielding. Who else is going to play the "We don't care if we win or lose" type of game?

    In previous years it has been the serious competitive team (Brydon & Mitchell), the respected comedian with a celebrity (Wossy and ... I think Carol Vorderman), and the silly team that doesn't care (Brand & Fielding). I have always liked that three way contrast. This year it just looks like you have three teams with no real differences.

    Hopefully the genius of McIntyre, the dryness of Lock, the OTT happiness of Corden, and the all-round goodness of O'Briain will complement each other. I am looking in particular to Lock and Corden, who being on the same team will present a contrast in itself.

  8. Myleene Klass being on there did really irritate me. I just love watching the many "celebrity" contributors try and justify why a certain person is on the list and not have a clue. For Myleene they were basically saying she was doing too much after having a baby, which somehow is a bad thing. Chris Martin was put on there for pretty much being in the spotlight for the first time in three years. Carla Bruni is on the list because, as far as i can tell, she is the wife of the French President while at the same time being gorgeous and talented in her own right. Oh, and Ricky Martin, for not telling the press that he is gay or straight. Some reasons just edge on pathetic, but mainly just confirm how jealous people get.

  9. It is something BBC puts on every year around this time, simply a countdown of the 100 most annoying people of the year based on news stories and actions within the public eye. It happens in two-parts, first of which was on yesterday and is now available on iPlayer. Obviously, i watched it, because i'm the type of cynical arsehole this programme targets. Here is the list so far, 100-51. I have put the reasons in brackets, spot the ones i agree with and disagree with.

    100 - Robbie Williams (Aliens)

    99 - Steve McClaren (failing as England manager and pretending to be Dutch)

    98 - Wesley Snipes (tax evasion)

    97 - Michael Phelps (being too damn good, and eating 12,000 calories a day)

    96 - Noel Gallagher (complaining too much)

    95 - Russia (Eurovision)

    94 - Dr Tim Leunig (telling Northerners to move South)

    93 - Helen Mirren (admitting to cocain usage)

    92 - Naomi Campbell (obvious reasons)

    91 - Rev Peter Mullen (homophobia)

    90 - Dwain Chambers (failing at American Football and Rugby League before taking the Olympic Committee to court)

    89 - Calum Best (sex fiend)

    88 - Noel Edmunds (cancelled TV licence)

    87 - Piers Morgan (twat)

    86 - Sharon Stone (wanted to botox her son's feet)

    85 - The Jonas Brothers (come on, look at them)

    84 - Fern Britton (gastric band)

    83 - Chris Martin (for having a new album)

    82 - Alistair Darling (Eyebrows) NOTE: Fucking up the economy was not even mentioned. It is all about the eyebrows.

    81 - Eric Jephcott (lied about being a Dambuster)

    80 - Tricia Walsh-Smith (ranting about husband on YouTube)

    79 - Carla Bruni (given too much attention)

    78 - Delia Smith ("How To Cheat At Cooking")

    77 - David Duchovny (sex/wank addict)

    76 - Verne Troyer (banging a Playboy Bunny)

    75 - Tilda Swinton (not wearing make-up)

    74 - Pete Doherty (for staying out of the public eye)

    73 - George Michael (another toilet related incident)

    72 - Paula Radcliff (not winning a medal at the Olympics)

    71 - Ashley Cole (for cheating on Cheryl) and Cheryl Cole (for staying with him)

    70 - Jodie Marsh (TITS!!!)

    69 - John & Ann Darwin (canoegate)

    68 - Birmingham City Council (printing the wrong Birmingham on a leaflet)

    67 - Jamie Oliver (said food in African slums is better than British)

    66 - Lynne Spears (milking the misery of her daughters)

    65 - Myleene Klass (had a baby)

    64 - David Blaine (hung upside down)

    63 - Blake Fielder Civil (prison)

    62 - Mother Nature (shit weather)

    61 - Jacqui Smith (losing criminal records)

    60 - Ricky Martin (serogate mother and not telling us his sexuality)

    59 - Sarah Ferguson (pompous, patronising snobbery)

    58 - Peter Phillips (sold wedding photos to tabloid)

    57 - Spanish Basketball Team (racism)

    56 - David Cameron (had bike stolen)

    55 - Adnan Ghalib (banging Britney Spears)

    54 - Sarah Palin (obvious reasons)

    53 - Ronaldo (being fat and sleeping with three trannies)

    52 - Christiano Ronaldo (for being a twat)

    51 - Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall, Kristin Davis and Cynthia Nixon (unleashing that horrible movie onto the world)

    50-1 will be on tomorrow night. I am expecting the usual names to come up (Katie Price, Paris Hilton, Kerry Katona), a few politicians (Gordon Brown, George Bush, Barack Obama, John McCain), and a couple of singers (Amy Winehouse, Britney Spears).

    I'd have thought Steve McClaren would be much higher. Like, top ten. But i guess there is bigger fish to fry.

  10. I believe when Ruth went her voters went turned to Alex, because she was the next best singer. And when Diana left, her fans went to Alex, because everyone wanted Cheryl to win. That is how this works though. It is much better being everyone's second option than a few peoples' first and everyone else's last.

  11. For some reason I forgot Batfink!


    You win.

    Of course, you've missed some vital ones:



    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tm7qfzqpKcw - Most underrated cartoon ever.


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2IGyUn2BdU - Best cartoon ever.

    More will come to me eventually.

    EDIT: Here you go


  12. Alex was completely and utterly upstaged by Beyonce, and she just embarrassed herself with what she did afterwords. I was cringing on her behalf.

    I am still supporting JLS, i thought their first and third songs were better than the other two's. Second song wasn't as good.

  13. I find it hilarious that as the series continues, someone takes one step further to call out Amstell. It started with just dirty looks every time he spoke to a panelist, and now has Dappy cutting him off mid-sentence to say he sounds like he is being sarcastic. If this continues someone is going to turn the tables and start verbally assaulting Amstell.

    I also think the reason the quality of guest has gone down is because of Amstell and the generally direction of the show in these later series. It used to take music seriously, and just mock certain aspects of it while still treating the musicians on the show with respect. Amstell's Buzzcocks seems to be more concerned with insulting guests, nit-picking everything and trying to undermine the musicians. I think that is why now we have guests like Bill Oddie, and before you had Slash. Of course, that isn't Amstell's fault, but he is part of the self-destructing frame of the current show.

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